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IELTS General Training

Volume 5
Listening Practice Test 2

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Questions 1-5
Complete the form below.


Tennants Insurance Brokers

Car Insurance Form

Example Answer

Client’s Name Mrs. Norma Willis

Address Flat 8 1 , 23 Dene Road, Westley

Postcode 2

Home Tel. none yet

Mobile Tel. 3

Car Make Toyota

Model MR2

Age 4

Engine Size 2-litre

Garaged YES/ NO

No Claims Bonus 5

Endorsements 3 points

Questions 6-8
Complete the list of Norma’s valuable below.

Video player. Couple of radios
Jewelry – necklaces, 8 , rings + brooches

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Questions 9-10
Circle the correct letters A – C.

9 Which list, A, B or C. correctly assesses the protection for Norma’s flat?




10 What does Norma buy at the end?

A Car insurance only

B Contents insurance only

C Car insurance + Contents insurance

Questions 11-15
Answer the questions below.


Where will the future residence launderette be?


What special facility does Betty offer at the launderette?

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Which number bus does Simon advise Jo to take?


Where can students get advice on Council Tax?


Where does Simon say that Bill should register for his Council Tax?


Questions 16-20
Complete the sentences below.

Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each answer.

If there is a fire, residents should meet on 16 .

Fire practices are held every 17 .

If you want to watch 18 , do so in your own room.

Strangely enough the Chinese family sells 19 .

Simon suggests asking for a 20 when residents order a meal from

a takeaway.

Questions 21-25
Circle the correct letter A – C.

21 According to Nick, the first Australian immigrants were:

A The ancestors of Aborigines

B Petty criminals

C Sailors

22 What was the name of the first British colony in Australia?

A Victoria

B New South Wales

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C New London

23 When was the White Australia Policy started?

A Just after the first colony expanded

B After Australian Federation

C After World War ll

24 Why was there bad feeling towards many Chinese immigratants in the 1850s?

A They opened restaurants

B They were searching for gold

C They would work for less money than the local Australians

25 When were Asian students first allowed to study at Australian universities?

A 1950

B 1957

C 1973

Questions 26-30
Complete Adrian’s notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer.

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Australian Immigration

Two Current Immigration Programs

1.The Migration Program

To get Australian permanent residence, immigrants must be:

• 26 or

• sponsored by a family member currently resident in Australia

2004-05 Migration Program has 120,000 places available.

The Department of Immigration particularly wants:

• skilled immigrants

• immigrants who will move to regional areas of Australia

2. The Humanitarian Program

Two Components designed for refugees + others in special humanitarian need

• 27 program: assists people overseas in humanitarian need

• Other component: People in Australia on temporary visas/without permission claiming


2004 and 2005 Humanitarian Program has 28 places available

Australian lllegal Migrants

People who…

• enter Australia without authority

• 29

• work without appropriate approval

• have their visas cancelled and stay

Australia’s Migration Act 1958

All non Australian citizens unlawfully in Australia to be detained and 30 unless

given permission to remain.

Questions 31-36
Complete the lecture notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer.

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The Super Volcano

No specifically defined scientific meaning – refers to volcanoes that have generated the
Earth’s largest volcanic eruptions.
Super volcano eruption form calderas. Whereas normal volcano craters are measured in the
hundreds of metres, a caldera can be easily as large as 31 or 50 miles wide.
Super Volcano Caldera Locations:

• Long Valley, Eastern California (not all active)

• Toba, Indonesia
• Lake Taupo, 32
• Japan
• Indonesia
• Scotland
• Alaska

Normal Volcano Formation: Magma column rises from Earth, erupts and hardens down sides
creating the familiar 33 mountain

Super Volcano Formation: Magma rises from Earth’s mantle creating a 34 in the
Earth’s crust. Chamber increases to enormous size, creating colossal pressure. Eruption finally
forms massive caldera.

Results of Super Volcano Eruption

• Ash, dust and sulphur dioxide ejected, blocking sun and creating cold wave lasting several
years. Plants and animals (including humans) would die.

• Most recent caldera-forming eruption happened 35 years ago approximately.

Ash, pumice, and gases covered more than 3000 square miles and also went high into the
stratosphere to circle the Earth, affecting its temperature. Ash from this eruption still found in
Iowa and in 36 from the Gulf of Mexico.

Questions 37-40
According to the Earth Sciences lecture, which FOUR of the following facts
are NOT true.

Choose FOUR letters (A – H) and write them in any order in boxes 37 – 40 on your
answer sheet.

A Yellowstone Park has previously suffered three enormous eruptions.

B The first super eruption in Yellowstone was over three million years ago.

C The first super eruption in Yellowstone park created a caldera bigger than
another state of the US.

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D Scientists say Yellowstone Park should erupt approximately every 600
000 years.

E The ground level of Yellowstone Park has increased by over half a metre
over the last 10 years.

F A taskforce has been set up to plan for the possible devastation that a
Yellowstone eruption would cause.

G Evidence suggests that the super-eruption at Toba caused the Earth’s

population of humans to drop to about 10 000.

H A super-eruption could make the Earth’s temperature drop to 5 to 10

degrees Celsius.

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6 DVD player 7 a hair dryer

8 bracelets 9 B

10 B 31 40

32 New Zealand 33 cone-shaped

34 boiling reservoir 35 650 000

36 drill cores 40

1 Chepping Dene 2 WE3 9HT

3 07525 745 642 4 4

5 3 years 11 beside the reception

12 service washes

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13 39 14 (the) Students’ Union

15 (the) Town Hall 16 the front lawn

17 6 months 18 late night films

19 fish and chips 20 menu

21 A 22 B

23 B 24 C

25 A 26 skilled migrant

27 offshore resettlement 28 13 000

29 overstay visas 30 deported

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Review and Explanations
6 Answer: DVD player
Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

Q6: Complete the list of M First of all, can you give me a list of all the things that
Norma’s valuable you want covered by the insurance.
W Yes. First of all there’s my electrical goods like my HiFi,
TV TV, DVD player, video player, a couple of radios, a hair
dryer, my laptop and printer

Video Player

The keywords concerned in Q6 are “Norma’s valuable”. We can assume that the
answers for Q6-8 may be a noun (an object in house…)
Following the conversation, we can hear that the man asked about “list of things… to
And we can hear the woman listed many things. After mentioning HiFi and TV, she said
“DVD player”, and then she mentioned “a hair dryer”.
Thus, the correct answer for Q6 should be “DVD player”.
We can suggest the answer for these question according to the answer list in the

7 Answer: a hair dryer

Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

Q7: Complete the list of M: First of all, can you give me a list of all the things that
Norma’s valuable you want covered by the insurance.

