Dangerous Days - Campaign

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THE DANGEROUS DAYS the Purge Reinforcements

for now. We would also

CAMPAIGN recommend playing through
Over the following pages you will find a Salvage Run mission
detailed mission briefings telling the story a couple of times before
of our crews’ exploits after the events of the starting the campaign to grab
Perseus Arm Campaign. a few weapons and build up
a stockpile of cash – it will
The campaign is for up to four players using disappear quickly!
any crews you like. As many of the objectives
are co-operative, the missions will work solo When playing these missions,
too! Each of the missions can be played you should use the reverse side
individually if you wish, but the campaign will of the Hostility Tracker with the
work best when played as one continuous story additional icons, spawning any
using the campaign rules in the rulebook. For NPC types relevant to the story
this campaign they should be supplemented you are playing. You should also
with the new campaign rules from page 4 – the use the Charged side of the Purge
hardship doesn’t stop at the end of the game board for a real challenge!
Unlike the Perseus Arm Campaign,
As these missions make use of a large number this campaign makes use of a number
of NPCs, including the new ones from this book, of Core Space expansions. Each
one player may wish to take the role of GM mission will list the expansions required
and control all the NPCs themselves for a more as well as any that are recommended
narrative driven game. to enhance the experience.
This campaign is aimed at Core Space veterans, SPECIFIC EQUIPMENT
those with experienced characters, well-armed If you have the Shift Change at
and with a bit of money in their pockets. Like MegaCorp expansion, you should put
everything else in this book this new campaign aside the Quell’s Fury, Cyclone Rifle and
ups the difficulty and will force more difficult Tactical Rifle. Do not buy them for your
decisions to earn the rewards. crew as they will be needed in mission 4.
Of course, like all things Core Space you should
feel free to play around with the missions to suit
your players. If you’ve got rookie crews you may
want to add more to the crates or go without


Purge Board

As a Trader captain you have a lot of danger and excitement in your life. If someone’s not trying
to shoot, rob or imprison you the Purge are trying to make a meal of you.

You’re sitting in the pilot’s seat of your ship watching the chronometer tick down the seconds
until you breach Real Space. Some describe the sensation as akin to falling, but you’ve always
felt that travelling in Core Space was like getting drunk - through a straw. Your crew are busy
with their own duties, fixing components, checking inventories or being quietly sick in a closet.
This gives you a moment of reflection in an otherwise hectic life.

Despite the heroics at the Battle of the Harbinger little has improved for most people; in fact,
things have clearly deteriorated. The Purge came back with a vengeance and instead of fighting
back most worlds just pulled the bed sheets over their heads. Trade faltered and things started
getting desperate. Of course, you’re no stranger to hard times so you’ll do fine… you hope.

The seconds click down and your stomach knots. You never know what’s on the other side
especially in these dangerous times. You smile, despite the fear, because you’re in at the deep
end, the sharp edge of reality where you thrive.

Dangerous Days Campaign

With trade lines closing the number of derelicts to plunder has dropped sharply. Similarly,
deserted settlements are being picked over by desperate scavengers as well as professional
Traders. Every time you get to a potential site you find it either picked clean, the den of criminals
or seething with Purge.

Pickings are slim and as you try to repair your tired ion drive for the umpteenth time you come across
a recently damaged ship. Reports show that the derelict definitely has a Purge presence; however,
that’s a guarantee that the ship has not been rifled! Times are tough and a Trader can’t afford to be
choosy. You strap on your weapons and prepare for trouble.

Expansions Needed: None

Expansions Recommended: Shift Change at MegaCorp, Purge Reinforcements


Reward: Whatever you can get Deserted Ship
Do not use Civilians or Gangers in this mission.
Grab that loot! You need money so swipe However, if you have the Shift Change at
anything that isn’t bolted down. Try not to get too MegaCorp pack you should put the Scavengers
greedy as the Purge are spoiling for a fight. to one side and shuffle their cards into the top
10 cards of the Event deck so they will enter
SECONDARY OBJECTIVE the board early in the game. The starting Hatch
Reward: Rare Items positions are marked on the map.
As the derelict hasn’t been picked over by other
Traders yet the chances of a valuable haul are
slightly higher. It’s all about supply and demand
– get this right and you’ve got the supply. Any
rare items you sell in the Trade Phase after this
mission earn a 3UA bonus each.


