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Research Form

Name _______Emma Golden_________________________________________________

What is the topic your team will be exploring?

Science of Cooking

What are the 4 concepts (the smaller ideas) you will be connecting to the
broader topic (the big idea)?

The 4 concepts that I will be connecting to a broader topic are: ingredients, kitchen safety, mixing and
food transformations, and cooking tools.

List the key materials you would provide for the children to
explore/construct their own learning. (at least 10 items)
1. Sugar
2. Milk
3. Unsalted butter
4. Cocoa powder
5. Rolled oats
6. Peanut butter
7. Pure vanilla extract
8. Salt
9. Bowls
10. Spoons
11. Parchment Paper
What are the key vocabulary terms the children will be using/developing
over the course of this investigation? Provide at least 4 key words and
their functional definitions for this investigation
1. Mixing- to combine

2. Make- to create a product

3. Refrigerate- to cool

4. Prepare- to get organized before

What websites or resources will you use? List at least 4. Include at least
2 with scientific background for the teacher (possibly where you found
the key terms or concepts) and at least 1 you could use with the children.
Provide the name of the website, the URL, and a brief description.


bake-cookies-recipe-2015085 = Food Network, this is a link to the no bake cookie recipe, with

the materials and steps listed.

2. = Pre-K Pages, This website

gives recipes, ideas, and cooking tips for preschoolers.

3. = Time For Kids, this article talks

about how there is a lot of chemistry involved in combining ingredients. It is important to

understand the science so that you can apply that knowledge to other recipes.

Professional-Development = Department of Education & Workforce, This is where the Early

Learning and Development Standards Professional Development are and I am looking at the

Print Awareness Standard for looking at the recipe.

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