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Rolled Ice Cream Research Project Assignment #3

IBM120 (Group Report #3)

Ahmad Radaideh 0850190

Sarbjeet Kaur 0810779
Dhyanee Sony 0860183
Urja Desai 0813449
Hersh Patel 0842453
Godwin Tobechi 0817255
Arpan Patel 0852428

By P. Ryan Dittus

Table of Contents
Strategic Analysis of Organization Data and Information 3

Executive Summary 4

Competitive Advantage “Business Level Strategy” 4

Competitive (Resource and Competence Analysis) 4

PESTAL “Chart” 4

(SWOT) Analysis 4

Strategic Plan 7

Mission 4

New Company Mission Statement 4

Strategic Direction Objectives 4

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 4

Strategy Implementation Plan 14

Communication to Internal and External Stakeholders 14

Scheduling and Timelines 14

Monitoring and Evaluation Systems 14

Conclusion 14

References 30

Strategic Analysis of Organization Data and Information
Executive Summary:

FroZone Ice Cream and Starbucks Company

FroZone Ice Cream and Starbucks Company is a strategic collaboration aimed at introducing a
premium line of frozen desserts inspired by Starbucks' iconic flavors and quality standards. This
joint venture seeks to tap into the growing frozen dessert market, combining the excellence of
Starbucks with the popularity of indulgent frozen treats.

Market Opportunity: The FroZone dessert market continues to expand globally, with consumers
seeking high-quality, unique, and brand-driven products. Frozen Ice Cream and Starbucks
Company will capitalize on this trend by offering a distinct range of frozen treats that mirror the
exceptional standards associated with Starbucks.

Product Offering: Our FroZone dessert line will feature a variety of ice cream and frozen treats,
incorporating signature Starbucks flavors such as Caramel Macchiato, Java Chip, and Double
Chocolate Brownie. These products will be crafted with premium ingredients, mirroring the
taste and quality synonymous with the Starbucks brand.

Distribution and Accessibility: The distribution strategy will leverage Starbucks' extensive global
network of coffee shops, enabling convenient access to the frozen dessert line for existing and
new customers. Additionally, partnerships with major grocery chains and online retailers will
further enhance product accessibility, ensuring a broad market reach.

Marketing Strategy: The marketing approach will highlight the fusion of Starbucks' coffee
expertise with the joy of indulging in high-quality frozen desserts. Integrated marketing
campaigns across social media, in-store promotions, and collaborative advertising efforts will
create a seamless connection between Starbucks' core offerings and the new frozen dessert

Sustainability and Social Responsibility: Aligned with Starbucks' commitment to ethical

practices, the production of our frozen desserts will prioritize sustainability and responsible
sourcing. Eco-friendly packaging initiatives and transparent communication on sourcing
practices will resonate with environmentally conscious consumers, reinforcing the brand's
commitment to social responsibility.

Financial Projections: Initial financial projections suggest a strong potential for return on
investment, leveraging the Starbucks brand recognition and established customer base. The
combination of a diverse product line, effective distribution channels, and strategic marketing
efforts positions Frozen Ice Cream and Starbucks Company for financial success.

FroZone Ice Cream and Starbucks Company represent a dynamic collaboration poised to
captivate consumers with a premium line of frozen treats that seamlessly integrates the beloved
Starbucks experience. Rooted in quality, innovation, and sustainability, this joint venture is
positioned for success in meeting the evolving preferences of consumers in the frozen dessert

Competitive Advantage “Business Level Strategy”

