Gr9 Prepositions Chapter Test ICSE

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Gr- 9 English
UNIT- Prepositions

Total Marks : 15 Time : 20 minutes Marks Received :

Q No Marks

QI Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions: 1X11=11

1. The shop is just a few meters away. Why don’t you go ____ foot ?
2. She always reads newspapers ____the morning.
3. They made us wait ______ 30 minutes.
4. Her mother was worried _______ she got home.
5. ______________ Neeta, who else went to Nepal?
6. The train was traveling ________ 120 kmph.
7. I heard a noise ________ night, but I was too sleepy to get up.
8. He left school in 2020. I have not seen him __________.
9. Most people work ____________ eight to six.
10. He lives ______ Lajpat Nagar _______ Delhi.

Q II Choose the appropriate options to complete the sentences 1X4=4

1. My friends will be there ---- two or three hours.
a. at
b. on
c. in
d. for

2. The plane will stay on the runway ---- five minutes.

a. at
b. on
c. in
d. for

3. She graduated from the university ---- 1969.

a. at
b. on
c. in
d. for

4. Are you going to study ---- the afternoon or ---- night?

a. on / on
b. in / in
c. in / at
d. at / in
Gr- 9 English
UNIT- Prepositions

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