Dangerous Days Campaign
You have been hearing rumours of a corporate merger between Black Star Mergers &
Acquisitions and Tau Cross Corp. Both corporations are under scrutiny from the Galactic Crime
Commission but always manage to slip away ‘clean’. However, their public reputations are
tarnished so they tend to work in the shadows - the merger itself is being arranged away from the
public gaze.

This isn’t the sort of work you’re used to, but you’ve been approached to disrupt the merger. A
fanatical arm of Tau Cross are not happy and want you to cause trouble. Bust into the negotiation
and break it up – the clandestine location might be out of the spotlight, but it makes it easier to
raid! If you can’t stop the merger altogether your intervention should at least slow it down.

Expansions Needed: Shift Change at MegaCorp, Shootout at Zed’s

Expansions Recommended: Galactic Corps


Reward: 10UA Negotiations
Gan’eek and Butler will activate as if they were
You will need to retrieve the Data Tablets of at Workers in this mission, although they do not
least three of the board members making the carry Data Tablets.
deal before negotiations are complete.
At the start of the game put a purple peg into the
The Data Tablets are represented by Hostility Tracker in the first space of Charge. This
Keycards. Place these on the Worker’s represents how long you have until the merger is
boards at the start of the game to mark completed.
which Workers are still carrying theirs.
These will be dropped if the Workers are The mission-specific result for Workers in this
defeated as normal. Alternatively, they can be game is to advance the negotiations. This moves
grabbed from the Workers’ hands by spending an the purple peg one space down the Hostility
action when in base contact – roll a die and if any Tracker (max once per round, further results
hits are scored you may take the Data Tablet. are ignored). If there are ever no empty spaces
between the current hostility and this peg, the
The 10UA reward will be granted to all crews that negotiations are complete.
escape the board with one or more Tablets as
long as the negotiations were incomplete. These If all the Data Tablets have been taken, remove
can be sold as normal. the purple peg – the negotiations have been
Reward: 8UA per Worker Escape
Once negotiations are complete or abandoned,
If you are feeling mercenary, you can kidnap the the mission-specific result is to escape. Move
board members and ransom them back to their the Worker twice towards their waiting ship’s
respective corporations. airlock (the Reminder Counter marked on the
map) via the shortest possible route. If they reach
You will need to get them back to your ship to it they are removed from the board.
earn the reward. You can do this by Persuading
them to join you and moving them onto your ship. Once a Worker’s Data Tablet has been taken
Alternatively you can knock them unconscious from them, they will no longer take part in
and drag them back. To do this, you must defeat negotiations and their result will always be to
them with a Close Assault attack. Instead of escape. In addition, if a Worker is attacked and
removing them from the board, lay the miniature survives, they will immediately follow this result
prone and mark it with a Reminder counter. It (ignoring attacks of opportunity from the failed
will drop its Data Tablet if still carrying it. They attacker if applicable) whether they have their
body can be dragged back to your ship using the Tablet or not.
Moving Items rules on page 18. If the body has
no Traders in base contact in any Assessment
Phase it will stand back up and act as normal
from then on.

Hired Thugs When the Hostility reaches Charge no more
The corporations have hired some local roughs Gangers will arrive. From then on, any on
as protection and they will fight to the death. This the board (including Civilians being used as
mission uses the Anarchy in the Galaxy rules on Gangers) will activate in the NPC Phase, and the
page 6, without the Try to Blend In! rule – these Purge will start to arrive as per the regular rules.
Gangers are hostile!


Dangerous Days Campaign

The latest press-release from the GCC has announced new licensing laws. All Traders will need
to be formally registered and pay exorbitant fees on every shipment. Most Traders have not
taken kindly to this and are openly flouting the new laws. In response the Galactic Corps have
dropped all pretence of civility, assuming all Traders are unlicensed and aggressively pursuing
any and all they come across, all guns blazing. Harassing Traders who fulfil a vital function is not
going down well, especially as the GCC should really have their attention on the Purge or the
burgeoning criminal gangs right now!

You’re on a routine salvage run when you’re interrupted by the Galactic Corps - clearly all of the
galaxy’s problems are your fault judging by the ferocity that the Corps pursue you!

