Comparison of The Melissopalynological Antimicrobial and Organoleptic Composition of Honey Samples From Apis Mellifera L. and Apis Florea Gaertn. in

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Comparison of the melissopalynological,

antimicrobial and organoleptic composition of
honey samples from Apis mellifera L. and Apis
florea Gaertn. in Sudan

Seif Eldin A. Mohammed, Abdalmaged Osman Dafalla, Mogbel El-Niweiri &

Gamal E.B. El Ghazali

To cite this article: Seif Eldin A. Mohammed, Abdalmaged Osman Dafalla, Mogbel El-Niweiri
& Gamal E.B. El Ghazali (2023) Comparison of the melissopalynological, antimicrobial and
organoleptic composition of honey samples from Apis mellifera L. and Apis florea Gaertn. in
Sudan, Grana, 62:5-6, 342-351, DOI: 10.1080/00173134.2024.2311865

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Published online: 23 Feb 2024.

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Grana, 2023
Vol. 62, Nos. 5–6, 342–351,

Comparison of the melissopalynological, antimicrobial and

organoleptic composition of honey samples from Apis mellifera L. and
Apis florea Gaertn. in Sudan


Department of Bee Research, Environment and Natural Resources & Desertification Research Institute, Khartoum, Sudan,
Unit of Bee Research and Honey Production, Faculty of Science, King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia, 3Medicinal
and Aromatic Plants Research Institute, National Centre for Research, Khartoum, Sudan

Honey from Apis mellifera and Apis florea was collected from western and eastern regions of Sudan and investigated for
quantitative/qualitative pollen analysis, organoleptic characterisation, and antibacterial analysis. Nearly 29 different pollen
taxa belonging to 19 families were identified. Based on the frequencies determined: Leguminosae (≥ 10) was the
dominant family, Poaceae and Amaranthaceae were sporadic (9–3) whereas Cyperaceae was rare (< 3). Herbs
represented 52%, trees 38%, and shrubs 10%. Pollen from both cultivated and wild vegetation was identified. The taxa
identified are angiospermous and no gymnospermous species were encountered. Four anemophilous pollen types were
observed. Pollen of particular interests, such as Borassus aethiopum and Hyphaena thebaica, was also found. Calotropis
procera and Leptadenia spp. were also observed in the current investigation; these pollen taxa are of infrequent occurrence
in honey especially in Sudan and the nectar of these plants are claimed to contain poisonous substances. Pollen grains
of the Combretaceae with a unique heterocolpate sculpture were found only, in Al Leeri representing a clear
uniflorality of honeys in the area. The organoleptic analysis revealed statistically significant differences in pH (p ≤ 0.001),
ash (p ≤ 0.03), sucrose (p ≤ 0.04), and electrical conductivity (p ≤ 0.05). Respectively, honey from A. florea had higher
sodium (17.647, 6.753 mg/kg) and higher phosphorus (2.900, 2.080 mg/kg) than honey from A. mellifera. Whereas honey
from A. mellifera, had higher manganese (0.218–0.151 mg/kg) than honey from A. florea, both honeys exhibited similar
antibacterial potency against Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhi.

Keywords: pollinia, heterocolpate, anemophilous, poisonous nectar, antemophily, meta-reticulate

Estevinho et al. (2008) reported that one of the botanical taxa depending only on palynology. Pollen
factors that affects the economic value of honey is analyses of honey (melissopalynology) and bee
its designation of both botanical and geographical loads are widely exploited to understand honeybee
origin. The most frequently used tool for determin- foraging ecology and habitat, changes in honeybee
ing botanical origin is the palynological content food sources, and the geographical region of the
and the pollen profile can be used to determine the hive location (Terrab et al. 2004). Melissopalynology
geographical region or origin (Louveaux et al. can predicts changes in honeybee nectar and pollen
1978). However, Hermosin et al. (2003) mentioned sources and thus ascertain changes in habitat compo-
that it is, sometimes, difficult to ascertain the exact sition. Turnover of minor plant sources can reduce

Correspondence: Seif Eldin A. Mohammed, Department of Bee Research, Environment and Natural Resources & Desertification Research Institute, P. O. Box
6096 – Khartoum, Sudan. E-mail:

