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Botanical characterization of Apis mellifera honeys

in areas under different degrees of disturbance in
the southern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

Amayrani Córdova-Rodríguez, Alejandro A. Aragón-Moreno, Gerald A. Islebe

& Nuria Torrescano-Valle

To cite this article: Amayrani Córdova-Rodríguez, Alejandro A. Aragón-Moreno, Gerald A. Islebe

& Nuria Torrescano-Valle (2023) Botanical characterization of Apis mellifera honeys in areas
under different degrees of disturbance in the southern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, Palynology,
47:4, 2215290, DOI: 10.1080/01916122.2023.2215290

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Published online: 20 Jun 2023.

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2023, VOL. 47, NO. 4, 2215290

Botanical characterization of Apis mellifera honeys in areas under different

degrees of disturbance in the southern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
rdova-Rodrıguez, Alejandro A. Arago
Amayrani Co n-Moreno , Gerald A. Islebe and Nuria Torrescano-Valle
Departamento Conservacion de la Biodiversidad, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Chetumal, Mexico

Apiculture is an important economic activity in Mexico, and deforestation, extensive agriculture, and Apis mellifera; honey;
other types of land use threaten sustainable honey production. This study aimed to determine the flo- melissopalynology; bee-
ral resources used by Apis mellifera for honey production, in vegetation types with different disturb- keeping; conservation
ance degrees in Southern Yucatan Peninsula, Quintana Roo state. A total of 24 honey samples, from
eight apiaries, were collected during the months of the highest honey production in the region
(February to May 2022). Standard acetolysis technique was applied for melissopalynological analysis. A
total of 68 pollen types were identified. Our results suggest that the disturbance degree of the vegeta-
tion does not affect the pollen diversity and honey composition, mainly because the available floral
resources remain similar. Viguiera dentata (Asteraceae) was the most abundant (>45%) herbaceous
species in honey samples of February and March. Piscidia piscipula (Fabaceae) and Haematoxylum cam-
pechianum (Fabaceae) in samples of March (16%-45%), and P. piscipula in April (>45%). Spondias mom-
bin (Anacardiaceae), Bursera simaruba (Burseraceae), and Metopium brownie (Anacardiaceae) were the
most abundant (16%-45%) arboreal species found in samples of May. Although our results can be
used to develop conservation strategies looking for sustainable honey production, further studies
should focus on vegetation with a better conservation state, during longer time periods, and during
periods with fewer resources available for honeybees.

1. Introduction 1991; Giron Vanderhuck 1995; Ramırez-Arriaga et al. 2016), a

method for identifying pollen contained in honey (Barth
Apiculture is an important socioeconomic activity for devel-
1989; Bryant and Jones 2001). Additionally, melissopalynol-
oping countries through honey production and other bee-
ogy allows researchers to determine honey’s botanical origin
hive byproducts like pollen, propolis, beeswax, and royal
and bees’ floral preferences and to classify honey according
jelly. Honey, the most important product of beekeeping, has to its pollen content (Villanueva-Gutierrez et al. 2009; de
been used for millenia as a natural sweetener and is con- Almeida-Muradian et al. 2020). When honey presents a dom-
sumed globally due to its nutritional value and importance inant pollen type (>45%), it can be classified as monofloral
in human health (Bradbear 2004; Machado De-Melo et al. (Louveaux et al. 1978; Martınez-Hernandez and Ramırez-
2018). It is produced from the nectar of flowers (Barth 1989; Arriaga 1998; Villanueva-Gutierrez et al. 2009), with specific
Olaitan et al. 2007) and is mainly composed of carbohydrates organoleptic characteristics, and high commercial value and
and water, along with some minor amounts of proteins, lip- acceptability in national and international markets
ids, vitamins, minerals, and organic acids. It contains bio- (Villanueva-Gutierrez et al. 2009). On the contrary, multifloral
active principles (flavonoids and phenols) and important honey presents a high variety of pollen types, with variable
aromatic and secondary metabolites derived from its source properties and organoleptic characteristics (Louveaux et al.
plants that give every honey a unique added value (Olaitan 1978; Martınez-Hernandez and Ramırez-Arriaga 1998;
et al. 2007; da Silva et al. 2016; Machado De-Melo et al. Villanueva-Gutierrez et al. 2009).
2018; Weis et al. 2022). The composition and quality of In Mexico, apiculture is an important activity for the pri-
honey depend on several factors including the floral source, mary production sector, favors job creation, and generates
geographical origin, climate conditions, bee species (Barth additional income for rural families (Magan ~ a Magan~ a et al.
2004). Every plant species contributes specific organoleptic 2012). Although honey production in Mexico has been
characteristics and other physicochemical components that declining in recent years (Secretarıa de Agricultura y
determine the success of honey commercialization (Machado Desarrollo Rural 2020), it is the eighth-largest worldwide
De-Melo et al. 2018). honey producer and the third major exporter (INEGI 2021). In
The plant contribution to honey can be studied by melis- 2020, 54,122 tons of honey were produced nationally, with
sopalynological analysis (Louveaux et al. 1978; Ramalho et al. 24% of this total national production harvested in the