Tiered Pricing: Using tiers in your pricing is a good way to maximize sales for your rolled ice
cream company. You can accommodate an extensive range of customer preferences and
budgets by providing multiple pricing tiers. Make a tiered price system that corresponds with
the complexity and worth of your ice cream products. For example, you could offer a low-tier
with inexpensive toppings and basic flavors, a mid-tier with more expensive ingredients and
creative combinations, and a high-tier with pricey toppings and extravagant flavors. This
strategy maximizes your revenue potential by drawing in a diverse customer base and
promoting upselling by persuading customers to upgrade to more expensive options.
Value-Added Upselling: Make the most of the upselling strategy by providing value-added
products or upgrades. For an extra fee, you could recommend specialty sauces, premium
toppings, or unusual flavors. Customers are more likely to choose these extras if you emphasize
the improved experience or indulgence, which increases your overall revenue per sale.
Limited-Time Offers: At events, introduce limited-time offers to create a sense of exclusivity and
urgency. You may, for a limited time, provide a discounted combo deal or a special flavor. During
the event, these limited-time promos can boost your sales volume by encouraging impulsive
Loyalty Programs: Adding a loyalty program to your rolled ice cream business is a very successful
way to maximize revenue. Rewarding devoted consumers helps to build a sense of gratitude and
a bond between them and your brand, in addition to encouraging return business. Create a
loyalty program with alluring perks like special discounts, complimentary toppings, or a point
system that can be redeemed for additional purchases. To further help your customers feel
important, think about offering birthday rewards and personalized offers. With a carefully
designed program, you can foster customer loyalty, which will increase customer retention,
draw in new business from word-of-mouth recommendations, and eventually increase your
revenue streams.
Engage with Customers: Increasing revenue for your rolled ice cream business requires a
strategic approach. Developing a solid rapport with your clients promotes repeat business and
loyalty. Use a variety of techniques to interact with your customers, including social media
exchanges, tailored promotions, and feedback collection. Establish a warm and engaging
environment in your ice cream shop so that patrons can watch the ice cream being made and
customize their orders. Plan unique events or joint ventures with nearby companies to draw in
new clients and build excitement about your brand. Actively interacting with your clients will
not only improve their experience overall but also help you build a devoted clientele that will
recommend you to others and bring in more money down the road.
In conclusion, strategic planning and the application of revenue optimization techniques are
necessary for charging at events. You can increase your revenue potential at every event by
using tiered pricing, value-added upselling, limited time offers, loyalty programs, and customer
interaction. To ensure long-term success and continuous improvement, don't forget to evaluate
the outcomes of each event and adjust your tactics. Roll Ice Cream. (2023, July 27).

Competitive (Resource and Competence Analysis)

This is our roadmap to the competitive advantage of our company that cuts across making the proper
checks and balances of our assets, resources, together with our capabilities. These resources can either
be our tangible or intangible resources. In this area, we shall analyze the following elements:


This being one of the crucial elements of our production process and operation, we must assess the
efficiency, workability, and maintenance of the machine to ensure the efficiency of production and


We must also assess the efficiency, maintenance, and workability of our storage facilities that will be
used in storing our raw materials and finished products. This is to ensure the quality of our product is


Here, we are talking about our instruments for distribution and supply chain. The supply of raw materials
and cream for our products shall also be analyzed.


The financial position of our company will be considered as well as it is the heart of our business
operation. We shall evaluate our ability to expand and invest in new opportunities. We shall equally
investigate our allocation of budgets and cost of operation.


There shall also be the assessment of the quality of our ingredients as regards the flavors and dairy
products. We shall also assess the level of relationship between our suppliers and our company.


We will be able to assess how the market sees our brand, regarding our brand perception, as this will
greatly impact our customer loyalty. On the other hand, we should also assess the ability of our brand to
command commensurate pricing.


These are the formulas and recipes that give our company an advantage over our competitors. These
intellectual properties should be assessed regularly to ensure that it is protected.


The skill and technological know-how of our employees in the various aspects of our operation must be
analyzed for to see the need for additional training on the modern operational process in the production
of our product.


The way customer complaints are received and responded to also begs for proper analysis. Another
aspect that needs to be considered is the quality of our compensation and loyalty packages that give us a
competitive advantage and customer retention.


The ability of our company to adapt to the ever-changing preferences of our customers, market trends,
and regulatory standards should be considered as well. Also, to put into consideration is the way through
which we imbibe customer feedback to improve our services and products.

PESTAL “Chart”


 Food &  Inflation  Health  Innovation.  Labelling  Environmental
drug . Factors.  Customisation. laws. impacts.
regulation.  Lifestyle  Automation.  Employment  Eco-friendly
 Taxation. attitudes. Law. Packaging.
 Consumer  Climate
safety. change.


 Food and drug regulation:

hall be the frozen food obtained by freezing an ice cream mix, with or without the incorporation
of air.

may contain cocoa or chocolate syrup, fruit, nuts or confections; shall contain not less than:

36 per cent solids, 10 per cent milk fat, or, where cocoa or chocolate syrup, fruit, nuts, or
confections have been added, eight per cent milk fat, and 180 grams of solids per litre of which
amount not less than 50 grams shall be milk fat, or, where cocoa or chocolate syrup, fruit, nuts
or confections have been added, 180 grams of solids per litre of which amount not less than 40
grams shall be milk fat; and shall contain not more than 100,000 bacteria per gram, and 10
coliform organisms per gram.

