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Creating Company (Group)

T Code - OX15.

Path –-SPRO -IMG -Enterprise Structure-Definition -Financial Acc-define company – edit cmpany

New Entry- Put Details of Company – Save - TR will be created

Creating Company Code

Path -SPRO -IMG –Enterprise Structure-Definition -Financial acc-check delete company code – Edit
Company Code.

Copy IN01
Define Plant.

Path -SPRO -IMG –Enterprise Structure-Define -Logistic General – Define check copy delate Plant

Copy 0001 plant

Define Division

Path -SPRO -IMG –Enterprise Structure-Definition -Logistic General – Define Division

Define Sales Org

Path -SPRO -IMG –Enterprise Structure-Definition -Sales & Distribution – Define Sales Org.
Define Distribution Channel

Path -SPRO -IMG –Enterprise Structure-Definition -Sales & Distribution – Define check ,Delete
Distribution Channel

Define Shipping Point

Path -SPRO -IMG –Enterprise Structure-Definition Logistic Executive – Define check shipping point -
Defien new
Maintain Storage Location –
Path – Spro -IMG- Definition- Material Management-Maintain Storage Location
Put Plant – New entry

Maintain Purchase Org –

Path – Spro -IMG- Definition- Material Management-Maintain Purch Org
Assign Company Code to Company
SPRO-IMG- Assignment – Financial Acc-Assign Company code to Company
Position – Select Code and put group name of Company

Assign Plant to Company Code

Spro-IMG- Assign- Logistic general – Assign Company Code to Plant- New Entry
Assign Sales Org to Company Code

Spro-IMG- Assign- Sales & Distribution – Assign Sales Org to Comp Code- Postion

Assign Distribution Channel to Sale Org

Spro-IMG- Assign- Sales & Distribution – Assign Distribution Channel to Sale Org – New Entry

Assign Division to Sale Org

Spro-IMG- Assign- Sales & Distribution – Assign Division to Sale Org – New Entry
Set up Sales Area

Spro-IMG- Assign- Sales & Distribution – Setup Sales Area – New Entry

Assign Sales Org- Distribution Channel to Plant

Spro-IMG- Assign- Sales & Distribution – Assign Sales Org- Distribution Channel to Plant

– New Entry

Assign Prch Org to Company Code

Spro-IMG- Assign-Material Management-Assign Purch Org to Company Code – Postion

Assign Prch Org to Plant

Spro-IMG- Assign-Material Management-Assign Purch Org to Plant – Position-New Entry

Assign Shipping Point to Plant

Spro-IMG- Assign-Logistic Executive – Assign Shipping Point to plant – Ctl F

Search For Your Plant- Click on the plant (Hyperlink)-Click on Assign -Search for Shipping point -Put a
tick on your Shipping Point -OK

If Sales Org is not assign to

Distrubition Channel -Plant

Shipping Point will not get

get assigned to plant.

After Assign Its looks Like this

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