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History and Importance of the Hadith P2, Question 2

June 2012:

Q2. According to the teachings of the set Hadiths you have studied, outline the ways in which Muslims
should treat one another. (10)

(b) What are the advantages of having different categories of Hadiths? (4)

Nov 2012:

Q2. What are the different types of Hadiths? How is each Hadith classified into the different types? (10)

(b) Giving one example, explain how the Sunna is important in a Muslim’s life today? (4)

June 2013:

Q2. Why do Muslims need to know about the Prophet’s Hadiths and what benefit do they hope to get
by following his sunna? (10)

(b) Briefly discuss why the need arose during the early Islamic period to compile the Hadiths of the
Prophet? (4)

June 2013 (Re-Sit)

Q2. From the set Hadiths outline the Prophet’s teachings about the conduct of the individual in the
community. (10)

(b) How does following the example of the Prophet in one’s behaviour towards others affect the
community? (4)

Nov 2013:

Q2. Describe how the Hadiths are used in establishing law in Islam. (10)

(b) ‘My community will never agree upon an error.’ In your opinion why is this Hadith important for the
practice of consensus (ijma)? (4)

*June 2014:

Q2. What rules did the writers of the six authentic books (Sihah Sitta) apply to ensure the authenticity
of Hadiths? (10)
(b) Why in your opinion was it important for them to apply these rules? (4)

Nov 2014:

Q2. Outline the main teachings of the set Hadiths about the conduct of Muslims in communal life. (10)

(b) How do you think following the guidance of the Prophet PBUH as regards to communal living can
improve society? (4)

June 2015:

Q2. Give an account of how the Prophet’s Hadiths have been a source of guidance to Muslims in putting
their faith into practice. (10)

(b) Why do the Prophet’s Hadiths link belief and action so closely? (4)

*Nov 2015:

Q2. Outline the roles of the following in formulating Islamic law:

(i) The Prophet’s Hadiths

(ii) Consensus (ijma) (10)

(b) Some Muslim scholars have questioned the use of analogy (qiyas) in Islamic law. Why do you think
they have done so? (4)

June 2016:

Q2. Write a detailed account of the parts of a Hadith and say how these parts help in determining the
different categories of Hadiths, namely, sahih; hasan; da’if; and mawdu.’ (10)

(b) Why do you think the Prophet practiced and encouraged the use of ijma? (4)

Nov 2016:

Q2. Giving references from the set Hadiths you have studied, outline the Prophet’s teachings about care
in the community. (10)

(b) How can the teachings of the Prophet concerning care in the community be applied today? (4)

June 2017:
Q2. ‘My community will never agree upon an error.’ The Prophet’s Hadith encourages the use of
consensus of opinion (ijma). Outline:

 What consensus of opinion (ijma) is and how many kinds of ijma are there?
 Who is qualified to practice it?
 Give examples of how the Prophet and the Rightly Guided Caliphs practiced ijma. (10)

(b) Why are some Muslims not in favour of the use of analogy (qiyas) in solving present day issues? (4)

Nov 2017:

Q2. Write about the relationship between the Qur’an and the Hadiths of the Prophet and say what
the difference is between Hadith Qudsi and Hadith Nabawi. (10)

It could be said that the relationship between the Qur’an and the ahadith of the Prophet (pbuh) is a very
close one. Ahadith either explain a verse of the Qur’an or add something to its commandment. It could
also be said that ahadith lay down new rulings about matters on which the Qur’an is silent. Hence the
position of ahadith in the first instance is secondary to the Qur’an as it is based on the Qur’an itself
whereas in the second instance it stands on its own and forms the basis of legislation.

In addition, when writing about the relationship between the Qur’an and ahadith it could be said that as
the Qur’an is the word of God. It contains the principles of religion and focuses on major issues and
often deals with subjects in brief terms. The ahadith and sunna of the Prophet (pbuh) contain the
detailed explanations of what the Qur’an has said briefly. The Qur’an it could be added gives Muslims a
primary rule of life, and there are many matters where guidance for practical living is needed and this is
provided once again by the ahadith of the Prophet (pbuh). Examples of how the ahadith explain the
command about the payment of zakat or offering salat amongst others can be given to develop the
answer. The Qur’an also commands Muslims to be good to their neighbours and a number of ahadith
stress this duty and this applies to many other situations and other examples could be given by the
candidate to show the vital relationship between the Qur’an and the ahadith.