(Received 20 October 2022; accepted 9 January 2024)

© 2024 Collegium Palynologicum Scandinavicum

Honey samples from Sudan 343

the quality and quantity of the harvest and dramati- antimicrobial potency of both honeys and the
cally affect the hive dynamics and honeybee popu- foraged plant taxa.
lations. Any loss on honeybee populations limits the
pollination role of honeybees, reduce honey yields,
and potentially cause food shortages (Jones 2012). Material and methods
As honeybee populations decline worldwide, melis- Collection of honey samples
sopalynology can help monitor changes in nectar
and pollen sources and may help understand the Ten samples were collected from different districts of
reasons for these changes. Sudan, with four samples originating from Apis melli-
Honey is a natural super-saturated mixture of fera honeycombs gathered from western Sudan
organoleptic and bioactive compounds. It consists (Wadi Salih, Umm Dafoug, Al Leeri, and Umm
mainly of an energy source (invert sugar and Dukhn) and one sample from eastern Sudan
sucrose) and minor components like vitamins, pro- (Gadarif). Similarly, five samples originating from
teins, enzymes, amino acids, organic and non- A. florea honeycombs were gathered from Al-Faw
organic acids, flavonoid, phenolic acids, traces of (eastern Sudan). All samples originated from bees
lipids and metals. reared in traditional hives or natural nests.
The antimicrobial activity of honey has both been
scientifically documented and practically
implemented in medicine since ancient times. It has Sample preparation
proved antimicrobial activity towards nearly 60 Any plant debris, pollen grains, and broods were
aerobes and anaerobes bacterial strains, including removed away from the combs. Each honeycomb
Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria (Taor- was separately pressed between hands to extract the
mina et al. 2001). honey and filtered via screen mesh (5 mm pore
The mineral composition of honey depends on the size). Then the honey was left in a container over-
metal constituents of flowers foraged by honeybees. night to settle. Samples were saved in plastic contain-
Mineral concentrations in different honey types ers and coded (WAS, UMDA, ELRI, UMDU, and
vary from 1.0 to 1.1% in Apis florea honey and 0.16 FA6–FA10).
to 0.26% in A. mellifera honey (Al-Ghamdi et al.
2019). Its contents in honey can possibly provide
useful information for its environmental and botani- Quantification of pollen
cal identity (Celli & Maccagnani 2003). Therefore,
many researchers have successfully shown corre- The preparation of slides and pollen counts followed
lations between the elemental profiles of honey and the standard method of Louveaux et al. (1978). The
its origin by applying various statistical procedures pollen types encountered in the samples were
on palynological, organoleptic, and sensory data assigned to one of three frequency classes: dominant
(Necemer et al. 2009). pollen with ≥ 10 pollen types, sporadic with 9–3
The majority of research has been oriented pollen types and rare pollen with ˂ 3 pollen types
towards honey gathered by the European honeybee per slide.
Apis mellifera and, until now, relatively little attention
has been devoted to honey from A. florea. Apis melli-
Pollen identification
fera L. and A. florea Fabr. in Sudan which have been
coexisting symbiotically for many decades. However, Three slides per sample were examined under a com-
most of the commercialised honey and wax in the pound light microscope (Zeiss 3136002552 Axio lab
country comes from the European honeybee A1; Carl Zeiss MicoImaging GmbH, Gottingen,
A. mellifera, and the coexisting A. florea plays vital Germany). Taxa were identified using 100× phase
roles in pollination of important cultivated crops. A contrast (ph) objective, 10× eyepiece and phase con-
related previous study pointed out that both honey trast condenser (NA = 1.4). The pollen grains in each
types vary in their organoleptic characteristics due honey sample were identified based on identification
to different nesting habitats, different ways of proces- keys, light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron
sing the honey, and foraging from different nectar microscopy (SEM) micrographs and comparison
sources (Al-Ghamdi et al. 2019). Thus, this investi- with the reference material provided by the previous
gation, aimed to focus on a detailed quantitative/ study on the pollen flora of the Sudan (El Ghazali
qualitative pollen analysis, some organoleptic proper- 1993) and relevant studies (Bonnefille & Riollet
ties, and establishing possible linkages between the 1980). All taxa were included in this investigation
344 S. E. A. Mohammed et al.