Expansions Needed: Galactic Corps, Shift Change at MegaCorp

Expansions Recommended: Rogue Purge


Reward: Stay out of Jail Set Up
The crews will start the game on the board rather
You need to get away from the Galactic Corps than inside their ships. They choose the starting
and back to your ships, as they’ll shoot first position in the same way they choose their
and ask questions later. You can try to stand airlock positions.
your ground but be aware you’re up against
the Elite. Scavenger
When the Hostility reaches Cover Me, place
SECONDARY OBJECTIVE a Scavenger at the Hatch furthest from any
Reward: Stolen goods enemies, out of LoS if possible.

There’s a Scavenger in the area trying to The Galactic Corps

fence some stolen goods, but you will need to The Galactic Corps will use the Elite side of their
Persuade them. boards in this game. All six characters will enter
play in the first NPC Phase, and any that are
If you do this successfully, draw items from the defeated will re-enter the board in the following
token bag and add them to the Scavenger’s NPC Phase until the Hostility reaches Charge.
backpack contents until you have six tokens.
You may purchase any of these items at half- The Traders will be pursued by the Corps as
price, rounding up. In addition, draw two random they leave. There are no Trade or Maintenance
rare items – these may be purchased for their Phases between this game and the next, and the
sell price. only Extraction option is Emergency Teleport.

The Scavenger will then set off a Flashbomb The Purge

(affecting your Trader as normal) and is The Purge will only start to arrive from
removed from the table as per the normal Charge onwards.
rules. Any items purchased will be added to
your ship’s hold – the Scavenger will drop them Rogue Purge
off for you. If you have the Rogue Purge pack you may use
them in this game.

Breach Rifle
This rifle fires V-19 shock shells, magnetised
for a concentrated effect. It can fire up to three
shells simultaneously giving it a powerful
punch. While it’s most effective at short range
it can still devastate over longer distances but
at the high cost of ammo.


Dangerous Days Campaign
Although you manage to escape the Galactic Corps it is not without cost. They open fire on your
fleeing ship and leave it badly damaged. You risk a short but nerve-wracking trip into Core Space
before re-entering real space and limping to the nearest settlement for repairs. The settlement
is ill-equipped but you make do. You will need to repair your ship before the Corps find you. The
local Security Wardens view you with suspicion so avoid them at all costs. To make matters
worse there is a high Purge presence in the area.

Expansions Needed: Galactic Corps

Expansions Recommended: Purge Reinforcements, Rogue Purge


Reward: A working ship! Reward: A low profile

Your ship is in a bad way. Before the game You’ll need to avoid the local security in this area
reduce your ship’s Propulsion to zero. – they’re twitchy and the slightest infraction will
get you in big trouble.
You’ll need a drive seal to replace the ruptured
one on your ship. It’s no bigger than a fist and SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
under normal circumstances it’s a readily available Drive Seal
item, but these are not normal circumstances! There is an automated vending machine in this
area that dispenses the part (marked in red on
the map). You can Interact with the machine to
take a random Objective token representing the
drive seal. There are only three available.

These tokens can be sold as normal (at a

variable price depending on the token) or used
in the Maintenance Phase to repair your ship’s
Propulsion by 1 point.

If you do not obtain a drive seal, you will have

to bypass your main propulsion drive to escape,
but this is a short-term solution. You can survive
one Maintenance Phase with your Propulsion at
zero. You will need to replace your propulsion
unit after this or the following game at a cost of
15UA, repairing the Propulsion by 1 point, or
abandon ship.

Your ship’s Propulsion cannot be increased from

zero via normal means. You will need either the
drive seal or propulsion unit detailed above.

Keep a Low Profile

The Security Wardens in this area are Specialists
– use the reverse side of their boards.

After a Warden becomes on alert, or successfully

searches or questions a Trader in this game
they will become suspicious and call the Corps.
All available Galactic Corps will enter play in the
next NPC Phase.

Rogue Purge
If you have the Rogue Purge pack you may use
them in this game.


Dangerous Days Campaign
All of your usual Trader haunts are constantly patrolled by the Galactic Corps these days, forcing
you to deal with even less savoury types than the usual unsavoury types! You are brokering a
dodgy deal in a mob-run town when the local gangers decide to keep the goods and your money!
The deal blown, you decide to fight your way back to your ship, but there’s an ambush! Two
bounty hunters have been given instructions to hunt you down if the deal goes south. You’ll need
to take them out otherwise they’ll be on your back for weeks.

