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Name: Alissa King Lesson Title: Deconstruction art

Date: 4/02/24 Grade Level: Preschool Circle one: ECE

Domain- Cognitive development-
3.a. Uses increasingly complex strategies to solve problems
Indicator: Solves problems by questioning, planning, and carrying out a sequence of actions.
Domain- Approaches to learning
1.a - Engagement and persistence, Uses increasingly complex strategies to solve problems.
Indicator: Solves problems by questioning, planning, and carrying out a sequence of actions.

Pre-assessment of current knowledge:

Observation of student interaction with deconstruction along with ability to follow simple instructions
regarding art. Conversation about types of deconstruction and student response.

Instructional Assessment of Student Learning Learning Experience

Objectives (1-2)
One/Two Assessed Identify Evidence: (What will you Academic Language:
Instructional collect or record as data to - Deconstruction
Objective(s): demonstrate students have met your - Applying
- Student will objective(s) and skill?) - Ripping
exploring area I will collect a checklist marking - Crumbling
of destruction students engagement with the activity,
through if they are engaging in conversation
tearing paper about deconstruction, making relation
and creating to prior knowledge and their
something application with art materials to activity
new with it Progress Monitoring: Procedural steps:
- Students will I will monitor student progress by - First I will discuss with
apply prior their interactions with materials students concepts of
knowledge of applying deconstruction to art deconstruction referencing
art materials Differentiation: - Things being taken
to new N/A apart to see how they
concepts of - Hand over hand ripping work such as
connecting art - bigger/ left hand scissors breaking block towers
and apart, breaking foods
destruction into pieces, or
separating flower
petals, ripping gift rap
to see what's inside
One Assessed presents
Developmental Skill: - I will also explain that
using deconstruction
- Fine motor - can help us make
tearing of things fit together
paper and such as
crumbling it deconstructing legos
to form a new object
-then i will start students in the
process of the activity
First students will be presented a
Safety variety of colors of paper and they will
Considerations: be asked to rip the papers however
N/A they want but they will be asked to
make something out of their
- Safe with deconstructed pieces
paper and After students deconstruct, rip, and
scissors crumble their pieces of paper they will
- Use glue add their pieces of paper to an outline
appropriately drawn by the teacher of bombeck
family learning center.
Throughout this activity students will
see how they can deconstruct objects
and create something new with them

Authentic Materials: (Describe

authentic real-life, hands-on materials.)
Chart paper
Adult Roles:
I will lead conversations
I will create outline of bombeck building
I will guide students when applying
paper to outline

Resources & References:

Reflection: (What have you learned about your students? How will this inform future instruction?)

- I have learned that students do seem to find joy in deconstruction. They were
entertained with ripping the paper and seemed to grasp more of an understanding that
deconstruction does not just have to do with big buildings and blocks, this is what I
intended for them because I wanted them to understand the meaning of deconstruction
outside of what was common. They do seem to have great knowledge of what
construction is and all had some baseline vocabulary which was impressive. Many
students related deconstruction to taking things apart or the word made them envision
construction materials. This informs my further instruction by possibly taking this lesson
even further. They seem to have more interest in the deconstruction process than I
anticipated. I assumed students would view deconstruction or destruction as knocking
things down/ destroying material but that is the opposite of what they seemed interested
in. Almost every student participated and was curious after my description of
deconstruction because deconstruction is something they have all done even if they did
not know that was what they were doing at the time. To my surprise the majority of
students who do not usually participate said that they wanted to do the activity I was
implementing which made the process much easier because I had all of the students'
attention right off the bat.

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