Articles of Faith and Pillars of Islam

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The Articles of Faith and The Pillars of Islam – P2, Question 3-5

June 2012

Q4. (a) Give a detailed account of how Muslims prepare for prayer. [10]

(b) ‘A mosque is a focal point in the lives of Muslims.’ Discuss. [4]

Q5. (a) Outline the features of the Ramadan fast, and identify which Muslims are exempted from fasting
during this month. [10]

(b) What advantages does the fast of Ramadan bring to the Muslim community? [4]

Nov 2012

Q4. (a) ‘There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah’. Describe the Muslim
beliefs summarized by the declaration of faith (shahada). [10]

(b) Explain how the declaration of faith (shahada) is acted upon through the remaining four pillars of
Islam. [4]

Q5. (a) What is the purpose of prayers in congregation? [10]

(b) Explain why Muslims believe that personal prayer (du’a) is important? [4]

June 2013

Q4. (a) Outline the Muslim teaching about the belief in the oneness of God (tawhid). [10]

(b) Why is associating partners with God (shirk) regarded as a great sin? [4]

Q5. (a) How do the Pillars of prayer (salat) and fasting (sawm) bring Muslims closer to both God and
other people? [10]

(b) Briefly reflect upon the importance of any one of the remaining three Pillars in the life of a Muslim.

June 2013 (Re-Sit)

Q3. (a) Outline the main observances of the annual pilgrimage (Hajj). [10]

(b) How does Hajj encourage a sense of equality amongst Muslims? [4]

Q4. (a) Describe how and why Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. [10]

(b) How do the two Eids bring the Muslim community together? [4]

Nov 2013

Q4. (a) Give an account of Muslim belief in prophets and the messages they preached. [10]

(b) How are these prophets and their messages important for Muslims? [4]

Q5. (a) How are the individuals and the community benefited by almsgiving (zakat)? [10]

(b) Why are Muslims encouraged to pay sadaqa during Eid-al-Fitr? [4]

June 2014

Q4. (a) How do Muslim individuals and the Muslim community benefit from the annual pilgrimage
(hajj)? [10]

(b) How does the talbiya sum up the relationship between the pilgrim (hajji) and God? [4]

Q5. (a) Write an account of:

(i) The Prophet’s teachings about armed warfare (jihad).

(ii) Under what circumstances is jihad thought to be compulsory? [10]

(b) ‘The Prophet’s teachings about armed warfare (jihad) are not relevant today’. Do you agree? Give
reasons for your answer. [4]

Nov 2014

Q4. (a) ‘Pilgrimage to the House is a duty people owe to Allah, those who can afford the journey.’ (Al
‘Imran 3:97)

(i) For whom is the annual pilgrimage (hajj) compulsory and which Muslims are exempt from it?

(ii) What things are forbidden to pilgrims while in the state of ihram? [10]
Q5. (a) Name the revealed books mentioned in the Qur’an, giving the names of the messengers they
were revealed to and the message they contained. [10]

(b) All revealed books were sent by God. What in your opinion makes the Qur’an unique?[4]

June 2015

Q4. (a) What do Muslims believe about the Day of Resurrection and Judgment? [10]

(b) How does this belief affect the daily living of Muslims? [4]

Q5. (a) Write about the practice of fasting in Ramadan and the moral benefits that a Muslim gains from
fasting in this month. [10]

(b) How do you think observing the Pillar of giving alms (zakah) benefits the giver? [4]

Nov 2015

Q3. (a) Describe the particular features of congregational prayers, both daily and on Fridays (Jum’a
prayers). [10]

(b) In your opinion why are congregational prayers considered to be beneficial to Muslims? [4]

Q5. (a) Describe the meaning of the term jihad and say how Muslims can practice jihad in their
everyday lives. [10]

(b) Why do you think jihad of the self (jihad bil-nafs) is greater than armed jihad (jihad bis-saif)? [4]

June 2016

Q4. (a) ‘And complete the hajj or umra in the service of God’ (al-Baqara 2:196). What observances does
a pilgrim complete in the performance of umra and how is umra different to hajj? [10]

Many acts of umra are similar to hajj but there are some fundamental differences. In umra the pilgrim
puts on the ihram at meeqat, recites the talbiya, then goes for tawaf of the Ka’ba, then performs two
rakah at the station of Ibrahim, then performs sa’y, after which men shave their head or cut their hair
while the women cut a lock of their hair.

