Assignment 5 Economic Dispatch of Generation

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Department of Electrical Engineering

Power System Operation and Control (EE3100)
Session: 2023- 2024 (Spring)
B.Tech. 6th Semester

Assignment 5: Economic Dispatch of Generation

1. Solve the following optimization problem:
minimize f (x̄) = x21 + 2x22

Subject to: h(x̄) : x1 + 2x2 + 4 = 0

[Ans. x∗1 = x∗2 = − ]

2. Find a rectangle of maximum perimeter that can be inscribed in a circle of unit radius given by

x21 + x22 = 1

[Ans. Square of side length 1.4142 ]

3. Use the Lagrangian multiplier method for solving constrained optimization problem to determine an
isosceles triangle of maximum area that may be inscribed in a circle of radius 1.
[Ans. Base = 1.732, Height = 1.5, Area = 1.299 ]

4. Solve the following optimization problem:

minimize f (x̄) = x21 + x22

Subject to: h(x̄) : x21 − 6x1 − x22 + 17 = 0

[Ans. x∗1 = 1.5, x2 = 3.2, λ∗ = 1 ]

5. The fuel-cost functions in Rs/h for two 800 MW thermal power plants are given by

F1 (Pg1 ) = 0.0040Pg21 + 6.0Pg1 + 400

F2 (Pg2 ) = a2 Pg22 + b2 Pg2 + 500

where Pg1 and Pg2 are in MW.

(a) The incremental cost of power λ is 8 Rs/MWh when the total power demand is 550 MW. Neglecting
loses, determine the optimal generation of each plant.
(b) The incremental cost of power λ is 10 Rs/MWh when the total power demand is 1300 MW. Neglecting
loses, determine the optimal generation of each plant.
(c) From the results of (a) and (b) find the fuel-cost coefficients b2 and a2 of the second plant.

[Ans. (a) 250 MW, 300 MW (b) 500 MW, 800 MW (c) b2 = 6.8, a2 = 0.002]
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6. The incremental fuel cost functions in Rs/MWh of two thermal power plants of 100 MW each are

= 0.012Pg1 + 2.0
= 0.015Pg2 + 1.5

where Pg1 and Pg2 are in MW. Minimum load on each unit is 10 MW. If total load to be supplied is 150
MW, determine the economic operating schedule.

7. The incremental fuel cost in Rs/MWh of two thermal power plants are given by

= 0.10Pg1 + 20
= 0.12Pg2 + 16

where Pg1 and Pg2 are in MW. The minimum and maximum loads on each unit are to be 20 MW and 125
MW, respectively. Determine the allocation of generation between the units when load is: (a) 100 MW,
(b) 150 MW.

8. Determine the savings in fuel cost in Rs/h for the economic distribution of a total load of 200 MW between
two units of the plant described in 7 compared with equal distribution of same total load.

9. The fuel-cost functions in Rs/h for three thermal power plants are given by

F1 (Pg1 ) = 0.0040Pg21 + 7.20Pg1 + 350

F2 (Pg2 ) = 0.0025Pg22 + 7.30Pg2 + 500
F3 (Pg3 ) = 0.0030Pg23 + 6.74Pg3 + 600

where Pg1 , Pg2 and Pg3 are in MW.The governors are set such that generators share the load equally.
Neglecting line losses and generator limits, find the total cost in Rs/h when the total load is: (i) 450 MW,
(ii) 745 MW, (iii) 1335 MW.
[Ans. (a) 4849.75 Rs/h (b) 7310.46 Rs/h (c) 12783.04 Rs/h ]

10. Neglecting line losses and generator limits, determine the optimal scheduling of generation for each
loading condition in Problem 9
(a) by analytical technique.
(b) using iterative method. Start with an initial estimate of λ = 7.5 Rs/MWh.
(c) find the savings in Rs/h for each case compared to the costs in Problem 9 when the generators shared
load equally.

[Ans. (a) 100 MW, 140 MW, 210 MW (b) 175 MW, 260 MW, 310 MW (c) 325 MW, 500 MW, 510 MW. Savings:
(a) 21.05 Rs/h (b) 33.26 Rs/h (c) 77.84 Rs/h]
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11. Repeat Problem 10 (b) considering the following generation limits (in MW):

122 ≤ Pg1 ≤ 400

260 ≤ Pg2 ≤ 600
50 ≤ Pg3 ≤ 445

[Ans. (a) 122 MW, 260 MW, 68 MW (b) 175 MW, 260 MW, 310 MW (c) 350 MW, 540 MW, 445 MW. ]

12. The incremental fuel cost in Rs/MWh of two thermal power plants are given by

= 0.10Pg1 + 22
= 0.12Pg2 + 16

where Pg1 and Pg2 are in MW. If both the units operate at all times and maximum and minimum loads
on each unit are 100 MW and 20 MW, respectively, determine the economic operating schedule of the
plants for loads of 40 MW, 60 MW, 80 MW, 120 MW, 160 MW and 180 MW, neglecting the transmission
line losses.

13. The fuel-cost functions in Rs/h of two thermal power plants are given by

F1 (Pg1 ) = 0.015Pg21 + 16Pg1 + 50

F2 (Pg2 ) = 0.025Pg22 + 12Pg2 + 30

where Pg1 and Pg2 are in MW. The loss coefficients of the system in per-unit on a 100 MVA are given
by B11 = 0.005, B12 = −0.0012, B22 = 0.002. The load to be met is 200 MW. Determine the economic
operating schedule.

14. The fuel-cost functions in Rs/h of two thermal power plants are given by

F1 (Pg1 ) = 0.004Pg21 + 6.2Pg1 + 320

F2 (Pg2 ) = 0.003Pg22 + 6.0Pg2 + 200

where Pg1 and Pg2 are in MW. Plant outputs are subject to the following limits (in MW)

50 ≤ Pg1 ≤ 250
50 ≤ Pg2 ≤ 350

The per-unit real power loss with generation expressed in per unit on a 100 MVA base in given by

PL(pu) = 0.0125Pg21 (pu) + 0.00625Pg22 (pu)

The total load is 412.35 MW. Determine the optimal dispatch of generation.
[Ans. 161.1765 MW, 258.6003 MW ]
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15. The incremental fuel cost functions in $/MWh of two thermal power plants are given by

= 0.0120Pg1 + 6.6
= 0.0096Pg2 + 6.0

where Pg1 and Pg2 are in MW. At the specified load level of 500 MW, the loss coefficients in per unit on
a 100 MVA base are given as
[ ] [ ]
5.00 −0.03 −3 0.15
Bij = × 10 , B0i = × 10−3 , B00 = 0.06 × 10−3
−0.03 8.0 0.20

Determine the optimal dispatch of generation.

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