Expansions Needed: Shootout at Zed’s

Expansions Recommended: Shift Change at MegaCorp

PRIMARY OBJECTIVE Zed and Evangeline both have an armour value

Reward: The lives of your crew of 3 in this game, but otherwise activate as
Whenever a deal is blown it’s best to get back to
your ship and as far away as possible, but you’ll They both have dead-man’s switches on their
need to dodge the bounty hunters first. equipment. If they are defeated by another NPC
or by a Trader’s ranged attack they will explode.
SECONDARY OBJECTIVE All characters within 1 inch suffer an attack with 3
Reward: Weapon Upgrade dice, and all characters within 2 inches suffer an
attack of 2 dice.
The Bounty hunters are packing some high-end
equipment. If you can avoid the dead-man’s However, if a Trader defeats one
switches they’ve rigged you can retrieve their of them in close assault they can
weaponry for yourselves. deactivate the switch and retrieve
the weapon. Zed will drop the
Furthermore, any crew that defeats one or more
Quell’s Fury token and Evangeline
bounty hunters will impress their employer and
will drop the Tactical Rifle.
pick up some bounty-hunting jobs themselves.
That crew can claim a reward equal to the rank If a Trader is defeated by a bounty hunter, the
of all rank 2+ Gangers defeated in future games. crew loses 5UA (if available) as the bounty
hunter loots their body for the cash they brought
SET UP to the deal.
The crews do not start the game in their airlocks
Any bounty hunters left alive at the end of the
– they are placed in the bar, surrounded by
game will continue to chase the Traders. They
Gangers. They choose the starting position in the
are placed at random entry points at the start of
same way they choose their airlock positions.
all subsequent games, and these special rules
Mob Town (and related secondary objective) will continue to
This mission uses the Anarchy in the Galaxy apply until they are defeated.
rules on page 6, without the Try to Blend In! rule
Get the Goods
– these Gangers are hostile!
You can attempt to grab the goods you came
When the Hostility reaches Cover Me no more here for – they are inside the mag-locked
Gangers will arrive. From then on, any on crate marked with an X. This crate cannot be
the board (including Civilians being used as Searched – it can only be dragged back to your
Gangers) will activate in the NPC Phase, and the ship to open later. See the Moving Items rules
Purge will start to arrive as per the regular rules. on page 18. Inside you will find
the randomly assigned items as
Bounty Hunters normal as well as a highly sought-
Once the head of a powerful gang, Zed after Cyclone Rifle.
and his closest bodyguard Evangeline have
turned bounty hunters; a necessary change Note: If you do not have the Shift Change pack
of occupation after losing their main base of and the items used for this mission, use the most
operations on Titan Station. expensive weapon tokens you have available.


Dangerous Days Campaign
Black Star are up to their usual tricks. Despite you interrupting their merger with Tau Cross
they have gone ahead with their plans and are attempting further experiments with the alien
infestation you encountered on Titan Station. Without the added expertise of Tau Cross at the
tiller the experiment goes wrong and a new, virulent strain is released across their research
station, attracting the interest of the Purge.

Normally you’d stay well away, but Black Star have many fingers in many pies and you’ve being
reliably informed by an insider that the station holds extremely sensitive details about Black
Star’s other plans. Grab that juicy data, it’s worth money! Oh, and rescue a few civvies while
you’re there, the boost in your reputation wouldn’t hurt.

