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ID.NO: SSR/0246/12

April, 2023





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First and most great thanks are given to almighty God he has helped me every aspect of my life
My special thanks also to my advisor Hanna Kassahun who helped in forwarding valuable
comments and suggestions while conducting my study. I would like to express my thanks to the
graduating students who helped me a lot during my research by providing the necessary
information for the accomplishment of this paper. Also, I would like to thank to my classmates
who helped me with different ideas and suggestion. Finally, I would like to extent of my heartfelt
appreciation and gratitude to my family and relatives.

This paper was conducted to assess entrepreneurial attitude of graduating students of Wolkite
University. The study was used both primary and secondary data sources. The sampling method
was stratified and on sampling with the sample size of 95 individuals of the total population in the
organization. The primary data involve questionnaire and the secondary data collected from
organization manual and organizational websites. Based on the response received through the
questionnaires, the following major finding were, inaccessibility of enough finance are the factors
that affecting the student attitude toward entrepreneur. The data has been analyzed through,
quantitative method and recommend the solution. The quantitative data processed using
descriptive statics that is using table, and percentage. The significance of the study has been
making the researcher to understand the problem of students’ attitude toward entrepreneur and
find solution to the problem. Major recommendation was there is a problem of limitation of initial
capital and infrastructural facilities accessible, because these are problems that have been
requested and valid by the higher number of respondents, so the higher educational institution
(organization) should give entrepreneurial training, and financial supports for graduating
students to be an entrepreneurial career.

Key Words: Entrepreneur, Attitude, graduating student

CAFRD: Center of Africa formation for Research and Development

WKU: Wolkite University

POP: pride of place

GNP: Gross national product

PTO: public trade office

Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
ACRONYM ..................................................................................................................................... iii
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................... vi
LIST FIGURE ................................................................................................................................ vii
CHAPTER ONE ...............................................................................................................................1
1. INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................1
1.1. Background of the Study ................................................................................................................. 1
1.2. Background of the organization ..................................................................................................... 2
1.3. Statement of the problem ................................................................................................................ 4
1.4. Research Question ........................................................................................................................... 5
1.5 Objective of the Study ...................................................................................................................... 5
1.5.1. General Objective ............................................................................................................5
1.5.2. Specific objectives ............................................................................................................5
1.6. Significance of the study .................................................................................................................. 5
1.7. Scope /delimitation of the study ...................................................................................................... 6
1.8. Limitation of the study .................................................................................................................... 6
1.9. Organization of the paper ............................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER TWO ..............................................................................................................................7
2. LETERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................7
2.1. Theoretical Review........................................................................................................................... 7
2.1.1. Definition and Concepts of Entrepreneurship ..................................................................7
2.1.2. Entrepreneurial Attitude..................................................................................................8
2.1.3. Entrepreneurial Attitude theories ....................................................................................9
2.1.4. The entrepreneur’s background ..................................................................................... 11
2.1.5. Characteristics of entrepreneur...................................................................................... 12
2.1.6. Importance of entrepreneurs .......................................................................................... 13
2.1.7. Opportunities for business ownership ............................................................................ 14
2.1.8. Role of entrepreneurs ..................................................................................................... 14
2.1.9. Contribution of entrepreneurial ..................................................................................... 16
2.1.10. Challenges of entrepreneurship .................................................................................... 16

2.1.11. Coping with government regulations ............................................................................ 17
2.2. Empirical Review ........................................................................................................................... 18
2.3. Conceptual Framework ................................................................................................................. 18
CHAPTER THREE ........................................................................................................................ 20
3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................ 20
3.1. Research design .............................................................................................................................. 20
3.2. Target group/ study population .................................................................................................... 20
3.3. Sample size Determination and Sampling Technique ................................................................ 21
3.4. Source of data and method of data collection.............................................................................. 23
3.5. Method of data analysis ................................................................................................................. 23
3.6. Ethical Consideration .................................................................................................................... 23
CHAPTER FOUR .......................................................................................................................... 24
4. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION ........................................................................... 24
4.1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................... 24
4.2. QUESTIONNAIRES ANALYSIS ................................................................................................ 24
4.2.1. BACK GROUND OF THE RESPONDENTS................................................................. 24
4.2.2. GENERAL QUESTIONS............................................................................................... 26
4.3. SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................... 33
CHAPTER FIVE ............................................................................................................................ 34
5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ............................................................................ 34
5.1. CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................. 34
5.2. RECOMMENDATION ................................................................................................................. 35
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................... 36
APPENDIX..................................................................................................................................... 37


Table 3.1 Colleges of respondent student ................................................................................. 22

Table 4.1 Respondent’s profile .................................................................................................. 25
Table 4.2 Occupations will you seek to join after graduate from your program.................. 26
Table 4.3 the reasons to choice on join in to civil servants ...................................................... 26
Table 4.4 challenging factors of entrepreneurial ..................................................................... 27
Table 4.5 relation of course to the field there department ...................................................... 28
Table 4.6 How to see the local community toward the view of entrepreneurial career ....... 29
Table 4.7 the interest to setting up their own business ............................................................ 29
Table 4.8 the contribution of entrepreneurship to job opportunities .................................... 30
Table 4.9 the challenges /problems facing to be an entrepreneurial career .......................... 31
Table 4.10 knowledge s from the course of the business ......................................................... 32
Table 4.11 creative motivation for new business...................................................................... 32


Figure 2.1 conceptual framework .............................................................................................. 19



1.1. Background of the Study

Entrepreneurship is the process of starting a business other organization. The entrepreneur
develops a business model, acquires the human and other required resource, and is fully
responsible for its success or failure. Entrepreneurship operates within an existing firm or large
organization has been referred to as entrepreneurship and many include corporate venture were
large entities spin off subsidiary organization. (Shane, Scott, Andrew, 2000)

Entrepreneurship is a worldwide phenomenon with economic growth across the globe positively
impacted by the emergence of new and innovative business start-ups. These new small businesses
play a significant role in job creation, influencing politicians to recognize and support
entrepreneurial start-up activity due to its positive contribution to the economy. Entrepreneurship
as an academic discipline is still considered relatively new although its origin can be traced back
to the seventeenth century, when economist Richard Cantillon coined the term, entrepreneur
(Hisrich and Peters, 2002). There is general agreement that attitudes towards the entrepreneur,
entrepreneurial activity, and its social function are determinant factors for university students to
decide an entrepreneurial career (Hisrich and Peters, 2002).

Ethiopia, to cope up with the business challenges and benefit from globalization, needs to emerge
with better economy. The development of its economy presupposes entrepreneurial direction,
which is believed to lead to improved social life and welfare. This means that Ethiopian trade and
economic development should be marked by innovation, transformation, ambition, planned and
intentional behavior, and independence. Ethiopian business men and women should take
intelligent risks that are knowledge-based and pave ways for new challenges and opportunities.
Such a strategy helps Ethiopian entrepreneurship to grow (Tsige, 2009). Different economic and
social tasks and qualities are attributed to entrepreneurs. The main purpose of university courses,
from the point of view of both the university and the individual student, is to train and prepare
young people for their future vocational activity, which may bring them into close contact with

commercial or social enterprises. Students are thus often in contact with companies, directly or
indirectly, either as prospective employees or in pursuit of future entrepreneurial self-employment.
This means that a number of students are expected to become entrepreneurs once their studies are
complete. In the course of these direct and indirect contacts between students and companies, the
perception of entrepreneurs is based on a specific, individual image. It is therefore worthwhile
finding out more about students' current image of entrepreneurs. According to Center of Africa
Formation for Research and Development [CAFRD] (2003, as cited in Tsige, 2009) stated that a
society without entrepreneurship is a dead society. Without entrepreneurship, no growth and no
progress can be expected. Entrepreneurship creates jobs, leads to new knowledge and new

Several numbers of students will not develop attitude of entrepreneurship after the termination of
their education. Most of them will be observed when they actively seeking a job and waiting to be
recalled from layoff by the government, such phenomena related the assumption of
entrepreneurship since graduate student expect every opportunity from the government. They will
not be self-employed. If students don’t develop such the notion of entrepreneurship economic
advancement will not be anticipated at every parameter.

