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2nd Monthly Computer Science Class-VIII


**Questions related to behaving ethically and encountering ethical dilemmas as a professional
will be discussed in the class.
1. Difference between proprietary and open-source software

User licences apply strict conditions on the way Under the licence, users can pass on the
in which the software is used and distributed software to other users for no charge

The source code is protected. Users aren't Users can study the source code to see how the
allowed to modify it software works and modify it however they

The software is developed professionally and The software may not appear as professional or
extensively tested prior to release. Any bugs have such a user-friendly interface. It's often
that come to light thereafter are quickly fixed released before it has been thoroughly tested so
bugs may well have slipped through the net

Support is provided to keep customers happy There might be little or no technical support
so that they will keep using the software. available, but there's likely to be a community
Support and updates may be expensive of dedicated enthusiasts who are willing to
provide help and support free of charge

Software is developed for the majority of users The software can be modified to meet a
and may not meet individual needs specific need.

The software must be paid for The software is free to use.

The software has been rigorously tested and is Criminals may be able to exploit vulnerabilities
usually less likely to have any technical in the code

2. Difference between patent and copyright:

Copyright serves authors; meanwhile, patent focuses on inventors. Companies typically adopt
copyright to safeguard their intellectual and creative works. Copyright emphasizes art, music,
and photography. In comparison, the patent is applied to technologies and medical devices.
A patent gives the patent holder the exclusive right for 20 years to make, use and sell an
invention. This encourages inventiveness by ensuring that the owner of the patent (usually the
employer of the inventors) gets recognition and benefits financially from the invention.

2nd Monthly Computer Science Class-VIII

However, in recent years, big companies such as Apple and Samsung have been embroiled in
long and expensive legal battles over alleged patent infringements. To defend a patent is very
costly. There is an argument that the money spent on legal fees would be better invested in
research and development. Patent law encourages companies to keep new inventions secret and
block others from using them for 20 years. If inventions were shared from the outset, the pace of
technological progress and innovation would be accelerated.


1. What is meant by artificial intelligence (AI)?
Ans: The ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly
associated with intelligent beings. Intelligent beings are those that can adapt to changing
2. DNA computing - DNA computing, the performing of computations using biological
molecules, rather than traditional silicon chips. In DNA computing, information is represented
using the four-character genetic alphabet (A [adenine], G [guanine], C [cytosine], and T
[thymine]) called codon, rather than the binary alphabet (1 and 0) used by traditional computers.
Because of its microscopic size and data storage capabilities, DNA computers would have many
advantages over silicon-based ones, such as:
• There will always be supply of DNA (as long as there are cellular organisms)
• The large supply of DNA makes it a cheap resource
• DNA biochips can be made cleanly, unlike the toxic materials used to make traditional
• DNA computers are many times smaller than today’s computers
Limitations of DNA computing:
• It involves a relatively large amount of error.
• Requires human assistance
• Time consuming laboratory procedures
• No universal method of data representation
3. Nanotechnology - It is the manipulation of matter with a size from 1 to 100 nanometres.
Nanotechnology is revolutionizing computing, enabling faster, more efficient devices by
manipulating materials at the atomic level. This microscopic innovation leads to powerful
processors and vast storage capacities, shrinking tech size while expanding capabilities.
The drive for more powerful computers with larger memory at lighter weights and cooler
temperatures is responsible for the development of nanotechnology in computers. Besides greater
processing power, nanotechnology in computers is providing advanced means of memory
storage. The "nanodot," with its ability to condense vast amounts of data in a closely-packed
compartment, may eventually replace the hard drive disk.

2nd Monthly Computer Science Class-VIII

Furthermore, Nanotechnology is being used in a variety of areas:

• Self-cleaning glass – nanoparticles are included in the glass. UV (ultraviolet) radiation in
light causes them to break down and loosen organic molecules, such as dirt on the glass.
• Clothing – coating fabrics with zinc oxide nanoparticles gives them better protection
from UV light.
• Scratch-resistant coatings – adding aluminium silicate nanoparticles to polymer coatings
makes the coating more effective. It increases resistance to chipping and scratches.
• Medicine – anti-cancer drugs that could harm normal tissue can be attached to
nanoparticles. They can be delivered directly to the tumour using white blood cells.
4. Quantum Computing - Quantum computing is a multidisciplinary field comprising aspects
of computer science, physics, and mathematics that utilizes quantum mechanics to solve complex
problems faster than on classical computers.
One of the principles of quantum mechanics is the idea of superposition. It is the ability of a
quantum system to be in multiple states at the same time until it is measured. Quantum
computing uses subatomic particles, such as electrons or photons. Quantum bits, or qubits, allow
these particles to exist in more than one state (i.e., 1 and 0) at the same time.
Here are some potential uses of quantum computing:
• AI and machine learning (ML)- The capability of calculating solutions to problems
simultaneously, as opposed to sequentially, has huge potential for AI and ML.
Organizations today use AI and ML to discover ways to automate and optimize tasks.
When used in combination with quantum computing, optimization can happen much
faster and at scale, especially when processing and analyzing highly complex or even
unstructured big data sets.
• Financial modeling-With the modeling capabilities of quantum computing, financial
organizations could use the technology to better model the behavior of investments and
securities at scale. This could help reduce risk, optimize large-scale portfolios and help
financial organizations better understand the trends and movements of the global
financial economy.
• Cybersecurity- Quantum computing could have a direct impact on privacy and
encryption. Given the rapidly evolving nature of the cybersecurity landscape, quantum
computers could help keep-- data encrypted while in use, providing both in-transit and at-
rest protections.
• Route and traffic optimization- Optimal route planning is key to smooth supply chain
logistics and transportation. The biggest challenge is harnessing all the real-time data --
from changing weather patterns to traffic flow -- that affects this planning. This is where
quantum computers can excel. They could process all that data in real time and adjust
routes for an entire fleet of vehicles at once, putting each on the optimal path forward.
• Manufacturing- Quantum computers can run more accurate and realistic prototyping and
testing. In the manufacturing space, this could help reduce the cost of prototyping and
result in better designs that don't need as much testing.

2nd Monthly Computer Science Class-VIII

• Drug and chemical research- Quantum computers can create better models for how atoms
interact with one another, leading to a superior and more precise understanding of
molecular structure. This may directly impact drug and chemical research and impact the
way new products and medicines are developed. The predictive power of quantum
computers could also provide foresight into how chemical compounds and drugs would
develop, evolve and interact with other elements over time.
Decoherence occurs when the quantum behavior of qubits decays. The quantum state can be
disturbed instantly by vibrations or temperature changes. This can cause qubits to fall out of
superposition and cause errors to appear in computing. It's important that qubits be protected
from such interference by, for instance, supercooled refrigerators, insulation, and vacuum



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