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Wider business theme - Digitalising a business

Since the end of the twentieth century, Information Technology (IT) has
become more and more important. Today, many companies want to use this kind
of technology to improve their activities. However we can wonder if it’s a good

For the first time, this family business acquired some computers to
organize the inventory, document storage. This kind of installation also
facilitates communication with suppliers and customers. The online presence is
very powerful marketing. The family business can also make a website or a
mobile phone app to manage online invoicing and payments easily.

But making the company more digital leads also a lot of disadvantages.
Computers are very expensive and everybody doesn’t know how to use
computers. The creations of a website or of a mobile phone app are very
expensive too. The business will have to hire a computer specialist to manage
the web site and to help the other employees. We must not forget that by
developing its IT sector, the company is exposed to many threats. To protect
their online business they can acquire some cyber security stuff. But this kind
of equipment is very hard to use and expensive.

The IT sector is probably the best way to improve a small business but the
investment is very expensive and everybody doesn’t take the bet.

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