In all, the researchers will mainly to assess the abilities of students in creation of business and
enables how much is their attitude in entrepreneurial activity. And also, the researcher will be
intending to guide some possible solutions for the matter of the problems. Entrepreneur’s role is
one of gathering and using resources and also, they added that resources to produce results must
be allocated to opportunities rather, than problem (David Hole, 2005). Therefore, the intention of
this research is to assess attitude of university students towards entrepreneurship in the case
Wolkite University.

1.2. Background of the organization

Wolkite University (WKU) is one of the third generation higher institutions that have been founded
in 2012. It is established for the purpose of providing and promoting higher education learning,
research, and outreach programs in the country to ensure the realization of the national vision of
reaching the level of middle income countries by 2020. The University is located in the Southern
Nation Nationalities Regional State, in Guraghe zone, 158 km southwest of the capital city, Addis

Ababa, on the way to Jima. In November 2009 the late prime minister, his Excellency Mr. Meles
Zenawi, laid the foundation stone of the University in a plain landscape which is quite ideal for
academic pursuit. It is situated at Gubreye sub-city, 14 km away from Wolkite town, of the
Gubrye-Butajira road. The major link road to the University is a direct route to Wolkite-Jimma,
Wolkite-Hossana and Wolkite-Butajira.

The University began its formal activities at Wolkite town with the appointment of the first
president, Dr. Admasu Shibru, in February 2012, while other key officials of the University were
appointed later. Thanks to the local community who agreed to give away their lands (196 hectares)
to the University without any form of exchange for compensation, the main campus’s preparations
had begun as early as 2010 the first phase of construction (36 blocks) that includes buildings for
cafeterias, student dormitories, various academic buildings and other infrastructures were began
in May 2010. During the establishment phase, the construction was administered by Wolkite town
housing development project office. After July 2012 administration of the construction was fully
transferred to the University project office. Since then, construction of additional facilities and
various academic buildings has been conducted in rapid succession.

The University’s command-post was stationed at Wolkite town until September 2013 but moved
to the main campus then. The University commenced the learning-teaching activities on the
promises of the Wolkite polytechnic college at Wolkite town. The first543 students joined the
University in 2011/12 academic year. Enrolling the assigned students, the University started its
academic journey with 13 academic programs under three Colleges of Engineering and
Technology, College of Computing and Informatics, and College of Natural and Computational
science. Currently, the number of colleges has reached seven with one additional school in which
a total of 32 academic programs are running. It is the intention of the University to gradually
increase the number of students to a target of 15,000 total enrollment at the end of the first 5 years
and 40000 to 50000 total enrollments by the end of the third 5 years.

Wolkite University board is the University‘s governing body whose broad responsibilities are
supervising, coordinating, managing and regulating the university as provided by ministry of

1.3. Statement of the problem
According to Sang ram kashari (2007) entrepreneurs under developed countries are imperatively
needed not only employment generation but also it use a process of creating value by bringing
together a unique packages resource to exploit an opportunity, pursuit of discontinuous (gaps)
opportunity involving the creation of an organization with the expectation of value creation to the
participant and entrepreneurial culture in the society, which is not so far sufficient expose to it
entrepreneur has tremendous impact on the economy and society, they have significantly role on
the development of national economy.

Entrepreneurs are the most important tool for the growth of the country because the economy
cannot show improvement without the involvement of creative individuals who create business
rather than seeking job from the government. The roles of university students are significant in
this case. University student’s attitude toward entrepreneurship should be improved in order to
achieve the development strategy of any country because now a day’s unemployment issue is
highly related with graduate students from different private and government universities. Potential
business ideas can be generated from business students since they are familiar with different
direction of business concepts which addressed by the course they cover. Unemployment level and
low initiation to start one’s own business of graduate students is a continuing problem in Ethiopia.
As cited by Golo [10] study, entrepreneurship activity in Ethiopia is seriously discouraged in the
past. Entrepreneurship was considered as undesired profession; educated people used to aspire for
government jobs which were the source of income, pride and security [4]. There is a high potential
for starting new businesses in Ethiopia but more of graduating students waste their time looking
for job opportunities. This bad entrepreneurial attitude among graduating students is the main
cause for rapidly rising unemployment rate in the country.

Therefore, the researcher will be attempting to show the students attitude toward entrepreneurial
in the case of Wolkite University in this the following should be addressed: The interest of the
students starting up their own business, the areas of opportunity to be an entrepreneur and the
factors that hinder entrepreneurial career. But the previous other studies on this topic mainly focus
on the points entrepreneur providing unemployment reduction not included or assess the above
three points.

1.4. Research Question
In order to make the study more reliable and reasonably, the researcher has been answering the
following questions.

❖ How do students think to start up their own business?

❖ What are the areas of opportunities to be an entrepreneur?
❖ What are the major hinder factors that affect graduating students to be an entrepreneur?

1.5 Objective of the Study

1.5.1. General Objective
The general objective of the study was to assess entrepreneurial attitude of graduate students on
Wolkite University.

1.5.2. Specific objectives

Specific objectives of the research were:

✓ To assess students’ interest to start up their own business.

✓ To identify areas of opportunities to be an entrepreneur.
✓ To identify the factors that hinder entrepreneurial career.

1.6. Significance of the study

Students are the most important tool for economic activity since they arise from the society.
Comprehensive understandings entrepreneurial attitude of students is important to reduce
unemployment level of graduate students. The result of this study will be significant in various
aspects. Firstly, on the basis of the study finding, it draws some conclusions and identify
entrepreneurial attitude of students and their surrounding and give signal with regard to factors
retard to start one’s own business and help to take remedial action to minimize the unemployment
level of the students after graduation. The study is also significant to me to gain deep knowledge
in entrepreneurship concept.

The most and essential importance of this study was used as a partial fulfillment of for graduation
of the researcher. The significances of the study are adequate information about student’s attitude
toward entrepreneur. The other importance of this study has been making the researcher to
understand the problem of student’s attitude toward entrepreneur and find solution to the problem.

Furthermore, the study was making the researcher to inherit with the knowledge and helps another
researcher to conduct further researcher.

Therefore, this study would probably help for the graduate students of Wolkite University and
others to be job creator rather than just waiting the hands of the government for employment. This
directly supports the community of the nation to be slight free from economic and social crisis in
the long run. Finally, the study may be help as a reference for future researchers in the area of
entrepreneurial attitude and business orientation.

1.7. Scope /delimitation of the study

It was difficult to conduct this study in a widely range because it consumes high cost and time. It
was also difficult to get relatively accurate information regarding to the study. Due to this reason
the scope of the study was limited to assess entrepreneurial attitude of graduating students in
Wolkite University.

1.8. Limitation of the study

It is obvious that every researcher was faced some degree of limitation, while conducting certain
investigation so in conduct this study contains some of the following expected limitation.

➢ There is an area coverage limitation

➢ Negligence of the respondent in filling questioner.
➢ Since this paper was conducted in wolkite university. It may not represent the overall
Ethiopia university or May not represented remain campus and colleges in the country.