Expansions Needed: Purge: Outbreak, Shift Change at MegaCorp

PRIMARY OBJECTIVE Trader ever has only black pegs left the infection
Reward: 20UA has taken over. While infected, Skills and anything
else that requires a Skill peg costs one additional
You must retrieve the data chip (use the peg to use. In addition, the Trader will lose one
nano Objective token) by Interacting with health whenever the Hostility Tracker enters a
either of the Workstations marked in red. new band (every round once it reaches Purge).
There is only one data chip. The chip is
worth 20UA, but only to the right buyer, so Health pegs restored by items or effects are
you cannot sell it until after mission 7. always green. Additional health restored when
already at maximum will swap black pegs for
SECONDARY OBJECTIVE green ones, from right to left.
Reward: 8UA per Civilian, 3UA per Sample
If a Trader has any black pegs at the end of the
There are innocent Civilians working at Black game, they must miss the following mission to
Star and it wouldn’t look good if they died from recover, and cannot take part in a mission again
the virus. For each uninfected Civilian (not until they pay 8UA for anti-viral drugs.
Workers) that you can Persuade to join you and
get back on board your ship you will earn an 8UA Workers (and Bounty Hunters if being used) are
reward. If the Civilian is infected, the reward is wearing protective gear and immune. Civilians
halved to 4UA. that take damage from the infestation should be
marked as infected with a Reminder counter. They
Samples of the Infestation can also be sold for can be cured with anything that restores Health.
3UA each or used in the next mission.
A New Strain
This mission uses the Infestation rules from page Plasma Reactor
19. However, this particular strain of the virus is The virus has destabilised the reactor, and stray
more stable but more dangerous! bullets or energy blasts could cause it to explode.
If any character makes a ranged attack or is the
At the start of the game, place 2 Infestations in target of a ranged attack within short range of the
every room in the orange shaded area (none in reactor (marked in yellow), roll the Chance Die.
the corridors). On a result the reactor explodes.
The Infestations do not spread on their own. All nearby characters are hit by the blast as follows:
Instead, the mission-specific result for
Workers in this game is to Move as normal • Within 1 inch: 5 dice attack
and then carry out experiments. This adds an • Within 2 inches: 4 dice attack
Infestation as close to the Worker as possible • Within 3 inches: 3 dice attack
(still keeping to the limit of three per room).
Traders may also target the reactor with a ranged
Damage caused to Traders by this strain does attack intentionally. Any hits on the roll will cause
not remove health pegs. Instead each point of it to explode.
damage caused swaps a green health peg for a
black one, starting from the left of their track. If a


Dangerous Days Campaign
The data you have from Black Star is dynamite. They have discovered the location of a
major Purge production line. The Purge have converted a large derelict into a factory and are
manufacturing Purge in their thousands. Anyone decent would notify the authorities and have the
factory destroyed, but Black Star clearly intend to use the information to their advantage.

As a Trader you’re half decent so you decide to take the information to the GCC – for a price,
obviously. This isn’t the sort of information you shout down a warp-link (not if you want to get
paid anyway!) so you will need to contact the GCC directly and out here the most direct way is
through the Galactic Corps. If you could just get the Corps to stop shooting at you…

Expansions Needed: Galactic Corps, Purge Reinforcements


Reward: Contact with the GCC Reward: Variable – thanks from the Corps

You have illegally docked at Corps base, and the The Purge have found out what you hold and
guards are not happy to see you. You don’t have have arrived to destroy it, and you! The Corps
time for that though – you need to get in and base is full of troopers, guards and civilians who
make contact with a high-ranking official to share are ill-equipped for such an attack and you need
what you know. to help them evacuate.

You must Interact with one of the consoles Once the Director is Persuaded, all non-Purge
marked in red to contact the assistant Director. NPCs can be Persuaded to join crews with a +1
Put the Corps Director model to one side – he modifier. Any of these NPCs that leave the board
will enter play in the next NPC Phase at a via entry point 1 will earn the controlling player a
random entry point with no Purge in short range. reward in UA of twice their rank.
If there are no available entry points, he will wait
off of the board until a later round when he can SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
enter safely. The Galactic Corps
Although the Corps will shoot you on sight, you
Once he has arrived, if he has targets in LoS cannot shoot back – killing them will undermine
he will attack them as normal. Otherwise he your goal. You can only attack non-Purge NPCs
will use his actions to Move towards the Trader in this mission in close assault (representing you
that called him. Once in contact he will make no knocking them unconscious).
further actions other than to attack enemies.
Do not bring on the Galactic Corps Director using
Traders must Persuade the Director to listen to the normal rules – he will only arrive as detailed
their story. Their success so far will grant them under the Primary Objective.
+1 dice in addition to the following modifiers:
As soon as the Director arrives, all non-Purge
• You called him in: +1 dice NPCs will no longer treat Traders as enemies for
• You have the data chip: +1 dice the rest of the game.
• You have a virus sample: +1 dice
(you must discard it if successful) The Data Chip
The data chip obtained in Mission 6 can be sold
Any Trader can Persuade the Director – the chip to the GCC after this game for 20UA. 12UA of the
won’t be handed over until after the mission. payment goes to the crew that sold it, and 8UA to
the crew that Persuaded the Director (if different).
Once he has been Persuaded, he will be
controlled by the player that Persuaded him for
the rest of the game.