HiFi W: Yes. First of all there’s my electrical goods like my HiFi,

TV, DVD player, video player, a couple of radios, a hair
dryer, my laptop and printer
DVD player
M: Anything else?
Video player Couple of
radios W: Yes. There’s my jewelry. I’ve some necklaces ,
bracelets, rings and brooches that I inherited. They’re all in
(7)________ different metals and with different jewels . I’ve got a list
itemizing them all here. I’ve also got a small strong box
which screws into a cupboard so they’re reasonably safe.

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We can hear the woman listed many things. After mentioning Hifi and TV, she said
“DVD player”, and then she mentioned “a hair dryer”. Thus, the answer for Q7 should
be “a hair dryer”.

8 Answer: bracelets
Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

DVDs M First of all, can you give me a list of all the things that
you want covered by the insurance.
W Yes. First of all there’s my electrical goods like my HiFi,
Jewelry – necklaces,
TV, DVD player, video player, a couple of radios, a hair
(8)_______ dryer, my laptop and printer

rings + brooches M Anything else?

W Yes. There’s my jewelry. I’ve some necklaces , bracelets,

rings and brooches that I inherited. They’re all in different
metals and with different jewels . I’ve got a list itemizing
them all here. I’ve also got a small strong box which screws
into a cupboard so they’re reasonably safe.

When the man asked “anything else?” She continued to tell about jewelry like
necklaces, bracelets or rings and brooches. Depend on the conversation, we can
assume the answer for Q8 should be bracelets.

Thus, the correct answer for Q8 should be “bracelets”


We can suggest the answer for these question according to the answer list in the

When the woman talks about jewelry, we can suggest the answer for Q8 should be
“bracelets, earrings…”. It will help us easier to guess the answer when listening.

9 Answer: B
Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

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Q9. M OK. That’s not a problem. Now I need to ask some things
Which list, A, B or C. about the flat. What floor is it on?
correctly assesses the
protection for Norma’s W Well, I wanted a 1st floor flat but this is a ground floor
flat? one. I can use the garden with it though.

M Hmm. Yes but the premium will be a little higher

because of course a burglar finds more it difficult to enter a
flat on the 1st floor.

W Oh. I never thought about that.

M What about safety measures in the flat?

W Well, there are two different keys for the front door and
one of them is a dead bolt so that’s quite good. I’ve been to
the local shop and ordered a burglar alarm too which has a
motion sensor and everything. It’s not in yet but it will be

M That’s good.

W The windows are quite new and all double glazed so, like
all new windows nowadays, they have extra locks on them
so that makes it quite secure.

M That’s good too. So really it’s reasonably safe. That will

make a difference on the premium . Do you know if there’s
a smoke alarm fitted in that flat?

W I never thought of that. I think it’s the law now if you’re

renting so there must be.

M Well, that’s about it. Let’s look now. I’ve got two quirks
for you. First the car and then the household. 750 pounds
fully comp. for the car or 500 pounds third party, fire and
theft. The contents is £100.

The keywords concerned in Q9 are “assess”, “protection” “Norma’s flat”

Following the conversation, we can hear that the man asked about “what’s floor on?”
and the woman said that “I wanted a 1st floor flat but this is a ground floor one”. So, we
can rule out option C as the correct answer for Q9.
After that, the man asked about “What about safety measures in the flat?” and the
woman mentioned “a dead bolt is quite good”, so “a dead bolt (lock) correctly assesses
the protection for Norma’s flat. We can rule out option A as correct answer.
Thus, the correct answer for Q9 should be “B”
According to the conversation, we can hear other objects (burglar alarm, motion sensor
and double glazed) are also mentioned to make sure that option B is the correct answer
for Q9.

10 Answer: B
Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

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Q10. W Does the contents cover me if I lose something or I’m
What does Norma buy at robbed outside the home?
the end?
M As long as it’s in this country and on the list of items
A. Car insurance only covered, yes.

B. Contents insurance W Well, I’ll keep the old car insurance as my present deal is
only better and I’ll take the contents. Can I pay by cheque ?

C. Car insurance +
Contents insurance

The keywords concerned in Q10 are “buy”, “at the end”.

Following the conversation, we can hear that the womansaid that “she keep the old
car insurance as my present deal and will take the contents”, it means that she did not
buy car insurance, just only buy contents insurance.
Thus, the correct answer for Q10 should be “B”

31 Answer: 40
Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

Q31. Super volcano eruption As such, a super volcano would be one that has
form calderas. Whereas produced an exceedingly large, catastrophic explosive
normal volcano craters are eruption and a giant caldera the, a caldera being the
measured in the hundreds of gigantic crater that the eruption creates. Whereas
metres, a caldera can be normal volcano craters are measured in the hundreds
easily as large as _______ or of metres, a caldera can easily be as large as 40 or 50
50 miles wide miles wide

We can assume that the answer for Q31 should be a number.

Following the speech, we can easily hear all the information in Q31 is mentioned. The
answer for Q31 should be “40" since 50 has been given.

32 Answer: New Zealand

Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

Q32. Around the world there are several volcanic areas that
Lake Taupo, ______ can be considered super volcanoes such as Long Valley
in eastern california towba, Toba in Indonesia and Lake
Taupo in New Zealand

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From the question, we can assume that the answer for Q32 should be a specific name
(a place, city or country…)
Following the speech, we can hear that “Around the world there are several volcanic
areas that can be considered super volcanoes such as Long Valley in eastern california
towba, Toba in Indonesia and Lake Taupo in New Zealand”. It means that the answer
for Q32 should be “New Zealand”
Thus, the correct answer for Q32 should be “New Zealand”

33 Answer: cone-shaped
Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

Q 3 3 . Normal Volcano Normal volcanoes are formed by a column of magma,

Form atio n: Magma column rising from deep within the Earth, erupting on the
rises from Earth, erupts and surface, and hardening in layers down the sides. This
hardens down sides creating forms the familiar cone-shaped mountain we associate
the familiar ___ mountain with volcanoes.

We can assume that the answer for Q33 should be an adjective.

Following the speech, we can hear about magma column, almost keywords are
mentioned the same as question. The answer for Q33 should be “cone-shaped”
Thus, the correct answer for Q33 should be “cone-shaped”
“Create” and “form” refer to the same meaning in this case.

34 Answer: boiling reservoir

Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

Q 3 4 . Super Volcano Super volcanoes, however, begin life when magma

Formation: Magma rises from rises from the Earth’s mantle to create a boiling
Earth’s mantle creating a reservoir in the Earth’s crust.
_____ in the Earth’s crust.

We can assume that the answer for Q34 should be a noun.