1.9. Organization of the paper

The study was organized into five chapters. First chapter was introductory part which discusses
the basic idea and general picture of the study. The second chapter dedicates to literature review.
The third chapter deals with research methodology, this are the largest part of research paper which
consists of description of the study area, research design, target group or study population, sample
size determination and procedure, source of data and data collection and methods of data analysis.
The fourth chapter concerned about data analysis and interpretation of finding. The fifth chapter
includes the main finding and possible recommendations made by the researcher that are useful to
solve the existed problem.



This review of related literature part tries to indicate relevant theories and papers done so far fact
about regarding the definition of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial attitude, entrepreneur
background, characteristics of an entrepreneur, opportunities to be an entrepreneur, importance
and challenge of entrepreneurship and. It looks the various aspects of entrepreneurial background.

2.1. Theoretical Review

2.1.1. Definition and Concepts of Entrepreneurship
There is no one indispensable definition entrepreneurship or entrepreneur. It has different
definition in different scholars.

The word entrepreneur originates from the French word “Enteitreprendre” which means” to
undertake” or “go between” In business context, it implies to start a business. Entrepreneur is one
who originates, manages and assumes the risk of a business or enterprise (Amar Bhide, 2003). The
concept entrepreneur has a wide range of meaning, on one extreme and entrepreneur is a person
of very high attitude who pioneers changes, possessing characteristics found in any small fractions
of the population. On the other way it means anyone who wants to work for him or herself is
considered to be an entrepreneur (David M.C. Cleland; 2012).
An entrepreneurship also defined as the process creating something different with value by
devoting the necessary time and effort, assuming the accompanying financial and personal
satisfaction in the book under the title entrepreneurship starting development and managing new
enterprises (Robert C. j 2005).
An entrepreneur is a state of mind that people which to create a new firm or a new value deriver
inside existing organizations. It is driving force of the entrepreneurial activity. Research on
entrepreneurial activity makes an inquiry in to why some people choose to be self-employed or
start their own business while others prefer traditional salary based jobs. In sum there are numerous

aspects to the study of entrepreneurial in each addressing different facts of international
entrepreneurial activity (Aizen’s (2002).

Essentially, entrepreneurship is the process of developing, organizing, and running a new

business to generate profit while taking on financial risk. In a broader sense, entrepreneurship is
the process of transforming the status quo by solving the most pressing problems and pain points
in our society, often by introducing an innovative product or service or creating new markets. An
Entrepreneur is someone who has an idea and who works to create a product or service that people
will buy, as well as an organization to support that effort. An entrepreneur takes on most of the
risk and initiative for their new business, and is often seen as a visionary or innovator.
Entrepreneurs come in all shapes and sizes, including small business owners, content creators,
startup founders, and anyone who has the ambition to build a business and work for themselves.
( it had also defined by Robert
Ronstadt as entrepreneurship is the dynamic process of creating incremental wealth. This wealth
is created by individuals who assume the major risks in terms of equity, time and career
commitment of providing cause of some products or services. The product on service itself may
or may not be new or unique but value must somehow be infused by entrepreneur by securing and
allocating the necessary skills and resources. (David Holt 2010).

According to different scholars the term entrepreneur brings resource together in unusually
combination to generate profit. As the view of psychologist vesper, it had found that entrepreneurs
in behavioral term as achievement-oriented individuals’ drivers to seek challenged and new
accomplishment. Marxist philosophers also saw entrepreneurs as exploitive adventure,
representative of all that is negative capitalism. (David Holt 2010)

2.1.2. Entrepreneurial Attitude

An attitude describes a person enduring favorable or Unfavorable cognitive evaluation, feelings and actions
toward some object or idea.

According to Gibson, Christopher, and Harris (2010) many past researches incorporate an attitude scale to
predict entrepreneurial activity. An advantage of using an attitude approach is that it can be more domain-
specific, which increases the correlation with actual behavior and reduces unexplained variability. Attitudes
tend to change across time and situations through an interactive process with the environment, and once a
person’s attitude has been measured, a prediction can be made about the person’s future actions. The

presence of entrepreneurial attitude among university students may be an important indicator of the pool of
potential entrepreneurs. Areas with larger proportion to start successful business may display higher rate of
form creation simply because there are many university students graduate who are likely to start business.
This factor may contribute only partially to the country’s entrepreneurial activity. The total number of
students learning a business remains small and dependent up on other unmeasured characters. Attitude
towards entrepreneurship among university students may be relevant as well.

Attitude is essential in life. This is much truer for an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs need the right
attitude to start and run a successful business. They also require it to be able to relate very well
with clients. Therefore, we will discuss “what is the entrepreneurial attitude is and why you need
it.” Entrepreneurial attitudes are behavioral traits that can help an entrepreneur grow and succeed
in business. There are so many attitudes an entrepreneur should possess that will build and promote
their business. Without these entrepreneurial attitudes, it may be challenging to grow in business.
It is these attitudes that will enable an individual to set up and run a business effectively.

2.1.3. Entrepreneurial Attitude theories

There are mainly six theories of attitude. They are in order of their chorological development:
learning theory, functional theories, the cognitive dissonance theory, self-perception theories,
social judgment theories and attribution theory (Mostynm 2005).
➢ Learning theory
Attitudes are farmed through a simple stimulus-response of pattern according to learning theories.
Based on lawn’s field theory it is assumed that the individual is exposed to various attitude which
create a pressure of in a pressure in the environmental space. Attitudes can potentiality reinforces
the way to think (Mostyn, 2005).
Learning can be seen as adaptation to the condition necessary for survival an ability to benefit
from the change and from new conditions. Learning also requires continuity, because a good
learner has to make use of his or her previous experiences to adapt to new conditions (Kara, 2009).
➢ Functional theories
According to functionalists’ attitude emerge out of the motivational system to serve a function and
they are change when the individual finds that the attitude in question is no longer functional, for
example, new attitude may be adapted because it will increase reward such as social approval or a
new attitude may be an expression of aggression or guilt. This functionalist assumes those attitudes

are based in the basic need of the individual and can only be really understood on the level of
psychological motivation (Mastyn, 2005).
➢ Cognitive Dissonance theory
This refer is situation of contradictory attitudes, beliefs or behaviors. This in turn result feeling of
discomfort leading to change the attitude, beliefs or behaviors to reduce the discomfort (Mclead,
The individual is portrayed as someone constantly striving to maintain his equilibrium dissonance
is the state of disequilibrium. Thus in order to maintain his own sense of balance will adopt the
attitudes of those around him to exist harmoniously. Attitude change comes about when he
perceives an inconsistency, a dissonance which makes him uncomfortable, he resolves the tension
by changing his attitudes. Inconsistency among one’s attitude can come about for a variety of
reasons for most among these are: environmental changes: occupying two or more social role-
parent and doctor, forced compliance situations– enforced working group: or adopting new attitude
which conflict significantly with others (Mostyn, 2005).
➢ Self-Perception theory
Developed by social psychologist Dairly Bem Self-perception theory claims that people come to
know their own attitudes, beliefs, and other internal states by interring them from their own
behavior and the circumstance under which they occur. So a student who constantly reads
psychology boat is may infer an interest in psychology.
Thus, people simply use their behavior and the circumstances in which it occurs to infer their own
beliefs and attitudes (International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2008).
Simply stated Bem’s view was that the individual infers his attitudes by observing his own
behaviors, thus attitude is an outgrowth of actual behavior.
Therefore, this theory stated that the individual farms, his original attitude and changes or modifies
his existing attitude on the basis of observing or being aware of his own actions (Mostyn, 2005).
➢ Social Judgment theories
Social judgment theory is a self-persuasion theory purposed by Carolyn Sheriff, Muzafer sheriff
and Carl Holland. This theory defined as the perception and evaluation of an idea by comparing it
with current attitude. According to this theory, an individual weight every new idea, comparing it
with the individual’s present point of view to determine where that it states should be placed on
the attitude scale in an individual’s mind (Wikipedia, 2016).

