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ns op Ph: ew 4 PF 2016 4." oe AWS AT APART AVS PPUCT LAPT PIERS ATLA ACTA RICK 02017 4.9% PLPUCH tows NS AG APT AUK LEPUCH eOC1-TNCT baa PTD MEM NUT AIL DIF Abadi eR UCH oonby +e PRPUGT oth Foo T ‘Comparative Constitutional and Publie Law (LL.M) Taternational Law (LLM) ‘Criminal Law and Justice ‘Comparative Business Law Federalism Studies Public Policy Stadles ‘Social Policy Policy Analysis ‘Development Polley ‘Governance and Development Peace and Security ‘Migration and Development Diplomacy and Taterwatonal Relations ead ‘and Governance Project Leadership and Management Development Communication and Media Social Protection and Management Development Management Development Beonomics Public Financial Management “Recounting and Finance Public Procurement and Asset Management | Publi Management TE_| Tax Policy and Administration Customs Administration and International Trade [carn 36. | Urban Land Development and Management 27, | Urban Management 28. | Urban Planning and Development 35, | Environment and Climate Change Management 30, Transport Planning and Management TI, Housing Development and Management 32,_ | Real Properiy Valuation ATIC WIERD AMERAE NEOUTI NOC TN GONG LPPLATS bE PAMLNGA oODLCHT LP HY Afarkonee R16 MIT PSO AG NIE ER DT QNIA DEE LEU te ebm CAP eI SFU dae Dhdoke PEPUCMT AAMT MAHAN? KLPUCH MLV vIErT PahAE rE NLITIMEY: OTe NAVE B.PaoawHINL WIE ok 19°C (150) AC ARAL Ie TH MAAC E MLA ATLA @UICAA: Aho-rr tePC 1000009143878 Mm, NETL? Lat Novel hoon 9 Ahh evsn 30 +4 2016 4.9" haw AO RIL AO Ha AAPA, oS ARICA O. PFOr IM, ATT NEALE ITO IR LPSO GENPEC RM AE #TC 06 AF 10 NAMA dELAFL. arco LPR — ood REINO TEMG oo" d-9 (National Gradute Admission Test- GAT) PLATO? 499 AF MLA CHAK UAH NIA DREE CLPUCT FET CAM CAI MH LIT Nabe KE PEPUCT AMT LHF U WIE oom AGANAAY EPLAaW PAT UCH FRET CIC Forts aenecHE ARLICH a Kea WWW gerne PPA cord NHIARAY PAreaS MILA Aca enica, PPS GNC KINA Ethiopian Civil Service University Student Admision Office ‘Admission Criteria For Masters Degree Candidates “Appleton Requirements 1, Constitutional ‘and Public Law LM) ‘Bachelor Degen Law (LLB) ftom a recognized Higher Eucaton stations wih ass mark in exit exam "© Bachelor Degree is roceived from Private Usiversity/College should be suthenticated by FDRE Education & Training Author International Law (LLM) ‘Bachelor Degree in Law (LLB) fom a recognized Higher location Iniations; with ass mark in exit exam ‘Bachelor Degree is roccived fiom Private UnivestylCollege should be suthetiated by FDRE Esation & Training Author Criminal Law and Justice ‘Bachelor Degree in Law (LLB) trom a recognized Higher Bdvcation Tastttons; with pass mark in exit exam ‘+ Bachelor Degree is received fom, Privite Univesty/College should be uthenicated by FDRE Edation & Training Avthor 4,] Comparative Business Law Federalism Studies ‘Bachelor Depre in Law (LLB) from a recognized Higher Education Tnstttons; with ass mark in exit exam ‘© Bachelor Degree is received ~ ftom Private Usiversity/College should be suthenicated by FORE Eduction & Teaining Authority ‘A Bachelor degree fom. a recognized Higher Education Tasitalions in Law, Economics, Political Science and Intemational Relajons, Sociology, Public ‘Administration, Development Administration, Business Management, Development ‘Management, History, Civios and ethical Education ,Geography & Environmental ‘Sudies, Geography, Journalism & Communication, EDPM, Accounting ‘© Bachelor Dogtee is received from Private University/College should be authenticated by FORE Education & Training Authoity Public Policy Studies Bachelor Degree from recognized Higher Educational Insitutions i the feld of Public Policy, Leadership, Public Administration, Economies, Development Studies, ‘Law, Sociology, Political Science and Intemational Relaioas, Statistics, Disaster Risk Management, Governance and Developmental Studies, Social Work, ‘Governance, Adult Education and Community Development, Educational Planning ‘and Management, Curriculum and Instructional Supervision, Population Studies, Eluational Leadership and Management, Gender and Development, Environment and Gender, Climate and Society, History & Heritage Management, Psychology, Journalism &Communication, Geography &Environmenal Studies, Accounting, ‘Crime investigation © Bachelor Degree is received ftom Private UniverstyiCallege should bx authenticated by FDRE Education & Training Authority 17.