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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Sta. Ana/Cluster 4
Sta. Ana

NAME:___________________________________ DATE:______________________________
GRADE & SECTION:______________________ SCORE:_____________________________

I. Identify the kind of text of the following statement by writing LT if the statement is Linear
Text and NLT if Non-Linear Text.

_____1. It refers to traditional text that needs to be read from beginning to the end.

_____2. This involves reading the whole text from the beginning to the end, and it may take a

considerable amount of time to find the specific information you need.

_____3. This type of text has many reading paths since it’s the readers who decide the sequence of
reading, not the author of the text.

_____4. Some examples include flowcharts, charts, and graphs (ex: pie chart, bar graphs), graphical
organizers such as knowledge maps and story maps.

_____5. These texts offer an array of constituents such as mobile and immobile pictures, hyperlinks,
and sound effects.

II. Interpret the information given in the bar graph (Non-linear) and answer the following
questions by choosing the letter of the correct answer.
What’s your Favorite Color?

_________6. How many students choose green as their favorite

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
_________7. What is the color that the students like best?
A. Purple B. Red C. Yellow D. Green
_________8. Which is the least favorite among the colors?
A. Purple B. Red C. Yellow D. Green
_________9. How many students were involved in the survey?
A. 9 B. 10 C. 13 D. 15
_________10. How many students choose purple?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
III.Read the given situations. Choose the letter that corresponds to the purpose of listening in each

A. To get Information C. To empathize

B. To follow instructions or solve a problem D. To enjoy and appreciate
_______11. Peter cried when he heard that the mother of his best friend died in an accident.
_______12. Albert listens attentively to the speaker.
_______13. Camille is telling the group on how to set up the latest application.
_______14. Sophia attended the orientation and wrote the important details.
_______15. I love to hear the song “Dynamite” by BTS.
_______16. Chris tells Isabel their lessons in school.
_______17. Hannah Grace explains very well to Jillian their contract.
_______18. The children gather around as their grandmother tells the story of The Legend of the
Blue Sea.
_______19. Leila, as the leader of TLE Club, shares the step-by-step procedure in cooking chicken
_______20. Mark switched on the radio and listened to the most requested songs of the day.
IV. Read each paragraph and identify its key idea.
_____21. Sandy sings in the church choir. She sings a solo every week. Everyone looks forward to
hearing her sing. Last Sunday, Mrs. Cruz said, “Sandy has the voice of an angel.” We all agreed with
her. I think she will be famous one day.
a. The church has a choir. c. Sandy is a great singer.
b. Sandy goes to church. d. Sandy sang a solo each week.
_____22. Tommy ran down the street chasing his dog. “Bobby! Bobby!” he yelled. He knew he should
have checked the gate before letting Booby into the back yard. His mother has told him a hundred
times. How had he forgotten? If he had closed it, Bobby would still be in the backyard.
a. Bobby ran away. c. Tommy was forgetful.
b. Tommy forgot to make sure the gate was closed. d. Tommy’s mother was bossy.
_____23. Joy sat on the bench at the baseball field and waited. She didn’t like waiting alone. All of
the other kids had been picked up by their parents. Where was her mother? Suddenly, her mother
came running to her. “oh Joy, I’m so sorry. Next time I will make myself a note.”
a. Joy’s mother forgot to pick her up. c. Joy plays baseball.
b. Joy hated sitting alone. d. Joy’s mother writes notes.

_____24. I went to the ice cream shop and ate a huge sundae. When I got home, supper was ready.
mom had cooked my favorite meal. No matter how I tried, I couldn’t make myself eat.

a. I like ice cream. c. I was too full to eat suffer.

b. Mom is a good cook. d. I was sick.
_____25. Although many people think a koala is a bear, it is not. The koala is a type of mammal
called a marsupial. A kangaroo is also a marsupial. These mammals carry their babies in a pouch.
The kangaroo’s pouch is on her stomach, but the koala’s pouch is on her back. Both feed their pouch
until they are strong enough to survive on their own.
a. The koala is not a bear.
b. The kangaroo is nothing like the koala.
c. The kangaroo and koala are mostly alike but have some differences.
d. The kangaroo and koala are exactly alike.
V. Determine what each of the analogy means.
26. Just as the sword is the weapon of a warrior, a pen is the weapon of a writer.
A. The sword is as pierce as the pen.
B. Both the sword and the pen can kill.
C. Both the sword and the pen are useful weapons.
D. The pen just like the sword can make or break people.

27. That’s as useful as rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

A. Everything in life requires order.
B. We should always set our plans well.
C. Rearranging chairs requires much patience.
D. Our help or intentions sometimes do not make any difference or are not useful anymore with

28. How a doctor diagnoses diseases are like how a detective investigates crimes.
A. Life is full of mysteries and uncertainties.
B. Doctors and detectives share the same line of work.
C. Diseases and crimes make doctors’ and detectives’ lives busy.
D. Doctors just like investigators look for the diseases to determine patients’ sickness.

29. Explaining a joke is like dissecting a frog.

A. Frogs are jokers like men.
B. Jokes shouldn’t be treated seriously.
C. Explaining and dissecting are two positive qualities men and animals
D. The detailing and the explanation of the joke are similar to that of dissecting a frog since a frog has
a lot of inner body parts and dissecting it would take a long time.

30. Just as a caterpillar comes out of its cocoon, so we must come out of our comfort zone.
A. We should be what we are.
B. We should act the same way as the caterpillar.
C. Man just like the caterpillar undergo processes.
D. We should not limit ourselves to become better than before.

VI. Complete the following analogies by choosing the appropriate idea or concept.
31. Tire is to car as:
A. pilot is to plane B. airplane is to fly C. fin is to fish D. none of the above
32. Bird is to nest as:
A. cage is to forest B. big is to plane C. flash is to camera D. seashell is to sand

33. Gym is to exercise as:

A. trail is to walking B. bed is to sleep C. warmth is to sun D. none of the above
34. Dull is to vibrant as:
A. huge is to gigantic B. barking is to dogs C. clarity is to liquid D. bored is to enthusiastic
35. Loitering is to rushing as:
A. shouting is to whispering B. busy is to calm C. boy is to girl D. none of the above

VII. Identify if the following sentences as literal (L) or figurative (F).

36. The students participated in the SIHS Got Talent contest.
37. The wind whisper in my ear.
38. Pampanga is the culinary capital of the Philippines.
39. Families of the Covid-19 patients are in the sea of grief.
40. You can now hear the deafening silence at night.
41. The mouse went squeak as it ran across the room.
42. The fire swallowed the house before the firefighters arrived.
43. My children fight like cats and dogs
44. We won in the game.
45. Her smile was a mile wide when she saw her new computer.

VIII.Read the following passages. Then identify the type of conflict by choosing the correct answer
from the box.
A. Character vs. Self
B. Character vs. Character
C. Character vs. Nature
D. Character vs. Society
E. Character vs. Supernatural
F. Character vs. Technology

46. “She struggled searching for air, for land, for something to hold on to. But there was only the
water pulling her into depths.”

47. “I stared at the newspaper. On the front page of the second section was the headline: JUVENILE

48. “I was sitting there, smoking, when Jerry came back in from making a phone call. He stared at me
for a second.” “You shouldn’t be smoking.”

49. Star Wars explores the inner conflict between good and evil.

50. It’s the year 3030 and society is completely dependent on computers and robots. A young boy
named Domino is flying his hovering board to school when all the machines start attacking people
due to a powerful computer virus. What will Domino do know that the machines that are supposed to
help him have turned against him?

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