➢ Attribution theory
Attribution theory is based on the assumption that the individual does not change his attitudes but
rather discovers what they are. If is further assumed that causal attribution far one’s own
performance affect the subsequent behavior (Mostlyn, 2005). This theory assumes that people try
to determine why people do what they do; a person seeking to understand why another person did
something may attribute one or more causes to that behavior (university of Twente, 2010).
Generally, it can be concluded that attitude can emerged from one’s own or may influenced by
environmental factors to stay at equilibrium to satisfy one’s own need.
The above theories also indicated that attitude can be changed by one’s own motivation or through
the influence of the surrounding environment. This indicates that student’s attitude toward
entrepreneurship can be improved when the environmental factors are favorable to entrepreneurial
activity (Peter F, Drucker literary Trustm (2008).
2.1.4. The entrepreneur’s background
All entrepreneurs are not the same different entrepreneurs have different cultural and educational
background family structure and situations they came from variety of professions, age, group, and
nationalities. Therefore, there are no such things a true entrepreneurial profile. The following are
areas of entrepreneurial background investigated (David Holt 2005).

➢ Child hold family environment

There are some hypotheses that hold being a first born on an only child to family contributions to
the child’s development of more self-confidence, such as occupation at the parents having a self-
employed parent provides a strong inspiration for the entrepreneur. The independence and
flexibility gained by the parents through the self-employment is ingrained at an early stage, the
knowledge that will be shared from such an experienced family member is also very important for
all entrepreneurs. Success, parents of entrepreneurs; whether they are entrepreneur one not must
be supportive, they need to encourage responsibility achievement and independence through self-
employment in order to bluish the interests of entrepreneurship in their children, generally the
support parent giver especially that of the famous appears to be the most important for female
entrepreneurs. Female entrepreneurs tend to possess similar personality at their father and come
from the middle to upper class environments were in familiar are likely to be a child centered.
(David Holt 2010).
➢ Education
In fact, entrepreneurs are having at least a college degree education is important in the entrepreneur
upbringing. It has played a vital role in helping the entrepreneur deal with daily challenges even
though education is not a precondition to stat up a business. It makes the entrepreneurs life easier
in establishing and running the venture commonly, it is to the entrepreneurs benefit to have same
education in the area of finance, strategic planning, and marketing strategies, making decision,
human resource management and communication. (DawitArega 2005)

➢ Age
Most entrepreneurs launch their entrepreneurial career between the age of 22 and 45. It is true that
entrepreneur aging out of the above age or range Amy average, however, this is often very unlikely
as the entrepreneurs need experience financial backing courage and energy to start up and run a
new business.(DawitArega 2005)

➢ Work experience
Work experience not only impacts a person decision to start an entrepreneurial career but also
contributes significantly to the person’s struggle to lead the new venture to success commonly lack
of challenge and promotional opportunities, frustration and boredom business. In any cases
previous knowledge and experience are important to launch the new business. Particularly
exposure to the areas of finance, production development, manufacturing development of
distribution channel and marketing is advantages as business increase in site the business activities
became completer and more diverse a situation that makes managerial and entrepreneurial
experience and skill increasingly important. (DawitArega 2005)

2.1.5. Characteristics of entrepreneur

Entrepreneur is a key figure in economic progress. He is a person who introduces new things in
the economy. He is considered as business leader and not a simple owner of capital. He is a person
with telescopic faculty, drive and talent who perceives business opportunities and promptly sizes
them for exploitation. Akhori formerly executive director national institute for entrepreneurship
and small business development new Delhi describes entrepreneurs as a character that combines
innovativeness readiness to take risk sensing opportunities, identifying and mobilizing potential
resources, concerns for excellence and who is persistent in achieving the goals. In addition to be
successful, entrepreneurs should have the following characteristics such as need to achieve

independence risk bearing, locus at control precedence, positive self-concept, ability to find and
explore opportunities, hope of success, flexibility and analytical ability of mind. Sense of
efficiency, openness to feedbacks and learning from experience interpersonal skill, need to
influence diners and soon (Earle Meyer 1994).

➢ Characteristics of successful entrepreneurs

✓ Self-confident and optimistic
✓ Able to take calculated risk
✓ Respond positively to challenges
✓ Flexible and able to adapt
✓ Knowledgeable of marketing
✓ Able to get along well with others
✓ Independent mind
✓ Versatile knowledge
✓ Energetic and diligent
✓ Creative need to achieve
✓ Dynamic leader and responsible to suggestions
✓ To take initiatives and perceive with foresight
✓ Resource full perceiving and responsive criticisms (David Holt 2005)

2.1.6. Importance of entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship plays an important role by providing self-sufficiency and in a weigh creation of
individuals and nation as well. It provides huge employment opportunities a mass of people by
contribute toward research and development entrepreneurship also harshly available for
challenging opportunities for the people by slay scraping height of a parent prospects.
Economically, entrepreneurship invigorated markets. The formation of new business leads to job
creation has multiplied effect on the economy, socially entrepreneurship empowers citizens,
generated innovation and changes mind set. These changes have the potential to integrate
developing countries in the global economy. It reduces unemployment and poverty and it is pant
way to prosper.

Entrepreneurship is the process of employing the opportunities in the market place and arranging
resource required to exploit these opportunities for long term going (David Holt 2010)

2.1.7. Opportunities for business ownership
There are three main possibilities

➢ Entering the family business

One way to become an entrepreneur, if you have the option, is to go in to the family business, such
enterprise often called MOM and POP business are an important part of the one country economy.
It is estimated that family business contribution about 40 percent of GNP and over one half of all
job’s nationality (David.Holt2005).

➢ Buying a business

Another way to acquire a business is to buy one. In some case buying a business is less risky than
starting one from scratch. If may also be an attractive alternative. If you do not a great deal of
business experience an existing business, of course is one that already has allocation and physical
plant. It may even have experienced employees and regular customers. The last are especially
important, their continued business after you take over enormously increase your chance of success
much loyalty cued good will is an extremely valuable business assets (Earle. Meyer 1994).

➢ Starting your business

If your family does not own a business and you cannot find or do not want to buy and existing
business you may choose to start your own starting a new business generally entails more time and
effort than the other option, after you determine for you self that your venture is sound, you will
have to prepare a business plan to convince others (Sang ram kashari 2007).

2.1.8. Role of entrepreneurs

The role of entrepreneurs thus can be grouped in to three main sections

1. Role of entrepreneurs as an innovator in economic growth as innovators, entrepreneurs perform

the following.

1.1. They bring about new combinations

• Introduction of new product

• Introduction of new techniques of production
• Opening up of a new market

• Conquest of a new source of supply of raw material or semi-finished goods
1.2. Entrepreneurs use potential technical knowledge for continuous technological progress. They
use the following two important things to achieve economic rewards, the existence technological
knowledge in under to produce new products, the power of dispersal over the factors of production
in the form of credit.
1.3. Entrepreneurs emphasize on purposeful life goods and innovation.

