WEEK 1 (Math)

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Angat Edukasyon 2022-2023

Basic Mathematics Lecture and Reviewer

Level: Easy

1. A man rowed 16 km upstream in 4 hours. If the river flowed with a current of 2kph, how long did the
man’s return trip take?

a. 2 minutes

b. 45 minutes

c. 2 hours

d. 6 hours

The answer is c. 2 hours.


Using the equation:

Speed (s) = distance (d) /time (t)

Let x be the rower’s speed in still water in kilometers per hour (kph).


The river’s current: 2kph

Distance: 16 km

Time (U): 4 hours

Time (D): __

In upstream speed:

Since the rower’s speed is resisted by the current, the formula will be:

s = hours

Hence, is 4 kph.

The rower’s speed in still water:


x = 6 kph

In downstream speed:

Relative to the current of the river when the man rows downstream, the formula will be:

x+2 = 6+2 = 8kph



s = 2 hours

2. Earnest can do a job in 2 hours, Dave can do the same job in 3 hours, andNoel cando the job in 6
hours. Working together, how long does it take themto finish the job?

a. 611hour

b. 12hour

c. 1 hour

d. 13hour

The answer is c. 1 hour


Given: Earnest = 1 job = 2 hours Dave = 1 job = 3 hours Noel = 1 job = 6 hours Solution:

Using the formula of speed(s), replacing the distance with the amount of job done in an hour, speed (s) =job (j) / time (t).

1 Earnest = 1 job = 2 hours = 1


2Dave = 1 job = 3 hours =

3 Noel = 1 job = 6 hours =

Since the task is to determine the sum speed of the three to finish a job, it will become: 2+13+16 = 1

Therefore, it takes an hour for Earnest, Dave, and Noel to finish a job.
3. Mr. Guevarra had 2,000,000.00 pesos to invest. He invested part of it at 5%peryearand the
remainder at 4% per year. After one year, his investment grewto 2,095, 000.00pesos. How much of
the original investment was invested at 5%.

a. 500,000 pesos

b. 750,000 pesos

c. 1,250,000 pesos

d. 1,500,000 pesos

The answer is d. 1,500,000 pesos


Let x= amount invested at 5%

2,000,000.00-x = amount invested at 4%

[interest earned at 5%] + [interest earned at 4%]= 95,000.00

(x) (5%) + (2,000,000.00-x) (4%)= 95,000.00

100[ (x)(0.05) + (2,000,000.00-x)(0.04) ] = [95,000.00] 100

(x)(5) + (2,000,000.00-x)(4) = 9,500,000.00

5x + 8,000,000.00-4x = 9,500,000.00

5x-4x = 9,500,000.00-8,000,000.00

x/1= 1,500,000.00

x= 1,500,000.00

4. A man walks down the road for half an hour at an average speed of 3 kph. He waits10 minutes for the
tricycle, which brings him back to his starting point at 7:15. If theman began his walk at 6:25 the same
morning, what was the average speedof thetricycle?

a. 1.5 kph

b. 3 kph

c. 6 kph
d. 9 kph

The answer is d. 9 kph


Given: Walks down the road for ½ hour or 30 mins at an average speed of 3 kph. Waits for 10 mins, which

brings him back to the starting point at 7:15

Began his walk at 6:25 the same morning.


Using the equation: Distance = time x speed

Distance = ½ * 3 = 1.5 km

Started at 6:25 + walks for 30 mins + waits for 10 mins = 7:05

The man is brought back to the starting point at 7:15. Therefore, 7:05 - 7:15 = 10 minutes or 10/60.

To get the average speed of the tricycle, the formula speed = distance / time is to be utilized (note that timemust always be in

Speed =
= 9 kph
5. Pipe A fills a 50-liter tank at a rate of 15 liters per hour. Pipe B fills the same tankata rate of 10 liters
per hour. Pipe A runs alone for 100 minutes then the two of themtogether finish filling up the tank. How
long does the whole operation take?

a. 120 minutes

b. 150 minutes

c. 160 minutes

d. 180 minutes

The answer is c. 160 minutes


We'll look at how it arrived there. Remember the following,

Rate of

Rate of

Pipe = =3.333hrs=200 minutes it takes to fill the tank

Pipe = =5 hours= 300 minutes it takes to fill the tank


It took for Pipe A alone to fill the tank at first. As you see above, it needs 200 minutes for Atofill 50L tank. By ratio &

x=25L (remaining volume to fill)

It just makes sense, only half of the total time he used (100 min), so only half of the tank remains (25L). Now, to

continue filling the remaining 25L, Pipe B joins the process.

