Sales Management

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I would decide the specific training needs by using the following approach if I were

appointed as a sales trainer for a consumer product strategic business unit of a large
multinational company with 100 salespeople

I would do an assessment off current skills and performance

I would conduct individual performance evaluations and skill assessments for each
salesperson. This will include reviewing sales metrics, observing sales interactions, and
gathering feedback from managers an customers to identify strengths and areas for
I will do an analysis of sales trends and market dynamics
I will analyse sales data, market trends, and competitive landscape to understand the
evolving needs and challenges in the industry. I will identify product knowledge gaps,
emerging customer preferences, and potential sales opportunities that the sales team needs to
I will contact survey and collect feedback from sales team
I will administer surveys or hold focus group discussions with the sales team to gather
insights into their perceived training needs, challenges they encounter in their roles, and areas
where they feel they require additional support or skill development.
I will check the alignment with company goals and strategies
I will ensure that the training objectives align with the broader goals and strategies of the
company’s consumer products business unit. I will identify the key performance indicators
that the sales team should focus on and tailor the training programmes to support the
achievements of these objectives.
I will identify the common training needs
I will look for patterns and common teams across the sales team regarding areas where they
require training or support. This will include sales techniques, product knowledge, customer
relationship management, negotiation skills, or use of sales tools and technology.
I will create a customised training plan
Based on the assessment findings an analysis, I will develop a customised training plan that
addresses the specific needs and priorities of the sales team. This plan will include a
combination of classroom training, workshops, role-playing exercises, e-learning modules,
coaching sessions, and on the job training experiences.
I will collect continuous feedback an do evaluation
I will implement mechanisms for ongoing feedback and evaluation to monitor the
effectiveness of the training programmes and adjust them as needed. I will encourage open
communication channels where salespeople can provide input and share their experiences to
continuously improve the training initiatives.
By following these comprehensive approach, I would be able to identify the specific training
needs of the sales team and design targeted interventions to enhance their skills, performance,
and overall effectiveness in driving business growth for the consumer products strategic
business Unit.

Step 1
we should learn about soap making before starting up our own soap making business, that is
we must learn how to make a soap
We must be an expert in making a soap since there are many methods for making a soap
If we are new to soap making we can consider taking a class or check with local craft
organisations, stores, and soap makers to see what opportunities are available.

Step 2 we have to create our unique formula

If we want to create a product that stands out, we have to experiment with ingredients like
scents, colours, and moisturisers until we create a soap that we think is unique and high

Step 3 we have to get the equipment an ingredients

We might have to purchase additional equipments like blender, microwave, mould, mixing
kettle, labellers, wrappers, gloves and safety goggles to start with.

Step 4 we have to develop our brand

We have to set ourselves apart from the competition and create a product that consumers
really want. We have to think about creating a unique name and Anne memorable company
we have to use specially designed shapes
we can think of imposing the soap with letters or other forms
we can wrap the soap in special papers or ribbons
we have to create a logo for our company
Step 5 we have to locate the buyers
for a successful business the equipments and ingredients need to be steadily supplied. We
can go out and purchase all these things by ourselves, but to save money and time we can
order from suppliers that can ship the materials to us we have to look for companies that can
supply us with oils, mould, colours, equipments, ETC.
step 6 we have to set up our business
To legally start the business we have to formally incorporate a company. this depends upon
our location.
we can contact the area local Development Board or Small Business Administration about
local support for setting up the business
the Small Business Administration can offer lots of assistance with setting up our business,
including finding loans and investors, filling out required forms, getting insurance, meeting
tax requirements, etc
if we are planning to hire employees, we can contact the IRS about getting an employer
identification number for tax purposes.
step 7 we have to decide our pricing
the amount we want to sell our soap will depend upon our market and product will stop we
have to do a research what competidores charge for soaps in our area, and set prices that are
higher or lower, depending on our sales tactics.
We can consider offering specials, like sales around holidays, reduced rates on bulk orders,
and offers like buy 2 get one free
we should not set prices that are too low or too high. If our sales increase, we can expect our
profits to grow, but we should not set prices so high at first that we don't sell anything.
step 8 we have to promote our business
We can opt for common advertising possibilities that includes word of mouth, social media,
advertisements online and in traditional media, business cards, sales displays, ETC

