Soeng Finals Mod 1

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General Luna St., Guitnang Bayan I, San Mateo, Rizal

Tel. No. (02) 997-9070

TOPIC OR LESSON: Structure of English
WEEK: 10
SUB-TOPIC/S: Genre Copular Verbs and Subject Verb Agreement


Welcome to your learning material on Structure of English. This week you are
tasked to learn and accomplish activities on this course.

In this module, you will explore and understand the Copula Be and Subject Verb


On the completion of this module, you are expected to manifest an in-depth

understanding on the structural role of be as well as identify the subject verb agreement
problems through authentic materials.


At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. discuss the structural roles of and distinction of be-verb;

2. recognize the subject verb agreement; and
3. apply the rules of subject verb agreement.


Let’s discuss and fill out as a class. Listen to your teacher as he/she assigns students
who will take turns in asking information from each other.


Let’s review!

I. Verb Forms. Can you give these forms? Give the proper inflections in the provided spaces.
talk write eat cut do have be

Present Participle +ing _____________________________________________

Past Participle +en _____________________________________________

Past Form +ed _____________________________________________

S-Form +s _____________________________________________

Base Form q _____________________________________________

Note: The copula be poses the greatest problems at the initial stage of
a child’s language development, but second language acquisition
research shares that the third person singular present tense -s
inflection causes persistent problems even at advanced stages of

II. Verb Types. Complete the given sentences.

1. Action Verb - John ________ high school students.
2. Linking Verb/Copula - John ___ a high school teacher.
3. Helping / Auxiliary Verb
A. Be - John ____ walking towards school.
B. Have - John ____ talked to the school principal regarding your concern.
C. Do - John ____ not like being compared.
D. Modal - ____ John finish the task?


Let’s discuss!

Note: We will now call the linking verb with another term---copula or copula be. Do not forget to note its
distinction with the auxiliary verb be.

Be functions as an auxiliary verb as well as a copula, so make sure to differentiate the two.

The copula links nonverbal predicates (i.e., nouns, adjectives, and certain adverbials with their subject and
serves as a carrier for tense and links the subject to the complement/predicate nominative and vice versa.
The auxiliary be always occurs in conjunction with another verb and is thus referred to as an auxiliary
(providing supplementary or additional help or support) verb.

How do we form the contracted forms of the copula in the chart above?

How about their negative and question forms?



The copula be can take on other forms or its other types. Do this exercise, try to replace the given verb
with the verb be. Does the meaning of the sentence still remain intact?

The manager seems efficient. The manager (seems à is) efficient.

These books look new. These books (lookàare) new.

My friend became a teacher. My friend (becameàis) a teacher.

This house looks old. This house (looksàis) old.

These verbs also serve as linking or copula verbs.

Although be is the most frequently used copula, there are three other types:

For these copular verbs, they use the do auxiliary in forming the questions and negatives.

Copular be : I am Anna.

Copular verb : I (feelàam) well.

Negative form: I don’t feel well.

Question form : Do you feel well?

Try to complete the statements.

Let us discuss the -


Read each rule carefully then complete each statement by choosing the correct form of the verb.

RULE # 1: A singular subject takes on a singular verb (s-form-eats) while a plural subject must take on
a plural verb (base form -eat)

S = S (s-form, eats) / P = P (base form, eat)

1. Education (is/are) a form of learning where knowledge and skills are transferred.
2. Camara Laye (has/have) just graduated from high school.
3. His parents (is/are) glad to see him.
4. Parents (love/loves) their children very much.

RULE # 2: A compound subject joined by and usually requires a plural verb Except: when the items of a
compound subject joined by and refer to the same person or thing. (ex. Bacon & eggs is my favorite

5. The young man’s mom and dad (has/have) sent him to Conakry to study.
6. His friend and mentor (has/have) given him a scholarship.
7. His friend and his mentor (has/have) given him a scholarship.

RULE # 3: A compound subject joined by or, nor, either…or, neither…nor its verb agrees with the
nearest subject.

8. Either his mother or father (has/have) to give the consent.

9. His parents or his teacher (is/are) coming with him to France.
10. His teacher or his parents (is/are) coming to France.

RULE # 4: Intervening expressions like as well as, in addition to, no less than, with, together with,
besides, along with, in company with, accompanied by, including and others do not affect the number
of the subject.

11. His proficiency certificate along with his scholarship grant (has/have) paved the way for his
12. His diplomas including his medals (prove/proves) how scholarly he is.