| Social Policy Bachelor Degree ffom recognized Higher Educational Intutions tn the eld of Sociology, Pubic Policy, Political Science, Leadership, Public Administration, “| Social Werk, Eeonomics, Development Studies, Law, and Management, Sociology ‘and Social Anthropology, English language and liteature, Joumalism and Communication, Special "Needs Education, Civic snd. Ethical Education, Governance, Poli Science and Intemational Relations, Disaster Risk “Management, Early Child Care and Education, History, Bchviorl and Edvcaton Science, Adult Edication and Community Development, Educational Planning and ‘Management, Gender and Development, Environment ard Gender, Climate and Society, Population Studies, Educational Leadership and Management, History & Heritage , Ethiopian language literature, Geography, Psychology, Accounting & Finance, Business Management ‘+ Bachelor Degree is reccived from Private Universiy/College should be authenticated by FDRE Education & Tesning Authotiy Policy Analysis, Bachelor Degree from recognized Higher Edveational Insitutions i the Held of Public Policy, Public Administration, Management, Development Management, Development Studies Statistics, Economies Governance "and Development, Sociology and othe related socal studies, Sociology, Governance Political Science ‘and Intemational Relations, Disaster Risk Management Adult Education and ‘Community Development, Educational Planning and Management, Governance and Developmental Studies, Population Studies, Civies and ethical Education Geography & Enviconmental Studies, Geography Heritage Conservation, Journalism & Communication, Hotel Management. Community Development ‘&Leadership Curiculum & instructional Supervision, Accounting ‘+ Bachelor Degree is received from Private Usivesty/College should be authenticated by FDRE Education & Training Authovty Development Policy Bachelor Degree ftom recognized Higher Educational Instulons inthe Held of Development Management, Public Policy, Public Administration, Management, ‘Statistics, Economics, Governance and Development, Poitcal Science, Leadership, Law, and Sociology,Development Stes, and Social Antropology, Socal Work, Geography and Environmental Studies, Governance, Political Science and Ingerational” Relations, Disaster. Risk "Management, Adult Education and ‘Community Development, Gender and Development, Environment and Gender, Climate and Society, Population Studies, History’ & Heritage Management, ‘Accounting & Finance, Business Management, Business Acministration, Phycology "© Bachelor Degree is received from Private UniverstyCllegeshould be authenticated by FDRE Eduation & Training Author 1. Covenant Deveonent ‘A Bachelor degree trom recognized Higher Educational Insttionins tar Publ Management and Governance, Development Studies, Eemomics, Environmental Studies, Regional studies, Geo-Politcal Studies, Political Seience and International Studies, Policy. Studios, Pastoral, Agricultural, Rural Development Studies, “Management, Development Management, Business Management, Economics, Public Administration, Sociology, Public Management, Sela! Works, Community | Development, Rural Development, Sociology and Social Anthropology, Disaster and Risk Management, Gender and Development, Naturel Resource Governance, jonal_ & Local Development Studies, Project Manégement, Sociology and rly Studies, Cooperative Development & Leadership.Cooperaive Management, ‘Cooperative Economies, Food Security, Regional and Urban Development ‘Mangement, Regional and Urban Development Managenent, Rural Livelihoods land Development, Socio ~ Economie Development Planning, Joumalism, ~

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