We need to add the rate of Pipe A + the Rate of Pipe B for the remaining task:

= 1 hour = 60 minutes

In conclusion, we add this 60 minutes (Both A & B) + 100 minutes (alone Pipe A)= 160 minutes

6. In a right triangle, sides a, b, c have values such that a > b > c. Whichof thefollowing expresses the
value of �� ?

a. �2 + �2

b. �2 − �
c. � − �

d. � − �

The answer is b. �2 − �


Given: Right triangle, a > b > c

Since it is mentioned that it is a right triangle, the Pythagorean theorem can be applied.

First, to have a better understanding regarding the given situation a > b > c, it can be represented as 2 >1>0. Take note that in a
right triangle, the hypotenuse(opposite the 90 degree angle) has the longest measure, giving us a = 2 as the hypotenuse.


From the pythagorean theorem that usually had c as its longest side,
which is represented by �2 = �2 + �2— will be changed into a as the
longest side and will become �2 = �2 + �2. Since we need�2,
transpose the other term on the other side of the equation and it will
become �2 − �2 = �2.

7. If 6 workers can complete 9 identical jobs in3days, how long will it take 4 workers to complete 10 such

a. 3 days

b. 4 days

c. 5 days
d. 6 days

The answer is c. 5 days



w (workers)= 6 workers and 4 workers

j (jobs)= 9 identical jobs and 10 jobs

d (days)= 3 days and ?


w:�� = w:


6:93= 4:

Multiply the number of workers by the number of days.

6(3): 9 = 4d:10

Then, multiply 6(3) by 10 and multiply 9 by 4d.


36 = 36 d

To find the number of days on how long the 4 workers to complete 10 such jobs, let 36 be the denominator of 180 and itself to
isolate the d. Then, divide the number by it.

36 = 36 d


Answer: 5 days

8. Type A sugar normally costs P 75 per kilogram. It is mixed with type B, whichnormally costs P 80
per kilogram, to form a mixture that costs P 78 per kilogram. Ifthere are 10 kilograms of the mixture,
how many kilograms of Type Awere used?

a. 3

b. 4

c. 4.5

d. 5

The answer is b. 4

Given: Type A sugar = P 75 per kg Type B sugar = P 80 per kg Mixture = P 78 per kg = 10kg


let quantity of type A used be x price = 75 pesos

Type B = 10 - x kgs = 80 pesos

Mixture = 10 kg = 78 pesos

To determine how many kilograms of type A was used,

75x + 80(10 - x) = 10*78

5x + 800 - 80x = 780

-5x = - 20

x = 4 kgs of type A

9. If a man can run up p km in x hours, how long will it take to run q kmat the samerate?

a.��� hr

b. ���hr

c. ��� hr

d. ���hr

The answer is d. ���hr


Given: Rate= q (km)

Formula: Rate=� (��) � (ℎ��) Solution: q (km) x� (ℎ��)

� (��)

First, make p (km) as the denominator in order to cancel out the (km). Then, multiply q by x and copythedenominator which is
p. This will result in the answer of:

Answer: �hr

10. A train went 300 km from Province A to Province B at an average rate of 180kph. At what speed
did it travel on the way back if its average speed for the whole tripwas120 kph?
a. 90 kph

b. 120 kph

c. 130 kph

d. 150 kph

The answer is a. 90 kph


Given: Province A to B = 300 km at average rate of 180 kph Average trip for the whole

trip is 120 kph


Total distance of the trip = 300*2 = 600 km (A to B) Time = distance / speed =

300 / 180 = 5/3 hours �ℎ��� ���� =����� �������� ����� ���� =


3+� = 120

= 600 = 120

3+ �

= 600 = 200 + 120�

= 600 − 200 = 120�

= 400 = 120�

120 =120�

= 10/3 = �(� �� �)

Average speed on the way back:

Speed = distance / time =
= 90 kph

11. Maria spent exactly P250.00 on P3.00-, P.6.00, and P.10.00- stamps. If shebought ten P3- stamps
and twice as many P6 stamps as P10 stamps, howmanyP10stamps did he buy?

a. 5

b. 10

c. 12

d. 20

The answer is b. 10

Given: P250.00, P3.00 (A), P6.00 (B), P10.00 ©


A+B+C= Total number of stamps

Begin solving by substitution. The 2c came from the problem of ‘twice as many P6 stamps as P10 stamps’. (3x10) + (2cx6) +

10c = P250.00

Solve the problems inside the parenthesis.

30 + 12c + 10c = 250

Then, add like terms and move 30 besides 250. This caused 30 to change its sign to negative. 22c = 250-30

Subtract 250 by 30.