When the first Islamic state was founded in Madina by the Prophet (pbuh) he was not just the spiritual
leader but also the supreme judge of the community. The underlying principle applied to all cases
referred to the Prophet (pbuh) for judgement had its basis in the Qur’an, but if the Qur’an was silent on
a matter then the Prophet (pbuh) would be the final authority for reaching a decision. The Qur’an also
states that the Prophet’s (pbuh) teachings should be obeyed. Where the Qur’an instructs Muslims to
obey God it also instructs them to obey the Prophet (pbuh) ‘he who obeys the Messenger obeys Allah’

Candidates also need to distinguish between Hadith Qudsi and Hadith Nabawi. They could say that the
former contains the words of the Prophet (pbuh) himself. Hadiths that contain words from God which
were said by the Prophet are called Hadith Qudsi e.g. ‘Fasting is for me and I shall compensate it’. Such
Hadiths do not form part of the Qur’an, though they are recognised as being the words of God Himself
which were voiced by the Prophet (pbuh). Hadith Qudsi are also called divine Hadiths.
(b) Why do you think it was important for the Prophet to give permission to his companions to write
down his Hadiths? (4)

June 2018:

(a) Why did it become important to compile the prophetic Hadiths after the time of the Rightly Guided
Caliphs? (10)

(b) In your opinion, can Islam be practised without the Hadiths? (4)

Nov 2018:

Q2. (a) Hadiths are broadly classified as sound (sahih), good (hasan) and weak (da’if). Write a detailed
account of these three categories of Hadiths. (10)

(b) What in your opinion is the importance of classifying Hadiths? (4)

The Qur’an gives instructions to Muslims about how to live and practice their faith, it does not give
details showing how to implement the teachings given. This implementation of Qur’anic instructions is
found in the Hadiths of the Prophet. If the Hadiths were not classified, there would be a danger of
Muslims not knowing the correct way of putting into practice their faith. It could be said that in legal
matters it is vital to only use only the most accurate Hadiths but when e.g. one is looking for moral
teachings, a Hadith whose isnad is not strong by having a gap or say the narrator having a weak
memory, a weak Hadith could be used and therefore the classification of Hadiths is important. Muslims
by following the guidance given in the classified Hadiths can follow the perfect example of the Prophet
Muhammad. The above is a guidance to what can be expected in a response. All valid responses to be
credited on their own merit.

*Nov 2018 – 21

2(a) What measures were taken in early Islamic times to check the reliability of Hadiths?

Compilers made a number of checks on the reliability of the narrators and the authenticity of the
Hadiths they related. They looked at the isnad and matn of the Hadiths. Candidates could define isnad
and matn and go on to write about what the checks included. Some of these checks were:

• The narrator needed to be a man of firm faith;

• Must be truthful and honest;

• Should be at an age where he understood the significance of what he heard and realised that a slight
change in words could change the meaning of the Hadith;
• He should report the Hadith exactly as he heard it;

• Have a good memory;

• The Hadith should not be contrary to the Qur’an;

• Should not be against common sense or contrary to other accepted Hadiths;

• Should not praise a particular individual or tribe etc.

Candidates can list other checks that they may have studied about as well in their answer. 10

2(b) Why was it important for the Muslim community to have authentic Hadiths?

As always an evaluative response is needed for this Part (b) answer. Candidates need to give reasons for
why they think it

was important to conduct checks and some may even go on to write about what problems the Muslim
community may have

faced if these checks were not made.

June 2019- 21

Q2. (a) Give a detailed account of the checks made on the text and narrators of Hadiths. [10]

(b) In your opinion what are the main advantages of carrying out checks to confirm the reliability of
Hadiths? [4]

Here candidates need to give an evaluative response in which they need to express their views as to
what the advantages of making checks to confirm the authenticity of Hadiths are. They could say that:

• Sahih Hadiths provide an accurate model for Muslims to follow.

• Prevent weak and false Hadiths to be accepted.

• Keep the faith and the practise of Islam pure.

• Create unity in the ummah.

• Help in the classification of Hadiths and making Islamic law.

All valid responses to be credited.

June 2019 – 22

Q2. (a) Write an account of the compilation of Hadiths during the period of the Successors of the
Successors (tabi’ al-tabi’in). [10]
(b) Why do you think the chain of narrators (isnad) of a Hadith is given so much importance in
establishing its genuineness? [4]

Nov 2019- 21

Q2. (a) From the set Hadiths you have studied outline the Prophet’s teachings on the individual conduct
of Muslims. [10]

(b) How do Muslims benefit in their community life by following the guidance given in the Prophet’s
Hadiths? [4]

Nov 2019- 22

Q2. (a) Write a detailed account of the musannaf and musnad collections of Hadith. [10]

In answering this question candidates have to give a descriptive account of

both the Musannaf and Musnad collections of Hadith. The period in which

they were produced could be written about.