 Taxation:

phrase "single serving" includes cones, sundaes, cups, dishes, bowls or similar containers,
excluding containers that contain at least 500 mL or 500 grams of these goods when packaged
at the retail level for home consumption. This single serving size limit is also applied to beverage
containers when the serving includes any of the goods listed in the paragraph 1(k) of Part III of
Schedule VI as in the case of a float containing ice cream.

differentiate between the supply of an individual single serving and the supply of a package
containing multiples of single servings. As long as the products are in single serving sizes, the tax
applies regardless of the number of single servings in the package. For example, a box
containing twelve ice cream sandwiches where each portion is 75 mL, and where each is
individually wrapped would be taxable.


 Inflation:

According to MarketLine, the inflation rate in Canada was 6.8% in 2022, which was higher than
the previous year's rate of 3.4%, due to supply chain disruptions. However, MarketLine predicts
that inflation will decrease to 3.6% in 2023, but it will still be above the Central Bank's target of
2%. In September 2023, the inflation rate in Canada declined to 3.8% from 4% in August,
according to Statistics Canada. The inflation rate in Canada has averaged 3.15% from 1915 until
2023, reaching an all-time high of 21.60% in June 1920 and a record low of -17.80% in June
1921. Trading Economics predicts that the inflation rate in Canada will be 3.9% by the end of the
current quarter and will trend around 2.3% in 2024 and 2.0% in 2025. The Consumer Price Index
for Canada was 158.5 for September 2023, and the inflation rate year over year was 3.8%.


 Health Factors:

Changing consumer preferences for healthier options may influence the demand for low-sugar,
organic, or healthier rolling ice cream variants.

Well, the reason why Thai rolled ice cream is a better option is that the rolled ice cream does
not contain as many calories as any regular ice cream, and also it can be made with just two
ingredients. The fact that rolled ice cream contains only two ingredients makes them a lot
healthier option with minimum calories. The lesser the calories are, the healthier it is, and you
can enjoy a little bit of the rolled ice cream even when trying to follow a strict calorie deficit

Thai rolled ice cream is a treat from South east Asia that is now popular in most parts of the
world. Rolled ice cream was introduced in Thailand, and soon it became the viral sensation that
made it travel the world.

 Lifestyle attitudes:

The Dallas Morning news report states that” They were serving 100 every day, People were
lining up for the new taste trend, The teens and 20 flock find it interesting as an upcoming trend
in social status. And it is drooling worthy picture of outrageous cup of ice cream.


 Innovation:

The internet has played a significant role in popularizing rolling ice cream, with Instagram and
YouTube shorts filled with fascinating videos of the ice cream-making process from start to
finish. The rise of social media has helped to spread the word about this Southeast Asian treat,
making it a global phenomenon. YouTube is particularly popular for sharing videos of making
rolled ice cream, with channels dedicated to this specific type of ice cream. The ice cream
market has witnessed significant growth over the years, driven by factors such as increasing
disposable income, changing consumer preferences for indulgent and convenient food options,
and the growing popularity of premium and natural ice creams. The market has also seen a rise
in demand for healthier ice cream alternatives, such as low-fat, low-sugar, and plant-based
options, due to the growing health consciousness among consumers.

 Customisation:

The rolling ice cream is a gluten free ice cream Ice cream rolls certainly can be gluten-free, but it
depends on the base mix and ingredients.

Yes – and we think they’re better (even if we do say so ourselves). The texture of rolled ice
cream is slightly different to traditional ice cream. As it’s not churned by a machine but is
instead mixed by hand directly on the freezing pans, less air is introduced into the mixture. This
can result in a slightly denser texture and a more intense flavour. As the rolls are thin, they’re
still easy to eat and have that irresistible melt-in-the-mouth sensation.