To isolate the c, divide 220 by 22.

c= 220/22

Answer: c= 10

12. Rommel has two quarts of a 21% acid solution and three pints of a 35%solution. Ifhe mixes them,
what will be the concentration ( 2 pints = 1 quart) of the resultingsolution
a. 22%

b. 23%

c. 25%

d. 27%

The answer is d. 27%


Given: 2 quarts of a 21 % acid solution, three pints of a 35% solution, 2 pints = 1 quart Solution:

�1= 2 quarts �1= 21 �2=3 pints = 1.5 quarts �2 = 35

�1 �1 + �2 �2
�1 + �2 =2(21) + 1.5(35)

2 + 1.5 = 27%

13. A prime number is an integer other than 1 that is evenly divisible only by itself and1. Which of the
following represents a prime number when n=7?

a. n²+n

b. 11n
c. n²+4

d. 9n+2

The answer is c. n²+4


First, substitute 7 to n. (7)²

Then, let 7 raise to 2 which results in 49. And add 49 by 4 to get the answer of 53 which is consideredaprime number.

(7)² + 4 49 + 4 = 53

Answer: 53

14. Find the equation of the line passing through the point (3, 5) and parallel totheline2x + 5y = 4.
a. 2x – 5y – 31 = 0

b. 2x + 5y – 31 = 0

c. 2x + 5y + 31 = 0

d. 2x – 5y + 31 = 0

The answer is b. 2x + 5y – 31 = 0


Given: (3, 5) = �1, �1 2x + 5y = 4


2x + 5y = 4 (Transform into slope equation, y = mx + b, wherein m is the slope) 5y = – 2x + 4

y = −2�5+ 4 m = – ⅖

Equation of the line passing through (3, 5) = �1, �1

� − �1 = � � − � 1

� − 5 =− ⅖ (� − 3)

5(� − 5) =− 2(� − 3)

5� − 25 =− 2� + 6

2� + 5� − 25 − 6 = 0

2� + 5� − 31 = 0

15. Find the equation of the line with y-intercept 3 and which is perpendicular tox=4?a. y=4

b. y=3
c. y=

d. y=
The answer is b. y=3


The given line x = 4 is a straight line parallel to y-axis and passes through a point (4,0). Thus, a straight linewhich is perpendicular to x
=4 is parallel to x-axis . Let the equation of this line is y= c. Intercept of the line (1) withy-axis is 3 or, passes through a point (0,3).
Hence, c = 3. and y = 3 is the required equation of the line.

16. A boat travels three times as fast when it is empty as when it is full. If it travels20km north with
cargo, spends 2 hours unloading, and returns to the original port empty, taking 8 hours to complete the
trip, what is the speed of the barge when it is empty?

a. Less than 4 kph

b. Less than 5 kph but not less than 4 kph

c. Less than 10 kph but not less than 5 kph

d. Less than 15 kph but not less than 10 kph

The answer is d. Less than 15 kph but not less than 10 kph


Given: 3 times as fast when it is empty than it is full

Travels 20 km north with cargo

2 hours unloading and returns to the original port EMPTY

8 hours = whole trip

speed Distance Time = distance

Full s 20

Empty 3s 20

/ speed

Unload = 2 hours

Whole trip = 8 hours

� + 3� + 2=8
� + 3� = 6
3�+ 3� = 6

3� = 6

18� = 80

�= 9

Since an empty boat travels thrice faster (3s) than a full boat, its speed is 3(40/9) = 13.33, which is less than15 kph but not less
than 10 kph.

17. Vic can bind 200 booklets in 1 hour. Annie can do the same job in 50 minutes. Howlong will it take
them to finish if Vic binds the first 50 booklets, then Annie binds for30minutes, then Vic finishes the

a. 46 minutes

b. 50 minutes

c. 54 minutes

d. 90 minutes

The answer is c. 54 minutes


Vic can bind 200 booklets in 1 hr. He can bind 50 booklets in

Annie binds 200 booklets in 50 minutes, so in
2hour she binds 120 booklets.

1 3
4+ 2hour= 4hour, balance 30 booklets Vic binds.
170 booklets have been bound in

200= 20hour.
Vic binds 200 booklets in 1 hour, so he can bind 30 booklets in

4+ 20 = 15 +
20= 20hours
total time: 3

=910hours or 54 minutes
18. What was the Biblical approximation to π?
a. 3.14

b. 227

c. 3.1416

d. 3

The answer is d. 3

19. If Robert can seal 40 envelopes in one minute, and Paul can do the same jobin80seconds, how many
minutes will it take the two of them, working together, to seal 350envelopes?

a. 4 minutes

b. 5 minutes

c. 6 minutes

d. 7 minutes

The answer is b. 5 minutes



Robert: Paul:


x = 300

The answer is 300 seconds which is equivalent to 5 minutes.

