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Why Everyone Should Fast – The Amazing Ancient Benefits | Organic Olivia 03/05/16 23:16

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Why Everyone Should Fast – The Amazing Ancient Benefits | Organic Olivia 03/05/16 23:16

Experience w/
My First Cleanse

February 25, 2014

Control Did To
Me Within 48
Hours & Why It’s

February 6, 2014

Why I

When an animal, such as a dog or cat, is sick, its natural instinct is to refuse food. When the crisis is Haven’t Washed
over, and the internal healing work has been accomplished, the appetite will return naturally, of its
My Face With
own accord. The human organism also has a fasting instinct, just like that of other animals. This is why
when you are sick, you don’t feel like eating.
Soap In Months
Your body knows everything – and it’s using your digestive energy to heal. Fasting is as old as (Oil-Cleansing
mankind. The ancient Greeks were great believers in fasting. Hippocrates prescribed it, and Plato said Method) + Skin
that he fasted for greater physical and mental e!ciency, as did Aristotle. Spiritually, fasting helps us Care Tips!
transcend our addiction and attachment to food, and to realize that “man doesn’t live by bread alone.”
51 February 8, 2014
The mind gets clearer, and spiritual awareness deepens. After you are freed from having to satisfy
physical hunger, you can then turn your attention to feeding the mind and spirit. In fact, spiritual
masters like Pythagoras wouldn’t admit any disciple into their higher teachings unless they had "rst How
puri"ed themselves through fasting.

Physically, fasting enables the organism to detoxify and clean house. Because the vast majority of
diseases are caused by autointoxication
autointoxication, fasting has wide-ranging therapeutic bene"ts. It gives
the digestive organs a much needed rest, so your body can devote its digestive energy to healing. For
all fevers and diseases in the acute crisis stage, Hippocrates prescribed either a strict fast with nothing Celery Juice Can
but water or medicinal teas, or a very slender liquid diet. Fasting is also recommended for colds and Repair Your Gut
#u, arthritis and rheumatism, digestive complaints, as well as all metabolic disorders. by Restoring
Scienti"c experiments conducted on laboratory mice have shown that severe restriction of caloric Stomach Acid
intake greatly extends their lifespan. Since this is basically what fasting is, fasting holds great promise (helpful for acid
for life extension. re#ux, bloating,
The Physiology of Fasting, from autoimmune + Page 2 of 5
Why Everyone Should Fast – The Amazing Ancient Benefits | Organic Olivia 03/05/16 23:16

“As long as we’re alive, the Innate Heat, or metabolic fire, is always active. And as long more!)
as this metabolic fire is burning, it must consume something for fuel. Normally, this 36

Innate Heat or metabolic fire is fed by nutrients from the food we eat. But when we fast, November 27, 2015

we cut off this outer supply of fuel, and the metabolic fire begins to feed on the body’s
own inner reserves. The body’s own Inner Physician is awakened, and the human Why I
organism, in its infinite healing wisdom, starts to clean house and burn off the dross. Use a
What is least essential to the life and health of the organism is consumed first, such as
toxins, wastes, and superfluous morbid humors. The Inner Physician knows precisely
where to go, what to metabolize and eliminate, and how to eliminate it. This is the
process of autolysis. In this sense, fasting has been described as an operation without Computer
surgery. Fasting gives your digestive organs a much needed rest. Instead of digesting Instead of Birth
food, their digestive secretions and enzymes can serve to digest, neutralize and eliminate Control Pills
toxic wastes from the body via the GI tract. Chief among these secretions is bile, which is 34

secreted by the liver and gall bladder. Depending on where the toxins and morbid humors November 20, 2014

have been held in the body, they will start to produce various signs and symptoms as this
waste is eliminated and passed off:

Head / Brain: headaches, dizziness, vertigo, wooziness, lightheadedness.

Nose, Sinuses: sneezing, runny nose, itching, stinging, post nasal drip.
Throat: soreness or constriction, hoarseness, scratchiness
Lungs: chest congestion, wheezing, phlegm discharges, foul breath odors Everyone Has
Skin: rashes, acne, pustules; excessive or abnormal sweating; strange body odors Parasites! PART
Stomach: sour or nervous stomach, stomach cramping, belching, bad breath ONE: Why, How,
Liver: sore eyes, bitter taste in mouth, sallow complexion, pain or distension under
the ribs on the right side.
Gall Bladder: colic, spasm, tenderness or pain underneath the liver area.
What You Can
Intestines: foul smelling gas, cramping, diarrhea, spastic colon or irritable bowel. Do
Kidneys: low back pain and weakness, fatigue; frequent urination, often urgent; 29
strongly colored or smelling urine.
February 24, 2014
Generally, the more recently acquired toxins and accumulations of morbid matter will be the "rst to be
passed o$, followed by older and more long-standing ones, backtracking in reverse order of
acquisition. Also, the day’s detoxi"cation tends to start in the morning with head symptoms, and YES,
generally works its way down the body. The cleansing and detoxi"cation symptoms, and the loss of You
weight and muscle mass, are the most severe and intense for the "rst three days. Within these "rst
three days, energy levels also tend to be lowest and most problematic. After this initial three day
period, a change happens in the body’s internal energy economy, called ketosis, in which the
organism switches over to the more e!cient burning of its fat reserves to satisfy its basic energy
needs. Then, the energy levels get a lot better. During a fast, the organism detoxi"es itself during the
Parasites… &
night, leaving a thick, foul, bitter tasting residue on the tongue in the morning. Upon arising, it’s good They Are What’s
to go to the bathroom with a spoon or tongue scraper and scrape this residue o$. ” Killing the Bees
Sources / Internet Resources to learn more:
February 19, 2015 “How Parasite
Cleansing Page 3 of 5
Why Everyone Should Fast – The Amazing Ancient Benefits | Organic Olivia 03/05/16 23:16

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1 Comment Changed My
Life” – Kate’s
Anonymous says: Reply
June 7, 2014 at 4:14 am 24 June 13, 2015
I have always been fascinated with fasting.<br />Whenever I&#39;m sick, my
body&#39;s reaction is to not eat, I never have an appetite and always feel
people are forcing me to eat something because they are worried. <br /><br The
/>Have you fasted? And if so, how did you go about it, prepping, and te days
following?<br /><br />Thanks a bunch :)<br /><br /><br />Love and Light

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