When deciding on the best form of recognition for Anil, a high performing salesman at Sony
electronics, the sales manager faces a choice between 3 distinct options. Each option offers
unique benefits and impacts Anil’s motivation and career trajectory differently. The decision
should align with Anil’s personal and professional aspirations, the company’s culture, and the
objectives of the sales team.
The sales manager can present him the * performer of the year award in the annual sales
conference. the reasons are as follows
many salespeople require additional motivation to maintain continuing enthusiasm to
generate renewed interest in their work
most sales personnel require motivation to reach and maintain satisfactory performance
although sales jobs vary from one company to the other, sales jobs are alike in certain
respects. Every sales job is a succession of ups and downs, a series of experiences resulting in
alternating feelings of exhilaration and depression. In the course of a day’s work, sales
persons interact with many pleasant and courteous people, but some are unpleasant and rude
and are difficult to deal with.
Furthermore sales person spend not only working time but considerable after house time
away from home, causing them to miss many attractive parts of family life.
These conditions cause sales persons to become discouraged, to achieve low performance
levels, or even to seek non selling positions. The inherent nature of the sales job is the first
reason that additional motivation is required.
Motivating sales person is an important aspect of Salesforce management. Sales persons
require additional motivation because of inherent nature of the sales jobs, role conflicts, the
natural tendency toward apathy, and difficulties in building group identity. The concepts of
need gratification and interdependence assist in understanding the complexities of motivating
salespersons. Implementing motivational efforts requires that sales executives be skilled
leaders, rather than drivers come out of sales persons. It demands that they be skilled in
interpersonal and written communications. Satisfactory job performance is developed out of
deep understanding of motivational forces an processes, effective leadership, two way
communications, and effective handling of relationships.


In the fast-paced and competitive landscape of the electronics industry, effective motivation
techniques are crucial for maintaining a highly productive and committed workforce. Sony
electronics, like any forward thinking organisation, should employ a range of motivational
strategies that cater to the diverse needs and aspirations of its employees.
Sony come out one of the famous electric companies achieves the motivation of their
employees by the application of maslow's hierarchy of needs. When these needs are achieved,
it is suggested that the employees will have motivation. There are 5 main stages of hierarchy
of needs. They are physiological, safety, belonging, esteem and self actualization needs
physiological needs
Sony provides a safe working environment. They follow human rights which involve the
safety, healthy and efficient working environments. They also make sure that there is no
discrimination between employees in the workforce which can prevent demotivation. Sony
provides the assessment to all the employees before they enter the working area to make sure
that they can avoid the unexpected accidents. By doing all these, employees are going to be
motivated ‘cause they would not have to worry about physiological needs.
Safety needs
Sony provides the contribution which means paying money for the employees individual
performance. It also gives flexible working hours so that employees can spend time with
families and children. In addition, employees can be assigned to higher level of the company
by the achievement of their job description and role. These motivate employees because they
meet the needs of safety.
Sony provides the service an personal systems to listen to the employees opinion this stop
the personal systems is done through the frequent number of meetings with the high position
managers discussing and giving opinions about the work and the work this
way the communication is being achieved. This can be highly motivating because it will
create the ownership of a company which will make them feel that they are part of the
company and belong to the company
Sony achieves the need of esteem by providing training and activities. it provides career
development which can give employees a chance to get higher level of position at work. It
also invests on its managers so that they create better an efficient working environment. this
can be highly motivating for people who want to learn more and gain higher skills.
Self actualization
Sony has the MVP awards which honour the employees who have achieved high
performance. This motivates people who wish to achieve persistence in the workforce
seeking to complete the task by themselves with creative ideas.

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