Speaking of the Musannaf collection they could say that it was the first

organised work of Hadith collection and was made topic-wise. That the

Musannafs were mainly legal documents that developed during the first two

centuries of Islam. The Muwatta by Imam Malik is an early example of a

Musannaf collection.

Well-developed answers could discuss how the Musannaf collection served

an important function in law and Hadith literature. Later scholars referred to

Musannaf collections to know legal opinions of the Companions and

Successors and Hadith critics used them as evidence when establishing the

authenticity of a Hadith.

The late second/early third century AH saw a shift towards Musnad

collections which were arranged according to isnads. In these collections it

could be said Hadiths were compiled under the name of the narrator.

Candidates may well say that collections were organised by their compilers

along isnad lines. Examples of Musnad collections e.g. Musnad of Imam

Hanbal and others could be given. The shortcomings of the Musnad

collection could be given as well. A comprehensive answer is being looked


(b) In your opinion, from the two Hadith collections above, which is the more useful to Muslims? Give
reasons for your answer. [4]

June 2020 – 21

2 (a) Write an account of the collection of Hadiths during:

• the Prophet’s lifetime, and

• the time of the Companions immediately after the Prophet’s death. [10]

(b) In your opinion what were the main reasons for Hadith collections? Give reasons for your answer.

June 2020 – 22

2 (a) Outline the relationship between the Qur’an and Hadith when formulating Islamic law. [10]

(b) What is the importance of consensus (ijma’) in the Muslim world today? Give reasons for your
answer. [4]

Nov 2020 – 21

2 (a) Describe the method used to make a judgement by analogy (qiyas) using the Qur’an and Hadith.
Give examples to support your answer. [10]

(b) Why do you think the Prophet (pbuh) encouraged the use of personal reasoning amongst his
Companions? [4]

Nov 2020 - 22

2 (a) Write an account of:

• the reasons given by scholars for compiling Hadith collections, and;

• the checks made to confirm their authenticity. [10]

(b) What is the purpose of having false Hadiths in Hadith collections? [4]
Candidates need to give their personal view as to why it was essential to include false (mawdu) Hadiths
in Hadith collections. It could be said that they were included to ensure that the possibility of them
being categorised in the other categories, e.g. sahih, hasan, etc. did not occur. Another reason could be
to let Muslims know that these were false Hadiths so if they came across them they could disregard
them. All valid responses to be credited on their own merit.

June 2021 – 21

2 (a) Write a detailed account of the two components of Hadiths:

• chain of transmission (isnad) and

• text (matn) [10]

Use the AO1 Marking Grid

Candidates may include some of the following information. All other relevant

information must be credited.

Each Hadith is made up of two major components: isnad and matn. Both

these parts are of importance and studied by Hadith compilers when

establishing the genuineness of a Hadith.

The first part of a Hadith consists of the chain of names through which it has

been received, which is called sanad. The chain can have a few names or a

long list. In some cases Hadiths were narrated from one generation to

another. In which case the compiler had to examine the line of transmission

very carefully. Specific rules were developed to check the authenticity of the

Hadiths that were transmitted.

Candidates need to write about what these rules were in some detail.

Rules to check isnad:

• The line of narrator had to be checked to see that it went back to the

Prophet (pbuh).

• The narrator had to be known for his piety, sound memory, integrity etc.

• The fewer the narrators in a chain the stronger the Hadith was, as there

was less chance of misinterpretation.

• The sciences of Ilm ul Hadith was developed to scrutinise the narrators

and their teachers in detail.

An account of what stipulations were set by early compilers to rate a Hadith

as valid or trustworthy on the basis of its matn should be given in the second

part of the answer. Here rules of checking matn need to be given by the


Rules to check matn:

• The matn had to be consistent with the Qur’an.

• It had to be in agreement with accepted facts.

• It should not contradict accepted Hadiths.

• It should not be against common sense or logic.

• It should not praise a particular tribe or place.

• A hadith that went against the Prophet or his family was also rejected.

It is the matn of a Hadith which distinguishes Hadith Qudsi from Hadith

Nabawi and could be written about which should be read as development of

the answer.

(b) Both of these components are equally important for establishing the authenticity of Hadiths. Do you
agree? Give reasons to support your answer. [4]

Use the AO2 Marking Grid

Candidates may include some of the following information. All other relevant

information must be credited.

