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NAME: ………………………………………………………….. DATE: ………………………………………………………………………………………….. NO.


1. Scrie formula Conditionalei 3: 2p

S+ ……………………….. + ……………………………… + ………………………………. / IF + S + ………………………….. + ………………………………….

2. Incercuieste varianta corecta: 2p

a) If he _____ it was her birthday, he would have bought her a present.

have known have know had known had know

b) They _____if they had known it would be so crowded.

wouldn’t have gone wouldn`t had gone would had go would have go

c) Would you have gone to the conference if the company ____ for the tickets?
had pay hadn`t paid had paied have paid

d) I wouldn`t have cooked meat if I _____ that you are vegetarian.

had known n't have know not had knew have know

e) If I had seen the menu, I _____ to the restaurant.

had go had gone would had go wouldn`t have gone

f) If they had bought a map, ________?

would they get lost wouldn’t they get lost they would had lost would they have got lost

3. Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type III) by putting the verbs into the correct form. 3p

a.If they ____________________(to wait) for another 10 minutes, they ______________________(to see) the pop star.

b.If the police _____________________(to come) earlier, they ____________________________(to arrest) the burglar.

c.If you ____________________(to buy) fresh green vegetable, your salad ________________________(to taste) better.

d.If Alex _____________________(to ask) me, I _____________________________________(to email) the documents.

e. If he ____________________(to speak) more slowly, Amy ________________________________(to understand) him.

4. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. 2p

1. the train If we have hadn’t missed we would arrived on time.

2. If been there have met him. you’d could you

3. I If could have I’d known helped.

4. if could have gone wanted to. You you’d

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