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The Arctic Circle

The Arctic Circle is an invisible

ring on Earth, encompassing the Arctic
region. The Arctic Circle lines the
boundary of an area where the sun does
not set on some days in summer (an
Arctic phenomenon called the midnight
sun) and does not rise in winter (which
is called the polar nights).
The centre of the Arctic Circle is
the North Pole, which makes the Arctic
Circle the region of the Northern
Hemisphere surrounding the North Pole.
The Arctic Circle is also one of the five major named circles of latitude on the globe.
Scandinavia puts on quite a show of three natural phenomena which occur year-round
inside the Arctic Circle. This includes the northern lights, the midnight sun, and the polar
Facts about the Arctic
There are several fun facts about the
Arctic and the Arctic Circle:
 About 90 percent of the Arctic has
little snow and ice during the
summer. As a matter of fact, many
kinds of shrubs and plants grow
here, but they remain lower to the
 The North Cape is known as the northernmost point of Europe.
 The North Pole is usually not the coldest location in the Arctic.
 The Arctic Circle is approximately 1,650 miles from the North Pole.
 In 2011, Neanderthal remains found near the Arctic Circle have been dated at more than
28,500 years old, which is more than 8,000 years after Neanderthals are thought to have
 While the sun doesn't rise much during the winter, it does shine every day on the entire
Arctic Circle in the summer months.
 Lands along the Arctic include those of Alaska, Canada, Greenland/Denmark, Iceland,
Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia.
 The Arctic Circle is located exactly 66° 33′39″ north of the Equator.
Travel to the Arctic Circle
Travel to the Arctic Circle and you'll have a once-in-a-lifetime travel experience. Where
exactly should you travel past the Arctic Circle? There are several options. The two most
famous destinations for travellers in the Arctic Circle is the North Cape and Spitsbergen.
Spitsbergen is a Norwegian island far north in the Arctic Ocean and past the Arctic Circle.
In Norway, you can find the line of the Arctic Circle 50 miles north of Mo i Rana, and 43
miles south of Fauske. From May through the beginning of October, you can also visit the
famous Arctic Circle Centre by traveling on the E6 highway and exiting at the town of
Iceland is close to the Arctic Circle and traveling here is easy. The Icelandic island of
Grimsey is situated directly on the Arctic Circle.
Your Arctic Circle travel plans should definitely include one of the ice hotels in
Scandinavia if you are travelling during the winter months. Each hotel differs widely from the
next and is sure to give your Arctic Circle travel itinerary a special flair.
The North Cape
The North Cape in Norway is northern
Scandinavia's most popular travel destination
—and for good reason. The North Cape is a
monumental natural experience. Along
with breathtaking views and unusual
climatic conditions, the dramatic cliff allows
you to stand at Europe's northern end.
The North Cape is a 1,000-foot-high
cliff that is generally referred to as the
northernmost point of Europe. A quarter of a
million tourists visits the North Cape each
summer, making it one of Norway's top travel destinations. It is located in the region of
Finnmark, also called the Norwegian Lapland.
Region of Finnmark
On the same latitude as Greenland and Alaska, you will find Finnmark. Norway's
Finnmark region is a wild and wonderful part of Norway. In Finnmark, travelers can visit 19
unique destinations, offering everything from quiet, relaxing vacations to adventurous outdoor
While the North Cape is a wonderful experience in itself, travelers can also enjoy bird
safaris to a nature reservation with more than two million seabirds or exciting deep-sea rafting
at night. In the summer, there is no sunset; there's the midnight sun.
During the rest of the year, you can view the northern lights . A popular activity at the
North Cape is to hike on the snow-covered mountains and cliffs. Watch out for the length of the
day here in winter, though, as it can stay dark for quite a while during the time of the polar
Getting There
From Oslo, Norway, travelers have several options to get to the North Cape:
 Drive from Oslo to the North Cape.
 Fly from Oslo to Alta/Hammerfest.
 Take a North Cape cruise.
 Take the train or bus.
Many visitors stay in the town of Honningsvag, Norway, which is near the North Cape.
Arctic Cruises

Arctic cruises are one of the easiest and

safest options to travel inside the Arctic Circle.
Today's arctic cruises are no longer the dangerous
voyage they once were, and such cruises have
become quite popular among travellers. A cruise
to the Arctic can definitely be a once-in-a-lifetime
You can start looking for an Arctic cruise
on, which compares several
different cruise offers and tours. Make sure to
check "Arctic/Antarctic" as the region for your cruise. You can sort by cruise length, price, and
more. lists several cruises into the Arctic region. Many originate and focus on
cruise ports in Scandinavia, but there are also quite a few cruises that travel to the Arctic region
from Alaska and Canada. The prices from various cruise lines listed on the site are very
competitive, and the cruises are easy to book.
There are several guided boat tours and short Arctic cruises available among guided tours
in Lapland, Finland.
For Arctic traveller looking for something more, consider Polar Cruises. This company
offers luxury-level Arctic cruises that last up to two weeks but also cost quite a bit more than
the suggestions above.
Arctic Expeditions
An Arctic expedition is great for the more
adventurous traveller, but that doesn't mean
you have to leave the kids at home.
Intrepid Travel is a worldwide travel organizer
offering family-friendly group tours to the
world's less travelled and more exciting
destinations, including the Arctic Circle. Make sure to check out their tours available in
Northern Finland, Greenland, and Iceland.
Isango! also offers several well-priced guided tours that safely lead past the Arctic Circle
and into the Arctic region.
Other expeditions in the Arctic Circle are available for travellers by National
Geographic, but they can be a bit pricey. If you prefer to join a truly scientific expedition, your
best bet will be to contact the organization of your choice or the National Science Foundation.
However, many organizations are not open to travelers joining their scientific expeditions.
Keep in mind that in the Arctic, guided tours in Lapland are shorter and more easy-going
if an Arctic expedition is too long or too exhausting to consider.

The Arctic Ocean

A popular question is: which

three continents the Arctic Ocean
touches. So which of the continents
does this ocean border?
The Arctic Ocean touches the
continents of North America, Europe,
and Asia.
The Arctic Ocean is the smallest
of the world's five major oceans and
has two important waterways (albeit
seasonal, due to ice): The Northwest
Passage (United States and Canada)
and Northern Sea Route (Norway and Russia). The thinning polar ice in the Arctic Ocean in the
past 10-20 years is enabling the Arctic Ocean to become a more and more important waterway
for shipping and trade.
Most of the Arctic Ocean is located beyond the Arctic Circle. The ocean spans 14.056
million square kilometers.
Canada and the United States share the Beaufort Sea and survey the Arctic continental
shelf together. Denmark (Greenland) and Norway have made submissions to the Commission
on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) under the Arctic Ocean. Meanwhile, Norway
and Russia signed a comprehensive maritime boundary agreement in 2010 pertaining to the
Barents Sea.

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