Umra is different to hajj. Hajj is obligatory and umra is not; unlike hajj, which is performed during the
prescribed month, umra can be performed at any time of the year; there is no wuquf Arafah, no wuquf
Muzdalifa in umra. When performing umra talbiya is stopped upon arriving at the Haram, whilst on hajj
talbiya is said till the rammi on 10th Dhu al-hijja. There is also no stay at Mina and sacrifice is not offered
in umra.
(b) Explain how the outward actions performed during umra improve a pilgrim’s inner spirituality. [4]

An evaluative response is needed here. Candidates could say that fulfilling the different observances of
umra helps a pilgrim to develop their inner spirituality in a number of ways.

One or two examples could be given here. It could be said that upon donning the ihram a pilgrim is
reminded of the equality of all men before God and this makes him/her feel humbled.

The recitation of the talbiya focusses the mind of the pilgrims on the fact that they have come in
response to the call of their Creator, that they are obedient to him and acknowledge that no one is
worthy of worship besides God.

With the tawaf, each pilgrim is glorifying God, praising him, seeking forgiveness, and acknowledging his
greatness and superiority. Just to look upon the Ka’ba is a spiritual experience of immense magnitude
for every Muslim.

Candidates could give other reasons or say how the two rakah at the station of Ibrahim, the sa’y and the
shaving/cutting of hair at the end of the umra improve the inner spirituality of the pilgrim. All valid
answers should be credited.

Nov 2016

Q4. (a) Belief in all the prophets is one of the articles of faith in Islam. Write about this Muslim belief in
detail [10]

(b) How is the message brought by these prophets important for Muslims today? [4]

Q5. (a) Describe the particular features of Friday congregational prayers (Jum’a) and the main features
of the Friday sermon. [10]

(b) Explain how this event upholds the unity of the Muslim community [4]

June 2017

Q4. (a) Associating partners (shirk) is opposed to believing in the oneness of God (tawhid) and can be
divided into three main categories. Write about each category. (10)

(b) Does belief in angels make a Muslim’s faith stronger? Give reasons for your answer. (4)

Q5. (a) Write about the preparations made for the two ‘Id prayers and say how the prayers are

(b) What in your opinion is the importance of celebrating the two ‘Ids?
Nov 2017

Q5. (a) Prayers (salat), whether obligatory or voluntary, require preparation. Write an account of how a
Muslim prepares for it? (10)

(b) Invocation (dua) is highly recommended immediately after obligatory prayer. Why do you think that
is? (4)

June 2018

Q4. (a) Write in detail about Muslim belief in Life after Death and the Day of Judgement. (10)

(b) How does belief in life after death affect the life of a Muslim? (4)

Q5. (a) ‘There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger.’ Write about the significance of the
shahada to a Muslim. (10)

(b) Why is the second Pillar of Islam prayer (salat) so important in a Muslim’s life? (4)

Nov 2018

Q5. (a) Write a detailed account of the following:

● ihram;

● tawaf; and

● sa’i

(b) What is the significance of the Black Stone (Hajr al Aswad) to Muslims?

June 2019 21

Q4. (a) Write about the following:

• The benefits of private prayer (du’a) in a Muslim’s life.

• The times when God is thought most likely to accept du’a. [10]

(b) How does du’a bring a believer closer to God? [4]

Q5. (a) Describe how Muslims observe the fast of Ramadan and how this month should be spent. [10]

(b) What is the purpose of fasting during the month of Ramadan? [4]
June 2019 – 22

Q4. (a) Islamic teachings revolve around six main Articles of Faith. Write about the following two:

• belief in God, and

• belief in angels. [10]

(b) Why is the belief in angels important for Muslims? [4]

Q5. (a) ‘Prophets played a central part in conveying God’s message to humanity.’ Write an account of
Muslim belief in prophets. [10]

(b) Why do you think God gave miracles to his chosen prophets? [4]

Nov 2019 (21)

Q4. (a) Describe any three of the following elements of pilgrimage (hajj):

• ihram (garment worn)

• sa’i (running between the hills of Safa and Marwa)

• rami (stoning the Jamarat), and

• qurbani (sacrifice). [10]

(b) Why do you think pilgrims strive so hard to touch the Black Stone (Hajr al Aswad)? [4]

Nov 2019 (22)

Q4. (a) Write about the following:

• the conditions that should be met before Muslims start prayer (salat), and

• the importance of prayer (salat) in the life of Muslims. [10]

(b) Why is private prayer (du’a) given so much importance by Muslims? Give reasons for your answer.

Q5. (a) Write an account of almsgiving (zakat) and say who is liable to pay it and who it can be paid to.

(b) What is the importance of zakat in Muslim society? [4]

June 2020 (21)

Q5. (a) There are five forms of jihad. Write an account of any three of them. [10] (b) In your opinion
which is the most important kind of jihad? Give reasons for your answer. [4]

Candidates could well begin their answer by defining jihad. It could be said that jihad has many
meanings and can be seen as the internal and external efforts by an individual to be a good Muslim. It is
simply striving in the way of God.