and no attempt was made to exclude pollen types calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, manganese, and
interpreted as wind pollinated (anemophilous). zinc) were estimated by comparing the atomic spec-
Knowing the floristic composition of the various troscopic signal for each honey sample with that for
areas under study, it was possible to distinguish the a standard solution of the similar ion. Sulphur was
pollen taxa in each pollen sample up to the species. determined following the titrimetric method and
However, in some cases, identification was only poss- phosphorus was estimated according to the flame
ible to the generic or family levels. Unidentified photometry using the molybdovanadate method.
pollen grains were found in all samples but in low
numbers. Members of the families Poaceae, Cypera-
ceae and Combretaceae appear to possess similar Antibacterial test
pollen grains and were clumped into a single pollen The cup-plate agar diffusion method as described by
type each. Pollen grains belonging to Amaranthaceae Kavanagh (1972) was used with some minor modifi-
including Chenopodiaceae were differentiated into cations to assess the antibacterial activity of the honey
two categories: Amaranthus-type and Alternanthera- samples against the Gram-positive Staphylococcus
type, based on the presence of meta-reticulate sculp- aureus (ATCC 25923) and the Gram-negative
turing (APG 2016; El Ghazali 2021). In the Astera- Salmonella typhi (ATCC 25922). First 1 ml of the stan-
ceae, only tricolporate pollen grains were dardised bacterial stock suspension (108 –109 CFU/ml)
encountered, and were designated as Pulicaria-type was thoroughly mixed with 100 ml of molten sterile
in view of the dominance of members of the Pulicaria nutrient agar which was maintained at 45 °C. Then
in the sampling areas. The accepted nomenclatures 20 ml aliquots of the inoculated nutrient agar were dis-
of the plants identified in the honey samples were ver- tributed into sterile Petri-dish plates. Next four cups
ified using ‘The Plant List’ published at (http://www. (10 mm in diameter) were cut using a sterile cork, version 1:1 (2003)). borer (No. 4) and agar discs were removed. Each cup
was filled with 0.1 ml of the sample and allowed to
diffuse at room temperature for 2 h. The plates were
Organoleptic analysis of honey then incubated in an upright position at 37 °C for
Invert sugar and sucrose were processed according to 18 h. Two replicates were carried out for each sample
the FAO (1995) methods. The carbohydrate content against each of the test organisms. After incubation,
was determined according to Antia et al. (2006) by the diameters of the resultant growth inhibition zones
the following formula: (in millimetres) were measured and averaged.

Carbohydrate = 100%–(%Moisture + %Crude Fat Results

+%Crude Protein + %Ash).
Pollen frequencies and identification
Moisture, ash, pH, acidity, and fat were determined The map depicts distribution of the locations of the
according to the standard procedures of the Associ- collected honey samples (Figure 1). Twenty-nine
ation of the Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC different pollen types belonging to 19 families were
1990). Electrical conductivity was measured as identified from the samples examined. Seventeen
described by Mohammed and Babiker (2009). The types were identified to the plan species, six types
protein content was estimated with the micro-Kjeld- were identified to the generic taxa, three types were
hal procedure to determine the total nitrogen identified to the family level, two types were recog-
content, and the protein content was calculated by nised in the Amaranthaceae, and one pollen type
multiplying the nitrogen by a factor of 6.25. was recognised in the Asteraceae (Table I). The
Minerals were determined according to Hernan- number of pollen taxa per sample varied from six in
dez et al. (2005). Briefly, about 5.0 g of honey (ten Al Leeri to ten in Al-Faw, herbs (52%) and trees
samples) was put in a pre-weighed porcelain crucible (38%) shared dominance in the pollen taxa of these
and warmed first in a stove and then in a furnace. The samples, while pollen grains belonging to shrubs rep-
obtained ash was weighed, dissolved in 3 ml of con- resented only (10%) of the total floristic composition
centrated nitric acid and diluted with de-ionised of the taxa identified (Table II). The dominant plant
water in a 25 ml conical flask. This solution was family identified in these samples was the Legumino-
employed to estimate the elements using atomic sae with five pollen types; four of these types were
absorption spectrophotometer (Perkin-Elmer 2380, identified to the plant species, whereas the Acacias
UK). The metal ions studied (potassium, sodium, were grouped into a single type. Pollen grains of
Honey samples from Sudan 345