 Automation:

As a general think of a “rolled ice cream roller machine” as the opposite of a frying pan i.e., it is
a freezing pan. The plate is at freezing temperature and so when the ice cream mix is poured
onto the plate it freezes very quickly. The ice cream server then scrapes it off the plate rolling it
as they do so. This process is not that different from how a traditional ice cream batch freezer
works. In a batch freezer, you have a cylinder where the ice cream is placed. This cylinder is then
frozen. As the cylinder freezes so does the ice cream mixture in contact with the cylinder.
Scrapers then come along and scrape the frozen mixture away to allow another part of the ice
cream mixture to freeze. And so, the process repeats until all your ice cream mixture has been
frozen and scrapped into ice cream.

Using two metal spatulas you can control how the mixture is combined and how long one side is
frozen before being scrapped.


 Labelling laws:

The label includes net quantity, Name and origin, grade name, lot name, Serving Size, dairy
product and guidelines.

Food labeling is an essential aspect of the food industry, and there are specific requirements
that must be met to ensure that consumers are well-informed about the products they
purchase. The FDA regulates most packaged foods sold in the United States and has specific

requirements for what elements a package must contain, such as the name of the
manufacturer, packer, or distributor, the net quantity, the ingredient list, and the serving size.
The Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004 mandates that packaged food
items must declare the presence of any major food allergens on the product packaging. The
packaging must also include the place of business, which should include the street address, city,
state, and ZIP code. The ingredient declaration must list all ingredients used in the product,
including those that conform to a standard of identity or are a multi-ingredient product. The
label must also include the identity of the food in package form, the grade name, lot name, and
guidelines. The FDA does not pre-approve labels for food products, but it is recommended that
manufacturers and importers become fully informed about the applicable laws and regulations
before offering foods for distribution in the United States. It is important to note that food
labeling laws do not require all ingredients to be listed if their presence does not have a
function in the finished product.

 Employment Law:

The law ensures the safe environment for employees, fair wages, getting equal pay for equal
work. Getting convent holidays when needed.

The law ensures a safe working environment for employees, fair wages, equal pay for equal
work, and convenient holidays when needed. The Equal Pay Act of 1963, which amended the
Fair Labor Standards Act, protects against wage discrimination based on sex. The Act requires
that men and women in the same workplace be given equal pay for equal work, and the jobs
need not be identical, but they must be equal under the standards set by the Act. Every worker
must get equal pay for equal work regardless of their gender, race, age, or other protected
characteristics. The Fair Labor Standards Act establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, and
other employment standards, including the prohibition of sex-based wage differentials.
Employers may provide different benefits if the same benefit options are offered to all
employees performing work of comparable character. The law aims to protect workers' rights
and ensure that they are treated fairly in the workplace.

 Consumer safety:

We will, ensure about the consumer safety, by adding the allergic information, the ingredients.

To ensure consumer safety, it is important to provide information about the ingredients and
allergens present in food products. The Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of
2004 requires that foods containing major food allergens be listed in plain English in the
ingredient list, in parentheses within the ingredient list, or after the word “contains.” This helps
individuals with food allergies to identify the presence of allergens in the food they consume. It
is also important to note that food labeling laws do not require all ingredients to be listed if
their presence does not have a function in the finished product. Some ingredients can be
collectively labeled, such as spices, flavors, and colors, which means that a food ingredient that
can cause a reaction in food hypersensitive consumers may be present in a food without being
declared on the ingredients label. To help ensure that this does not happen, the Food Allergen
Labeling and Consumer Protection Act (FALCPA) was passed in the U.S. in 2004. This Act requires
the presence of the eight major food allergens to be declared using a name that is easy to
understand. In addition to the mandatory labeling requirements, some manufacturers
voluntarily include a separate advisory statement, such as “may contain” or "produced in a
facility," on their labels when there is a chance that a food allergen could be present. It is
important to read food labels carefully every time before consuming any food product, as
ingredients can change over time, or may vary depending upon the size of the product.


 Environmental impacts:

Ice cream is consumed daily worldwide and yet its environmental impacts are scarcely known.
This paper presents a first comprehensive life cycle assessment of market-leading vanilla and
chocolate ice creams, considering both regular and premium products. The results suggest that
their impacts are broadly similar across the 18 impact categories considered. For the majority of
the impacts, chocolate regular ice cream is a slightly better option than the other varieties.

 Eco friendly Packaging:

Cardboard or paper box packaging has long been a favored choice for many ice cream
manufacturers, and it’s not hard to see why. Combining functionality and aesthetic appeal, this
type of packaging offers various benefits. Cardboard is a renewable resource and recyclable,
making it a more environmentally friendly choice than plastic. This is a notable advantage as
businesses and consumers strive to reduce their carbon footprint. In fact, according to the
American Forest & Paper Association, the recovery rate for paper and cardboard was 68% in the
U.S. in 2021, underlining its sustainability.