To achieve the mission objective, the Director

must leave the board via entry point 1, and a
Trader carrying the data chip must also escape
via their ship.


Dangerous Days Campaign
It was several hours before the Director’s ship It was nearly a full day before the GCC
approached the base. The crews of the Black responded. The Traders were transported
Maria and the Ion Hope were waiting in an atrium, to a secret GCC platform to be debriefed.
the Galactic Corps keeping a mistrustful distance. There didn’t really seem to be any choice. The
platform itself was quite old and borderline
The Director marched through the doorway, derelict. All the pomp and ceremony of previous
flanked by his men, and stopped directly in front encounters with the GCC was gone. All the
of Jace. The two men barely acknowledged each Traders could see were worried looking staff
other. hurrying to and fro amidst the smell of damp
and, they supposed, fear.
“Zool.” said Jace. “Dolman.” replied Zool.
A tired looking official named Raybury met them.
Arianna leaned closer to Renton. “Am I detecting He looked prematurely aged and careworn. He
previous here?” wasn’t the sleek, self-important politician that
you encountered in the galactic heart; he was
“A couple of run ins.” whispered Renton. “I’ve
the type who understood exactly how precarious
always had the feeling they knew each other
their position was.
from before.”
“I won’t waste your time,” he said to both crews.
“I hope you have a good reason for intruding on
“We need people who know what they’re doing.
a Corps base.” said Zool.
The Corps are all very well but let’s face it -”
“We do and your men wouldn’t listen. Could have
“The well-trained ones aren’t here.” said Jace.
saved a lot of trouble if they didn’t shoot first and
“They’re parading up and down a sector away.”
ask questions later.”
The man looked tight lipped.
Jace thrust out a data chip. “Get your tech
goons to study this. I think you’ll find it’s worth “Exactly. The ones we have are… enthusiastic,
a ceasefire.” but a blunt instrument. Anyway, we need you to
board the factory ship and blow it to hell.”
Zool took the chip reluctantly, as if it was contagious.
He tossed it dismissively to a subordinate. “Is that all?” asked a voice. Jace turned to
see the crew of the Skylark and their Captain,
“Actually I think you’ll find there’s been a change
Weaver, looking dismissive. Behind them Jace
of heart recently.” said Zool. “Seems that the
could see the members of other Trader crews
right wingers weren’t as popular as they thought.
entering the room.
I believe the old farts are back in charge.
Apparently chasing after... people like you ... is “The ship’s just an old freighter” continued
considered bad for business.” Raybury. “We have the schematics for it. We’re
sure that there’s a way to make the ship self-
“Certainly bad for ours!”
destruct. Failing that you need to stop the
production lines dead.”
Zool’s face broke into a one-sided grin. To some
it was charming, to others dangerous, to Jace it
Raybury did the rounds, talking to each crew
conveyed all the contempt the man had for both
in turn.
him and all Traders.
“What do you think?” asked Jace. Arianna
“Don’t let me detain you.” Zool said and turned
shrugged. “It’s a job, isn’t it? Fighting the
away, his retinue scurrying after him.
good fight and all that. The less Purge about
the better.”
“You know him?” asked Arianna.
“You know what I think?” asked Weaver. “
“My old commanding officer. Before he sold out
I think this is a waste of time. The Purge
to the Corps.”
are like insects, knock out one nest and up
“Small world.” springs another.”

“Watch him. He makes a big show of being ‘by “Just because you gave up on life a long time
the book’ but he’s reckless. He’ll get you killed.” ago doesn’t mean the rest of us should give up
as well.” said Jace.