Figure 1. Map of the honey collection sites.

both cultivated and wild vegetation were identified in as having the highest number of pollen types (five
the samples under consideration. Cultivated plants taxa) whereas the remaining families were rep-
were represented by Hibiscus species (mainly resented by one to two pollen taxa each. Samples
H. sabdarifa) and Sesamum alatum. from Al Leeri were distinctly dominated by
All taxa identified were angiospermous (23 dicoty- members of the family Combretaceae, whereas the
ledons and two monocotyledons), and no gymnos- Epilobium hirsutum pollen grains were of sporadic
permous or fungus spores were encountered in the occurrence (9–3), and the pollen grains of the rest
samples. Four non-melliferous (wind pollinated) of the taxa were rare > 3 (Table I).
pollen taxa were identified. None of these types
were dominant, but Poaceae and Amaranthaceae
Organoleptic composition of honey
types were sporadic in five samples. Whereas Cyper-
aceae was rare, found only in honey from Gadarif. Honey collected and processed by the European hon-
Members of the family Leguminosae were identified eybee Apis mellifera and the dwarf honeybee A. florea
346 S. E. A. Mohammed et al.

Table I. Pollen types identified in the ten localities with their frequencies.

Taxa identified frequency

Sample location Sample code Dominant (≥ 10) Sporadic (9‒3) Rare (< 3)

Wadi Salih WAS Khaya senegalensis Alternanthera-type Abutilon panosum

Justicia spp.
Monsonia senegalensis
Polygala spp.
Prosopis africana
Strychnos spinosa
Syzygium guineese
Tribulus terristris
Umm Dafoug UMDA Acacia spp. Khaya senegalensis Combretaceae.
Dalbergia melanoxylon
Epilobium hirsutum
Hibiscus spp.
Polygala spp.
Syzygium guineese
Al Leeri ELRI Combretaceae. Epilobium hirsutum Acacia spp.
Hibiscus spp.
Hyphaena thebaica
Umm Dukhn UMDU Acacia spp. Amaranthus-type. Combretaceae
Dichrostachys cinera
Ficus spp.
Hyphaena thebaica
Peristropha bicalyculata
Polygala spp.
Polygonium aviculare L.
Gadarif GARI Sesamum alatum Acacia spp. Cyperaceae
Dichrostachys cinera
Hibiscus spp.
Leptadinia spp.
Mimosa pigra
Al Faw FA6–FA10 Epilobium hirsutum Combretaceae Borassus aethiopum
Justicia spp. Poaceae Calotropis procera
Hibiscus spp.
Hyphaena thebaica
Syzygium guineese

was studied for their organoleptic properties ‘proxi- Up to 31 different minerals essential for human
mate composition and mineral contents’ (Tables dietary and health care have been identified in honey
III, IV). Generally, the results were within the inter- from various plants and geographical sources (Taor-
national honey standards (Codex 2001). There were mina et al. 2001). However, the quantity and diversity
significant differences between the honey processed of minerals found in honeys are mainly dependent, on
by A. mellifera and the dwarf honeybee A. florea. their availability in the soil and absorbability by the
The values showed the statistical differences were plants (Gonzalez-Miret et al. 2005). A total of ten
the pH (p ≤ 0.001), ash (p ≤ 0.03), sucrose (p ≤ major and trace element were analysed. Their abun-
0.04), and the electrical conductivity (p ≤ 0.05). dances in descending order were as follows: potass-
However, both honey types showed similar results ium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, sulphur,
in moisture, protein, fat, carbohydrate, acidity, and phosphorus, iron, copper, manganese, and zinc
invert sugar (Table III). (Table IV). The comparison between the honeys
Honey samples from Sudan 347

Table II. A list of the taxa identified from the ten honey samples and their habit.

