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Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

Learner Name Reference ID/ Batch Code

Course Title Frankfinn Certificate Course in Aviation, Hospitality, Travel & Customer Service

Assessor Name

Name of I.V.

I confirm that the work submitted for this assignment is my own.

Learner Signature Date

Guidelines: Students to attempt the below questions for getting PASS/ MERIT/
1. Write your responses in the space provided below the questions
2. It is compulsory to attempt all questions of PASS – to clear the assignment
3. Review your answers before submitting the Assignment

TIMELINE: You can take up to Two days to submit the Assignments

Personal Grooming Treatments – (Pass)

Q1. What is Grooming?(Pass)

Ans 1. In order to improve their personal hygiene, self-presentation, and outward

appearance, people engage in a variety of behaviors and rituals known as grooming. It
involves a variety of activities, including choosing clothes, skincare, and haircare. A
commitment to self-care and professionalism are also implied by grooming, which goes
beyond simple cleanliness. It includes everything from keeping up with personal cleanliness
to picking the right clothing, assisting people in projecting confidence and a well-groomed
image in both personal and professional circumstances.
Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

Q2. Classify Grooming?(Pass)

Ans 2. There are various categories into which grooming can be divided. Basic personal
hygiene and maintenance, such as dental and nail care, are all included in personal
grooming. Skincare regimens, cosmetics, and maintaining facial hair all fall under the
category of facial grooming. Cuts, styling, and overall hair health are all included in hair
grooming. Body grooming includes selecting proper attire as well as keeping one's overall
hygiene and attractiveness.

Q3. What are the qualities required for working in the Aviation, Hospitality, Travel &
Customer service Industries?(Pass)

Ans 3. Specific skills are needed to succeed in the aviation, hospitality, travel, and customer
service industries. These include great communication skills for efficiently interacting with
clients or passengers. In order to keep the quality of the service high, professionalism is
essential. To handle various clients and circumstances, patience is required. Quality service
is ensured by attention to detail. In these customer-focused businesses, a customer-centric
strategy involves prioritizing the requirements of the customer, and teamwork abilities
promote collaboration for a seamless service experience

Q4. Name the Layers of the Skin?(Pass)

Ans 4. The skin is divided into three layers. The epidermis is the outermost layer, and it acts
as a protective screen for your body. The dermis is located beneath the epidermis and
contains blood vessels, nerves, and sweat glands. The innermost layer is subcutaneous
tissue, which is formed of fat and serves to keep your body warm and cushioned.
Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

Q5. Name different types of skin? (Pass)

Ans 5. Different varieties of skin exist, including normal, dry, oily, combination, and sensitive
skin. Each variety has distinct traits and care needs. for example Normal skin is well-
balanced, but dry skin lacks moisture. Oily skin produces a lot of oil, while combination skin
has a mix of dry and oily patches, and sensitive skin is prone to irritation and redness

Q6. What are the causes of Acne and dark circle and also provide 02 remedies for each?
Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

Ans 6. [i]. Hormonal imbalances and excessive oil production are two acne-causing factors.
The use of topical medications like benzoyl peroxide and adherence to a regular skincare
regimen are examples of remedies. Lack of sleep and genetics can be contributory factors in
dark circles.

[ii]. Getting enough sleep and applying under-eye creams are two possible treatments.

Q7. What are the types of hair? Highlight the causes of dandruff and provide 02 remedies?

Ans 7. Different varieties of skin exist, including normal, dry, oily, combination, and
sensitive skin. Each variety has distinct traits and care needs. for example Normal skin is
well-balanced, but dry skin lacks moisture. Oily skin produces a lot of oil, while combination
skin has a mix of dry and oily patches, and sensitive skin is prone to irritation and redness

Q8. What are the Do’s and Don’ts of Personal hygiene and Grooming Hygiene? (Merit)

Ans 8. Do’s for personal hygiene and grooming include taking regular showers, brushing
your teeth, dressing in clean clothes, and keeping your appearance tidy. Avoiding dental
treatment, dressing in soiled or wrinkled clothing, and ignoring personal hygiene are
examples of no-nos.

Q9.Why do you think it’s important to present yourself as a professional in an interview?


Ans 9. In order to make a good first impression, show that you are serious about the
position, and establish credibility with the employer, it is crucial to conduct oneself
Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

professionally during an interview. This may negatively affect your chances of getting the job
by a wide margin.

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