 Climate change:

Canada’s climate is already changing. Higher temperatures, shifting rainfall patterns, extreme
weather events and rising sea levels are just some of the changes already affecting many
aspects of our lives.

Changes in climate will persist and, in many cases, will intensify over the coming decades. That
will have significant impacts on Canadian communities through our economy, social well-being
(health, culture, etc.) and environment. We must understand these impacts and the options
available to us if we want to build resilience through adaptation, reduce the associated risks and
costs of climate change’s impacts and support sound decision-making.

Environmental Analysis (SWOT)

Strengths Weaknesses
 Well-known brand  Perishable product.

 The stores are self sufficient.  Slow preparation.

 Low purchases in the winter season.
 Received a lot of good feedback
from customers.
 Can be customized.
 Healthy product.

Opportunities Threats
 Low startup costs.  high competition.
 Growable.  Fatness product.
 Capable of multiple flavors.  Susceptibility to pricing inflation.


• Well-known brand:

It is a well-known brand, globally and in north America.

• The stores are self-sufficient.

An energy self-sufficient business generates enough power to fuel its own operations and a
business that is self-sufficient in its personnel staffs all of its operations in-house without hiring
outside contractors.

• Received a lot of good feedback from customers.

• Can be customized.

Ice cream stores that serve rolled ice cream have their default menu selections to choose from
but because it is made to order, it can therefore be more customizable and personal to
individual taste compared to traditional ice cream that’s usually made in large batches.


• Healthy product.

Rolled ice cream typically uses less sugar than traditional ice cream. Roll ice cream has fewer
calories per serving.


• Perishable product:

Rolling Ice creams are perishable items, which means they melt quickly and can’t be delivered
for long distances.

• Slow preparation:

Rolled ice cream takes 5-20 minutes to make.

• Low purchases in the winter season.


 Low startup costs:

Equipment such as rolled ice cream machines, refrigeration units, and other kitchen equipment
can cost anywhere from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. Ingredient,
garnish, and packaging supply costs are all in stock.

 Growable:

Not being tied to a specific location gives us an opportunity to grow our business to the level we
want it to.

 Capable of multiple flavors:

Flavor drives consumer purchases to a large extent (nearly 70%) and offering innovative flavors
for the customers can help the business provide better-for-you options for that consumers


 high competition:

The market for ice cream shops is highly saturated with both chain and independent shops,
making it challenging for a new business to establish a loyal customer base.

 Fatness product:

Consumers are concerned about fattening dessert products.

 Susceptibility to pricing inflation:

If the price of milk goes up, it means that producing ice cream will be more costly. This will
reduce the supply for ice cream, causing a leftward shift in the supply curve for ice cream.

Strategic Plan:
The mission of the Brand

 With every cup, with every conversation and with every community – We nurture the
limitless possibilities of human connection.
 Starbucks believes in delivering performance through the lens of Humanity
 Starbucks consistently achieve their goals with focus, integrity, and drive. They
continuously innovate to stay ahead. They believe in exceeding the expectations of the
people they serve.
 They take pride in their work and have fun while doing it. They celebrate each other and
their wins. They create great vibes to bring the best out of others.

New Company Mission Statement

"At FroZone Starbucks Ice Cream, we are dedicated to crafting an extraordinary frozen dessert
experience that seamlessly marries the unparalleled quality of Starbucks with the indulgence of
premium ice cream. Our mission is to delight consumers worldwide with a delightful fusion of iconic
Starbucks flavors, exceptional ingredients, and a commitment to sustainability, creating moments of joy
and connection through every scoop."


Iconic Flavors: The mission statement highlights the introduction of "iconic Starbucks flavors," signifying
a commitment to preserving the genuineness of the Starbucks experience even as it expands into the
FroZone dessert market.

Sustainability: The mission statement's mention of "a commitment to sustainability" demonstrates an

awareness of the increasing value that customers are placing on environmentally friendly behaviors. By
aligning with modern values, it presents Frozen Starbucks Ice Cream as a socially conscious brand.

