Mba CRM Question Papers

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Roll No. 416 DECEMBER, 2021 Master of Business Administration (Marketing Management) - Examination Third Semester Custome? Relationship Management Time - 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 60 Note: This paper has four sections A, B, C and D. Section A has 5 questions of 1 mark each. In Section B students are expected to answer any 4 questions carrying 5 marks each. In section C students are expected to answer any 2 questions carrying 10 marks each. Section D is of 15 marks. Section- A 5 marks 1. The emphasis of CRM is on: (@) Customer acquisition (b) Customer retention (©) Both (a) None 2, Customer Lifetime Value analysis inch (a) How long customer stays with firm (b) How much revenue customer provides to the firm (©) How much cost the firm incur to serve the customer (d) All of the above des 3. The repeat purchase of products by the customer shows (a) Attitudinal loyalty (b) Behavioral loyalty (©) Both (d) None 4. The types of CRM include (a) Proactive CRM (b) Operational CRM (©) Analytical CRM (@) all 5. Which of the following statement(s) is /are true (a) Customer feedback plays an important role in CRM (b) Competitor analysis helps in CRM formulation (©) Customization plays an important role in CRM (@) All statements are true P.T.O. 416 y + i , ° 4 20 Marks 0 ‘ Section-B . 2 Attempt any four ‘questions ie a“ : industry with suitable 3° 6. Explain the concept of CRM cycle in the scenario of hospitality Inc try example. ~ 7. Explain how customer loyalty is affected by various factors: - 8. Explain the concept of collaborative CRM with suitable example ~ le le. & 9 Explain how a firm can practice CRM in 2B market with suitable exemP in h sui ample. ¢ 10. Explain the role of customer satisfaction survey in CRM with sui table examp! Section -C Presks Attempt any two questions 21, Discuss in detail how customer loyalty and firm’s profitability are linked with each other? 12. Explain how usage of technology has affected the CRM practices of the firms. 13, What is social CRM? Explain different tools of social CRM with suitable example. 15 marks inbound contacts per year and ad annually toit. Each of the country’s number of competitors in the ‘ ~~ sd wv we 3 » 3 > 3 5 5 2 d high-quality service with —» > J 4 + +” =" = oo » Ooo 8 I 416 ‘The CRM Outbound Voice and Proactive Notification solutions are also helping Bharti Airtel f ist. The penalty for violating this strict better manage an ever-changing Do Not Disturb (DND) list. The penalty eee “S abil i : iness license. “Obviously, scalability new DND listing can be fines or loss ofa business license. “Obviously, hs P3 one consideration with any new solution,” Dr. Menon emphasizes. “With millions of new customers every month, we have to have solutions that are expandable and extensible and give PRD as the greatest choice in future direction. We believe we have that with CRM. POND Aires isa Ieading mobile telephony brand. Like any telco, Bharti considers information technology a key business enabler. "For telecom, IT is like bread and butter. We believe it plays two signiticant roles it works asa support system, and it can also be a business driver. Thus, IT is very important to us/” says Amrita Gaigotra, Vice President, Information Technology at QS bist Iritally, when hart started operations, the whole system was run manually. "At tat Point of time only 40 per cent of our customer issues were getting resolved-this has now gone Up to about 90 percent,” seveals Gangotra. "ts vital for us to manage the expectations of our customers and provide them with innovative products and services ina manner which makes them loyal,” she explains. To achieve this, Bharti needed the right tools. "Ttis this need that made exp : tus opt fora CRM (customer relationship management) solution she says. CRM as a Solution ‘Today, Bharti uses the Oracle CRM platform. “As part of our vision, we intend to provide Airtel ‘Services anywhere and at any time. A customer should get the same quality of service no matter which of our call centers he contacts. This has been our vision, and because of that we have gone infora centralized application like CRM,” Gangotra adds. Before choosing its CRM tool, Bharti evaluated many options. It considered factors like proper workflow automation, facilitation of nowledge sharing, and integration with the billing system, After a thorough evaluation ‘@xercise it decided to go ahead with the Oracle CRM platform. They are using several module Based CRM and those are marketing, Knowledge management, call center support, paign