Following the speech, we can easily hear that all the words in Q34 are mentioned in the
same way follow the text. We can choose “a boiling reservoir” as the correct answer for
Thus, the correct answer for Q34 should be “boiling reservoir”

35 Answer: 650 000

Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

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Q 3 5 . Most recent caldera- The most recent caldera-forming eruption in the US was
forming eruption about 650 thousand years ago in the north east United
happened _____ years ago States

We can assume that the answer for Q35 should be a number.

Following the speech, we can hear that “the most recent caldera-forming eruption was
about 650 thousand years ago…”, it means that the answer for Q35 should be “650
thousand years”
Thus, the correct answer for Q35 should be “650000”
“Approximately” and “about” have the same meaning in this case.

36 Answer: drill cores

Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

Q36. Ash from this eruption This ash layer is still preserved in deposits as far away
still found in Iowa and in _____ as Iowa, where it is a few inches thick, and the Gulf of
from the Gulf of Mexico. Mexico, where it is recognizable in drill cores from the
sea floor.

We can assume that the answer for Q36 should be a noun or noun phrase.
Following the conversation, we can hear that “the Gulf of Mexico, it (ash layer) is
recognizable in drill cores from the sea floor”, it means that “ash was found in drill
cores (from the sea floor) in Gulf of Mexico.
Thus, the correct answer for Q36 should be “drill cores”
“Found in lowa” and “is preserved in lowa” refer to the same meaning in this case.
“Is recognizable” and “ found” refer to the same meaning in this case.

37-40 Answer: B,E,F,H

Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

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Q37-40. Volcanic activity began in the Yellowstone National Park
According to the Earth region about two million years ago. Magma rising from
Sciences lecture, deep within the Earth has produced three cataclysmic
which FOUR of the following eruptions more powerful than any in the world’s
facts are NOT true recorded history. The first caldera-forming
eruption occurred about 2.1 million years ago.
A. Yellowstone Park has The eruptive blast removed so much magma from its
previously suffered three subsurface storage reservoir that the ground above it
enormous eruptions. collapsed into the magma chamber and left a caldera
B. The first super eruption in larger than the state of Rhode Island. The huge caldera
Yellowstone was over three measured as much as 50 miles long, 40 miles wide and
million years ago. hundreds of meters deep, extending from outside
C.The first super eruption in Yellowstone National Park into the central area of the
Yellowstone park created a Park.
caldera bigger than another
state of the US. Scientists have revealed that Yellowstone Park has
D. Scientists say Yellowstone been on a regular eruption cycle of 600,000 years.
Park should erupt
approximately every 600 000 Volcanologists have been tracking the movement of
years. magma under the park and have calculated that in
E. The ground level of parts of yellowstone the ground has risen over point
Yellowstone Park has seven of a metre this century.
increased by over half a One past super-eruption struck at Toba in Sumatra 74
metre over the last 10 thousand years ago and is thought by some to have
years. driven the human race to the edge of extinction. Signs
F. A taskforce has been set up from DNA suggest human numbers could have dropped
to plan for the possible to about 10,000 , probably as a result of the effects of
devastation that a climate change.
Yellowstone eruption would
cause. The fallout from a super-eruption could cause a
G. Evidence suggests that the “volcanic winter”, devastating global agriculture and
super-eruption at Toba causing mass starvation.
caused the Earth’s population
of humans to drop to about 10 The volcanic winter resulting from a super-eruption
000. could last several years or decades, depending on the
H. A super-eruption could scale of an eruption, and according to recent computer
make the Earth’s models, could cause cooling on a global scale by 5
temperature drop to 5 to to 10 degrees celsius.
10 degrees Celsius.

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Following the speech, we can easily hear that “The first caldera-forming eruption
occurred about 2.1 million years ago”, different from information in option B. So, option
B is one of correct answers.
From the speech, we also hear “Magma rising from deep within the Earth has produced
three cataclysmic eruptions more powerful than any in the world’s recorded history”.
“Cataclysmic” and “enormous” have the same meaning in this case. So, we could rule
out option A as the correct answer.
We hear that “it collapsed into the magma chamber and left a caldera larger than the
state of Rhode Island”, refers to the same meaning with option C, so option C is not a
correct answer.
In addition, we could rule out option D as a correct answer because:
Following the speech, we can hear “Scientists have revealed that Yellowstone Park has
been on a regular eruption cycle of 600,000 years”, it means that Yellowstone Park
erupts about every 600,000 years”, refer to the same meaning with information in
option D. So, option D is one of incorrect answer.
We can choose option E as one of correct answers because follow the speech, we
heard that “Volcanologists have been tracking the movement of magma under the park
and have calculated that in parts of yellowstone the ground has risen over point seven
of a metre this century” . It means that ground level rises over point seven of a
metre (not half of a metre), different information from option E.
We could rule out option G as one of correct answer because following the speech, we
can hear that “One past super-eruption struck at Toba in Sumatra 74 thousand years
ago and is thought by some to have driven the human race to the edge of extinction.
Signs from DNA suggest human numbers could have dropped to about 10,000”, the
same meaning with information in option G.
For more details, we can hear that “The fallout from a super-eruption could cause a
“volcanic winter”, devastating global agriculture and causing mass starvation”, it has
different meaning from the information in option F, so F in one of correct answer.
In addition, in the last part of speech, we can hear that “asuper-eruption could last
several years or decades, depending on the scale of an eruption, and according to
recent computer models, could cause cooling on a global scale by 5 to 10
degrees celsius.”, it means that super eruption could cause cooling (not make Earth’s
temperature drop). So, option H is one of correct answers.
Therefore, we can choose option B, E, F, H as correct answers for Q37-40.
When we can rule out option A, C, D and G as incorrect answers, just can immediately
choose other options as correct answer if cannot hear the full speech ☺

1 Answer: Chepping Dene

Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

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Q1. Address: M: And can I have the address that you’re moving to
Flat 8 _______ Dene please?
Road, Westley
W: It’s flat 8 Chepping Dean, 23 Dene Road. Westley.

M: Can you spell Chepping Dene please?

W: Of course. Chepping is spelt C-H-E-P-P-I-N-G and Dene is

spelt D-E-N-E. The name of the road, Dene, is spelt the
same way too.

The keyword concerned in Q1 is “address”. We can assume that the answer for Q1
may be a noun – a specific name (of a stress)

Following the conversation, we can hear that the woman said “flat 8 Chepping Dene, 23
Dene Road, Westley. And we can easily hear the woman spelt the street as “Chepping

Thus, the correct answer for Q1 should be “Chepping Dene”

Note: we can hear the woman mentioned “flat 8… Dene Road” and she also said
“Chepping Dene” with “Dene is spelt the same with the Road. So, the correct answer
should be “Chepping Dene”

2 Answer: WE3 9HT

Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

Q2. Postcode: M: And what’s the postcode there?

W: It’s WE3 9HT.