CONATCT Alejandro A. Arag

on-Moreno Departamento Conservaci
on de la Biodiversidad, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur,
Chetumal, Mexico.
ß 2023 AASP – The Palynological Society

Published online 20 Jun 2023


Yucatan Peninsula (YP) and the state of Quintana Roo specif- Almeida-Muradian et al. 2020). In Mexico, there are several
ically contributing 4% (Secretarıa de Agricultura y Desarrollo melissopalynological studies in honey of the European hon-
Rural 2020). The relationship of honey with flowers, vegeta- eybee Apis mellifera (e.g. Ramırez-Arriaga et al. 2011;
tion, and the blossoming periods around the apiary has Cordova-Cordova et al. 2013; Ramırez-Arriaga et al. 2016).
been well identified (Moar 1985). Therefore, deforestation, Nevertheless, melissopalynological studies of honeybees’
landscape fragmentation, extensive agriculture, and other honey in the YP are considerably lacking, and efforts are
land use changes threaten bees’ nutrition and plant pollin- needed to identify floral resources used by honeybees in the
ation by reducing available floral resources (Roubik 2006). region (Villanueva 1994; Villanueva 2002; Villanueva-Gutierrez
Cairns et al. (2005) suggests that the disturbed vegetation in et al. 2009; Villanueva-Gutierrez et al. 2015). Hence, it is of
the YP affects the bee species diversity and increases compe- utmost importance to analyze the pollen resources used by
tition for resources between Apis mellifera and native bees. bees to produce honey for developing strategies that allow
In this context, most of the tropical forest loss has occurred the sustainability of this activity in the region. Our present
in the southern part of the YP, one of the most important study aims to fill this gap of knowledge to determine the
regions for honey production. During the last 15 years, palynological composition of Apis mellifera honey under dif-
Quintana Roo, one of the three states that comprise the YP, ferent degrees of vegetation disturbance in southern
has lost a total of 194,006 hectares of tropical forest. Thus, Quintana Roo.
local honey production has suffered from increasing land-
scape fragmentation, deforestation rates, unsustainable agri-
cultural activities, and growing urban areas (Madrid-Zubiran 2. Materials and methods
et al. 2021).
2.1. Study area
Melissopalynology is the study of pollen in honey, provid-
ing valuable information of the plants honeybees use to pro- Pooled honey samples, donated by traditional beekeepers,
duce it (Louveaux et al. 1978; Ramalho et al. 1991; Giro n were obtained from eight apiaries located in the Bacalar
Vanderhuck 1995; Ramırez-Arriaga et al. 2016). It can also be municipality in the southern Yucatan Peninsula, in Quintana
used to determine the floral preferences of bees (de ~ o nuevo’: I, ‘Esperanza’: II, ‘Bacalar’: III,
Roo state, Mexico (‘An

Figure 1. Study site. Upper right box: Mexico highlighting the state Quintana Roo, which is the zoom in image of the bottom right square. Large left box: Apiaries
location: I: A~no nuevo, II: Esperanza III: Bacalar, IV: Reforma, V: Iturbide, VI: Remate, VII: Cementerio, VIII: La isla. See figure 2 for land use and vegetation buffer color legend.
Source: Author.