20. City A and City B are 400 km apart. If a train leaves A in the direction of Bat 50kph, how long will it
take before the train meets another train, going fromBtoA, at aspeed of 30 kph and leaves at the same
time as the first train?

a. 4 hours

b. 4.5 hours

c. 5 hours

d. 5.75 hours
The answer is c. 5 hours


Given: Distance of City A and City B is 400 km

Train A to B = 50 kph Train B to A = 30 kph


Time = distance / speed

Time =
50 +30 = 5 hours

21. Nicole and Chris have the same grade average before the final exam. The final examcounted as
20% of the semester grade. Nicole got 7 percentage points higher thanChrison her semester grade,
and the final exam was worth 100 points. What is the numberofpoints in the positive difference
between their final exam grades?

a. 30

b. 25

c. 50

d. 35

The answer is d. 35


Let x be the number of points that Nicole got on her final exam and y be the number of points that Chris

got on his final exam.


2.0 (x - y) = 7 multiply both sides by 5

x - y = 35

Answer: D

22. Find the solution set of � + � + � − � = � a. 0 only

b. 5 only

c. 0,5

The answer is c. {0,5}



� + � = � − � − �; square both sides

� + � = �� − �� � − � + � − �

� + � = �� − �� � − � − �

�� � − � = �� − � − � − �

�� � − � = �� − ��; divide both sides by 2

5 9 − � = 15 − �; square both sides of the equation

25(9 − �) = �2 − 30� + 225

225 − 25� = �2 − 30� + 225; cancel equal terms on both sides of the equation, then equate to zero. �2 − 30� − 25� =

�2 − 5� = 0; factor out x

�(� − 5) = 0, equate both terms into zero, then simplify to get the solution set.



Final answer is {0,5}.

23. Suppose there is a row of lockers numbered 1 through 50 with all the doors closed. A student is going
to walk up and down the lockers opening and closing the lockerdoors. If a door is closed the student will
open it, and if it is open, it will be closed.If thestudent starts with multiple of one, and continues through
multiples of 50. Howmanylockers are open when the student is finished?

a. 5

b. 10

c. 7

d. 8

The answer is c. 7


If a number is a perfect square it has an odd number of factors if not it has an even number of factors. Example is 9 the

factors of 9 are 1,3,9 there are 3 factors and 3 is an odd number

12 is not a perfect square. The factors of 12 are 1,2,3,4,6,12, there are 6 factors and 6 is an even number Locker # 9 :

multiple of 1 (open), multiple of 3 (close), multiple of 9 (open)

All lockers with a perfect square number are open when the student is finished the remaining lockers are closed.

Locker # 12: multiple of 1(open), multiple of 2 (close), multiple of 3 (open), multiple of 4 (close), multiple of 6 (open),

multiple of 12 (close)

The number of perfect squares less than 50 is 7 because 2 2 7 50 8 .

7 lockers are open.

Answer: C

24. A 30% solution of barium chloride is mixed with 10 liters of water to forma20%solution. How
many liters of the original solution did we start with?

a. 10

b. 15

c. 20

d. 35

The answer is c. 20


Given: 30% solution of barium chloride

10 liters of water 20% solution

Let x = liters of original solution ( 30% solution of barium), then

0.30x = 0.20(10 + x)

0.30x = 2 + 0 .20x

0.10x = 2

x = 2/0.10 = 20 Liters

25.What number must be added to both numerator and denominator of the fraction3/7so that the
resulting fraction will be equal to ⅔

a. 5

b. 10
c. 25

d. 4

The answer is a. 5

(� + 3)
(� + 7) = 3

Start by doing the process of cross multiplication for both fractions.

3 (x + 3) = 2 (x + 7)

Then, multiply 3 and 2 beside its given binomial.

3x +9 = 2x +14

Move 2x and 9 beside its like terms. With this, its sign will most likely change into its opposite sign. 3x-2x = 14-9

Add the like terms.

1= 1

Divide 5 by the number beside the variable to isolate x.


26. At a cost of P 1 250 per square meter, what would be the price of carpetingarectangular
floor, 1.8 m x 2.4 m?

a. P 1 270

b. P 1 800

c. P 3 600

d. P 5 400

The answer is d. P 5 400


Given: P 1 250 per square meter (1*1)

1.8 m x 2.4 m (1.8*2.4)


From the given, 1250 (1*1) is 1250. Then, 1250 (1.8*2.4) is 5400, which is the price of carpetingarectangular floor
2� −��+1

�+3 = 2� − 3 have −� as its solution set?