Creating Moments of Joy and Connection: The goal is to enhance the emotional side of the customer
experience. The objective is to bring people together and experience happiness, highlighting the brand's
desire to make a positive difference in the lives of its customers.

Strategic Direction Objectives

We have long held the view that building value for society and our shareholders is the only way
for our business to succeed over the long run. By maintaining a laser-like focus on our
customers and achieving operational agility and executional excellence, we create value.
As a business, we always adapt our product lineup to satisfy customer demands and spark their
interest. Our goal is to achieve balanced financial growth by means of efficient operations, quick
innovation, and resource management. Our long-term plan guarantees that we will succeed
consistently and sustainably.
Good food, good life is good business. We concentrate our efforts in areas where harnessing the
power of food can improve the quality of life for people and their pets, safeguard and improve
the environment, and produce substantial returns for our stakeholders and shareholders. Goods
that are both environmentally friendly and consumer-friendly are becoming more and more
popular and profitable. This makes us more of a positive force. Consequently, we:

 Utilize our over 150 years of experience in nutrition, wellness, and health to help
individuals, families, and pets lead happier, healthier lives.
 Utilize our established global footprint to provide consumers with high-quality, safe, and
reasonably priced nutrition, irrespective of their financial status.
 Provide tasty, nutritious products that are easy to use and convenient for the time-
pressed, health-conscious lifestyles of today's consumers.
 We try to package and ship our goods in a way that is environmentally friendly and safe.
 Introduce innovative, high-end products to the market that are driven by innovative
research, consumer insights, cutting-edge nutrition science, and masterful cooking.
 Improve our food systems and provide more plant-based food options so that as
consumers diversify their diets, they choose us first.
 Adhere to challenging sustainability objectives to improve the state of the environment,
propel social development, and promote wholesome, sustainable food systems.
Improved capital efficiency and a balanced pursuit of top- and bottom-line growth form the
foundation of our long-term value creation model. Three strategic pillars direct our value
creation process:

 Expansion via ongoing innovation.

 Efficiency in operations.
 Allocating resources and capital, including through acquisitions and divestitures, with
focus and discipline.

Further growth
We keep our portfolio diversified in terms of both categories and geographies. Our ability to
adapt quickly and build strong local, regional, and international brands helps us achieve long-
term financial success. Our goal is to maintain a mid-single-digit organic growth rate by
managing our portfolio, gaining market share, and innovating quickly.
Effective processes
At every stage of the company, we control expenses and work to improve operational
effectiveness to drive growth. In the process of generating value for our shareholders, we can
free up resources for further investments in brand development, product innovation,
digitalization, and sustainability programs.
Prudent distribution of capital
Our top goals are to increase shareholder returns, create shared value, and invest in the long-
term growth and development of our company. To support organic, profitable growth, long-
term investing entails capital expenditures into our factories, brand support, and research and
development. Nestlé Global. (n.d.).

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are critical metrics that provide insights into the performance
and success of a collaboration. They help measure progress toward specific objectives and guide
decision-making. Here's a more detailed explanation of potential KPIs for the FroZone Ice Cream
and Starbucks Company joint venture:

1. Sales Performance:
- KPI: Monthly and quarterly sales figures for the FroZone dessert line.
- Explanation: Monitoring sales data provides a clear picture of the product's market
acceptance and revenue generation.

2. Market Penetration:
- KPI: Percentage increase in market share within the frozen dessert segment.

- Explanation: Indicates the collaboration's success in capturing a larger share of the target

3. Customer Adoption Rates:

- KPI: Number of new customers trying FroZone desserts.
- Explanation: Measures the effectiveness of the collaboration in attracting and retaining new

4. Customer Retention:
- KPI: Repeat purchase rates and customer loyalty program engagement.
- Explanation: Reflects the ability of FroZone desserts to retain and build a loyal customer

5. Distribution Channel Effectiveness:

- KPI: Sales performance in Starbucks stores, grocery chains, and online platforms.
- Explanation: Assesses the efficiency of distribution channels and identifies areas for

6. Brand Recognition:
- KPI: Social media reach, mentions, and sentiment analysis.
- Explanation: Measures the extent to which the collaboration enhances brand visibility and

7. Customer Satisfaction:
- KPI: Customer feedback scores and ratings.
- Explanation: Evaluates the level of satisfaction with FroZone desserts, helping identify areas
for improvement.