‘Reforma’: IV, ‘Iturbide’: V, ‘Remate’: VI, ‘Cementerio’: VII, and are abundant, they stay below 2 km distance from the hive
‘La Isla’: VIII) (Figure 1). Vegetation types consist mainly of (Levin and Glowska-Konopacka 1963; Visscher and Seeley
medium and low-statured semi-evergreen tropical forests, 1982; Beekman and Ratnieks 2000).
with different perturbation degrees, all with 1200 mm of Land use and vegetation types (CONABIO 2022) in the
average annual precipitation and annual temperatures higher buffer areas were translated into quantitative data using
than 20  C. Representative species like Manilkara sapota can percentages. Disturbance degrees in each buffer area were
be found, along with other highly valuable commercial spe- defined in relation to the average value of all land use
cies (Islebe et al. 2015). Agriculture, apiculture, tourism, and types associated with disturbance: human settlement,
livestock are the main economic activities, whereas maize, grassland, seasonal and annual agriculture, and different
soybean, pineapple, and beans are the main cultivated crops secondary shrub vegetation types in early ecological stages
(Martınez-Falco n 2020). Local flowering species were (Figure 3).
recorded and collected to make a palynological reference The average value between the disturbance area of all
collection of the area. apiaries was calculated to differentiate apiaries into two cate-
gories. Apiaries with more than 23.6% of disturbance land
use and vegetation areas were assigned to the ‘Highly dis-
2.2. Location of apiaries and disturbance of turbed’ category, whereas values < 23.6% were assigned to
surrounding vegetation the ‘Low disturbance’ category.
Apiaries were georeferenced on site and the land use and
vegetation types were determined with a vectorial shapefile
2.3. Honey sampling, pollen extraction, and analysis
of land use of the Bacalar municipality during 2021
(CONABIO 2022) in QGIS software (‘Bialowieza’ Version A composite honey sample of 100 ml from each apiary was
3.16.11). A 5 km ratio of buffer area from the apiary was collected during every harvest from February to May 2022
established based on the mean flight distance of honeybees for a total of 24 honey samples. The following samples were
reported in the literature (Figure 2). Apis mellifera bee work- tagged and inventoried into the ECOSUR’s honey collection:
ers can travel up to 10 km from the hive to get resources for ‘Esperanza’ (A5, A6, A12, A16, A28, and A35), ‘An ~ o nuevo’
the colony when floral resources are scarce. When resources (A15, A17, A19, A25, A26), ‘Reforma’ (A18, A27, A34, A36), ‘La

Figure 2. Buffer area of apiaries with the type of land use and vegetation. I: A~
no nuevo, II: Esperanza III: Bacalar, IV: Reforma, V: Iturbide, VI: Remate,
VII: Cementerio, VIII: La isla. Source: Author.

~o nuevo, II: Esperanza III: Bacalar, IV: Reforma, V: Iturbide, VI: Remate, VII: Cementerio,
Figure 3. Percentage of land use and vegetation surrounding apiaries. I: An
VIII: La isla.

