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Pelvic brim divides the pelvis into two parts - superiorly is the false pelvis, and inferiorly is the true

Sacral forms the posterior border of the pelvic brim; uppermost margin of the first sacral
promontory vertebra (S1)

Iliopectineal forms the lateral border on each side of the pelvic brim; runs downward and forward
lines along the inner surface of the two hip bones, particularly the ilium

Symphysis forms the anterior border of the pelvic brim; a joint that connects the bodies of the
pubis pubis on each side of the hip bone

False pelvis situated above the pelvic brim; lumbar vertebra posteriorly, iliac fossae and iliacus
muscles laterally, lower part of the anterior abdominal wall anteriorly; it supports the
abdominal contents and the gravid uterus at the end of the first trimester (3rd month);
helps guide the fetus into the true pelvis during labor

True pelvis situated below the pelvic brim; it is the canal through which the newborn baby passes
during delivery or childbirth; consists of an inlet, an outlet and a cavity

Pelvic inlet also known as the pelvic brim; bounded posteriorly by the sacral promontory, by the
iliopectineal lines laterally, and by the pubic symphysis anteriorly

Pelvic outlet to its posterior border is the coccyx, laterally is the ischial tuberosities, and anteriorly
the pubic arch

Pelvic cavity a short, curved canal, between the pelvic inlet and outlet

Ischial spine a small protuberance which is bounded by the greater sciatic notch superoposteriorly
and the lesser sciatic notch anteroinferiorly

Sacrotuberous a strong, inflexible ligament that extends from the lateral portion of the sacrum,
ligament coccyx and posterior inferior iliac spine to the ischial tuberosity; prevents the lower
parts of the sacrum and the coccyx from being rotated upward by the body; along with
sacrospinous ligament, leads to the formation of the greater and lesser sciatic

Sacrospinous a strong and triangularly-shaped ligament that extends from the lateral portion of the
ligament sacrum and coccyx to the ischial spine; prevents the lower parts of the sacrum and
the coccyx from being rotated upward by the body; along with sacrotuberous
ligament, leads to the formation of the greater and lesser sciatic foramina.

Sacrum consists of five sacral vertebrae fused together to form a single wedge-shaped bone
with a forward concavity; articulates superiorly to the fifth lumbar vertebra, inferiorly to
the coccyx, and laterally to the ilium forming the sacroiliac joints;

Sacral canal formed by the vertebral foramina; contains the anterior and inferior roots of the
lumbar, sacral and coccygeal spinal nerves, the filum terminale, fibrofatty material,
and the lower part of the subarachnoid space down to the lower border of S2

Sacral hiatus formed when the laminae of the 4th and 5th sacral vertebrae fail to meet in the

Sacral four foramina located on each side of the sacrum where the anterior and posterior
foramina posterior rami of the upper four sacral nerves pass

Coccyx a small triangular bone which consists of four fused vertebrae; it articulates with the
lower end of the sacrum superiorly; the first vertebra has a transverse process and
cornua; cornua are formed from remains of pedicles and superior articular processes,
which project upward to articulate with the sacral cornua

Obturator a fibrous sheet that closes the obturator foramen while leaving a small opening, the
membrane obturator canal, for the passage of the obturator nerves and vessels to the thigh

Hip bone consists of the ilium superiorly, the ischium posteroinferiorly, and the pubis
anteroinferiorly; the two hip bones are joined together at the symphysis pubis, and
articulate with the sacrum at the sacroiliac joints; on its lower part is the obturator
DISCUSSION: The mesenchyme that surrounds the follicles
The pelvis, particularly the pelvic floor, plays an provides the
important role in maintaining and supporting the ovarian stroma.
organs of the pelvic viscera. It prevents the rise
in intrapelvic pressure as a result of the increase Ovarian Dysgenesis
in the intra-abdominal pressure during
contraction of the anterior and lateral abdominal Complete failure of both ovaries to develop is
muscles and diaphragm. As a result, the pelvic found in Turner’s
viscera are maintained in their usual position syndrome. The classic features of this syndrome
and are not expelled through the pelvic outlet. are webbed
Therefore, it is not uncommon that any injury to neck, short stocky build, increased carrying
the pelvic floor during a difficult childbirth may angle of the elbows,
result in the loss of support for the pelvic viscera lack of secondary sex characteristics, and
leading to the formation of underlying pelvic amenorrhea.
issues. Imperfect Descent of the Ovary
of the cystocele, and may include activity The ovary may fail to descend into the pelvis or
changes, surgery, and hormone replacement very rarely may
therapy. be drawn downward with the round ligament of
the uterus into
the inguinal canal or even into the labium majus.
Development of the Ovary

The female sex chromosome causes the genital

ridge on the
posterior abdominal wall to secrete estrogens.
The presence of REFERENCES:
estrogen and the absence of testosterone
induce the develop- Snell, R.S. (2012). Clinical Anatomy By Regions
ment of the ovary and the other female genital (9th ed., pp. 240-301). Lippincott Wlliams and
organs. Wilkins.
The sex cords contained within the genital
ridges con- John Hopkins Medicine (2024). Cystocele.
tain groups of primordial germ cells. These Retrieved April 1, 2024, from
become broken up
into irregular cell clusters by the proliferating ns-and-diseases/cystocele
(Fig. 7.23). The germ cells differentiate into
oogonia, and by the
third month, they start to undergo a number of
mitotic divisions
within the cortex of the ovary to form primary
oocytes. These
primary oocytes become surrounded by a single
layer of cells
derived from the sex cords, called the granulosa
cells. Thus, pri-
mordial follicles have been formed, but later,
many degenerate.

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