The keyword concerned in Q2 is “postcode”. We can assume that the answer for Q2
may be a string of number and letter.

Following the conversation, we can easily hear that the man asked about “postcode”.
And the woman answered “WE39HT”

Thus, the correct answer for Q2 should be “WE39HT”

3 Answer: 07525 745 642

Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

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Q3. Mobile Tel. M Can I take a telephone number?
W It will have to be only my mobile I’m afraid as I haven’t
installed a land line yet. My mobile is 07525 745 642.

The keywords concerned in Q3 are “mobile tel”. We can assume that the answer for
Q3 may be a string of number.

Following the conversation, we can easily hear that the man asked about “telephone
number”, and after that the woman answered her mobile is “07525 745 642”.

Thus, the correct answer for Q3 should be “07525 745 642”

4 Answer: 4
Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

Q4. Age: _______ M Let’s look at the car insurance first quickly. I need the
model, age and engine size.

W It’s a 4-year-old Toyota MR2 sports car. It has a 2-litre


The keyword concerned in Q4 is “age”. We can assume that the answer for Q4 may
be a period of time (week, month or year…)

Following the conversation, we can hear that the man asked about “model, age and
engine size of the car”, and the woman answered “4 year old Toyota…”.

Thus, the correct answer for Q4 should be “four” or "4"

Note: the number "4" or word "four" should be followed by a plural noun. In
this case, "4-year-old" is considered as an adjective and the word "year" must
be in singular form. In listening test, we need to fill the blank with the exact
word from the audio, therefore you only need to type "four" or "4".

5 Answer: 3 years
Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

Q5. M Two more questions. The first is do you have any no

No Claims Bonus claims bonus and the second is do you have any driving
convictions ?
W I have three years no claims but I had a claim for a new
windscreen this year and I don’t know if that will affect it.

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The keywords concerned in Q5 are “no claims bonus”. We can assume that the
answer for Q5 may be a period of time ( day, week or year…)

Following the conversation, we can hear that the man asked 2 question and one of
them was ”any no claims bonus”. The woman answered “three years no claims”, it
means that no claims bonus for 3 years, so the correct answer should be “3 years”

Thus, the correct answer for Q5 should be “3 years”.


Don’t be misled by “claim for a new windscreen this year”, this information doesn’t
relate to Q5.

11 Answer: beside the reception

Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

Q11. Margaret: Hi, I’m Margaret. I’m a student here. I was

Where will the future wondering where I can do my laundry. It won’t be long
residence launderette be? before this is an urgent thing for me!

Simon: Here in the residence we are planning a little

launderrette beside reception but this might take a
little time to organise.

The keywords concerned in Q11 are “where”, “will”, “residence launderette”.

Following the conversation, we can hear that the girl mentioned “laundry”. And the man
said “are planning a little launderette beside reception…”, it means that the
launderette will be beside reception.
Thus, the correct answer for Q11 should be “beside reception”
“will… the future” and “planning to do sth” refer to the same meaning in this case.

12 Answer: service washes

Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

What special facility does They have plenty of machines and dryers and there’s a
Betty offer at the launderette? lady there called Betty who does service washes.

The keywords concerned in Q12 are “what special facility”, “Betty” “at the launderette”
Following the conversation, we can hear that the man mentioned “Betty”only one time,
as “a lady who does service washes”, it means that the facility Betty offers at the
launderette is “service washes”
Thus, the correct answer for Q12 should be “service washes”

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13 Answer: 39
Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

Q13. Simon: The best bus for the centre of town is the 38.
Which number bus does That takes you straight to the square.
Simon advise Jo to take?
If you work at the end of the High Street though that
still leaves you with about a 10-minute walk. The 39
goes to the train station which is very near the end of
the High Street so that’s your best bet probably. The 39
is good for coming home late at night as well as the
station buses go on later than the other buses.

The keywords concerned in Q13 are “which number”, “Simon advise Jo…take”.
Following the conversation, we can hear that the man said “The 39 goes to the train
station which is very near the end of the High Street so that’s your best bet
probably”, Simon mentioned The 39 as the best bus probably.
Thus, the correct answer for Q13 should be “The 39”
Don’t be misled by “the 38” because Simon just only mentioned the 38 as the best bus
for the center of the town, he didn’t advise him to take the 38 (because it takes him 10
minutes to walk)

14 Answer: (the) Students’ Union

Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

Q14. Bill: I’m a student too. I’m new in the area and I have to
Where can students get register for my council tax. Do you know where I have
advice on Council Tax? to go to register?

Simon: Yes. We get lots of people in your situation. You

other students need to do this too. First of all get the
information sheet from the Students’ Union which has
lots of guidelines on registering and the discounts you
should get.

The keywords concerned in Q14 are “where” “students” “advice” “council tax”
Following the conversation, we can hear that after a student asks about where to
register for council tax, and the man said “Students’ Union which has lots of guidelines
on register…”, it means that “council tax can be gotten the information and guidelines
(advice) from Students’ Union”
Thus, the correct answer for Q14 should be “Students’ Union”
“Advice” and “guidelines” refer to the same meaning in this case.

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15 Answer: (the) Town Hall
Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

Q15. The Students’ Union is in Newbolt Street. I’m sure you

Where does Simon say that know that. The actual putting your name on the list
Bill should register for his though should be done at the Town Hall which is right
Council Tax? next to the Square. Some people are told that you can
do it at the police station but that’s just the registration
for non UK nationals not the council tax .

The keywords concerned in Q15 are “where”, “should register” “council tax”.
Following the conversation, we can hear that the man said “your name on the list…
should be done at the Town Hall...”, it means that the man said the boy (Bill) should
register for his Council tax at Town Hall
Thus, the correct answer for Q15 should be “Town Hall”
Don’t be misled by “police station” because as Mr Simon said “police station is for
registering for non UK nationals, not the council tax”, it means that “police station”
is incorrect.

16 Answer: the front lawn

Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

Q16. Jen: Yes. I was wondering what we do in the case of a

If there is a fire, residents fire here at the residence.
should meet on ______
Simon: Well the first thing to do is to raise the alarm by
setting off the electric alarm system. Then, if the fire is
not big, try and use the fire extinguishers that you’ll
find round the residence.

If the fire is in any way large, just get out and go to the
assembly point on the front lawn

The keywords concerned in Q16 are “fire”, “residents”, “meet”.

Following the conversation, we can hear that the man mentioned “a fire at the
residence when it is not big and in large”, and finally he said “If the fire is in any way
large, just get out and go to the assembly point on the front lawn”, it means that when
there is a fire, residents should meet on the “front lawn”
Thus, the correct answer for Q16 should be “front lawn”
“meet on” and “point on” have the same meaning in this case.