Isla’ (A23 y A29), ‘Cementerio’ (A20 y A32), ‘Iturbide’ (A22 y honey harvested from combs with pollen reservoirs;
A33), ‘Bacalar’ (A21 y A30), and ‘Remate’ (A31) apiaries. Categories IV (500,000–1,000,000 grains/10g) and V (more
Standard pollen extraction methods were applied to 20 g than 1,000,000 grains/10g) used rarely for honey produced
of honey of each honey sample, diluted in water and ethyl from floral resources with exceptionally high pollen produc-
alcohol (Bryant and Jones 2001; Jones and Bryant 2004; tion (Paredes and Bryant 2020).
Jones and Bryant 2014; Paredes and Bryant 2020; Riding Pollen counts were used to calculate the Shannon-
2021; Riding 2021). A tablet of Lycopodium spores (20,848 Weiner diversity index (H’) of each honey sample (Moreno
spores/tablet) was added to each sample in order to cal- 2000; Lau et al. 2019), and pollen types were classified
culate pollen concentration (Stockmarr 1971; Jones and according to their frequency (Louveaux et al. 1978):
Bryant 2004), and the standard acetolysis technique was Dominant (D; > 45%), Secondary (S; 16–45%), Important
used to highlight pollen features and ornamentation minor (I; 3–15%), and Minor (M; < 3%). The pollen percen-
(Erdtman 1960). A minimum of 500 pollen grains were tages of samples were used to plot a single pollen diagram
counted and identified (Lau et al. 2018) using the palyno- in Tilia software version 2.6.2 (Grimm 2019). The cluster ana-
logical reference collection of the herbarium in El Colegio de lysis (CONISS) tool was used for sorting samples according
la Frontera Sur, acetolyzed flowers collected in the apiaries’ to their similarity.
periphery, and published palynological atlases from the area
(Palacios-Chavez et al. 1991; Sanchez-Dzib et al. 2009). Pollen
3. Results
concentration was used to categorize honey samples using
the following groupings (Maurizio 1975): Category I (<20,000 Apiaries Iturbide, Remate, and An ~ o Nuevo are located in high
grains/10g), honeys with very low pollen concentration due perturbation zones (> 23% of disturbance surface), while apia-
to different possible factors like low (high) pollen (nectar) ries Cementerio, Esperanza, Bacalar, Reforma, and La Isla are
producing plants, artificially fed bees, or altered honey; found in low disturbed cover (< 23%) (Figure 3). Sixty-eight
Category II (20,000–100,000 grains/10g), the standard pollen pollen types were identified in the 24 honey samples: 26 trees,
concentration range of almost every natural honey in the 20 shrubs, 19 herbs, two palms, and one vine (Figure 4), dis-
world; Category III (100,000–500,000 grains/10g), for honey tributed across 29 botanical families. Fabaceae is the most rep-
produced mainly from high pollen-producing plants, or resented family (17 pollen types), followed by Asteraceae (7),
Figure 4. Pollen diagram showing the percentages of taxa identified in Apis mellifera honey samples and the results of the cluster analysis.

