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Word Definition Translation Collocations and

Celebrations a special social event, such as Празднование, There
a party, when торжество were lively New Year ce
you celebrate something lebrations all over town.
call for a celebration
good news calls for (= d
eserves) a celebration!

Celebrated to Праздновать, We always

take part in special enjoyable a отмечать celebrate our wedding an
ctivities in order to show that niversary by going out
a particular occasion is importa to dinner.
nt If this plan works, we'll
celebrate in style (= in
a special way).

Celebratory relating to, expressing, or Праздничный Celebratory picnic in

characterized by celebration honor of the victory of
Peter Fedorovich in this
battle shown on the
Festival a special day or period, usually Фестиваль a folk/pop/rock festival
in memory of a religious event, hold a festival The New
with its own social activities, f Orleans Jazz Festival
ood, or ceremonies is held every year in
the spring.
the Cannes Film Festival

Festivities the parties, meals, and Празднества join the festivities Come
other social activities with in and join the
which people celebrate a specia festivities!
l occasion We took
the decorations down on
ce the festivities were

Festive having Праздничный, a festive mood/occasion

or producing happy and enjoya торжественный The hall looked very
ble feelings suitable for festive
a festival or with its Christmas tree
other special occasion
Parade a large number of people walki Парад a victory parade
ng or in vehicles, all going in
the same direction, usually
as part of
a public celebration of
Spectacle an unusual or unexpected event Зрелище, It was
or situation that attracts attentio спектакль a strange spectacle
n, interest, or disapproval to see the
two former enemies shak
ing hands and slapping e
ach other on the back.
Spectacular very exciting to look at Впечатляющий, a spectacular view
захватывающий He scored a
spectacular goal in the
second half

Paraded (of a group) Разгуливать, hey tied me up

to walk or march somewhere, выставлять and paraded me in front
usually as part of напоказ of a judge.
a public celebration
Feast a special meal with very Пир, угощение "What a feast!" she
good food or a large meal for said, surveying all
many people the dishes on the table.
a wedding feast

Feasting the act of engaging in Пиршества The whole week of

excessive and often reckless feastings
consumption of food and drink
Ceremony (a set of) formal acts, Церемония a wedding/graduation ce
often fixed and traditional, perf remony
ormed on important social or re
ligious occasions
Ceremonial related to, used in, Церемониальны A Marine honour guard f
or involving a ceremony й lanks the president durin
g ceremonial events at
the White House.
The men were dressed in
ceremonial black robes.

Renewal to increase the life of Обновление, renewal of a license

or replace something old реконструкция
Renew refers to the act of revitalizing Возобновлять I forgot to renew
or refreshing something that my season ticket.
has become stagnant I'll use this material to
renew the chair covers.

Superstitious based on Суеверный superstitious nonsense

or believing in superstitions (= Some people are
beliefs based on old ideas abou superstitious about spilli
t luck and magic rather than sci ng salt on the table
ence or reason)
Centenary/ bi- (the day or year that is) Столетний centenary celebrations
centenary 100 years after (юбилей) Next year is the
an important event centenary of her death

Flamboyant very confident in your behavio Яркий, a flamboyant gesture

ur, and liking to be noticed by эпатажный The writer's
other people, flamboyant lifestyle was
for example because of the well known
way you dress, talk
Raucous loud and unpleasant Хриплый, I heard the
шумный raucous call of
the crows.
Raucous laughter came
from the next room

Somber serious, sad, and Угрюмый, a

without humor or entertainmen мрачный somber atmosphere/voic
t e/face
The funeral was a
somber occasion.

Atmospheric creating a special feeling, espe Атмосферный atmospheric lighting/

cially a mysterious or romantic music
feeling I quite like fog because
it's atmospheric.

Traced back to the times when people believed Восходит к The festival can be
pagan times nature had special powers языческим traced back to a pagan
временам times
Commemorate to remember officially and Чтить память A statue has
give respect to been built to
a great person or event, especia commemorate the
lly by a public ceremony or by 100th anniversary of the
making poet's birthday
a statue or special building
Uphold to defend or keep a principle or Поддерживать As a police officer you
law, or to say that are expected to uphold
a decision that has already the law whether
been you agree with it or not
made, especially a legal one,
is correct
Age - old very old, or having existed for Вековой an age-
a long time old story of love and betr
Festive season the period around Christmas an Праздничный
d New Year сезон
Movable a religious holiday that is not Easter is
feasts on the same day every year a movable feast.
Puts on a Literally, to put something in Выставляет на Or perhaps you feel that
display such a place that other people всеобщее your love life is being
will see it. обозрение scrutinized or being put
on display.
Proud tradition When people proud and Гордая традиция
commemorate their customs
Break with to intentionally not continue do Порвать с We decided to break wit
tradition ing something that you or традицией h tradition and
the people in your society or gr not spend the holidays w
oup have done for a long time ith our family.
The Church broke with t
radition and started to or
dain women
as ministers.