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17 Answer: 6 months
Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

Q17. Once every six months we have a fire drill which is

Fire practices are held every attended by someone from the fire service to make
______ sure we’re up to scratch. One of these might be at night
so be ready!

The keywords concerned in Q17 are “fire practices”, “held”, “every”. We can assume
that the answer for Q17 should be a period of time (week, month, year…)
Following the conversation, we can easily hear that the man mentioned “Once every six
months we have a fire drill…
Thus, the correct answer for Q17 should be “six months”
“practice” and “drill” have the same meaning in this case.

18 Answer: late night films

Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

Q18. Simon: The usual cutoff time for the TV room is 11pm
If you want to watch ______, though this is extended by one hour on Fridays and
do so in your own room. Saturdays. I know that some people want to watch late
night films but then you’ll just have to buy your own
TVs for your rooms.

The keywords concerned in Q18 are “want to watch” “your own room”. We can assume
that the answer for Q18 should be a noun (TV, football match, film…)
Following the conversation, we can easily hear that all the keywords (want to watch,..
your own rooms) are mentioned, he said that “I know that some people want to watch
late night films…”
Thus, the correct answer for Q18 should be “late night films”.

19 Answer: fish and chips

Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

Q19. Simon: The quick answer is yes, there are lots of

Strangely enough the Chinese places. There is an Indian nearby, fish and chips is sold
family sells ______ in a shop that is funnily enough run by a Chinese

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The keywords concerned in Q19 are “Chinese family” “sell”. We can assume the answer
for Q19 should be a noun
Following the conversation, we can hear that the man mentioned “fish and chips is sold
in a shop that is funnily enough run by a Chinese family”
Thus, the correct answer for Q19 should be “fish and chips”
“Strangely enough” and “funnily enough” refer to the same meaning in this case.
“a by” refers to the meaning that “a shop sells sth”

20 Answer: menu
Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

Q20. The first time you order from each of them just ask
Simon suggests asking for a them to stick a menu into the bag and you’ll build up a
______ when residents order a library in no time. Now, let me tell you about…
meal from a takeaway.

The keywords concerned in Q20 are “ask” “order” “from a takeaway”. We can assume
that the answer for Q20 should be a noun.
Following the conversation, we can hear that all the keywords are mentioned “order”,
“ask”, the man said “ask them (takeaway) to stick a menu…”
Thus, the correct answer for Q20 should be “menu”

21 Answer: A
Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

Q21. Adrian Yes. It’s not really very exciting but there are
some interesting bits.
According to Nick, the first
Australian immigrants were: Nick Such as?
A . The ancestors of Adrian Well, for example did you know that immigration
aborigines t o Australia first started over fifty thousand years ago
B. Petty criminals when the ancestors of Australian Aborigines
C. Sailors arrived via Indonesia and New Guinea.

Nick I can’t say I did know that the aborigines arrived in

that way.

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The keywords concerned in Q21 are “Nick” “first Australian immigrants”.
Following the conversation, we can hear that “immigration to Australian first started
when the Ancestors of Australian Aborigines arrived”, They did not mention “Petty
criminals” and “sailors” for the first Australian immigrants.
Thus, the correct answer for Q21 should be “A”
“first immigrants” and “immigration first started” refer to the same meaning in this

22 Answer: B
Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

Q 2 2 . What was the name of Adrian Britain certainly used the colony as a place to
t h e first British colony in send their undesirables. The first colony was formally
Australia? proclaimed as New South Wales on February 7 and …
A. Victoria
B. New South Wales
C. New London

The keywords concerned in Q22 are “what name” “first British colony”.
Following the conversation, we can easily hear that “first colony was proclaimed as New
South Wales…”, it means that “the first colony was named New South Wales”
Thus, the correct answer for Q22 should be “B”

23 Answer: B
Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

Q 2 3 . When was the White Nick Didn’t that cause problems as well?
Australia Policy started?
A . Just after the first colony Adrian Yes. For a country that is well known today for
expanded it’s multi-cultural diversity and {MISSING}, Australia
B. After Australian Federation has had a checkered past. After the Federation of
C. After World War ll all the Australian states, the “White Australia
Policy” was created to counteract flows of non whites
to Australia and this policy became even more popular
after the population push following the war.

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The keywords concerned in Q23 are “when” “White Australia Policy started”.
Following the conversation, we can hear that “After the Federation of all the Australian
states, the “White Australia Policy” was created”, it means that “White Australia Policy
started after Australian federation”.
Thus, the correct answer for Q23 should be “B”
“Federation of Australian states” and “Australian Federation” have the same meaning
in this case.
“Started” and “created” refer to the same meaning in this case.

24 Answer: C
Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

Q24. Adrian The origin of the policy can be traced back to

the 1850s when large numbers of Chinese immigrated
Why was there bad feeling to Australia to look for gold or to set up businesses
towards many Chinese such as restaurants.
immigrants in the 1850s?
A. They opened restaurants The anglo australian population resented the Chinese
B . They were searching for who were undercutting white labour prices. In
gold response, the newly self-governing colonies
C . They would work for less introduced restrictions on Chinese immigration
money than the local

The keywords concerned in Q24 are “why” “bad feeling” “Chinese immigrants”
Following the conversation, we can hear that “The anglo australian populationresented
the Chinese who were undercutting white labour prices”. It means that “Australian
resented Chinese because of undercutting white labor prices.
Thus, the correct answer for Q24 should be “C”
Don’t be misled by option A and B because although they said “Chinese immigrated to
Australia to look for gold or to set up businesses such as restaurants”, they did not
mention the bad feeling towards Chinese immigrants in this text.

25 Answer: A
Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

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Q25. The effective end of the White Australia policy is
usually dated to 1973, when the Whitlam Labour
When were Asian students first government implemented a series of amendments
allowed to study at Australian preventing the enforcement of racial aspects of the
universities? immigration law. It had been fading for some years
A 1950 though. Under the 1950 Colombo Plan, students
B 1957 from Asian countries were admitted to study at
C 1973 Australian universities. This trend continued when
in 1957 non-whites with 15 years’ residence in
Australia were allowed to become citizens .

The keywords concerned in Q25 are “when” “Asian students” “first allowed” “Australian
Following the conversation, we can hear that “Under the 1950 Colombo Plan, students
from Asian countries were admitted to study at Australian universities”, it means that
Asian students were allowed to study at Australian universities from 1950.
Thus, the correct answer for Q25 should be “A”
Don’t be misled by option C because it just only mentions White Australia policy, not
about Asian students.
“Allowed” and “admitted” have the same meaning in this case.
“Students from Asia” and “Asian students” are interchangeable.

26 Answer: skilled migrant

Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

Q26. 1.The Migration Nick What’s the difference?