“You’re wrong.” said Weaver. “I love life. I just don’t hand on their weapons. It looked like a regular
think it should be thrown away on a lost cause.” Assassin except for an unwieldy collar and a
few other bits of tech junk bolted or welded to
“You’ll be paid well.” said Raybury returning to it. It also had ‘PROPERTY OF G.C.C’ stencilled
the group. across its chest. The more observant noticed that
its eyes burned a deep purple rather than the
Weaver smiled. “Now that is what makes usual bright blue.
life beautiful. The cause feels so much more
worthwhile now. What do you think, Marlowe?” “We can’t reprogram a Purge machine,” said
the technician “Because we don’t understand
Weaver’s second in command look both amused how they’re programmed in the first place.
and annoyed. However, we’ve found that we can override its
core programming with our own technology. This
Assassin has been imprinted to believe that non-
Purge are the Purge. And that the real Purge are
In the canteen the Trader crews were discussing
the enemy.”
the schematics that Raybury had provided. All
were abusing the buffet that had been supplied.
The Traders looked unimpressed. The technician
At least one Trader had pockets bulging with
looked frustrated and pulled his trump card.
bread rolls.
“In short, one of you are taking this with you.”
Lars was pointing out the reactors to Jace
on their schematic. “These are old P-40s. If ***
they’re still functioning it shouldn’t be too hard
to rig these to overload. Hell, they did that There was a fair amount of grumbling as the
themselves anyway.” Traders headed to their ships. They’d eventually
drawn lots to see who would take charge of the
The crew of the Black Maria were crowded around GCC Assassin. It was decided that the Galactic
a small table eating their lunch. Beck had mentally Corps would lead the excursion into the derelict
checked out and was watching the canteen and the Traders would pick their own entry points
double doors waiting for an announcement that and rendezvous onboard. The Traders broke
had been promised. The doors opened and Beck Core Space at the designated point and the plan
spat his coffee onto Jace. went awry immediately.
“Thanks!” said Jace hastily brushing at his “I don’t think we will bother with the airlocks
trousers. He looked to see what Beck was today,” said Zool over the comms. Without
goggling at and to his amazement he saw a hesitation the Corps ship rammed the derelict
Purge Assassin stalk into the room, surrounded and troops started to pour through the breach.
by nervous looking technicians.
“That idiot,” said Jace.” He sounded annoyed but
“It must be one of those renegade Purge!” unsurprised. “So much for stealth, he’s painted a
said Beck. target on our backs! Grab your gear, we’ll need
to do this quick.” Dangerous Days Campaign
“No.” said a voice behind them. They turned to
see Roykirk, Arianna’s right hand man. The older In the airlock they donned their armour and
man was glaring at the Assassin. loaded their weapons. Jace paused a moment to
pat the ancient coin he kept in his breast pocket.
“I believe the principle’s the same.” He continued,
never taking his eyes off the machine. “Our “This is the same as any other salvage run.” He
technology grafted onto Purge technology. Stupid said to his crew. “In and out, but rather than grab
idea, it’ll never work in the field!” salvage we blow it up. Ready?”
“It will work,” said one of the technicians, They opened the airlock and peered cautiously
overhearing. “We’ve had a one hundred into the gloom.
percent success rate.” The man looked
troubled. “Ninety percent.”

The technician called for attention and the

Traders turned to look at him, although most
kept at least one eye on the Assassin and one

You enter the derelict stealthily, hopefully the Purge will be more engaged with the gung-ho
Corps than with you. The factory is cold, dark and airless; clearly the Purge have no need of
such niceties as light and air. You proceed cautiously. You’ve been instructed to destroy the
derelict even at the cost of your lives (you will of course ignore that last bit). There are a number
of working reactors – if you can daisy chain them together it will cause a chain reaction and blow
the ship to pieces.If you can destroy the factory you will deal a major blow to the Purge. Even
more importantly you’ll get handsomely paid!

Expansions Needed: Galactic Corps, Purge: Outbreak, Purge Reinforcements, Rogue Purge,
Cyberpunk Terrain Core Set