No. Family Taxa identified Habit

1. Amaranthaceae Alternanthera-type Herbs

2. Amaranthaceae Amaranthus-type Herbs
3. Acanthaceae Juss. Justicia L. Herbs
4. Acanthaceae Peristropha bicalyculata (Retz.) Nees. Herbs
5. Apocynaceae Calotropis procera (Ait.) Dryand. Shrubs
6. Apocynaceae Leptadinia R.Br. Shrubs
7. Arecaceae Borassus aethiopum Mart Trees
8. Arecaceae Hyphaena thebaica (L.) Mart. Trees
9. Asteraceae Pulicaria-type Herbs
10. Combretaceae Combretaceae R.Br. Trees
11. Cyperaceae Cyperaceae Herbs
12. Geranaceae Monsonia senegalensis Guill. et Perr. Herbs
13. Leguminosae Acacia Mill. Trees
14. Leguminosae Dalbergia melanoxylon Guill. et Perr. Trees
15. Leguminosae Dichrostachys cinera (L.) Wight. et Arn. Trees
16. Leguminosae Mimosa pigra L. shrubs
17. Leguminosae Prosopis africana Guill. et Perr. Trees
18. Loganaceae Strychnos spinosa Lam. Trees
19. Malvaceae Abutilon panosum (G. Forst.) Schltdl. Herbs
20. Malvaceae Hibiscus L. Herbs
21. Meliaceae Khaya senegalensis (Desv.) A. Juss. Trees
22. Moraceae Ficus L. Trees
23. Myrtaceae Syzygium guineese (Willd.) DC. Trees
24 Onagraceae Epilobium hirsutum L. Herbs
25. Pedaliaceae Sesamum alatum Thonn. Herbs
26. Poaceae Barnhart Herbs
27. Polygalaceae Polygala L. Herbs
28. Polygonaceae Polygonum aviculare L. Herbs
29. Zygophyllaceae Tribulus terristris L. Herbs

produced by Apis melliera and A. florea honeybees and higher phosphorus (2.900, 2.080 mg/kg) than
showed significant statistical differences in sodium honey from the European honeybees, whereas honey
(p ≤ 0.000), phosphorus (p ≤ 0.012) and manganese from the later honeybees, showed higher manganese
(p ≤ 0.031). Respectively, honey from the dwarf hon- (0.218–0.151 mg/kg) than honey from the former
eybees showed higher sodium (17.647, 6.753 mg/kg) respectively (Table IV).

Table III. Comparison of physical and chemical properties between Apis mellifera and Apis florea honey samples collected from different
areas of Sudan.

Apis mellifera Apis florea

honey (n = 5) honey (n = 5)
No. Factor Mean ± standard deviation Mean ± standard deviation p-Value

1. Moisture (%) 18.19 ± 3.49 20.21 ± 0.74 0.09 NS

2. Ash (%) 0.33 ± 0.22 0.17 ± 0.03 0.03 *
3. Protein (%) 0.93 ± 0.02 0.93 ± 0.01 0.72 NS
4. Fats (%) 1.16 ± 0.13 1.21 ± 0.12 0.38 NS
5. Carbohydrates (%) 79.37 ± 3.53 77.40 ± 0.86 0.10 NS
6. pH 4.21 ± 0.09 4.00 ± 0.05 0.00 **
7. Acidity (%) 0.46 ± 0.23 0.42 ± 0.08 0.61 NS
8. Invert sugars (%) 60.26 ± 4.48 61.54 ± 4.34 0.52 NS
9. Succors (%) 3.41 ± 1.25 5.20 ± 2.29 0.04 *
10. Electrical conductivity (mS/cm) 0.34 ± 0.33 0.56 ± 0.04 0.05 *

Note: NS = No significant difference, * = significant difference, ** = highly significant difference.