Adrian To be accepted into Australia under the
To get Australian permanent migration program, a person must be a skilled
residence, immigrants must migrant or sponsored by a family member that
be: already lives in Australia
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o r sponsored by a
family member currently
resident in Australia

The keywords concerned in Q26 are “Australian permanent residence” “immigrants”

“must be”. We can assume that the answer for Q20 should be a verb (in past participle)
or a noun.
Following the conversation, we can easily hear that all the keywords are mentioned and
the other part of text is copied for the content 1 the Migration Program.
Thus, the correct answer for Q26 should be “skilled migrant”

27 Answer: offshore resettlement

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Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

Q27. Nick What about the other program? What’s it called

2. The Humanitarian
Program Adrian The humanitarian program. It’s designed for
refugees and others in special humanitarian need.
One component of the humanitarian program is the
Two Components designed for offshore resettlement program, which assists
refugees + others in special people in humanitarian need overseas for whom
humanitarian need resettlement in another country is the only option.
__________ program: assists
people overseas in
humanitarian need

We can assume that the answer for Q27 should be a specific name (name of a
humanitarian program for overseas)
Following the conversation, we can hear that all the keywords are mentioned.
Thus, the correct answer for Q27 should be “offshore resettlement”

28 Answer: 13 000
Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

Q28. The Department of Immigration says that thesize of

2004 and 2005 Humanitarian the 2004 and 2005 humanitarian program is 13,000
Program has _______ places places.

The keywords concerned in Q28 are “2004 and 2005” “Humanitarian program”
“available”. We can assume that the answer for Q28 should be a number.
Following the conversation, we can hear that “the size of the 2004 and 2005 program
humanitarian program is 13,000 places”, it means that “Humanitarian Program has
13.000 places available in 2004 and 2005”

Thus, the correct answer for Q28 should be “13000”

29 Answer: overstay visas

Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

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Q29. Adrian Just a bit. That’s what I’m working on
now. illegal migrants under Australia’s
Australian lllegal Migrants immigration laws are those who enter Australia
without authority , overstay visas, work
without appropriate approval or have their
People who
visas cancelled.
enter Australia without authority

work without appropriate approval

have their visas cancelled and stay

We can assume that the answer for Q29 should be a noun phrase.
Following the conversation, we can easily hear that all the words are followed the
answer list.
Thus, the correct answer for Q29 should be “overstay visas”

30 Answer: deported
Keywords in Questions Similar words in Passage

Q30. All non Australian citizens Australia’s Migration Act in 1958 requires that all non
unlawfully in Australia to be Australian citizens who are unlawfully in Australia be
detained and _____ unless detained and that, unless they are given permission to
given permission to remain. remain in Australia, they must be deported as soon as
is practical.

We can assume that the answer for Q30 should be an adjective or a verb (in past
Following the conversation, we can hear that “unless they are given permission to
remain in Australia, they must be deported as soon as is practical”. It means that non
Australian citizens must be deported unless they are given permission to remain.
Thus, the correct answer for Q30 should be “deported”

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Audio Script:

Section 1
You will hear a conversation between an insurance broker and a client.

Man Good morning Madam. Can I help you?

Woman Actually yes. I’ve just got a new at and I’m going to move my things in
tomorrow and I haven’t got any insurance yet for my things. I’d like a quotation for my
car insurance as well to see if you can give me a better deal. It’s coming up
for annual soon you see.
M Fine. That shouldn’t be a problem. Let’s just take down some details. First of all, can I
have your name please?
W Of course. It’s Example Mrs. Norma Willis.
Good. That’s Norman without an “N”, isn’t it?
W Yes, that’s right.
M And can I have the address that you’re moving to please?
W It’s Q1 flat 8 Chepping Dean , 23 Dene Road. Westley.
M Can you spell Chepping Dene please?
W Of course. Chepping is spelt C-H-E-P-P-I-N-G and Dene is spelt D-E-N-E. The name
of the road, Dene, is spelt the same way too.
M And what’s the postcode there?
W Q2 It’s WE3 9HT .
M Can I take a telephone number?
W It will have to be only my mobile I’m afraid as I haven’t installed a land line yet. My
mobile is Q3 07525 745 642 .
M Let’s look at the car insurance first quickly. I need the model, age and engine size.
W It’s a Q4 4 years old toyota MR2 sports car. It has a 2 litre engine.
M Will it be parked in a garage, in a drive or in the road?
W At my present address it’s in the drive but the at that I’m moving into tomorrow has
a garage provided and tenants are not allowed to leave their cars in the visitor spaces so
it’ll garaged all the time.
M Two more questions. The rst is do you have any no claims bonus and the second is do
you have any driving convictions ?
W Q5 I have three years no claims but I had a claim for a new windscreen this year and I
don’t know if that will affect it.
M No. That won’t count. The no claims will stand.
W Good. As for convictions I have 3 points for being caught speeding two years ago.
M Right. Let’s have a look at the household stuff now while the computer is checking
rates for the car. So, what kind of flat is it?
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W It’s a two bedroom flat.
M Have you bought the flat or are you renting?
W I’m just renting it.
M So, you just need some household insurance for your possessions .
W That’s right.
M First of all, can you give me a list of all the things that you want covered by the
W Yes. First of all there’s my electrical goods like my HiFi, TV, Q6 DVD player, video
player, a couple of radios, Q7 a hair dryer, my laptop and printer. I’ve estimated all the
values of the electrical goods. There are various DVDs and CDs too. It should come to
about 2500 pounds .
M Anything else?
W Yes. There’s my jewelry. I’ve some necklaces , Q8 bracelets, rings and brooches that I
inherited. They’re all in different metals and with different jewels . I’ve got a list itemising
them all here. I’ve also got a small strong box which screws into a cupboard so they’re
reasonably safe.
M Anything else?
W Well just the usual kitchen stuff and clothes that I’d like to be included.
M OK. That’s not a problem. Now I need to ask some things about the at. What oor is it
W Well, I wanted a 1st oor at but this is a Q9 ground oor one. I can use the garden
with it though.
M Hmm. Yes but the premium will be a little higher because of course a burglar nds more
it difficult to enter a flat on the 1st floor.
W Oh. I never thought about that.
M What about safety measures in the flat?
W Well, there are two different keys for the front door and one of them is a Q9 dead bolt
so that’s quite good. I’ve been to the local shop and ordered a Q9 burglar alarm too
which has a Q9 motion sensor and everything. It’s not in yet but it will be soon.
M That’s good.
W The windows are quite new and all Q9 double glazed so, like all new windows
nowadays, they have extra locks on them so that makes it quite secure.
M That’s good too. So really it’s reasonably safe. That will make a difference on
the premium . Do you know if there’s a smoke alarm fitted in that flat?
W I never thought of that. I think it’s the law now if you’re renting so there must be.
M Well, that’s about it. Let’s look now. I’ve got two quirks for you. First the car and then
the household. 750 pounds fully comp. for the car or 500 pounds third party, re and
theft. The contents is £100.
W Does the contents cover me if I lose something or I’m robbed outside the home?
M As long as it’s in this country and on the list of items covered, yes.