Entrepreneurs began with the analysis of opportunities and successful innovation should aim at
leadership. This quality is one of the most crucial attributes of the entrepreneurship development
and economic development are inter liked. Thus, the role of entrepreneur as an innovator is
considered the most significant element for acceleration of economic development through self-
employment. Entrepreneurial development greens rise to economic independence.
1.4. Entrepreneurs worked with their hands. Their innovations were in the field of technology.
Technological innovations and creativity played the important role in encouraging
entrepreneurship and economic development. Innovations give rise to innovative talents which
initiates and improve the economic growth in implement in per capital income, increase in capital
formulation, generation of employment opportunities, balanced growth, improvement in standard
of living economic independent, creating back record and forward linkages technological
advancement, establishment of new form of organization, entrepreneurial competencies
development .

2. Role of entrepreneurs in generating employment opportunities as entrepreneurship is a

purposeful activity including in initiating stimulating, promoting and maintaining economic
activity for production and distribution of goods and services the person behind these movements
is critical factors as well as integral component of socio-economic transformation. Entrepreneurial
movement in Ethiopia confronts mainly back wordiness and unemployment. This problem can be
effectively tacked by activating the talent of human potentials through entrepreneurship. To
confront backwardness and unemployment entrepreneurship is imperatively needed in developing
medium sum all and micro industries both in manufacturing and service sectors. The role of
entrepreneur in these areas can be shown, thus in establishing tiny micro and small-scale
enterprises. These creators both of self-employment and was employment opportunities.

3. Role entrepreneurs in bringing about social stability and balanced regional development it
industries. Entrepreneurs play a vital role in each and every country, entrepreneurs in considered
as evaluable human resource. Entrepreneurs, as a catalyst of change try to bring about social
stability in the following ways.

• Avoiding backwardness and poverty

• Checking expansion of monopolies, entrepreneur’s diffuse property by checking
the explanation of monopolies
Equitable distribution of income in both rural and urban areas, they lead to equitable distribution
of income and wealth in society. These gives rise to reduction in social instability between rural
and urban sectors (Gebeyehuw Assefa 2004)

2.1.9. Contribution of entrepreneurial

Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs are destined to contribute. Significant contribution to the
country’s development process such as entrepreneurship stimulated is distribution of whether,
income and potentially power within the country entrepreneurship helps improving the social
welfare by harnessing dormant and neglected talent entrepreneurship facilities the transfer of
technology to rural areas. Entrepreneurship is power full tool of job creation by virtue of its labors
intensiveness entrepreneurs create completeness’ and lead to consumer oriented market long term
involvement with the goal and calculated risk entrepreneurs create the need to persist with the
enterprise even the face of diversity the tendency to analyze the environment of going base holder
the entrepreneurs in positive optimistic state. (Earle Meyer 1994).

2.1.10. Challenges of entrepreneurship

The entrepreneur faces problems perhaps starting from the day she/he identifies business idea. In
fact, problems follow the entrepreneur life a shadow, given the limited information and experience
of the problem specifically at initial stage. They may face by the entrepreneur can be classified as
internal and external. The internal problems are those that result from factors which are beyond
the direct control are referred to be entrepreneurial problems. (Esark. Meyer, 1994)

Generally, the problems faced by a business of all size whether small medium or large are similar.
However, magnitude and impact of the problem in various organizations differs the greatest
influence being on small scale business. The first challenge the entrepreneur has to solve is to

determine, if the conceived business idea is an exportable business opportunity. The next challenge
is the process of obtaining permission and license for the two launched business. In addition to this
tax, health and satiety environment regulation staff and on equal competition from other large
companies, adverse society cultural beliefs and practice are also challenge of entrepreneurs start
up a new business (David Holt 2005)

2.1.11. Coping with government regulations

Business both large and small is affected on daily basis by the law of federal state and local
governments enforce these laws. Governments use a variety of agencies writes the actual
requisition or requirements and restrictions by which business are bound. More people are cognate
the need for some regulation. Business, employee s customers and the general public must be
protected in some circumstances (Earle Meyer 1994).

➢ Patents

A patent is grant to an investor that gives him /her exclusive right to produce and sell an invention
for period of 17 years. To receive a patent, you must file an application with the federal patent and
trade mark office (PTO) (Earle Meyer 1994)

➢ Copy rights

A copy right is similar to patent, except that it protects original works of authorship. There include
such things as books, movies musical composition and computer software. If you plan to publish
or make public your work copy right law requires that you do two things. First you must place
notice of copy right in a prominent location on the work. A second thing you must do is deposit
two copies of work with the copy right office. It is important to understand that a copy right
protects only on the form in which the idea is presented. It does not protect the idea itself. A copy
right last for the life the authors plus 50 years, after that the copy right goes in to the public domain
and can be used by any one free of charge (Earle Meyer, 1994)

➢ Trade mark
A trade mark is a word, a symbol or combination of these that a business uses to identify itself or
something it sales, like a patent and copy right. A trade mark provides legal protection. If a business
registers its trade mark cannot be registered with the PTO (public trade office). Until it is actually
going to be used (Earle Mayer 1994).

2.2. Empirical Review

According to Kuratko (2005), in the United States of America one-third of new entrepreneurs are
younger than age 30, with more than 60 percent of 18 to 29 years old, majority of the educated
people want to run their own businesses. Despite these encouraging numbers majority of
graduating students does not use entrepreneurship as a career option. Dell McStay (2002) stated
that many students do not consider entrepreneurship as a career and only very few will start their
own Business immediately after graduation. According to Gibson, Christopher, and Harris (2010)
many past researches incorporate an attitude scale to predict entrepreneurial activity. An advantage
of using an attitude approach is that it can be more domain-specific, which increases the correlation
with actual behavior and reduces unexplained variability. Attitudes tend to change across time and
situations through an interactive process with the environment, and once a person’s attitude has
been measured, a prediction can be made about the person’s future actions. According to Robinson
development of the Entrepreneurial Attitude Orientation (EAO) model based on the four constructs
of achievement, innovation, personal control, and self-esteem in business, entrepreneurial Attitude
Orientation (EAO) model applied by measure entrepreneurial attitudes (Robinson et al., 1991).

2.3. Conceptual Framework
Robinson et al. (1991) developed the entrepreneurial attitude orientation (EAO) model to predict
entrepreneurial activity. The subscales of the EAO measure individuals’ attitudes in to four
constructs: achievement in business, innovation in business, perceived personal control of business
outcomes and perceived self-esteem in business. This study has been used both internal and
external factors to identify the entrepreneurial attitude of graduating students. These factors will
be determining an individual’s attitude of graduating students in the entrepreneurial start up

Internal Factor

Personality Trait


Risk Taking Attitude

External Factor Entrepreneurship
Family background on
own business

Financial constraint/starting
capital and monetary capacity

Government policy

Source: (Wendmu Halefom Berhe, Study on Mekelle Poly Technique College).

Figure 2.1 conceptual framework



In this chapter the research methodology which will be used for this study are discussed. Topics
of coverage in this chapter include the study area description, research design, study population,
sampling design, data collection method, data analysis method, and ethical consideration are
included. Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem as well as
understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically (Kotharie, 2004). Research
methods may be understood as all those methods/techniques that are used for conducting of

3.1. Research design

The adopted study was descriptive study, because it helps in obtaining information concerning the
current status of a situation to describe what exists with respect to variables or conditions in the
situation under investigation. Descriptive study is used to describe various aspects of phenomena
and it provides to get reliable information. The study used both quantitative and qualitative method
of study, both are element of descriptive study and they explain quantitative and qualitative

3.2. Target group/ study population

There are a total number of 1706 prospective graduate students in the following nine colleges
namely natural and computational science, business and economics, veterinary medicine, social
science and humanity, school of law, behavioral science, agricultural and natural resource,
computing and informatics, and engineering and technology colleges 129, 243, 250, 230, 30, 133,
162, 60 and 469 respectively. The reason to select nine colleges because most of the students which
are graduating from the above-mentioned colleges are not directly employed by the government.
Therefore, they were self-employed through entrepreneurial attitude.

