3 Chart of Acc, Acc Group, Reatain Earning

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Define Chart of Acc

Path- SPRO- FA (new) – GL Acc new- Master Data -GL Acc- Preparation – Edit COA List-

Keep this option always on Manual

Reason – This helps to create a mirror

image of GL Acc in controlling area with
the help of Cost element.

Will be covered in-depth In CO

Assign Company to COA

Path- SPRO- FA (new) – GL Acc new- Master Data -GL Acc- Preparation – Assign COA to

Concept Of Acc Group

Function of Acc Group – Number Range, Master Data Field status (Which is diff from
transition data field status )

Chart of Acc consists of Acc group ,and

Number range & Master Data Field

Chart Of ACC Acc Group Number Range Master Data Field status is different from
Field status variant (It is field you want
to see while creating master data)

This is all tagged inside a COA so it is

above Company code level
Define Acc Group
Path- SPRO- FA (new) – GL Acc new- Master Data -GL Acc- Preparation – define Acc group-
New Entry

Master Data Field Status – Path- SPRO- FA (new) – GL Acc new- Master Data -GL Acc-
Preparation – define Acc group – Double click on that group.
we don’t need to create this this is already created in above window to view double click on
any Acct Group
Define Retain Earning Acc
Profits generated by a company that are not distributed to stockholders (shareholders) as dividends
but are either reinvested in the business or kept as a reserve for specific objectives (such as to pay off a
debt or purchase a capital asset).

Path- SPRO- FA (new) – GL Acc new- Master Data -GL Acc- Preparation – define Retain
earning Acc.
Note –
 In P&L statement we have to enter x (X is denoted as Tick ) So its says that Retain
earning is carry forward from P&L ascc
 Account will be 1st number of the number range of Lib Acc group (Lib is set as
 A Warning msg comes which we have to entry n procced (The reason of this warning
msg is in GL we have we type of data to be maintained COA level data and Company
code data so over there we have not created a Lib head under which all Lib GL will be
tagged and hence this error occurs which just a info.

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