Soap & XML Injection - Types of Api

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DEFINITION XML is a markup SOAP is a protocol for
language that defines rules exchanging structured
for encoding documents in information in web
a format that is both services. It uses XML as
human-readable and its message format to
machine-readable. XML facilitate communication
injection occurs when an between applications over
attacker is able to a network.
manipulate or inject
malicious content into an
XML document.
INJECTION XML injection In the context of SOAP,
vulnerabilities can be injection vulnerabilities
exploited when an might refer to attacks
application processes where an attacker injects
XML input in an unsafe malicious content or code
manner. Attackers may into the SOAP message.
manipulate XML data by For example, if a web
injecting specially crafted service doesn't properly
content, causing the validate or sanitize input,
application to misinterpret an attacker could inject
or execute unintended harmful XML elements,
actions. potentially leading to
security vulnerabilities.

 SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) and REST (Representational State

Transfer) are two different architectural styles for building web services.
Here are some key differences between SOAP and REST APIs:

1. Protocol vs. Architectural Style:

SOAP: It is a protocol that defines a set of rules for structuring messages. It

typically uses XML as the message format and relies on other protocols such as
HTTP and SMTP for message negotiation and transmission.

REST: It is an architectural style that uses a stateless client-server

communication model. RESTful APIs are designed around standard HTTP
methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) and often use lightweight data formats
such as JSON.

2. Message Format:

SOAP: Uses XML as the message format, which can be more verbose compared
to other formats like JSON. It includes a standardized envelope structure for

REST: Supports various data formats, with JSON being the most common due
to its simplicity and lightweight nature. However, REST is not tied to a specific
format and can accommodate other formats like XML.

3. Statefulness:

SOAP: Can be stateful, meaning the server retains information about the client's
state between requests.
REST: Is inherently stateless, each request from a client contains all the
information needed for the server to fulfill that request.

4. Flexibility:

SOAP: Provides a strict set of standards and is more rigid. It often requires
predefined contracts (WSDL - Web Services Description Language) for

REST: Offers more flexibility as it does not enforce strict standards. Developers
have more freedom to design endpoints and responses based on the application's

5. Performance:

SOAP: Tends to be more heavyweight due to its XML message format and the
additional processing required for parsing XML.

REST: Generally considered more lightweight, especially when using JSON,

which is easier to parse.

6. Usage:

SOAP: Historically used in enterprise-level applications and scenarios where a

strict contract between the client and server is necessary.

REST: Widely used in web and mobile applications, particularly in scenarios

where simplicity, scalability, and performance are crucial.

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