348 S. E. A. Mohammed et al.

Table IV. Comparison of mineral constituents (mg/kg) between Apis mellifera and Apis florea honey samples collected from different areas of

Apis mellifera honey (n = 5) Apis florea honey (n = 5)

No. Factor Mean ± standard deviation Mean ± standard deviation p-Value

1. Calcium 8.340 ± 4.398 8.108 ± 3.388 0.896 NS

2. Copper 0.224 ± 0.105 0.252 ± 0.134 0.617 NS
3. Iron 1.072 ± 0.502 0.904 ± 0.241 0.354 NS
4. Potassium 418.571 ± 339.972 350.558 ± 78.262 0.545 NS
5. Magnesium 52.809 ± 34.547 32.770 ± 2 5.293 0.156 NS
6. Manganese 0.218 ± 0 .070 0.151 ± 0.057 0.031 *
7. Sodium 6.753 ± 4.225 17.647 ± 5.236 0.000 **
8. Zinc 0.158 ± 0.046 0.191 ± 0.075 0.252 NS
9. Phosphorus 2.080 ± 0.308 2.900 ± 0.871 0.012 *
10. Sulphur 5.180 ± 3.547 3.060 ± 1.814 0.110 NS

Note: NS = No significant difference, * = significant difference, ** = highly significant difference.

Antibacterial activity Poaceae, the scarcity of distinctive morphological

characters leads to the use of quantitative character-
Through agar diffusion, all honeys produced by both
istics instead of qualitative ones (Faegri & Iversen
honeybee species prohibited both the growth of the
1989). These quantitative characters vary according
Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus) and the
to the chemical treatments used in the preparation
Gram-negative (Salmonella typhi) bacteria (Table
of the samples (Faegri & Iversen 1964) and were
V). The largest inhibition zone was observed for Sta-
regarded by Borsch (1998) as not suitable for diag-
phylococcus aureus; the mean values were 30.0 and
nostic characters.
30.1 mm for Apis mellifera and A. florea honeys,
Examination with LM is regarded as the main
respectively. Both honeys provided relatively
routine technique used in pollen analysis (Jones
smaller inhibition zones against Salmonella typhi;
2012). In many cases, LM, however, does not allow
the mean values were 27.8 and 25.5 mm respectively;
easy distinction of the pollen morphs of the con-
for A. mellifera and A. florea honeys. However, there
sidered taxa due to the many similarities shared at
was no statistical significance between both types of
the magnification power limitation (Angelini et al.
honeys against both Gram-positive and Gram-nega-
tive bacteria investigated.
Four anemophilous pollen morphs were identified
in the present study. These were Poaceae, Amar-
Discussion anthaceae (two types) and Cyperaceae. These ane-
mophilous taxa do not produce nectar (Friedman &
Pollen taxa
Barrett 2008) but produce large quantities of pollen
The palynological analysis of honey samples from (Ghazoul 2004). In spite of the abundant amount
western and eastern Sudan revealed the presence of of pollen grains, they are not dominant in the
29 pollen morphs belonging to 19 plant families. samples examined, in agreement with previous
Almost half of the pollen types found (13/29 = studies (Bryant & Jones 2001). Pollen intrudes into
45%) were only identified to the plant species. the hive via various means: (i) regurgitation of the
Those taxa identified only to the generic or family honeybees of the collected nectar and deposition of
levels, conceal a diverse pollen type in the samples it into the honeycomb cells; (ii) a honeybee while
examined; e.g. in the samples from western Sudan grooming herself, can cause pollen accidentally to
(four honey samples), Poaceae was represented in fall into the open honeycomb cells; (iii) airborne
the flora of the area by 206 species, Cyperaceae by pollen from taxa not visited by honeybees can enter
47 species, Amaranthaceae by 14 species and Com- the hive on air currents and fall into the open honey-
bretaceae by 11 species (Wickens 1976). comb cells; (iv) pollen can fall into the honeycomb as
Pollen identification to the plant species is made it is being removed by the beekeeper.
difficult by many factors; e.g. the lack of distinctive Borassus aethiopum and Hyphaena thebaica are
morphological characters for the resolution and dioecious trees belonging to Arecaceae (Palmae).
identification up to the species level in many plants These palms exhibit both anemophily and ante-
(Rahl 2008; Salmaki et al. 2008), and in the mophily (Salomon-Torres et al. 2021). They have
Honey samples from Sudan 349

Table V. Comparison of antibacterial activity (inhibition zone mm) between Apis mellifera and A. florea honey samples collected from
different areas of Sudan.