Table 1. Honey harvest, categories of pollen concentration (PC) and pollen glabra y Cecropia peltata. A subdivision within these was
diversity (Shanon-Weaver, H’) of Apis mellifera honey from the eight apiaries
seen due to the high percentage of Spondias mombin in the
of Bacalar, Quintana Roo.
samples from the Reforma apiary as compared to the rest.
Sample Honey PC
name Apiary harvest (category) H’ The second main group is characterized by a similar abun-
A5 Esperanza Early February 72968 (II) 1.7 dance of Piscidia piscipula, Haematoxylum campechianum,
A6 Esperanza End February 26730 (II) 1.5 Dalbergia glabra and Viguiera dentata in samples from
A12 Esperanza Early March 12249 (I) 1.9
February to April. It is divided into two subgroups. The first
A15 A~no nuevo Early March 39187 (II) 1.7
A16 Esperanza End March 178945 (III) 1.8 one is composed of high percentages of Viguiera dentata in
A17 A~no nuevo End March 197683 (III) 1.7 samples of February and early March, whereas the second sub-
A18 Reforma March 62176 (II) 1.9
A19 A~no nuevo Early april 85955 (II) 2.1
group by high values of Haematoxylum campechianum in
A20 Cementerio March 75644 (II) 2.4 March samples from Bacalar, Cementerio, Iturbide, and
A21 Bacalar March 79346 (II) 2.5 Reforma apiaries.
A22 Iturbide March 55319 (II) 2.2
A23 La isla March 70744 (II) 1.5
A25 A~no nuevo End april 224516 (III) 1.4
A26 A~no nuevo Medium april 57863 (II) 1.5 4. Discussion
A27 Reforma April 374519 (III) 1.9
A28 Esperanza April 92049 (II) 1.4 The cluster analysis showed that the flowering phenology,
A29 La isla May 48462 (II) 2.3 floral preferences, land-use cover, and plant species in the
A30 Bacalar May 37692 (II) 1.6
A31 Remate May 168087 (III) 1.9
surrounding vegetation of the apiaries were used to differen-
A32 Cementerio May 62659 (II) 2.3 tiate the honey samples. They were grouped first by month
A33 Iturbide May 44674 (II) 2.1 as a result of the blooming periods. Another subdivision was
A34 Reforma Medium May 104830 (III) 2.2
A35 Esperanza May 29296 (II) 2.7
based on the diversity of pollen types. Although all the apia-
A36 Reforma End May 299979 (III) 1.8 ries have similar surrounding vegetation, the abundance of
I: Category I, II: Category II, V: Category V. certain floral resources varied. For example, Haematoxylum
campechianun (Fabaceae) grows in wet and seasonal-flooded
Euphorbiaceae (6), and Sapindaceae (4), which altogether areas. Some of the apiaries have higher vegetation cover,
account for 50% of the total identified pollen. Poaceae (3), with more plant individuals of H. campechianum. This taxon
Convolvulaceae (3), Arecaceae (2), Sapotaceae (2), Rubiaceae is also a preferred floral resource of honeybees, and has
(2), Amaranthaceae (2), and Malvaceae (2) were also present been reported as an important species for honey production
with more than one pollen type. Urticaceae, Nyctaginaceae, in other areas of the YP (Porter-Bolland 2003).
Anacardiaceae, Burseraceae, Combretaceae, Polygonaceae, The low pollen concentration in sample A6 (Apiary
Ulmaceae, Cannabaceae, Myrtaceae, Commelinaceae, Esperanza, End of February) suggests that it was pressure-fil-
Lamiaceae, Salicaceae, Meliaceae, Bixaceae, Anacardiaceae, tered or from sugar-fed honeybees (Paredes and Bryant
Moraceae, Malpighiaceae, and Vitaceae were each represented 2020). Nevertheless, the palynological analysis of this sample
with one single pollen type. Classification of honey samples indicates high percentages of Viguiera dentata and other
according to their pollen concentration and diversity indexes Asteraceae, species reported as high-nectar producers
(H’) are summarized in Table 1. (Villanueva-Gutierrez et al. 2009). This relatively low pollen
Ten honey samples presented dominant (> 45%) pollen concentration is also present in other honey samples with
types: Viguiera dentata in February and early March samples similar pollen content (A12 and A15). The samples classified
(A5, A6, A12 and A15), Celtis iguanaea in the May sample as Category III presented pollen from different nectariferous
from Bacalar apiary (A30), Dalbergia glabra in the March sam- species, but also high pollen producers like Piscidia piscipula
ple from Esperanza apiary (A16), Piscidia piscipula in the (Fabaceae), Dalbergia glabra (Fabaceae), and Spondias mom-
March sample from La Isla apiary (A23) as well as the April bin (Anacardiaceae) (Porter-Bolland et al. 2009).
samples from An ~ o nuevo and Esperanza apiaries (A25, A26 According to the Shannon-Weiner diversity index, the
and A28). Secondary pollen types Dalbergia glabra (44.6%) samples with dominant pollen were less diverse, as described
and Haematoxylum campechianum (42.6%) presented high- by Villalpando-Aguilar et al. (2022). These authors reported
frequency values during March’s harvest at An ~ o nuevo and lower (higher) pollen diversity in monofloral (multifloral) hon-
Reforma (A18), respectively. Spondias mombin (31.8%) was eys. The diversity index (H’) of our samples showed that hon-
dominant in the April sample of Reforma apiary (A27), and eys with dominant pollen types had lower diversity, and this
Bursera simaruba (32.9%) together with Metopium brownei condition could change between samples of different
(29.1%) were present in high frequencies in the May sample months due to the variable forage strategy driven by
of Remate apiary (A31). Other 38 pollen types were classified resource availability and floral preferences of A. mellifera.
as Minor according to their frequency (Table 2 and Figure 4). The plant families most represented in the honey samples
The cluster analyses grouped the honey samples by were Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Euphorbiaceae, and Sapindaceae
month, floral resources taxa, and abundance, regardless of (Plate 1), as previously reported in honeys of the Yucatan
the disturbance degrees of vegetation, revealing two main peninsula (Villanueva-Gutierrez et al. 2009). Fabaceae is the
groups (Figure 4). The first one is composed of all May sam- largest family in the Yucatan peninsula with around 230
ples and represented mainly by Piscidia piscipula, Bursera described species and can be found as dominant plants in
simaruba, Metopium brownei, Spondias mombin, Dalbergia vegetation with different successional stages (Flores 1990;