3.3. Sample size Determination and Sampling Technique
The study attempted to analyze the entrepreneurial attitude of Wolkite University in nine colleges.
On the bases of data analysis, proportional stratified simple random sampling techniques would
be used. The researcher should be used this method to collect the necessary information for its
simplicity and applicability to the sample element.

The researchers were classified colleges based on stratified sampling technique (i.e. nine colleges
namely natural and computational science, business and economics, veterinary medicine, social
science and humanity, school of law, behavioral science, agricultural and natural resource,
computing and informatics, and engineering and technology colleges. Therefore, the total
population of 1706 graduating students would be incorporated in this study. The sample size would
be randomly selected among heterogonous population strata 95 members of the sample size
respondent would be presented by using tyro Yamane sample size determination formula (1967).

n= where; n= sample size

N=total population

e= error

n= = 95

Therefore, n=95

Table 3.1 Colleges of respondent student

NO Colleges/Educational faculty Total students from each Sample size


1 Natural and computational 129=129/1706*95 7


2 business and economics 243=243/1706*95 14

3 veterinary medicine 250=250/1706*95 14

4 social science and humanity 230=230/1706*95 13

5 school of law 30=30/1706*95 2

6 behavioral science 133=133/1706*95 7

7 agricultural and natural 162=162/1706*95 9


8 computing and informatics 60=60/1706*95 3

9 engineering and technology 469=469/1706*95 26


total 9 1706 95

So, total sample size of the study was consisting of 95 students. The researcher also used
convenience sampling techniques in order to distribute questionnaires for each stratum and to
collected data.

Because the convenience sampling that involve the sample being drawn from that part of the
population that is close to hand that is a sample population selected because it is readily available

and convenient as a researcher is drawing or relationship or networks to which they have easy

3.4. Source of data and method of data collection

The study was used both primary and secondary data collection methods. The primary data was
collected through distributed questionnaires to respondents, because of the respondents gave the
information in relation to situations. Secondary data was collected from organizational manual and
organizational websites.

3.5. Method of data analysis

Data was collected from primary and secondary sources. Where Primary sources are carefully
arranged and interpreted through quantitative and descriptive methods, the quantitative data was
processed by using descriptive statistics that is using table and percentages, qualitative data was
analyzed via presentation of finding.

3.6. Ethical Consideration

Ethics is very important aspect of a good researcher. Researchers have a moral and professional
obligation to be ethical. A strong moral code by the researcher is the best defines against unethical
behavior. The researcher can’t use bad words to lead or divert participants in wrong direction. The
researcher also incorporates possible benefits and tries to make it fairly distribute by not hurting
them. Participants voluntarily consented to participate without coercion.
All the participants signed consent forms. There was no deception informed consent would
emphasize. The researcher accepts and believes that it is an ethical obligation to respect well-being,
perspectives and ideology of the people under this study. The researcher doesn’t put any
participants in to physical and psychological harm. It is only based on the consent of the
respondents that the information obtained. And the rights of the respondents to answer all questions
or to let unanswered were respected.
In this sense, the researcher has been given status and dignity for individuals who were participate
by giving accurate information by considering ethical value of the host community in study area.
Finally, the names of participants (respondents) are not recorded (written).



This chapter deals with data analysis, interpretation and presentation. In this chapter data gathered
through questionnaire was presented with the help of table followed by analysis and interpretation
to answer the questionnaire set initially in the study. The researcher takes as a target sample size
of 95 from graduating students in case of Wolkite University. More over the data gathered are
believed to help the researcher on finding out of the assessing entrepreneurial attitude of graduating
students in Wolkite University; total number of 95 questionnaires was distributed by using
convenience sampling techniques.

The data is presented in tables. Quantitative data analysis is the method for the data analysis and
the data which is collected from the sample respondents are interpreted according to the data from



As clearly stated in the first chapter the researcher had used nine educational faculties for the
completion of this paper. There are natural science, business and economics, veterinary medicine,
social science and humanity, school of law, behavioral science, agricultural and natural resource,
computing and informatics, and engineering and technology colleges.

The respondent’s profiles clearly show in the table below.

Table 4.1 Respondent’s profile

No Student information Number of Percentage


1 Sex Male 56 58.9%

Female 39 41.1%
Total 95 100%
2 Age 18-20 0 0%
21-24 42 44.2%
25-30 37 39%
Above 30 16 16.8%
Total 95 100%
3 Educational Natural science 7 7.4%
faculty Business and economics 14 14.7%
Veterinary medicine 14 14.7%
Social science and humanity 13 13.7%
School of law 2 2.1%
Behavioral science 7 7.4%
Agricultural and natural resource 9 9.5%
Computing and informatics 3 3.1%
Engineering and technology 26 27.4%
Total 95 100%
Source, primary data; 2023

Table 4.1 shows that the proportion of male is greater than female respondents that is 56(58.9%)
of respondents are male and the rest of 39(41.1%) of respondents are female .In educational
faculties 7(7.4%) respondents are natural sciences, 14(14.7%) of the respondents are business and
economics, 13(13.7%) of the respondents are social science and humanity, 2(2.1%) of the
respondents are school of law,7(7.4%) of the respondents are Behavioral science,9(9.5%) of the
respondents are Agricultural and natural resource,3(3.1%) of the respondents are Computing and
informatics colleges,26(27.4%) of the respondents are Engineering and technology colleges and
the remaining of 13(13.7%) of respondents are veterinary medicine. This shows that Engineering

and technology colleges and business and economics programs are high respondents and low
respondents from computing and informatics colleges, because of higher graduated students in
Engineering and technology colleges and lowest graduate students in computing and informatics


Table 4.2 Occupations will you seek to join after graduate from your program

No What occupation will you seek to join after Respondents

graduating from your program? No %
1 Join in to civil servant 37 38.9%
2 Join in to family business 25 26.4%
3 Starting your own business 18 18.9%
4 I don’t know. 15 15.8%
Total 95 100%
Source, primary data; 2023
According to the table 4.2 presented above greater number of respondents 37(38.9%) of
them have answer as they seek to join in to civil servant, 25(26.4%) of respondents as they
will join to family business, 18(18.9%) of respondents were willing to start their own
business after completion of their education and the remaining 15(15.8%) of respondents
have said that don’t know, therefore this show that majority of the students will seek to
join civil servant. Some scholars says that students after graduating from your program it
is preferable and respectable to work in large governmental organization than to become
business person. Doctor, professor, restaurant and grocery owner

Table 4.3 the reasons to choose on join in to civil servants

No Please specify your reason choice Respondents

“A” why? Chooses your response?
No %
1 Fear of business 19 20%
2 Your profession is not initiating you 9 9.5%

3 Civil servant benefits more to you 32 33.7%

4 Unable to get initial capital 35 36.8%
Total 95 100%
Source, primary data; 2023

According to the table 4.3 in order to clarity the reason the researcher raised why you seek
to join in to civil servant .As we can see at the table above 32(33.7%) of the respondents
were shown the reason choice civil servant employees better 35(36.8%) of the respondents
were shown the reason unable to get initial capital as difficulty, the other 19(20%) of
respondents were respond to the reason fear of business risk and the remaining 9(9.5%)of
respondents had specify the reason that his/her profession does not initiate to be an
entrepreneurial. Based on the question item to search the reason beyond from the
respondents have present open-ended question.
As the result the following are question taken from the respondents
✓ Lack of experience to the field at business activities
✓ Frustration
From these the researcher could suggest that initial capital basically affect
entrepreneurial to operate their own business so to overcome this concerned body
in the nation should play their share.