8. Marketing ROI:

- KPI: Return on investment from marketing campaigns.
- Explanation: Assesses the effectiveness of marketing efforts in driving product awareness
and sales.

9. Sustainability Metrics:
- KPI: Percentage of eco-friendly packaging usage and adherence to responsible sourcing
- Explanation: Monitors the collaboration's commitment to sustainability and resonates with
environmentally conscious consumers.

10. Financial Performance Against Projections:

- KPI: Comparison of actual financial performance against projected figures.
- Explanation: Ensures alignment with financial goals and identifies variances for corrective

11. Employee Engagement:

- KPI: Internal surveys measuring employee satisfaction and alignment with the
collaboration's goals.
- Explanation: Engaged employees are more likely to contribute positively to the success of
the joint venture.

12. Innovation Impact:

- KPI: Number of new flavors introduced and customer feedback on innovation.
- Explanation: Gauges the impact of product innovation on customer interest and satisfaction.

By regularly monitoring these KPIs, FroZone Ice Cream and Starbucks Company can assess the
overall health of their joint venture, identify areas for improvement, and make informed
strategic decisions to ensure long-term success in the competitive frozen dessert market.

Strategy Implementation Plan:

Communication to Internal and External Stakeholders

Internal stakeholders:

1. Employees: We will assign, the specific employers in the organization for a specific field, and will
ensure that they are updated to the, current situation inside and outside the office. The right
method to communicate in the company won't create any, stress or problems. Will ask
employees their recommendation, feedbacks on any product, or for anything in business.
2. Managers We will update each and every day to manager, about specific topic and discussions.
Will ask for feedback and recommendation offer solution to the manager where you feel, that
they are stuck.
3. Investors; while communicating with them transparency is important but most importantly,
enthusiasm, dedication and story why did you started business, provide reports to them and
communicate with them , which helps them take interest more in firm. We will be accessible for
investor for any of query and issues.

External stakeholder:

1. Customer build relationships with customers, on personal and professional level. Will solve if any
issue arises in the quality of the product. Will even give complimentary ice cream on their
birthdays, and anniversary. And even we will provide, gift cards and extra discount, this also
makes a good relationship.
2. Suppliers: it is good to explain clear expectations of delivery, product quality, special
requirements, and many other things. Negotiation should be on the benefit of both parties.
Documentation is important, stay informed about the market trends, demands market
conditions because this can affect the supply chain.

Scheduling and Timelines

Strategic analysis of organization data and information

QUE:1 We will do in year 2023.

QUE:2 We will do in year 2023.

QUE:3 We will do in year 2023-2024.

QUE:4 We will do in year 2023

QUE:5 We will do in year 2023.

Strategic plan:

QUE:1 We will do in year 2023.

QUE:2 We will do in year 2023

QUE:3 We will do in year 2023-2024

QUE:4 We will do in year 2023

Strategic Implementation Plan

QUE:1 We will do in year 2023-2024

QUE:2 We will do in year 2023-2024

QUE:3 We will do in year 2023-2024

QUE:4 We will do in year 2023.

Monitoring and Evaluation System

The monitoring and evaluation system in this business are the various parameters that
are used to gauge the progress and impact of this business and the products as well. In other
words, this helps us to know if our business is going in the right direction. On the other hand, a
business without this system in place is headed for failure. This system also helps us to know the
areas of our operation that needs improvement or correction to suit the interest of our market.
The monitoring and evaluation system in this business include:
This is the gathering, recording and organization of data and information that are
important to the various sectors of this business. This is very relevant for good decision making,
following trends, understanding the behaviours, understanding the changing conditions of the
market, and generally enhancing the business.
These data collected are in the areas of:

 Finance
 Customer data
 Research of the market
 Employee data
 Operations
 Supply and logistics
We will not fail to note that the process of data collection in our business must be subject to
the legal and ethical standards that governs privacy. This is crucial especially when dealing with
sensitive information. Also, we must concentrate on collecting data that is in line with our goals
and objectives for it to positively contribute to our planning process.