27. For what value of k does
a. -11

b. -9

c. -13

d. 13

The answer is c. -13


Since the solution set is given, it can be substituted as the x value of the equation to obtain the k value.

2� −��+1
�+3 = 2� − 3; substitute � = −1
2 −1 −� −1 +1

−1 +3 = 2 −1 − 3; simplify


2 =− 5; multiply both sides by 2

2 + � + 1 =− 10; transpose constant terms on the right-hand of the equation, then simplify. � =− 13

28. Determine the solution set of �� + �� − � = � a. Null set

b. Infinite

c. 4

d. – 4

The answer is c. 4


�� + �� − � = �

�� + �� = � + �; square both sides

�� + �� = �� + �� + �; cancel equal terms, then transpose like terms.

�� + �� + �


Check the solution by substituting the obtained value of the equation.

�� + �� − � = �; x = 4

�� + �(�) − � = �

2 = 2; Since it is equal, therefore x = 4 is a solution of the given equation.

29. A boy can swim 75 meters in 12 minutes. What is his rate in kilometers per hour?a. 0.375 kph

b. 3.75 kph

c. 7.5 kph

d. 6.25 kph

The answer is a. 0.375 kph


First, divide 60 minutes (1 hour) by 12 minutes. 6012 = 5

Then, multiply 5 by 75 meters. 75x5= 375
Divide 375 by 1000 to find the rate in kilometers per hour. 375
1000 = 0.375 km/h

30. Fibonacci gave a famous problem about reproducing rabbits. After n months, thereis a population of
�� rabbits, where �� = �, �� = �, �� = � and so on. What was therabbit population at n = 12

a. 55

b. 89

c. 144

d. 233

The answer is d. 233

��=�+�=� �+��=��
Following the pattern of fibonacci, which is adding the TWO PREVIOUS terms
to get the next term:
�+�=� ��+��=��
��=� �+�=�

��=� �+�=��
The 12th term of the sequence 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233 is 233

31. How many square units are in the area defined by the set of points (x,y) inthefirstquadrant
which satisfies 10 x y 20 ?

a. 150

b. 152

c. 154

d. 144

The answer is a. 150



32. A certain river has a current of 3 km per hour. A boat takes twice as long totravel upstream between
two points as it does to travel downstream between the sametwopoints. What is the speed of the boat in
still water?

a. 3 kph

b. 2 kph

c. 9 kph

d. 12 kph

The answer is c. 9 kph


Given: River current = 3 kph Travel upstream = 2t Travel downstream=t Solution:

x be the speed of the boat y as the distance

x + 3 as the speed with current downstream t = y/(x+3) x - 3 as the speed against the current upstream 2t = y/(x-3)

�−3 =


�−3 = �+3; perform cross multiplication

� + 3 = 2� − 6; transpose like terms together

� − 2� =− 6 − 3; simplify, then divide both sides by – 2

� = 9 kph

33. Ten liters of 15% salt solution is mixed with 15 liters of 10%salt solution. What isthe concentration
of the resulting solution?

a. 10%
b. 12%

c. 12.5%

d. 13%

The answer is b. 12%



Quantity of 15% salt solution=10l

Quantity of 10% salt solution=15l

To find:

The concentration of the resulting solution


We can find the concentration in a few simple steps -

We are given the concentration of both the salt solutions.

Amount of salt in 15% salt solution= 15% of 10l


Amount of salt in 10% salt solution= 10% of 15l

On mixing the two solutions, the total quantity of solution becomes 10l+15l


So, the concentration of resulting solution=Total amount of salt×100/ Total quantity of solution
=3 ×


Therefore, the concentration of the resulting solution is 12%.

34. Hubert can run 10 kph, whereas Banjo can run 8 kph. If they start at the sametimefrom the same
point and run in opposite directions, how far apart will they be after10minutes?

a. 1 km
b. 2 km

c. 3 km

d. 4 km

The answer is c. 3 km


Given: Hubert = 10 kph Banjo = 8 hph


Distance = speed*time

6= 3= 1.67
Hubert; Distance = 10*

6= 3= 1.33
Banjo; Distance = 8*

Since Hubert and Banjo traveled in opposite directions, the distance between them after 10 mins maybedetermine by adding the
computed distance of the two, 1.67 + 1.33 = 3 ��.

35. Two cities are 800 km apart. At 4:00 p.m., Train A leaves one city, travelingtowards the other city,
at a speed of 600 km per hour. At 5:00 p.m. the same afternoon, Train B leaves the first city, traveling
in the same direction at a rate of 800 kmperhour. Which of the following represents the actual result?

a. Train A arrives first, by an hour or more.

b. Train A arrives first, by less than hour.

c. Two trains arrive at exactly the same time.

d. Train A arrives after Train B, by less than an hour.