Long- having existed for a long time Давняя традиция a long-

standing standing agreement
Tie the knot to get married Связать себя So when are you two
узами брака going to tie the knot?
Get hitched to get married Пожениться Is Tracy really getting
Joined in to become a married couple in Вступили в брак, We're here today to join
matrimony an official ceremony обручились in matrimony this man
and this woman...
Wedded bliss the happiness experienced by Свадьба, That doesn't sound like a
people who are married семейное счастье bride on the brink
of wedded bliss!

to get smb. to acquire something for Доставать, I can get this book for you.
smth. somebody. добывать
The two girls got new hats.
get to Moscow
get the dinner = cook
get smb.do Persuade or Make somebody do заставить кого-то We got mother to arrange
smth. something. сделать the decorations.
get + adjective 'become' or to describe a change становиться It was getting dark.
of state or situation
get smth. done a feeling that something must be необходимо что- I’ve got everything
done. то обязательно arranged in time.
get back return вернуться What time shall we get
get over (a to get better after an illness, or справиться с.. She was only just getting
desease) feel better after something or over the flu when she got
someone has made you unhappy: a stomach bug.
get up and move in one direction and then in подниматься и Mother had to get up and
down the opposite direction опускаться down a good bit during the
meal fetching the dishes.
The children were getting
up and down all the
get up on smb’s to become extremely annoying to Действовать кому- We really got on each
nerves someone то на нервы other's nerves when we
were living together.
to turn away to turn one's body, head, or eyes отвернуться Don't turn away from me
from smb. on in a different direction than —look me in the eye!
smth someone or something, typically
to avoid facing or looking at them
turn back to return in the direction you повернуть назад We're lost - we'll have to
have come from, or to make turn back.
someone do this:
turn inside out to cause (a place) to become вывернуть на I turned the closet inside
disorganized while one is trying изнанку out and still couldn't find
to find something. those shoes.
turn out to happen in a particular way or оказаться He turned out a bad actor.
to have a particular result, As it turned out…
especially an unexpected one:
to turn over (a to turn the pages of a book, перевернуть Please turn over to page
page) magazine, etc., until one has 22 of your textbook.
reached the desired or specified
to turn up appear, show up появиться We expected him to join
us, but he never turned
to turn smth. to search everywhere for Перевернуть I turned the apartment
upside down something, sometimes leaving a вверх дном upside down but I couldn't
place very untidy: find the letter.
to treat smb.
to treat smb. Who treated your child for
for smth. with scarlet fever?
smth. What medicine are you
treated with?
treat smb. to угощать I’ll treat you all to ice-
smth. cream.
I shall treat myself to
week-end holiday.
treat удовольствие, I’ve never had a treat like
наслаждение that.
Every chance to listen to
good music is a great treat
to her.
treatment обращение с кем- Her treatment of the
либо pupils is always kind and
treatment for treatment for pneumonia
afford smth. I can’t afford time for
afford to do позволить Can you afford to go away
smth. for a holiday?
keep one’s to do what one said one would Держать слово I joined a gym to keep a
promise definitely do. promise I made to myself
to get fitter.
keep smb. to make someone wait before Заставить ждать I’m sorry I kept you
waiting you meet them or see them waiting.
keep a family содержать He has a family to keep.
keep smb. + show that someone or something Оставаться в keep smb. busy
adjective stays in a particular state or одном и том же You must keep your feet
condition состоянии warm.
This work kept the
children busy.
keep to smth. 1. to stay in one particular area: придерживаться Keep to the diet.
2. to do what you have promised Let’s keep to the middle of
or planned to do: the road.
keep on doing to continue to do something продолжать She kept on writing when I
smth. came in. (only for
activities, not states)
keep smb. from to prevent someone or препятствовать It kept me from joining
doing smth. something from doing something. you.
keep smth. to not go near something, or to Держать на The young man kept the
back prevent someone or something расстоянии, crowd back.
from going past a particular удерживать I’m sure he is keeping
place: smth. back.
We were late but mother
had kept back the dinner.
occur To happen Случиться,произо Such incidents occur every
йти day.
It occurred to me that …
Didn’t it occur to you to
close the window?
enjoy oneself to have a good time; have Получать I enjoyed myself at the
pleasure удовольствие concert
enjoyment the feeling of enjoying Удовольствие, Knowing the ending
something: наслаждение already didn't spoil my
enjoyment of the movie.
make fun of to make a joke about someone or Повеселить кого- Nobody likes to be made
smb. something in a way that is not нибудь fun of.
do to smth. for do it in order to enjoy yourself Сделать что-то I said it only in/for fun.
fun rather than because it is забавное
important or necessary.

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