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1. Name the different parts of the fallopian tube in humans and state the specific functions of it.
2. Explain the structure, formation, function and significance of the placenta formed between the
foetus and a maternal body in humans.
3. Name the pituitary hormones involved in the process of spermatogenesis. State their functions.
4. Where does fertilisation occur in the oviduct of a human female? Explain the embryonic
development from fertilised ovum up to its implantation.
5. Explain the role of pituitary and ovarian hormones in the menstrual cycle of human females.
6. Where and how in the testes, process of spermatogenesis occurs in humans.
7. Construct a flow chart exhibiting sequential events of oogenesis.
8. Draw a diagrammatic sectional view of a seminiferous tubule (enlarged) in humans and label its
9. Differentiate between spermatogenesis and Oogenesis on the basis of (i) Time of initiation of the
process (ii) Site of completion of the process (iii) Nature of meiotic division undergone by gamete
mother cells (b) Name the hormones and state their role involved in controlling spermatogenesis in
10. Draw a labelled diagram to show interrelationship of four accessory ducts in a human male
reproductive system. State its functions.
11. Mention the events that lead to the development of placenta during pregnancy in human females.
Explain the role of placenta during pregnancy including its action as an endocrine organ.
12. Write the duration and the events that occur in the ovary and the uterus during follicular and luteal
phases of the menstrual cycle in humans. How do pituitary and ovarian hormones influence these
two phases?
13. Differentiate between spermiogenesis and spermiation.
14. State the fate of trophoblast of a human blastocyst at the time of implantation and that of the inner
cell mass immediately after implantation
15. Draw a sectional view of a human ovary and label primary follicle, tertiary follicle, Graafian follicle
and corpus luteum in it.
16. Name the gonadotropins and explain their role in oogenesis and the release of ova.
17. List the three hormones produced in women only during pregnancy. What happens to the levels of
estrogen and progesterone during pregnancy?
18. Name and state the function of interstitial cell present in the human testes.
19. Name the male accessory glands in the human body and mention the role played by them.
20. What is colostrum? Mention its benefits to a newborn baby.
21. Describe the different stages of development a fertilised ovum in a human female undergoes up to
the blastocyst stage.
22. Name the parts of a blastocyst and write the fate of these parts till the onset of pregnancy.
23. Name the three different parts of a human sperm and write their involvement in the process of
24. Answer the following questions based on the process of oogenesis in human female:(a) When and
where does the process begin? (b) Explain the steps that occur in the process of oogenesis up to
ovulation on the onset of puberty.
25. Draw a labelled diagram of a human ovum.
26. Explain the events that occur in the uterus during menstrual cycle in the human females.
27. What is parturition? Mention how it is induced.
28. Mention the site where fertilisation of the ovum occurs in a human female. Explain the process of
fertilisation and mention how polyspermy is prevented. (ii) Name the embryonic stage that hets
implanted in the uterus. Explain the process of implantation in a human female.

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