The answer is b. Train A arrives first, by less than hour.


Solution: Train A 600h=800, so h=800/600 = 1 ⅓ hours = 1 hour, 20 minutes

Train B 800t=800, so t=1.

Total time for train A= 1 hour, 20 minutes.

Total time for train B= 1 hour + 1 hour= 2 hours.

Thus, Train A arrives before Train B by 40 minutes (less than an hour)

36. Solve for all values of x: | 2x – 1 | = x + 4

a. −1

b. 5

c. −1,5


The answer is c. {-1,5}


| 2x – 1 | = x + 4; separate into possible cases

2x – 1 – x = 4 2x – 1 ≥ 0 – (2x – 1) – x = 4 2x-1 < 0 x = 5 x ≥12x = – 1 x <


Substitute the x value on the given equation | 2x – 1 | = x + 4.

| 2(5) – 1 | = (5) + 4 | 2(½) – 1 | = (½) + 4 | 2(-1) – 1 | = (-1) + 4 | 2(¼) – 1 | = (¼) +4 9 = 9 0 = 9/2 3 = 3 -½ = 17/4 True False True

False The solution of the equation are those with truth as the outcome, which are – 1 and 5, {-1,5}.

37. Machine A can produce 40 bolts per minute, whereas Machine B can produceonly30 per minute.
Machine A begins alone to make bolts, but it brakes downafter1½minutes, and Machine B must
complete the job. If the job requires 300 bolts, howlongdoes the whole operation take?

a. 7 ½ minutes

b. 8 minutes

c. 8 ½ minutes

d. 9 ½ minutes
The answer is d. 9 ½ minutes

In min, machine A produces


Now, machine B must produce


For machine B, ( number of bolts produced ) = ( rate of producing )*( time spent producing ) Let = B's time in mins


The total time to produce 300 bolts is:

min or 9 ½ minutes

38. Edmound ears P 500 a day, from which he must spend P 300 for various expenses. Bryan earns P 1
000 a day but has to spend P 700 each day for expenses. If the twoofthem save together, how long will it
take before they can buy a computer worthP150000?

a. 100 days

b. 150 days

c. 300 days

d. 500 days

The answer is c. 300 days


Given: Edmound earns P 500 a day and spends P 300 for expenses.
Bryan earns P 1000 a day and spends P 700 for expenses.

Computer worth P 150 000


Edmound can save P 200 a day (500 – 300 = 200), while bryan can save P 300 a day (1000 – 700 = 300) Let x be the number of


200x + 300x = 150 000

500x = 150 000; divide both sided by 500

x = 300 days
39. Dante walks 15 kilometers at an average of 2.5 kph and returns on a bicycle at anaverage rate of 7.5
kph. How long does the entire trip take him?

a. 2 hours

b. 6 hours

c. 8 hours

d. 10 hours

The answer is c. 8 hours


We have given speeds S1 and S2

S1 = 2.5 kph

S2 = 7.5 kph

And Distance D1 and D2

D1 = 15 km

D2 = 15 km

Total Distance = D1 + D2 = 15 +15 = 30 km


T1 =
T1 =
2.5 = 6 hrs
T2 =

T2 =
7.5 = 2 hrs

Total Time = T1 + T2 = 6 + 2 = 8 hrs

40. How many kilograms of a P 120-per-kilogram nut mixture must be mixedwithtwokilograms of

P90-per-kilogram mixture to produce a mixture that sells for P100perkilogram ?

a. 0.5

b. 1.0

c. 1.5

d. 2.2
The answer is b. 1.0


Given: P 120 per kg nut mixture 2 kg of P 90 per kg mixture


Let x be the number of kilogram/s of nut mixture needed.

120x + 90(2) = 100 (x + 2)

120x +180 = 100x + 200; transpose like terms on the same side (with variables on the left of the equation) 120x – 100x = 200 –

180; combine like terms

20x = 20; divide both sides by 20

x = 1 kg

41. If Jovie can print 2 500 pages in an hour, Beth can print 3 500 pages inanhour, how many minutes
will it take them to print a 1 200 -page book, if they work together?

a. 12

b. 15
c. 25

d. 35

The answer is a. 12


Problem: Find the time it takes them together to print 1,200-paged book if Jovie and Beth work together. Solution:

Convert 1 hour into minute and use it as the denominator for the pages that Jovie and Beth can do individually. ( 2,500

60) x =1,200

Add the numerators together.