In this business, we are going to put into consideration our performance indicators. One
of the most common and best performance indicator system is the SMART. This is matching our
operations with the SMART system, checking if we are compliant with Specific, Measurable,
Achievable, Relevant and Time oriented goals to measure our success.
The baseline data are the information that have been gathered and recorded at the start
of our business. These baseline data will become our point of reference for our present and
future operations. We can place this side by side with our operations to measure our success. It
will serve as our marking scheme, utilizing it to develop our goals.
Data analysis in our business is the careful examination and interpretation of data, using
appropriate tools and technologies, leading to meaningful conclusions. These conclusions will
be used to make good decisions, good plans, and business improvement. One of the biggest
importance of data analysis is that it will help us in making good predictions. When data has
been collected and properly analysed, we can then predict future trends as regards our target
market. It will also help us to pre-empt and mitigate possible threats that may arise.
Since the main aim of any business organization is to make profits, the financial
performance of any business cannot be over-emphasized. This is an aspect brings in all
parameters that has to do with finance. By this, we are talking about the assessment of our
finances through the main financial parameter, our profitability. By assessing this profitability,
we are going to look closely into the various aspects of our financial statements. By doing this,
we can make calculations to be aware of the state of finance of our business. We will also be
aware of the ability of the business to bear costs. Most importantly, we can avoid profit erosion.
To make these profits, our position in the market needs to constantly be evaluated. This
is to check the activities of our competitors, making sure we are offering better services to gain
the larger market share. This also involves the critical analysis of our competitors, to know their
weakness to capitalize on them to gain the best amount of the market. Another aspect of this, is
the customer loyalty. Through customer feedback, we will be able to determine if they are
satisfied and loyal to our brand.
This is the evaluation of our operational process to gauge our ease of production and
supply. In the aspect of production, we shall investigate our work force and machinery without

which the production process will be hindered. We will carry out employee checks and balances
and do a proper maintenance of our machinery. In the supply aspect, we will investigate our
sourcing of raw materials and other suppliers in the delivery of our production service. This
aspect will make us to avoid the issue of running out of raw materials for our product.
In the daily operation of our business, we must the able to evaluate our compliance to
laid down laws and regulations that governs our business space, to avoid governmental
sanctions. This is where the various food acts come into play, talking about the laws governing
the hygiene of our production process, the labelling of our products and the composition of our
products as well. These are rules and regulations that must be adhered to.
Apart from the fact that our company is committed to make profits, we are also
committed to see that our service to the society is duly carried out. In this aspect, we are going
to be committed to carrying out sustainable business practices that will impact positively on the
society where we operate. Here, we are talking about the Triple Bottom Line approach and the
Environmental Social Governance. These are CSR approaches that centers on human rights,
avoidance of pollution, fair wages and profit sharing, charity donations, clear communication
and feedback and other environmental-friendly activities that will make the society happy to
have us in their midst. The evaluation of this aspect will prevent the possibility of scandals.

The strategic collaboration between FroZone Ice Cream and Starbucks Company presents a
compelling venture into the growing frozen dessert market. With a focus on premium quality,
innovation, and sustainability, this partnership aims to leverage Starbucks' iconic brand and
extensive global presence to introduce a distinctive line of frozen treats.

The market opportunity is well-aligned with consumer trends, as the FroZone dessert market
continues to expand globally, with a demand for high-quality, brand-driven products. By
incorporating signature Starbucks flavors and maintaining exceptional standards, the Frozen Ice
Cream and Starbucks Company is poised to capture a significant share of this market.

The product offering, featuring a variety of ice cream and frozen treats inspired by popular
Starbucks flavors, is designed to appeal to both existing Starbucks customers and new
audiences. Leveraging Starbucks' distribution network and partnerships with grocery chains and
online retailers enhances the accessibility of these frozen delights.

The marketing strategy, emphasizing the fusion of Starbucks' coffee expertise with the joy of
indulging in high-quality frozen desserts, is well-crafted for a seamless integration into
Starbucks' existing offerings. Sustainability and social responsibility further enhance the brand's
appeal, aligning with Starbucks' commitment to ethical practices.

Financial projections indicate a strong potential for return on investment, underpinned by the
synergy between FroZone Ice Cream and Starbucks Company. The combination of diverse
product offerings, effective distribution channels, and strategic marketing efforts positions this
collaboration for financial success in the competitive frozen dessert market.

In conclusion, Frozen Ice Cream and Starbucks Company's joint venture represents a dynamic
and well-thought-out approach to meeting the evolving preferences of consumers. Rooted in
quality, innovation, and sustainability, this collaboration is set to make a significant impact in the
frozen dessert market, capturing the hearts and taste buds of a wide-ranging customer base.

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