An evaluative response is being looked for, the candidates could vary in their

responses by either saying that both parts were equally important, or they

could say either one was more important than the other. However they

choose to answer this question, they must back their choice with reasons.

If they say matn is more important they could support this by saying that in a

weak Hadith the chain of transmission may have gaps but the message is an

important one which is conveyed by the text. Such Hadiths are useful in
matters of moral guidance.

In legal matters Hadiths will need to have a strong isnad and matn on account

of the seriousness of the decision.

June 2021 – 22

2 (a) Write about the importance of knowing the Prophet’s Hadiths and following his Sunna for
Muslims. [10]

(b) Why are belief and action both important for Muslims? Give reasons to support your answer. [4]

Nov 2021 – 22

2 (a) Write about the checks made on the transmitters of Hadiths and on the text of Hadiths to

ensure their authenticity. [10]

(b) Why was so much importance given to collecting and preserving authentic Hadiths? [4]

June 2022 - 21

2(a) Write an account of the following three categories of Hadiths:

 Sound Hadith (Sahih)

 Good Hadith (Hasan)

 Weak Hadith (Da’if).

Use the AO1 Levels of Response

Candidates may include some of the following information. All other

relevant information must be credited.

Candidates could say that Hadiths are generally classified according to the

quality of the text, truthfulness and reliability of narrators, and continuity in the

chain of transmitters (isnad).

Sound/Sahih Hadith is a term used to describe any Hadith whose accuracy is

beyond question. The narrators of these Hadiths are renowned for their
honesty, truthfulness and strong memories and there is no break in the chain

of narrators.

The answer can be developed by saying that a sound Hadith is one whose

line of transmission goes back to the Prophet (pbuh). To check its

authenticity, compilers developed specific rules governing the acceptance of

the narrators transmitting Hadiths and established rules to check the chain of

transmitters and what they said (isnad and matn) of Hadiths. The books of

Imam Bukhari and Muslim are examples of Sahih Hadiths.

Good/Hasan Hadith are Hadiths whose text is absolutely true, but whose

narrators (isnads) do not pass the test of complete reliability and accuracy of

memory based on the strict criteria established by a specialist

(Muhadditheen). The Hadith in this group, though considered reliable and

good, are a degree less in quality than the Sahih Hadiths and hence are

considered inferior to them in Hadith literature.

Weak/Da’if Hadith are those whose truthfulness in both text and transmission

is not beyond question. Though their authenticity is not proven they are not

rejected altogether.

A Hadith could be weak for many reasons, for example, one of its narrators

may not be well known for his piety or reliability, but the compiler has no

evidence that would question the narrators’ character. The narrator could

have a less than perfect memory, but his truthfulness was never questioned.

Weakness in a Hadith could be due to interruption in the isnad.

2(b) In your opinion, why was it considered important to classify Hadiths into

Sahih, Hasan and Da’if? Give reasons to support your answer.

Use the AO2 Levels of Response

Candidates may include some of the following information. All other

relevant information must be credited.

One reason could be that Hadiths are used in making Islamic law and for this

purpose it would be critical to know whether a Hadith was Sahih or Da’if as in

legal matters only the most authentic Hadiths can be used to prevent incorrect

law making.

Weak Hadiths also have a place in Hadith literature, and it is important to

classify them. They explain and provide information on questions relating to

morals and religious devotion and thus keep the faith pure and its practice


Candidates may give an example of a weak Hadith to develop their answer


June 2022 – 22

2 (a) Using four of the set Hadiths, outline the Prophet’s teachings about how a Muslim should

conduct their personal life. [10]

(b) In your opinion, what are the communal benefits of following the Prophet’s Hadiths? Give

reasons to support your answer. [4]

Nov 2022 - 21

2(a) Hadiths and the Qur’an are the primary sources of Islamic Law. Describe how the two are used
together in law-making.

2(b) In your opinion, why is consensus (ijma’) important in the Muslim world today? Give reasons to
support your answer.

Nov 2022 – 22

2(a) Using four of the set Hadiths, outline the Prophet’s teachings about how a Muslim should conduct
their personal life.

2(b) In your opinion, what are the communal benefits of following the Prophet’s Hadiths? Give reasons
to support your answer.
June 2023 – 22

2 (a) Write about the following terms and the relationship between them:

• isnad

• matn

• musnad

• musannaf. [10]

(b) How do compilations of genuine Hadiths benefit Muslims today? [4]

Nov 2023 - 22

2 (a) Give an account of the compilation of Hadiths during the period of the Successors of the

Successors, referred to as the golden age of Hadith compilation. [10]

(b) How did the preservation of the Hadiths help Islam develop? [4]

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