60x = 1,200
Reciprocal the fraction and distribute it to the fraction and whole number inside the bracket. [ 6,000

60x = 1,200] 60


360,000x =


Then, divide.

x = 12

42. Solve: � + � + � + � − � + �� = �

a. 0 only
b. −523only

c. no solution

d. 0 ��� −

The answer is a. 0 only


� + � + � + � − � + �� = �; move the negative expression to the right-hand of the equation to changeits sign.

� + � + � + � = � + ��; square both sides of the equation

� + � + � � + � � + � + � + � = � + ��; simplify the expression, cancel equal terms, and collect liketerms

10 + � �� + ��� + � + � = ��

� �� + ��� + � = �� − �� − �


+ ��� + � = � − �; square both sides of the equation

4 �2 + ��� + � = �2 − 12� + 36

4�2 + 40� + 36 = �2 − 12� + 36; cancel equal terms, move the variables to the left-hand of the equation, then equate to

4�2+40� − �
+ 12� = 0

3�2 + 52� = 0; Factor

� 3� + 52 = 0; separate into possible cases

� = 0 3� + 52 = 0

3� =− 52; divide both sides by 3

� =−523

To determine if the values obtained are solutions, substitute the value into the given equation. x = 0 x = −523

� + � + � + � − � + �� = � � + � + � + � − � + �� = �
� + � + � + � − � + �� = � � + −���+ � + −��� − −���+ �� = � 0 = 0 (solution) Undefined

43. A deep well 5 feet in diameter is of unknown depth (to the water level). If a5-footpost is erected at the
edge of the well, the line of sight from the top of the post totheedge of the water surface below will pass
through a point 0.4 feet fromthe lip of thewell below the post. What is the depth of the well (to the surface
of the water)?

a. 37.5 ft

b. 47.5 ft

c. 57.5 ft

d. 67.5 ft

The answer is c. 57.5 ft



The figure is not drawn into scale.

AB = 5 ft BP = 5 ft

BC = 4.0 ft Let BD = x ft


Ratio of corresponding sides of similar triangles are equal.

0.4 = 5
�� =
0.4x + 2 = 25

x= 57.5

44. If a plane travels P miles in Q hours, how long will it take to travel Rmiles? a. ���hours

b. ���hours

c. ���hours

d. ���hours

The answer is c. ���hours


Time = distance / speed

In this number, the time travel of the plane is being asked, knowing that it travels P miles in Qhours, whichis the speed,
the time travel to R miles (distance) will be;

�� �∗�
����� = �=
�= �
Time =

45. If a man travels p hours at an average rate of q miles per hour, and then r hoursatan average rate of s
miles per hour, what is his overall rate of speed?

The answer is a.

The total distance he traveled was p*q + r*s.

The total time he spent was p+r.

Therefore, the average rate of speed for full travel was =

46. If a man travels for half an hour at a rate of 20 kilometers per hour, and for anotherthird of an hour
at a rate of 30 kilometers per hour, what is his average speed?

a. 10 kph

b. 20 kph
c. 24 kph

d. 25 kph

The answer is c. 24 kph


Given: Man travels for 30 mins or ½ hour at 20 kph and for another 20 mins or ⅓ at 30 kph. Solution:

Distance = time * speed

1st distance = ½ * 20 = 10 km 2nd distance = ⅓ * 30 = 10 km Total distance = 20 kmTotal time = ½ +⅓ = ⅚

����� ��������
205 20∗6
����� ���� = 6 =
5= 24 ��ℎ
Average speed =

47. Solve for x:

The answer is a.

Transform the expression

Move the variable to the right

Simplify the equation

Cancel equal terms

Move the expression to the left

Collect like terms

Divide both sides

48. A man exchanged a peso coin for change and received 7 coins, none of whichwerefifty
centavo coins. How many of these coins were ten cents?

a. 0

b. 2

c. 4
d. 1 Total = 100 = 1 peso 7 = 100

The answer is d. 1 Explanation:

Centavo Coin Number of Coin/s =

5 3 = 15

10 1 = 10

25 3 = 75

49. A man added two quarts of pure alcohol to a 30% solution of alcohol in water. If thenew
concentration is 40% how many quarts of the original solution were there?

a. 12

b. 15

c. 18

d. 20

The answer is a. 12


This type of problem is called “Percent Mixture.”