Table 4.4 challenging factors of entrepreneurial

No Factors affect entrepreneurial Respondents

No %
1 Inaccessibility of enough finance 37 38.9%
2 Permission and licenses is not easily acquired 20 21.1%
3 Family background 22 23.2%
4 Policy of the country does not motivate 16 16.8%
Total 95 100%
Source, primary data; 2023
As it is shown above in table 4.4 the largest part of the respondents 37(38.9%) have
responded that inaccessibility of enough finance will have great effect on meet growing
demand of business activities the permission and license is not easily acquired had also
constitute the second rank by the number of respondents 20(21.1%) out of the nineteen five
(95) the sample respondent and 16(16.8%) of the respondents have shown that the policy
of the country does not motivate as the challenging factor and the remaining 22(23.2%)
respondents also respond that family background affect them either to start new business

or doing the existing one. From this the researchers have argued that inaccessibility of
enough finance and as well as in the permission and license are not easily acquired should
play great effect in developing motivational strategies and encouragement of
In addition to these the researcher have also presented open ended question on this specify
reason beyond the alternative available. As such some of the respondents have reason out
taxation procedures on the new venture and already existing business enterprises are not
fair; so as shown in the view of respondents on faire taxation discourages the interest and
willingness entrepreneurial sales to join in to new business.

Table 4.5 relation of course to the field there department

No Have you got entrepreneurial related know how from your Respondents
program? No %
1 Yes 66 69.5%
2 No 29 30.5%
Total 95 100%
Source, primary data; 2023
As shown on the table 4.5 above 66(69.5%) of respondents have required entrepreneurial
related know how from their program and 29(30.5%) of respondents recommend that they
are unable to get sufficient entrepreneurial know how from their program. From the table
5; above respondents this who said “yes” has expressed their feeling due to the following
✓ Gets entrepreneurial know how formally by taking the course of entrepreneurship
in freshman course.
✓ By reading difference reference books and gain information difference media based
on the response on the respondents the researcher concluded that majority of the
respondents accumulate entrepreneurial know how from their education for future
progress but the extent there are same respondents who need organizational support
for the reason that they have delivered too.
✓ Gets knowledge reading from different books like entrepreneurial knowhow and

Table 4.6 How to see the local community toward the view of entrepreneurial career

No How to see the local community Respondents

towards of entrepreneurial No %
1 Very good 22 23.2%
2 Good 27 28.4%
3 Fair 13 13.7%
4 Poor 23 24.2%
5 Very poor 10 10.5%
Total 95 100%
Source, primary data; 2023
The above table 4.6 show that see the local community towards view of entrepreneurial carrier
22(23.2%) of the respondents have explain that the local community towards entrepreneurial is
very good and end of the respondents have explains that the local community’s said that good
27(28.4%) and 13(13.7%) of respondents said that the entrepreneurial carrier is fair, 23(24.2%) of
the respondents said that the local community is poor and remaining 10(10.5%) of the respondents
said that the local community towards the view of the entrepreneurial carrier was very poor. Many
people even from thinking of starting a business, for example it is still rare that teachers or career
officers suggest, an active choice, that people should consider starting their own business.

There is still pressure on people ,especially graduates to get a real job .conversely ,people whose
parents have run their own business are usually more disposed to consider their own business .In
addition after university education it is preferable and respectable to work in large governmental
organization than become business person .

Table 4.7 the interest to setting up their own business

No How much do you interest to setting up your Respondents

own business? Number %
1 More interested 34 35.8%
2 Interested 51 53.7%
3 Less interested 10 10.5%

Total 95 100%
Source, primary data; 2023

According to the above table “4.7” 34(35.8%) of the respondents have more interested respondents
set up their own business, and 51(53.7%) of the respondents are interested to set up their own
business. While 10(10.5%) of the respondents have less interest to settle their own business.
Therefore, it is possible to conclude that most of students are interested to stand new business for

Table 4.8 the contribution of entrepreneurship to job opportunities

No To what extent does you entrepreneurship Respondents

contribute for job opportunities? No %
1 High 48 50.6%
2 Medium 27 28.4%
3 Low 20 21%
Total 95 100%
Source, primary data; 2023
According to the above table 4.8, 48(50.6%) if the respondents replay that entrepreneurship
contributes highly to job opportunities, while 27(28.4%) of the respondents replied that
entrepreneurship are medium for job opportunities and 20(21%) respondents are replay that
entrepreneurship low contribution for job opportunities their fore, it is possible to include that the
entrepreneurship are contribute highly to the job opportunities.

According to (Earle Meyer 1994) Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs are destined to contribute.
Significant contribution to the country’s development process such as entrepreneurship stimulated
is distribution of whether, income and potentially power within the country entrepreneurship helps
improving the social welfare by harnessing dormant and neglected talent entrepreneurship
facilities the transfer of technology to rural areas.

Table 4.9 the challenges /problems facing to be an entrepreneurial career

No Is there any major challenge/problems facing to be an entrepreneurial Respondents

career? No %
1 Yes 59 58%
2 No 36 37%
Total 81 100%
Source; primary data; 2023

From the above table 4.9, 58% of the respondents replay that they faced by a problem to become
an entrepreneurial career. While 37% of the respondents replay that they are no problem faced
there to become an entrepreneurial career, therefore, the researcher concluded that respondents are
faced by different problem to become an entrepreneurial career current, as shown that table above
4.9, the respondents who said that “yes” have expressed their felling due to the following reason.

➢ Lack of initial capital

➢ Permission and licenses are not easily acquired
➢ Family back ground
➢ Attitude of society
According to (David Holt 2005) generally the problems faced by a business of all size whether
small medium or large are similar. However, magnitude and impact of the problem in various
organizations differs the greatest influence being on small scale business. The first challenge the
entrepreneurs has to solve is to determine, if the conceived business idea is an exportable business
opportunity. The next challenge is the process of obtaining permission and license for the two
launched business. In addition to this tax, health and satiety environment regulation staff and on
equal competition from other large companies, adverse society cultural beliefs and practice are
also challenge of entrepreneurs start up a new business.

Table 4.10 knowledge s from the course of the business

No Does the course provide students with knowledge Respondents

required to start a new business? No %
1 Yes 65 68.4%
2 No 30 31.6%
Total 81 100%
Source; primary data; 2023

From the above table 4.10, 65(68.4%) of the respondents said that the course provides students’
knowledge required to start a new business. While, 30(31.6%) of the respondents said that the
course not provide students with knowledge required to start anew business.

According to (Dawit Arega 2005) in fact entrepreneurs are having at least a college degree
education is important in the entrepreneur upbringing. It has play a vital role in helping the
entrepreneur deal with daily challenges even though education is not a precondition to stat up a
business. It makes the entrepreneurs life easier in establishing and running the venture commonly,
it is to the entrepreneurs benefit to have same education in the area of finance, strategic planning,
and marketing strategies, making decision, human resource management and communication.

