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Change The World MUN _____ (Committee)/DRES/26/___(Code)

Distr.: General
3rd February 2023

Twenty Sixth session

Topic:Fostering innovation in agriculture to achieve global
food security
Sponsors: Qatar, Indonesia, Germany, China, Russian
Federation, Vietnam, Liberia, Poland, Bulgaria
Signatories: France, Israel, Argentina, Japan, United
Kingdom, Brazil, Iceland, India ,United States of America,
Albania, Kenya, Finland, Cuba, Mexico, Ecuador, Ireland,

The Committee: World Food Program (WFP)

1st plenary meeting

10 February 2023

• Recognizing the critical importance of global food security in ensuring the well-being and
• of all nations and their populations.

• Confirming the escalating challenges posed by population growth, climate change, natural resource
• depletion, and socio-economic disparities to food production and distribution systems worldwide.

• Emphasizing the pivotal role of agricultural innovation in addressing the complex and interrelated
• challenges confronting food security, including enhancing productivity, sustainability, and
_____ (Committee)/DRES/26/___(Code)

• Taking into consideration the diverse needs and contexts of agricultural stakeholders, including
smallholder farmers, rural communities, agribusinesses, research institutions, and governments, in
fostering innovation across the agricultural value chain.

• Acknowledging the role of existing initiatives, partnerships, and collaborative efforts aimed at
promoting agricultural innovation and knowledge exchange, while recognizing the need for further
scaling up and mainstreaming such efforts globally.

• 1. Firstly, substantial investments in sustainable agriculture is imperative. By embracing eco-friendly
practices and modern technologies, we can enhance productivity without compromising our

• 2. Secondly, the efficient use of resources is pivotal. We must prioritize water and land management,
optimizing agricultural inputs to minimize waste. This not only ensures sustainable yields, but also
safeguards our eco-systems for future generations.

• 3. Moreover, empowering small-scale farmers is essential. Providing them with access to credit,
education, and technology can significantly boost their productivity contributing to a more resilient
global food system.

• 4. Furthermore, tackling food waste is non-negotiable. Implementing efficient distribution systems,
educating consumers and promoting sustainable practices can remarkably minimize the shocking
amount of food that goes to waste world-wide.

• 5. To link everything and gain more support, we must have international collaboration more often.
Fostering collaborations amongst countries, international organizations and private sector entities to
share knowledge, resources and technologies for sustainable agricultural development and global food

Together, let us turn these resolutions into actionable initiatives for the benefit of all. Thank you for
listening, we yield our time to the floor.

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