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Department of Electrical Engineering

End-Semester Examination, 2019-2020 (Autumn)
Program: B.Tech.
Semester: 5th
Subject Name: Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution
Subject Code: EE 3103

Number of Pages: 2 Full Marks: 50 Duration: 3 Hours

Figures at the right hand margin indicate marks.
All symbols carry usual meaning. Assume standard value for any missing data.

Q.No. Instruction regarding questions Marks

Answer all questions
1 Determine the sending end voltage, current, power and power factor for a 160 km 5
section of a 3-phase line delivering 50 MVA at 132 kV and pf 0.8 lagging. Also find the
efficiency and regulation of the line. Resistance per line 0.1557 Ω per km, spacing 3.7
m, 6.475 m, 7.4 m transposed. Evaluate the A, B, C, D parameters also. Diameter of
conductor 1.956 cm.

2 What do you mean by overhead insulators in power transmission system? Explain 5

different types of overhead insulators with neat diagrams.
3 A transmission line has a span of 275 m between level supports. The conductor has an 5
effective diameter of 1.96 cm and weighs 0.865 kg/m. Its ultimate strength is 8060 kg.
If the conductor has an ice coating of radial thickness 1.27 cm and is subjected to a wind
pressure of 3.9 gm/cm2 of projected area. Calculate sag for a safety factor of 2. Weight
of 1 c.c. of ice is 0.91 gm.
4 The capacitance per kilometre of a 3-phase cable are 0.63 µF between the three cores
bunched together & the sheath and 0.37 µF between one core & the other two connected 5
to sheath. Calculate the charging current taken by eight kilometres of this cable when
connected to a 3-ph, 50 Hz, 6600 V supply.

5 A 66 kV single-cored lead sheathed cable is graded by using two dielectrics of relative

permittivity 5 and 3 respectively: thickness of each being 1 cm. The core diameter is 2 5
cm. Determine the maximum stress in the two dielectrics.

6 A certain 3-phase equilateral transmission line has a corona loss of 53 kW at 106 kV

and a loss of 98 kW at 110.9 kV. What is the disruptive critical voltage? What is the 5
corona loss at 113 kV ?

7 Fig. 1 shows a ring distributor with interconnector BD. The supply is given at point A.
The resistances of go and return conductors of various sections are indicated in the 5
Figure. Calculate
i) Current in the interconnector
ii) Voltage drop in the interconnector

10 A
0.075 Ω

30 A
10 A C

20 A

Fig. 1

8 Determine the most economical size of a 3-phase line which supplies the following loads
at 10 kV 5

i) 100 kW at 0.8 pf (lag) for 10 hrs.

ii) 500 kW at 0.9 pf (lag) for 8 hrs.
iii) 100 kW at unity pf for 6 hrs.
Above shows the daily load cycle. The cost per km of the completely erected line is
(8000a + 1500), where a is the area of cross section of each conductor. The combined
interest and depreciation is 10 % per annum of capital cost. Cost of energy loss is 5
paise per kWh. Resistivity of conductor material = 1.72×10-6 Ωcm.

9 A 3-phase overhead line has per phase resistance and reactance of 6 Ω and 20 Ω 5
respectively. The sending end voltage is 66 kV while the receiving end voltage is
maintained at 66 kV by a synchronous phase modifier. Determine the KVAR of the
modifier when the load at receiving end is 75 MW at o.8 pf lagging.

10 Write short notes on any two of the followings 5

(i) Vibration Dampers in transmission line

(ii) Synchronous condenser method of voltage control with vector diagram
(iii) Comparison between lossless and distortion less transmission line

Wish you all the Best


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