RULE # 5: Nouns plural in form but singular in meaning such as economics, mathematics, measles,
civics, mumps, physics, news, etc. require a singular verb.

13. Mathematics (has/have) been viewed as a difficult subject, but all it takes is simple logic to
follow the formulas and a listening ear to memorize the equations to score high.
14. News about his scholarship (has/have) reached his parents.

RULE # 6: Some nouns like pants, trousers, jeans, scissors, pliers, etc. are always plural.

15. “(Is that /Are those) glasses new?” he asked.

16. “(This/These) scissors (is/are) sharp, (isn’t it/aren’t they)?” he added.
17. How much (is that/are those) jeans?

RULE # 7: When a collective noun such as audience, army, class, committee, family, flock, jury, etc.
denotes a collection regarded as a unit, it requires a singular verb. Except: When it refers to particular
persons or things thinking or doing different things in the collection, it requires a plural verb.

18. The team (is/are) glad you joined.

19. The jury (is/are) undecided on the verdict. (some yes, some no)
20. The team (is/are) looking at different things in the shop.

RULE # 8: Indefinite pronouns, and adjectives such as each, every, another, any, one, either, neither,
anyone, each one, everyone, someone, no one, anybody, somebody, something, etc. are singular and
require a singular verb.

Always singular indefinite pronouns

n Each
n every
n Every/no/some (body/one/thing)
n None
n Either
Always plural indefinite pronouns

n Both
n Few
n Several
n Many
Either singular or plural indefinite pronouns (refer to the noun in the of phrase intervening

n All (of ____)

n Some (of ___)
n Much (of ___)

21. Each member (HAVE, HAS) a say in the project.
22. Both members (HAVE, HAS) a say in the project.
23. All of the members (HAVE, HAS) a say in the project. (refer to the noun in the of phrase)
24. All of the soup (HAVE, HAS) been spoiled.

RULE # 9: Nouns denoting quantity and amount such as number, half, part, portion, and plenty may
take a singular or plural verb according to their meaning.

25. The number of different analog circuits so far devised (ARE, IS) huge. (when pertaining to a
particular number ex 28, singular)
26. A number of different analog circuits so far devised (ARE, IS) becoming a huge hit in the
industry. (meaning several)

RULE # 10: When a relative pronoun (who, whom, which, that, etc.) is used as a subject of the verb,
the verb must agree in person and number with the antecedent of the pronoun (nearest the relative
pronoun, go back one step) .

27. He is one of those architects who (TALK, TALKS) much and (THINK, THINKS) little.
28. An educator is a person who (PROVIDES, PROVIDE) schooling for pupils and students.
29. Teaching is one of those professions that (FACILITATE`, FACILITATES) education

Rule # 11: Here and There are never the subjects. The subject comes after the verb.

30. There (IS, ARE) four topics that need to be discussed.

31. Here (IS, ARE) a list of the things you need to do.

RULE # 12: Fractions may take a singular or plural verb depending on the object of the of-phrase.

32. 94.9 percent of the Filipinos (IS, ARE) literate in the country.

RULE # 13: Quantities and sums are multiples of numbers when expressing a single idea may take a
singular verb

33. Twelve inches (IS, ARE) equivalent to one foot.

34. Five and three (MAKE, MAKES) eight.
35. Three times one (ARE, IS) three.
36. Five kilometers (IS, ARE) too far to walk.

(Will, shall, should, would, can, could, may, might, must, do, does, did, etc. + BASE FORM)

37. What books will he (USE, USES)?

38. Do they (TEACH, TEACHES) entrepreneurship? (PRESENT, PLURAL)
39. Does she (TEACH, TEACHES) entrepreneurship? (PRESENT, SINGULAR)
40. Did you (TEACH, TEACHES) entrepreneurship? (PAST)

What’s your score?____________________________ __________________________________

Which rule/s did you learn only today?



Which rule/s have you been doing wrong?



Which is your favorite rule and why?




Write a short essay about why you chose to be an English teacher and who or what
influenced you to be one. Highlight at least four (4) subject verb agreement rules that
you applied in constructing your sentences for the essay. Properly label each by
identifying and writing down the rule number beside the sentence.





Why is there a confusion in the usage of the copula be?





10 | P a g e
Why is it important to follow the subject verb agreement rules? Explain





Language conventions (Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation) …………10 points

Content (Explanations) ……………………………………..………………10 points


Larsen-Freeman, D. &Celce-Murcia, M. (1999). The grammar book, an ESL/EFL

teacher’s course, 2nd ed. USA: Heinle&Heinle Publishers





11 | P a g e

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