For jihad of the heart/soul (jihad bin nafs/qalb) it could be said that this is referred to as the greater
jihad and is one’s inner struggle of good against evil.

Jihad of the tongue (jihad bil lisaan) is defending Islam and spreading it by scholarly lectures, speeches,
and debates. In the Last Sermon the Prophet (pbuh) asked those who were present to spread his words
to those who were not there.

Jihad of the pen/knowledge (jihad bil qalam/ilm) is studying Islam, understanding its teachings, and
spreading it. The Prophet (pbuh) said: The ink of a scholar is holier than the blood of a martyr.

Jihad of the hand (jihad bil yad) is jihad of action rather than words. It can overlap with zakat and hajj,
for example, giving charity to the poor and needy, or performing Umrah.

Jihad by the sword (jihad bil sayf) sometimes becomes necessary to undertake and involves the use of
weaponry. Qital is an aspect of this jihad as it allows the believer to engage in combat in self-defence or
in defending Islam. It allows fighting as a defensive action not an offensive one and has strict rules of

Details and development of the three forms of jihad the candidate chooses to write about need to be
given to get to the higher levels.

June 2020 – 22

4 (a) Write about Muslim belief in:

• divine books, and

• prophets. [10]

(b) Why is belief in all prophets important in Islam? Give reasons for your answer. [4]

5 (a) How do Muslims prepare themselves for Friday (Jum’a) prayers and what are the special features
of this prayer? [10]

(b) In your opinion what are the benefits of praying in a mosque? Give reasons for your answer. [4]
Nov 2020 – 21

5 (a) Write about the rituals that take place on the first three days of the annual pilgrimage (hajj). [10]

(b) In your opinion should hajj be performed as many times as possible in a Muslim’s life? Give reasons
for your answer. [4]

Nov 2020 – 22

4 (a) Write a detailed account of belief in:

• God as the Supreme Lord and Master of all creation;

• God alone is entitled to worship; and

• God is known by His most beautiful names and attributes. [10]

(b) Why is the declaration of faith (Shahadah) at the core of Islam? [4]

5 (a) Describe how the fast in the month of Ramadan should be observed by Muslims. [10]

(b) In your opinion what is the most important benefit of fasting in Ramadan? Give reasons for your
choice. [4]

June 2021 – 21

4 (a) Fasting in Ramadan benefits Muslims in many ways. Write about the major benefits of fasting in
Ramadan. [10]

(b) Explain why the Night of Power (Layla-tul-Qadr) is so important for Muslims. [4]

5 (a) Give an account of the Pillar of Almsgiving (zakat). [10]

(b) In your opinion, what is the most important benefit of giving zakat? Give reasons to support your
answer. [4]

June 2021 – 22

5 (a) Write about the different types of purification before the performance of salat:

• wudu

• tayammum and

• ghusl. [10]
(b) In your opinion, what is the most important benefit of salat in the lives of Muslims? Give reasons to
support your answer. [4]

Nov 2021 – 22

5 (a) Write a detailed account about the second Pillar of Islam: prayer (salat). [10]

(b) What is the importance of praying in the mosque for Muslims? [4]

June 2022 – 22

5 (a) Give an account of the significance of the following:

• Day of ‘Arafah

• Eid-ul Adha.


(b) The Prophet (pbuh) performed pilgrimage (hajj) only once in his lifetime. What do you think

this tells Muslims today? [4]

Nov 2022 – 22

4 (a) Give an account of the ways Muslims can practise jihad peacefully in their daily lives. [10]

(b) In your opinion, how do Muslims benefit from practising jihad in their daily lives? [4]

5 (a) Give a descriptive account of Muslim belief in life after death and the Day of Judgement. [10]

(b) How does the belief in life after death affect the daily lives of Muslims? [4]

June 2023 – 22

4 (a) What are the benefits of prayer (salat) to an individual and to the community? [10]

(b) What is the importance of beginning to pray (salat) from a young age? [4]

5 (a) Write an account of the following two Articles of Faith:

• belief in prophets
• belief in God’s predestination and decree. [10]

(b) How might the belief in God’s divine decree influence the everyday life of a Muslim? [4]

Nov 2023 – 22

4 (a) Give an account of the call to prayer (adhan) and the steps of the five prayers (salat). [10]

(b) How do Muslims benefit from praying (salat) five times each day? [4]

5 (a) Write an account of Muslim belief in angels. Include examples of instances in which angels

met with Abraham and Muhammad (pbuh). [10]

(b) In your opinion, why is belief in angels important in Islam? Give reasons to support your

answer. [4]

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