Table 4.11 creative motivation for new business

No Does the creative atmosphere inspire you to develop ideas for Respondents
new business? No %
1 Yes 57 60%
2 No 38 40%
Total 95 100%
Source; primary data; 2023

From the table 4.11, 57 (60%) of respondents said that the creative atmosphere inspires the idea
for new business. While 38(40%) of the respondents said that the creative atmosphere does not
inspire you to develop ideas for new business. This indicates that majority of the students are
believe that the creative atmosphere inspires them to develop ideas for new business.

From the data analysis and presentation, the study develops the following summary finding
based on has distributed a total of 95 questioners to the graduated students.

➢ From the total respondents 95(100%) of 58.9 % (56) were males and 41.1% (39) were
➢ In educational faculties 26(27.4%) of the respondents are Engineering and technology
colleges and low respondents 2(2.1%) of the respondents are school of law.
➢ Majority of the students will seek to join civil servant. 32(33.7%) of the respondents were
shown the reason choice civil servant employees better 35(36.8%) of the respondents were
shown the reason unable to get initial capital as difficulty, the other 19(20%) of respondents
were respond to the reason fear of business risk and the remaining 9(9.5%) of respondents
had specify the reason that his/her profession does not initiate to be an entrepreneurial.
➢ The largest part of the respondents 37(38.9%) have responded that inaccessibility of
enough finance will have great effect on meet growing demand of business activities the
permission and license is not easily acquired had also constitute the second rank by the
number of respondents 20(21.1%) out of the nineteen five (95) the sample respondent and
16(16.8%) of the respondents have shown that the policy of the country does not motivate
as the challenging factor and the remaining 22(23.2%) respondents also respond that family
background affect them either to start new business or doing the existing one.
➢ 22(23.2%) of the respondents have explain that the local community towards
entrepreneurial is very good and end of the respondents have explained that the local
communities said that good 27(28.4%).
➢ About 34(35.8%) of the respondents have more interested respondents set up their own
business, and 51(53.7%) of the respondents are interested to set up their own business.
While 10(10.5%) of the respondents have less interest to settle their own business.
➢ From the above 65(68.4%) of the respondents said that the course provides students’
knowledge required to start a new business. While, 30(31.6%) of the respondents said that
the course not provide students with knowledge required to start anew business.



The main objective of the study was to assess entrepreneurial attitude of graduating students in
Wolkite University. During the study is conducting the researcher used both primary and
secondary data .There are a total number of 1706 prospective graduate students in the following
nine colleges namely natural and computational science, business and economics, veterinary
medicine, social science and humanity, school of law, behavioral science, agricultural and natural
resource, computing and informatics, and engineering and technology colleges 129, 243, 250, 230,
30, 133, 162, 60 and 469 respectively. The researcher designed distributed and gathered 95
questionnaires in the convenience sampling technique for total sample size of 95 respondents
which was analyzed and presented in data analysis section.

Entrepreneurs are wealth creates or nations with the high level of entrepreneurial activity having
good living standard of life and well developed. That mean economics with higher rate
entrepreneurial activity lies are stronger and more competitive. Based on research conducted and
analysis made in this study many findings were separated depending on the problems analyzed in
data analysis and interpretation on the identified problems of entrepreneurial attitude of graduating
students in Wolkite University. The following conclusions are forwarded:

➢ The researcher established that Initial capital for entrepreneurial was basically
significant but still not available as far, and lack of Infrastructure in entrepreneurial
activities. Awareness among the society in the view of entrepreneurship is not well
developed. Lack of encouragement in family and permission, and licenses are not
easily acquired. Majority of students after graduating from your program join in to
civil servant. Tax and taxation procedure for joining entrepreneurial are not match
with level of their income and also taxation procedure on the new venture and
already existing business enterprise are not fair so as shown in the view of
respondents on the fair taxation discourage the interest and willingness
entrepreneurial sale to join in to new business.

➢ Entrepreneurship significant contribution to the country development and improve
social welfare by harnessing dormant and neglected talent entrepreneurship
facilities the transfer of technology to rural area and contribute highly to the job

❖ Entrepreneurial are wealth creator of the nation in the activities of associated
entrepreneurship and the venture of capital the action of any one group should have positive
over or in the language of economic externalities for their peer, so the organization are
concerned body in the university should play key role. To teach the students the benefits
of entrepreneurial like; freedom to operate independently their own
❖ Business, make more money running their own company than they would be working for
some else, when one owns a business, job security ensured.
❖ Developing good entrepreneurial culture for the student in order to overcome these
organizations should able design promotional opportunities and strategies in addition these
organizations should also inform and work hard on hand with the government body in
joining students in to a new business through making as much as possible limitation of
initial capital and infrastructural facilities accessible, because these are problems that had
been requested and valued by the higher number of respondents it is also better that if the
organization give entrepreneurial training. And also awareness of the society and family
by teaching the advantage of create a new business or entrepreneurial like; community
service, financial opportunity job security and family employed in order to improve the
attitude of the society and family. The government should also fair and balance income and
tax of the entrepreneurs. And also, the governments give the financial support and easily
give permission and licenses. To overcome these and other problems the concerned body
in the nation should play their share.
❖ Generally, it is excellent that if the organization develops and makes accessible those
challenging factors which are recommended by the respondents in the business
environment and able to operate their annual business.

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Robert Ronstadt (1984). Entrepreneurship text cases and notes. Doberman, Lord.
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First, I would like to thank you for your cooperation to fill this questionnaire.

Questionnaire to be filled by graduating students:

This questionnaire is prepared by fourth year management department student.

The purpose of this questionnaire is to assess entrepreneurial attitude of graduating students at

Wolkite University. Therefore, you are expected to give complete response for the given questions.

General instructions;

A. No need of writing your name

B. put ( ) for closed ended questions and writes your answer for open ended question.
C. please attempt all question available.
PART I; Personal detail

1. Sex A. male  B. Female 

2. Age A. 18-20  B. 21-24  C. 25-30  D. Above 30 
3. Educational/program

A). Natural science  F). Behavioral science 

B). Business and economics  G). Agricultural and natural resource 

C). Veterinary medicine  H). Computing and Informatics College 

D). Social science and humanity  I). Engineering and technology colleges 

E). school of law 

PART 2; General Questions

1. What occupation will you seek to join after graduating your program?

A. Join into civil servant  C. Starting your own business 

B. Join into family business  D. I don’t know 

2. If your answer for the above question is choice “A” why? Chooses your response specified

A. Fear of business 
B. Your profession is not initiating you to start your own business 
C. Civil servant benefits more to you 
D. Unable to get initial capital 
E. Other (specify)-----------------------------------
3. What factors did affect you more not to be business man?

A. Inaccessibility of enough finance 

B. permission and licenses is not easily acquired 

C. family back ground 

D. policy of the country does not motivate you 

E. other (specify) -------------------------------------

4. Does the creative atmosphere inspire you to develop ideas for new business?

A Yes  B No 

5. Have you got entrepreneurial related know how from your program?

A. Yes  B. No 

6. If the answer for question number five is yes specify them -------------------------------------------

7. How did you see the attitude of the society with the view of entrepreneurial career?

A. Very good  B. Good  C. fair  D. Poor  E. very poor 

8. Does the course provide students with knowledge required to start a new business?

A. yes  B. No 

9. How much do you interest do you have on setting up your business?

A. More interested  B. Interested  C. less interested 

10. To what extent does entrepreneurship contribute for job opportunities?

A. High  B. Medium  C. Low 

11. Is there any major challenge or problem facing you to an entrepreneur career?

A. Yes  B. No 

12. If your answer for question number “11”is yes specify those challenge or

Problem facing you? ----------------------------------------------------------------


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