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RoboDoc: A Social Robot to Protect Healthcare

Professionals dealing in Contagious Diseases

Remote measurement of health


SpO2 (Oxygen saturation)

Pulse rate

Perfusion Index (PI)

Physical examination through
In the COVID-19 era, healthcare workers face unprecedented
challenges, including heightened vulnerability to infectious
Digital stethoscope diseases and quarantine-related trauma. To address these
auscultations issues, the concept of telerobotics introduces "RoboDoc," a
social robot designed as a physician assistant. RoboDoc aims
HD camera
high resolution
to protect healthcare professionals by providing both
video and imaging practical assistance and emotional support. This innovative
solution combines advanced technology with a deep
Communication medium understanding of frontline workers' needs, offering a
between healthcare professional
promising way to enhance their well-being amidst the
and patient
demands of their profession.

Datalogging and analytics


Physical distancing conformance

A low-cost Robotic Physician Assistant for Health Care
Professionals .An assistive robot to provide communication
Emotion Detection medium and chatbot capabilities

Chatbot and entertainment Successful field trials conducted by doctors at

platform for quarantine patients Fakhr-e-Ghazi Medical Centre, Gulistan e Johar, Karachi
in isolation wards

Neurocomputation Lab ,1st Floor,HPCC building, +923213743422

NED University of Engineering And Technology

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