Reward: 70UA (collective reward) *An Unending River
This is a Purge factory and the losses suffered
Your objective is to destroy the ship by by the Purge are being constantly replenished.
connecting the four reactors together to cause The Hostility Tracker will not increase for any
a meltdown. reason, remaining at Charge, until the chain
reaction begins.
To link each reactor, you must Interact with the
consoles marked in red and hack them, requiring Chain Reaction
3 successes (see Computer Science on page Once all four reactors are activated the chain
18). Rogue Purge Traders (including the GCC reaction will begin. From this point on the
Assassin) get +2 dice for this roll. Traders Hostility Tracker is used as normal, and acts like
may also discard a Raw Blue counter (see the a countdown until the reactors overload.
Secondary Objective) to add a die to a hacking
attempt, using the energy to fool the machine When the first peg is placed into the Kill Me band
into thinking they are Purge. of the Tracker, the reactors blow. Any characters in
the reactor rooms are defeated and permanently
When successful, place a red reminder counter destroyed – they cannot be extracted.
on the console to mark it as activated. When all
four consoles are activated, the chain reaction The Traders then have until the following
will begin! Assessment Phase to escape. At the end of
the round, all characters left on the board
At the end of the mission, if successful, surviving are destroyed. The only method of extraction
crews gain 10UA plus a further 10UA for each available is the Emergency Teleport, provided
reactor that they hacked. your crew had anyone left on board the ship to
extract them!
Reward: Variable The GCC Assassin
The player that Persuaded the Director in
The energy that powers the Purge usually Mission 7 controls the Assassin, using the Rogue
dissipates when they are deactivated, but that’s NPC side of the Dead Eye character board and
not the case in this factory – it’s in the air… matching miniature. If a player is using a Rogue
Purge crew they control it instead.
At the start of the game, one Trader in each crew
may take an Objective token representing an Before it activates each round, roll the Chance
empty flask to contain Raw Blue. Die. On a it breaks free of its override. It’s
actions in that round will be made as if it were a
Each time a Purge is defeated place a blue regular Purge Assassin.
Reminder counter on the floor where they fell
to represent the Raw Blue. A Trader with a flask Annihilate!
can collect this as an effortless action – pile any There is an Annihilator on patrol. Keep the
collected counters on top of the Objective in their card aside when building the Event deck, and
tray (up to a maximum of 10). shuffle it into the top ten cards. This mission uses
Purge Reinforcements, and if you have a second
At the end of the mission each counter can be Annihilator you should use that too (even though
sold for 3UA each. The value of the Objective the Hostility will not reach Purge).
token itself is ignored.

The GCC Rogue Purge
Take all six Galactic Corps models and share If not being used as a crew, the Rogue Purge
them evenly between the crews (the player that should be used in this game (minus the
Persuaded the Director in mission 7 getting first Assassin). They will arrive via the Event deck.
pick). They can be activated as Traders in this If any card requires you to bring on a Civilian,
mission. If defeated they can re-enter the board bring on the lowest ranking Rogue Purge
as regular NPCs as normal (mark them with a available instead.
counter so you know who controls them).

The crew controlling the Director will earn a 5UA

bonus if he survives, but take a 5UA penalty if he
is defeated.


Dangerous Days Campaign

You’ve crippled the Purge not once but twice, not bad for a salvage rat who’s just in it for the
money. The GCC showers you with plaudits but you’ve learned what those are worth. You’ll just
take the money, thanks. The galactic economy is still a shambles so invest wisely because the
Purge will be back and they will not be happy. There will need to be a reckoning with the Purge
one day – they’re bad for business!

You’re heroes of the hour for now but it won’t be long before you’re forgotten. Your type are
never in the history books, although you often make history. An ungrateful universe will tidy you
away to a footnote at best. You briefly consider retiring to a nice quiet backwater and spend
your days fishing - but where would the fun be in that? You’ll die a Trader, very likely in the
same clothes you are wearing now. You laugh quietly at the thought and head back to your ship
and your waiting crew. Never forget, the galaxy needs men and women like you. After all, that
salvage is not going to liberate itself!

You’ve completed another campaign, but it still It’s a tough galaxy out there but remember…
doesn’t end there. The next jobs will need more happy gaming!
credits, upgraded ships and more powerful
weapons, and those things are harder to come
by these days…

You can replay the campaign in endless ways in

competitive or co-operative play. If you haven’t
already you can also play through some of our
exciting expansions and use our boosters and
terrain to bolster your Core Space experience.

If that wasn’t enough, new Core Space missions will Quell’s Fury
also be made available regularly on our website: The Ignition Gun coats its ammo with a
combustible fluid that ignites on air contact,
often targets will catch on fire as an after
Many of these bonus missions have already effect. The Quell sometimes reduce the
been released, and all the missions so far have barrel length – dubbed ‘Quell’s Fury’, the
been collated at the back of this book starting on smaller pistol is deadly at short range.
page 50. Go check them out!


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