Apis florea
Apis mellifera honey (n = 5) honey (n = 5)
No. Factor Bacterial Gram Mean ± standard deviation Mean ± standard deviation p-Value

1. Salmonella typhi _ 27.80 ± 3.64 25.50 ± 5.72 0.29 NS

2. Staphylococcus aureus + 30.00 ± 4.66 30.10 ± 3.34 0.95 NS

Note: NS = No significant difference.

characteristics related to anemophily such as the diversions were made to include the organoleptic
reduction in attractive flower parts and the pro- analysis of the samples. Moreover, heterocolpate
duction of large numbers of pollen grains (Bertin pollen grains encountered in these honey samples
1989), and characters linked to entemophily such were assigned as Combretaceae according to the
as fragrance, production of nectar, and the flowers dominant plants taxa belonging to this family in the
being relatively open and easily accessible by insects studied area. Heterocolpate pollen grains exist in a
(Silberbauer-Gottsberger 1990). In addition, palms wide array of families including at least some
are attractive to insects through various incentives genera of the families Acanthaceae, Boraginaceae,
such as food rewards of pollen grains/nectar and Lythraceae, Melastomaceae, etc. (El Ghazali & Krzy-
shelter and oviposition sites (Barfod et al. 2011). winski 1989). Hence, the identification of the source
These peculiar pollination characteristics of B. aethio- of vegetation of these heterocolpate pollen grains
pum and H. thebaica highlighted that they were of fre- may not be reliably identified, and it is far from
quent occurrence in honeys harvested from their being ascribed as a honey of unifloral origin.
natural habitats (Dukku 2013; Orijemie 2017).
Calotropis procera and Leptadenia spp. family Apoc-
ynaceae, subfamily Asclepiadaceae; (APG 2016),
identified in this investigation, are of particular inter- The results obtained by the organoleptic analysis of
est because of their specialised floral morphology the samples were within the specification limits of
and their pollen grains are packed into pollinia. The honey standards. The variation between Apis florea
latter are mainly carried by the mouthparts or legs and A. mellifera honeys in the organoleptic and
of honeybees, and although they were encountered sensory characteristic have been reported by several
in various honey samples (Maclvor et al. 2017), researchers (de Almeida-Muradian et al. 2013;
they are of infrequent occurrence especially in Krishnasree & Ukkuru 2015). Thus, the variations
Africa. In C. procera and Leptadenia spp., honeybees between both honeys in pH, ash, sucrose, and electri-
are attracted by the nectar secreted in the stigmatic cal conductivity corroborate the previous findings
chamber of their flowers (Eisikowitch 1985) and (Al-Ghamdi et al. 2019).
the pollinia are accidentally collected. The nectar of
these plants is claimed to constitute poisonous com-
Antibacterial activity
pounds (Al Sulaibi et al. 2021).
Pollen grains of the Combretaceae possess a In view of the results that showed no statistical sig-
unique heterocolpate and tricolporate pollen grains nificance between Apis mellifera and A. florea
(El Ghazali et al. 1998). Heterocolpate pollen honeys against Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella
grains found only, in Al Leeri represented a clear typhi; it is important to note that all pollen spectra
dominance (unifloral) with respect to the low observed in the dwarf honeybee honey, were rep-
number of taxa identified in the honey sample. resented in A. mellifera honey. Two pollen types
Persano Oddo (1995) outlined that palynological (Calotropis procera and Borassus aethiopum) were
examinations (quantitative and qualitative) are not observed particularly in A. florea honey. Although
sufficient to establish the uniflorality of the honey in this investigation, the antibacterial compounds in
sample; a reliable diagnosis may be achieved by paly- the honey samples were not determined, the differ-
nological examination in addition to organoleptic ences observed in the antibacterial activity of both
analysis and physiochemical properties (Escuredo honey types could be attributed in part to the differ-
et al. 2019). Therefore, although the main objective ent plant taxa foraged by the bees which differ in the
of this investigation focused on palynology, a few composition of the active compounds. A literature
350 S. E. A. Mohammed et al.

survey of antibacterial capacities in honeys from de Almeida-Muradian LB, Stramm KM, Horita A, Barth OM, de
different plant taxa indicated clearly that the phyto- Freitas AD, Estevinho LM. 2013. Comparative study of the
physicochemical and palynological characteristics of honey
chemical composition of honey was responsible for from Melipona subnitida and Apis mellifera. International
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