management, planning, FAQ, etc. CRM to overcome technical problems, with the help of other stems, IBM and HP along with Nortel which handled the voice ew of this service became bigger and broader when they started ®, customized offers, online customer support, customized and Payment collection centers, networking deployment, activations and POF CRM, Airtel is able to resolve the customer problems at the instead of the earlier 40 per cent. All customers get the same level Another fantastic service offered by CRM is the automatic Or authority on breaching preset time limit. ‘Bharti acquired many circles and sought new licenses in other they implemented the CRM tool immediately. But they acquired circles, which had an existing subscriber =» around two aspects: operational CRM, which include lytical CRM that include customer information, and 416 call centers in the workflow part, helping i business development The firsts about helping tei call ert T's required information 2 cond prov: . Bhi them in their day-to-day activities. The second provers activities. Together, they help Bharti for bus on customers; this is used provide better services to its customers? eds depending upon the product and Itis important to understand and segregate customer needs C&P AC this solution is the esting rene es sn a money.” With the help of CRM, they are able to provide customers a cool services depending on aizime usage. Heavy users can avail of specific Stent Ot iO Users, they have other plans. Apart from this, they have also managed to segres ‘workflow with the help of the CRM tool. Advantages of CRM for Airtel Bharti now uses the overall CRM platform to provide Airtel services anywhere and at any time. The quality of services remains the same no matter whichever call center the customer contacts. Tthas now become more value derived, as it is able to provide customers different schemes and Services depending on airtime usage. Bharti can also segregate its workflow with the help of the | ‘CRM tool and Airtel is now able to give its customers more value for money. ‘The organization can share or distribute data ata low cost in a customized format, offering better customer services, which lead to increased customer satisfaction. With this, Airtel is able to Tetain its customers and transform them into loyal customers. 4 i into an agreement with Infosys Technologi roc e iced Direct o-ome (DTH) service Inosys wil be reponable tex ive product portfolio including devices, application server and assist Aistel in offering an enhanced digital experience to its digital Ha HaHOW Wirldow, we have to make sure we score every time, We database. We are going to eceaali information from a customer ~ Anurag Parashar, Head Customer Service Delivery, Bharti 478 ) Roll No. ‘May 2020 ; MBA (Gull Time) Examination IV Semester CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT } Time: 3 Hours} [Max Marks: 60 he ‘ks. Section B Note: Attempt any three questions from Section A. All questions carry 12 mar! is compulsory and carries 24 marks, Section-A 1. “Every satisfied customer may or may not be a loyal customer’. Elaborate with suitable example of an online Retail company. 2 Attitudinal loyalty leads to Behavioral Loyalty. Analyze the statement critically with an apt example. 3. “Most successful organizations have one thing in common; they are able to delight and retain the customers. Discuss the retention strategies of an Airline organization in light of this statement. 4. What is the concept of E-CRM? Discuss the competitive advantages of adopting E-CRM ‘with special reference to business scenario during COVID 19. 5. Design a Customer satisfaction measurement scale for a Restaurant. The scale should be ‘in the form of a questionnaire with specific sections on demographic and satisfaction Is namely } each in Switzerland, Paris and last 10 years and has seen a Despite of long run of his d that gradually the growth Switchers and many of Which are new in the m can feel the change His sources somehow P.T.O. 2 given the hint is that his customers feel that their De importance of feedback and also doesn’t care of his regular times corporate clients has to wait a long after requesting excautive, Although these things are not seen on @ [ATES and his team thinking over it to move ahead. seal Questions: {(@) According to you how Mr. Raichand and his team can in depth? {®) Design a step by step detailed plan of implemen’ Exotica. ting a CRM system for Hi {© Do you think implementing CRM in different count ion. If yes how one can handle this situation. ss BVSESTTESEIETIFFe ce seus vs &

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