# quarts x percent pure = total.

For the pure alcohol: 2 quarts x 1 (100% = 1) = 2

for the solution: x quarts x .30 = .3x

for the mixture: (2+x) quarts x .40 = .40(2+x)

your equation is 2 + .3x = .4(2+x)

distribute and eliminate the decimals: 20 + 3x = 8 + 4x


�+� ≥ �.
50. Solve the inequality

a. −∞, − 1

b. −4, − 1

c. 1, + ∞

d. ( − 4,1]

The answer is d. ( − 4,1]


�+4 ≥ 1; determine the range

Range � + 4 ≠ 0

� ≠− 4

�+4 ≥ 1; move the constant

�+4 − 1 ≥ 0; get the common denominator


�+4 ≥ 0; distribute the negative sign to the expression in the parentheses, then simplify


�+4 ≥ 0; separate the inequalities into 2 possible cases, then find its intersection A. 1. 1 − � ≥ 0

� ≤ 1; since the inequality is divided by a negative, the sign must be changed into its opposite. 2. � + 4 > 0


( − 4,1], � ≠− 4

B. 1. 1 − � ≤ 0

� ≥ 1; since the inequality is divided by a negative, the sign must be changed into its opposite. 2. � + 4 < 0

No intersection
51. A broken clock is set correctly at 12:00 noon. However, it registers only 20 minutesfor each hour. In
how many hours will it again register the correct time?

a. 12

b. 18

c. 24

d. 30

The answer is b. 18


52. A man travels for 6 hours at the rate of 50 kph. His return trip takes him9hours. What is his
average speed for the whole trip?

a. 40 kph

b. 45.0 kph

c. 41.7 kph

d. 48.2 kph

The answer is a. 40 kph

Given: Man travels for 6 hours at 50 kph Return trip takes 9 hours


Distance = time(speed) = 6(50) = 300 km

Total distance = 2(300) = 600 km

Total time = 6 + 9 = 15 hours

����� ��������
����� ���� =
15 = 40 kph
Average speed =

53. A 12-gallon tub has a faucet that lets water in at the rate of 3 gallons per minute, and a drain that
lets water out at the rate of 1.5 gallon per minute. If you start with3gallons of water in the tub, how long
will it take to fill the tub completely?

a. 3 minutes

b. 14 minutes

c. 6 minutes

d. 7.5 minutes

The answer is c. 6 minutes


12 gallon tub with 3 gallons of water in the tub needs to fill water in at 3 gal/min, and out at a rate of 1.5gal/min: Net
in at

= 6 mins

54.If �� = ��, then what is the value of ��?

a. 30

b. 400

c. 180
d. 729

The answer is b. 400


3� = 20; square both sides, since the square of 3 is 9 32� = 202; simplify

9� = 400

55. If �(�) = �2 − 1 and � � = � + 2, find � �(2) . a. -2

b. 2

c. 3

d. 5

The answer is d. 5


First, determine f(2), then substitute it to the g function.

�(�) = �2 − 1 � � = � + 2 �(2) = (2)2 − 1 � �(2) = 3 + 2 �(2) = 3 � �(2) = 5 −�

is _____.

56. The value of � − � � − � a. 5

b. -5

c. ⅕

d. -⅕

The answer is c. ⅕

1 −1
2−32−3− ; parentheses

−1 1
= 2 − 3 −1 − ; exponents of the parentheses

= 2 − 3 −1 −1; multiplication of parentheses and the outside term = 2 + 3 −1; addition

= 5−1; simplify


57.If two numbers differ by 6, then what is the least possible value of their product?a. 0

b. -9

c. 9

d. 36

The answer is b. -9


Let x = first number

x+6 = second number

Let y = product of the numbers

y = x(x+6)

Graph the equation of this parabola, and find the lowest value of y, which is the vertex of the parabola. Algebraically, the vertex

will always be at (where a=1, b=6 as in the quadratic formula!) so . Alsohalfway between the x
intercepts, which would be at x=0 and x= -6. The minimum value of the product of thenumbers would be

58. Simplify: ��⋅ �


a. 4

b. 8

c. 16

d. 32

The answer is c. 16


8�⋅ 24−3�; write in exponential form with the base 2, 8 will become 23 23�⋅ 24−3�; calculate

the product

24 = 2 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 2 = 16

59. Solve for x:

a. 16/25
b. 4/5

c. 1

d. 0
The answer is d. 0


Move the expression to the right

Divide both sides

Write in exponential form

Set the exponents equal


60. In the freshman class at Uno High School, there are 18 boys and 12 girls. Theaverage height of the
boys is 170 cm, and that of the girls is 160 cm. What is the averageheight of all the students in the class?

a. 165 cm

b. 166 cm

c. 167 cm

d. 168 cm

The answer is b. 166 cm


������� ℎ���ℎ� =18 ⋅170+12⋅160

18+12�� =4980
30�� = 166 ��

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