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I need an apple

Take some medicine and eat – apple.

1. An
2. Dog
3. Could
4. A
Information questions / to be

short/complete answers

1. Is he a songwritter?
Positive: Yes, he is a songwritter.
Negative: No, he is not a songwritter.

2. Are they students of medicine?

Positive: Yes, they are students of medicine.
Negative: No, they are not students of medicine.

3. Is she from another country?

Positive: Yes, she is from another country.
Negative: No, she is not from another country.

 You
 We
 They
 You


 She
 He
 It (planta, roca, etc)

Tercera persona singular

She ------ in a hospital

A. Work
B. Works
C. Play
D. Writes

Action verbs examples:

1. Where do you find the library?

 You can find the library in the university.
2. What is your favorite food?
 Spaghetti


Complementos de condicion:

As long as (siempre y cuando)

Im going to the park as long as you come with me.

1 2 3

Yo voy al parque siempre y cuando tu vengas conmigo.

As soon as (tan pronto como)

As soon as you finish your homework, take some rest.

Tan pronto termines tu tarea, descansa un poco.

As much as (tanto como)

John eats as much food as Peter.


Was es el pasado de Is: She, He, It. Were es el pasado de are: we, they, you, you.

I was in the beach yesterday. Yo estaba en la playa ayer.

Naomi/she was running yesterday. Naomi estaba corriendo ayer.
He was at the school. El estaba en la escuela.
It was the last piece of pizza. Era el ultimo pedazo de pizza.

They were playing soccer. Ellos estaban jugando futbol.

They were eating in the house. Ellos estaban comiendo en la casa.

We were in the church. Nosotros estábamos en la iglesia.

You were in your sister´s house. Tu estabas en la casa de tu hermana.


1. DID you travel in the summertime?

No, I didn´t travel. Short answer negative
No, I didn´t travel in the summertime. I stayed in my house. Complete answer negative.
Yes, I did. Short answer positive
Yes, I did. I went to Las Tablas. Complete answer positive.

2. Where did she get that book?

She got that book in the supermarket.
She got it as a gift.
She bought the book in the store.

CAN/ CAN´T poder/no poder

1. Can I go to the party?

No, you can´t.

No, you can´t because you have classes tomorrow.

Yes, you can.

Yes, you can go to the party and invite other friends.

2. Where Can I learn a new language?

You can learn a new language in other country.

You can learn a new language in a language course.

You can learn a new language on the internet.

3. Can she sing in the graduation?
Yes, she can.
Yes, she can sing in the graduation.
No, she can´t.
No, she can´t sing in the graduation.

4. Can you give me your book?

Yes, I can give you my book.
No, I can´t give you my book.

Continuous actions
Yes/no information questions and complete, short answers

1. What are we doing right now?

We are studying English.
We are learning English.
We are practicing for the English exam of the university.
We are talking about English.
We are talking in English.

2. Are they trying a new food?

No they are not trying a new food.
Yes, they are trying a new food.
They are trying a Delicious Italian bread.

3. We are going to the library.

She is going to the library.
He is playing videogames.
They are cooking pasta.
We are sleeping in your room.
She is helping her mom in the yard.

Future events will

I will go to the theather.

I will wash the dishes.

She will study math.

I will need a new computer.

They will start a career.

We will eat rice and chicken.

They will watch a movie.

He will wash the car.

When will she buy the house?

She will buy the house soon.

She will not buy the house soon.

She will buy the house the next week.

Where will they celebrate their wedding?

They will celebrate their wedding at the beach.

They will celebrate their wedding at the church.

They will not celebrate their wedding in any place.



She ate a hot dog.

She baked a cake.

He played soccer with his friends.

They slept in the house river.

She didn´t eat a hot dog.

She didn´t bake a cake.

He didn´t play soccer with his friends.

They didn´t sleep in the house river.


Did she eat a hot dog?

Yes, she did.

No, she didn´t.

Did she bake a cake?

Yes, she did.

No, she didn´t.

Did he play soccer with his friends?

Yes, he did.

No, he didn´t.

Did they sleep in the house river?

Yes, they did.

No, they didn´t.


I have been excited to start a new book since last year. yo he estado emocionada de empezar un nuevo libro desde el año pasado.

She/he/ has been prepared for the job interview since one year ago. Ella/el ha estado preparado/a para la entrevista de trabajo desde el año pasado.

We/you/they have chosen a new place to eat. Nosotros/Ustedes/ellos han escogido un nuevo lugar para comer.

We/you/they have spoken to our parents about the problem. Nosotros/ustedes/ellos han hablado a nuestros padres acerca del problema.

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