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W Well, Q10 I’ll keep the old car insurance as my present deal is better and I’ll take the
contents. Can I pay by cheque ?
M Cash, cheque, credit card. Anything you want.

Section 2
You will hear a residence manager giving a short question and answer session to new

Simon: Good evening everyone. My name is Simon and I am the manager of

this residence . Most of you here today are new in the town of Wesley. Some of you are
students at the uni, some have new jobs and some have other reasons to be with us.
When we have lots of new people staying with us, I do one of these little question and
answer sessions so that I can help you settle in. So, let’s get started straight away. Yes,
over there.
Margaret: Hi, I’m Margaret. I’m a student here. I was wondering where I can do
my laundry. It won’t be long before this is an urgent thing for me!
Simon: Here in the residence we are planning a little laundrette Q11 beside reception
but this might take a little time to organise. In the meantime there’s a little launderette
down the road. It’s in Queens Avenue, the same street that the residence is in. You go
about 500 meters up the road in the opposite direction to the town centre and it’s on the
right. They have plenty of machines and dryers and there’s a lady there called Betty who
does Q12 service washes. You just need to drop it off and it will be laundered, dried
and ironed the next day. It’s a bit more expensive of course but good if you’re lazy.
Another question?
Jo: Hi. My names Jo. I’ve got a new job at the other end of the High Street. I was
wondering which the best bus was to go there.
Simon: The best bus for the centre of town is the 38 . That takes you straight to
the square .
If you work at the end of the High Street though that still leaves you with about a 10
minute walk. The 39 goes to the train station which is very near the end of the High Street
so that’s your best bet probably . Q13 The 39 is good for coming home late at night as
well as the station buses go on later than the other buses. There’s the 35 bus too for
getting to the High Street but it goes to the near end of the High Street and it’s a
good 20-minute walk after getting off. Anyone else? You there.
Bill: I’m a student too. I’m new in the area and I have to register for my council tax. Do you
know where I have to go to register?
Simon: Yes. We get lots of people in your situation . You other students need to do this
too. First of all get the information sheet from Q14 the Students’ Union which has lots
of guidelines on registering and the discounts you should get. The Students’ Union is in

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Newbolt Street. I’m sure you know that. The actual putting your name on the list though
should be done at Q15 the Town Hall which is right next to the Square. Some people are
told that you can do it at the police station but that’s just the registration for non UK
nationals not the council tax .
Simon: Any more questions? Come on. I’m sure you must have some more.
Jen: Yes. I was wondering what we do in the case of a fire here at the residence.
Simon: Well the rst thing to do is to raise the alarm by setting off the electric
alarm system . Then, if the re is not big, try and use the re extinguishers that you’ll nd
round the residence.
If the re is in any way large, just get out and go to the assembly point on Q16 the front
lawn. Try not to go in the front or back car parks as that’s where the re brigade will set
up their stuff. You don’t need to call the re brigade as our residence alarm is linked up to
their system. Make sure you read the re notices around so you know where the nearest
re escape is to your room. Don’t panic and rush around. That gets people hurt. Just
go briskly to the assembly point. Once every Q17 six months we have a re drill which is
attended by someone from the re service to make sure we’re up to scratch . One of these
might be at night so be ready!
Fran: Hi everyone. I just wanted to ask what time the TV room closes for the night. It’s just
that my room is just across from it and I don’t want to be kept awake all night.
Simon: The usual cutoff time for the TV room is 11pm though this is extended by one
hour on Fridays and Saturdays. I know that some people want to watch Q18 late night
films but then you’ll just have to buy your own TVs for your rooms. If you do have a TV in
your room, then please think of others and keep the volume down. We take a very dim
view of people disturbing others in the residence. The same goes for the TV room itself.
Just keep the volume levels down. Anything else from anybody?
Phil: I’ve got a question too actually. I’ve got a job that will get me back late in the evening
and I won’t be always able to eat. Are there any good places nearby that deliver food ?
Simon: The quick answer is yes, there are lots of places. There is an Indian nearby,
Q19 fish and chips is sold in a shop that is funnily enough run by a Chinese family. There
is a good Thai restaurant, a Mexican and an Italian pizzeria . They all deliver apart from the
Mexican but that’s only ve minutes walk away. All the telephone numbers are up on the
residence notice board. The rst time you order from each of them, just ask them to stick a
Q20 menu into the bag and you’ll build up a library in no time. Now, let me tell you

Section 3
You will hear 2 students discussing a seminar report.

Nick: Hi Adrian. What are you reading?

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Adrian: Oh, hi Nick. It’s just an article on Australian immigration . I’m doing a report on it
next week in a seminar for Dr. Ronaldson.
Nick: On immigration! That sounds exciting stuff!
Adrian: Yes. It’s not really very exciting but there are some interesting bits.
Nick: Such as?
Adrian: Well, for example did you know that immigration to Australia rst started
over fty thousand years ago when Q21 the ancestors of Australian Aborigines arrived
via Indonesia and New Guinea.
Nick: I can’t say I did know that the aborigines arrived in that way.
Adrian: Exactly. It’s not as boring as you might think.
Nick: Well, do you want to run through some of your ideas? I’m not doing anything right
Adrian: That would be great. Thanks.
Nick: Fire away then.
Adrian: OK. Well, after the aborigines there was obviously a big gap until the next settlers
arrived from London. Europeans began landing in the 1600s and 1700s , and the country
was colonized by Britain in 1788.
Nick: Weren’t the first colonists just criminals transported by Britain?
Adrian: Britain certainly used the colony as a place to send their undesirables. The rst
colony was formally proclaimed as Q22 New South Wales on February 7 and this
European settlement certainly did begin with a troupe of petty criminals, second-
rate soldiers and a crew of sailors.
Nick When did other people start arriving?
Adrian Immigration really sped up after the discovery of gold in Australia. The Gold rush
era, beginning in 1851, led to an enormous expansion in population all through the reign
of Queen Victoria.
Nick: And did that continue strongly?
Adrian Not really. After the excitement of the gold rush died down, immigration slowed
down considerably . The popularity of Australia as a place to go and live only really shot
up after the Second World War.
Nick: Didn’t that cause problems as well?
Adrian: Yes. For a country that is well known today for it’s multi
cultural diversity and {MISSING}, Australia has had a checkered past. Q23 After the
Federation of all the Australian states, the “White Australia Policy” was created
to counteract ows of non whites to Australia and this policy became even more popular
after the population push following the war.
Nick How did the policy come about?
Adrian: The origin of the policy can be traced back to the 1850s when large numbers of
Chinese immigrated to Australia to look for gold or to set up businesses such as

