Most Important Questions For 11th

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Ina clau f ko stndeuts, 3o opted NCG, 3aeßt4 foi
NSS iand ayopted fo both sNCe and NsS. I! ne
studets is sleteel atRendlom Hhel

i)Studeut has opteol nerthe NCC hoi NSS

aü) stndeut dhes ptcd Nsi ket not Nc
ind e euatian f heset of boints the s a
whose disteues Bemi A 4, o, o) auol B(-4,o, o) is
esual to lo.
Find the e9patim inele pasaing hisongh the þoils
Ca,3) aud -,) anel whose centse is on thei!
Line n34-l=0
ind þeupendkulu disteuee fem the oigin to the.
Line joining the i points (cose, sin e) and (cosd, ia).
dingths þupendi elans i
som te sigin to the ines xcos-y4in9- keor2s
Find Hhe eguatin fa dine that ceets of yual
intnepts Cn the Cooalinatwanes hdl pakes Thsoyh
the point Ca, 3),
The ketio ef A: M. auel Gt o two peitiue mwmbs
a anol 6 isS m: n.Show that

lo. UCing Binomialtheeren, finot (r+1)°+ (x-) Hence
evaluate (JE+1)'+ (a
J. Fnd
unbeo aiangoments of he ltteie of the
wtel IN DEPEND ENCE:. Ih how many
these autange ment,
i) do he Vowels mevee oecustogethe.
e) o the hsoeds i stit ith P.
) do the ieosads Begin keithI anod end ii. Pp
solie aod Repseiut gpaphially:
Fnd all þeicsi gf Gmseitie odd atisalounitus,
bo thi f tichane'lange heu lo, such that
heis sen is less than Yo.
K. Poue that t

oehat' Cosa cos Ces 3 Cos
19 I jin tuo cihcles, aits of iame
length kubtme
angles bo'aned s at he Centke,inol ha katio
hei adi
ind olamain amok

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