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Q24 The Anglo Australian population resented the Chinese who
were undercutting white labour prices. In response, the newly self-governing colonies
introduced restrictions on Chinese immigration. By 1888, Chinese were excluded from all
the Australian colonies, although those Chinese who were already in Australia were not
Nick: And how long did it go on for?
Adrian: The effective end of the White Australia policy is usually dated to 1973 , when the
Whitlam Labour government implemented a series of amendments preventing the
enforcement of racial aspects of the immigration law. It had been fading for some years
t h o u g h . Q25 Under the 1950 Colombo Plan, students from Asian countries
were admitted to study at Australian universities. This trend continued when in
1957 non-whites with 15 years residence in Australia were allowed to become citizens.
Nick: What’s immigration like today? I hear a lot about it in the news.
Adrian: Yes, it’s become a very important issue in politics. There are currently two
immigration programs that allow permanent migration to Australia. They are the migration
program and the humanitarian program.
Nick: What’s the difference?
Adrian: To be accepted into Australia under the migration program, a person must be
Q26 a skilled migrant or sponsored by a family member that already lives in Australia .
The Department of Immigration says that the migration program for 2004 – 2005
has 120,000 places available for migrants, with a strong focus on attracting skilled people
and people who agree to live in regional areas of Australia.
Nick: What about the other program? What’s it called again?
Adrian: The humanitarian program. It’s designed for refugees and others in special
humanitarian need. One component of the humanitarian program is
t h e Q27 offshore resettlement program, which assists people in humanitarian need
overseas for whom resettlement in another country is the only option. The other
component is for those people already in Australia who arrived on temporary visas or in
an unauthorised manner , and who claim Australia’s protection. The Department of
Immigration says that the size of the 2004 and 2005 humanitarian program
is Q28 13,000 places.
Nick: What about illegal immigration? Do you know anything about that too?
Adrian: Just a bit. That’s what I’m working on now. illegal migrants under Australia’s
immigration laws are those who enter Australia without authority , Q29 overstay visas,
work without appropriate approval or have their visas cancelled. Australia’s Migration Act
in 1958 requires that all non Australian citizens who are unlawfully in Australia
be detained and that, unless they are given permission to remain in Australia, they must
be Q30 deported as soon as is practical.
Nick: Well. That sounds pretty good. I’m sure your presentation will be excellent.
Adrian: Thanks. I hope so.

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Section 4
You will hear part of an earth sciences lecture.

Good morning and welcome to this earth sciences lecture . We’ve been looking recently at
such phenomena as earthquakes , tsunami, volcanic eruptions and other
natural occurrences . Today we are going to look at a lesser known feature of the earth
which is known as the supervolcano . As the name implies this is a volcano of a much
larger size than what we normally imagine a volcano to be. The term super volcano has no
speci cally de ned scienti c meaning. It is used to refer to volcanoes that have generated
Earth’s largest volcanic eruptions. As such, a super volcano would be one that has
produced an exceedingly large, catastrophic explosive eruption and a giant caldera the , a
caldera being the gigantic crater that the eruption creates. Whereas normal volcano
craters are measured in the hundreds of metres, a caldera can easily be as large
as Q31 40 or 50 miles wide. Around the world there are several volcanic areas that can
be considered super volcanoes such as Long Valley in eastern california towba , Toba in
Indonesia and Lake Taupo in Q32 New Zealand. There are also other large calderas
in japan , Indonesia, Scotland and alaska . Not all the calderas are active though.
Normal volcanoes are formed by a column of magma , rising from deep within the Earth,
erupting on the surface, and hardening in layers down the sides. This forms the
familiar Q33 cone-shaped mountain we associate with volcanoes. Super volcanoes,
however, begin life when magma rises from the Earth’s mantle to create Q34 a
boiling reservoir in the Earth’s crust. This chamber increases to an enormous size, building
up colossalpressure until it nally erupts. An explosion like this could send ash, dust, and
sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere, re ecting the sun’s rays and creating a cold wave
lasting several years. Crops in many areas would fail and many species of animals and
plants, including humans, would face extinction .
The most recent caldera-forming eruption in the US was about Q35 650,000 years ago
in the north east United States. During that eruption, ground-hugging ows of hot
volcanic ash, pumice , and gases swept across an area of more than 3000 square miles .
The eruption also shot a column of volcanic ash and gases high into Earth’s stratosphere .
This volcanic cloud circled the globe many times and affected the Earth’s climate by
reducing the intensity of solar radiation reaching the lower atmosphere and surface. Fine
volcanic ash that fell downwind from the eruption site blanketed much of North America.
This ash layer is still preserved in deposits as far away as Iowa, where it is a few inches
thick, and the Gulf of Mexico, where it is recognizable in Q36 drill cores from the sea
It is little known that lying underneath one of The United States’ largest and most
picturesque National Parks, Yellowstone Park, is one of the largest super volcanoes in the
world. Volcanic activity began in the Yellowstone National Park region about two

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million years ago. Magma rising from deep within the Earth has produced
three cataclysmic eruptions more powerful than any in the world’s recorded history.
Q37 The rst caldera-forming eruption occurred about 2.1 million years ago. The
eruptive blast removed so much magma from its subsurface storage reservoir that the
ground above it collapsed into the magma chamber and left a caldera larger than the state
of Rhode Island. Q38 The huge calderameasured as much as 50 miles long, 40 miles
wide and hundreds of meters deep, extending from outside Yellowstone National Park
into the central area of the Park.
Scientists have revealed that Yellowstone Park has been on a regular eruption cycle
of 600,000 years . The last eruption was 640 000 years ago so the next is overdue. The
next eruption could be 2500 times the size of the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption.
Vulcanologists have been tracking the movement of magma under the park and have
calculated that in parts of yellowstone the ground has risen over point seven of a metre
this century. This means the magma is rising.
Q39 geologists have called for a taskforce to be set up to consider
emergency management in the event of a massive volcanic eruption, or super-eruption.
Experts say such an event would have a colossal impact on a global scale.
The fallout from a super-eruption could cause a “volcanic winter”, devastating global
agriculture and causing mass starvation . One past super-eruption struck at Toba in
Sumatra 74 thousand years ago and is thought by some to have driven the human race to
the edge of extinction. Signs from DNA suggest human numbers could have dropped to
about 10,000 , probably as a result of the effects of climate change. The volcanic winter
resulting from a super-eruption could last several years or decades, depending on the
scale of an eruption, Q40 and according to recent computer models , could cause cooling
on a global scale by 5 to 10 degrees celsius.

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