Table 2. Frequency classes of pollen grains identified in Apis mellifera honey samples from the eight apiaries.
February March April May
TAXA A5 A6 A12 A15 A16 A17 A18 A20 A21 A22 A23 A19 A26 A28 A25 A27 A29 A30 A31 A32 A33 A34 A35 A36
Amaranthus spinosus M M M
Philoxerus vermicularis M M M
Metopium brownei M M M M M M M I I I I I I S I S M S M
Spondias mombin M S M M S I S
Sabal sp. M M M I M M M M M M M M M
Thrinax radiata M M M M
Bidens pilosa I I I M M M M
Cosmos caudatus I M M M M M M
Critonia quadrangularis M M M M M
Koanophyllon albicaulis I M
Pluchea sp. M
Trixis inula M M M M
Viguiera dentata D D D D I S M M I I S I M M M M I
Bursera simaruba M M M M M M M M I I S S I S S S I S I
Cochlospermum vitifolium M M I I M I M M
Celtis iguanaea M M M M M M I M M M I D M I M M
Bucida bucera M M I M M M M M M I M M M M M I M M M
Commelina erecta M M M M M M M M M
Jacquemontia pentantha I M M M M M M
Ipomoea carnea M M M M
Turbina corymbosa M M
Acalypha leptopoda M M
Cnidoscolus souzae M M M
Croton punctatus M M M M M M
Croton reflexifolius M M M M M
Euphorbia schlechtendalii M M M M M M
Jatropha gaumeri M M M M M M M M M I M M M M
Acacia gaumeri M M M
Acacia collinsii M M M M M
Caesalpinia yucatanensis M M M M M M M
Dalbergia glabra M D S S I M I S M I I I M I I S M I I
Desmanthus virgatus M M
Diphysa yucatanensis M M I M M M M I I I M I M M M M M I M
Fabaceae 1. M
Gliricidia sepium M M M M M I S M M M M M
Haematoxylum campechianum M M M S S S S M I M M M M M M M M
Leucaena leucocephala M M M M M M
Lonchocarpus punctatus I M M
Mimosa bahamensis M M M M M I M I M M M M M M M
Mimosa pudica M M M M M I M S M M M M M M M M M M M M M
Piscidia piscipula M M S S I I S D S D D D S S M I S I I I I
Pithecellobium lanceolatum M M M M M M M M
Senna racemosa M M M M M I M I S M
Vigna sp. M M M
Vitex gaumeri M M I M M M M M M
Byrsonima crassifolia M M M
Luehea speciosa M M M
Sida sp. M M
Cedrela odorata M M M M M M M M
Brosimum alicastrum M M M M
Eugenia sp. M M M I M M M M M M M M I I S

Table 2. Continued.
February March April May
TAXA A5 A6 A12 A15 A16 A17 A18 A20 A21 A22 A23 A19 A26 A28 A25 A27 A29 A30 A31 A32 A33 A34 A35 A36
Pisonia aculeata M M M M M S I I I M I M M M M M M M M M
Poaceae 1. M I I M M I M M M M M M M M
Poaceae 2. I M M M M
Zea mays M M M M M M M M M M M
Gymnopodium floribundum I M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M
Randia obcordata M M M M M M
Rhachicallis americana M M M M
Cupania sp. M M M
Serjania yucatanensis M M
Talisia oliviformis M M M M M M
Thouinia paucidentata M M M M M M M M M M M M M
Zuelania guidonia M M M M M M M M M
Pouteria reticulata M M M M M M
Dipholis salicifolia M M M M M M M M M M M
Trema micrantha M M M M M M S I M M M M M M M I M M
Cecropia peltata M M M I M M M I M I M M M M S I M S I I M M
Vitis sp. M M M M
D, predominant pollen (>45%); S, secondary pollen (16–45%); I important minor pollen (3–15%); M, minor pollen (< 3%).

Carnevali Fernandez-Concha et al. 2010). Most of the associated with secondary vegetation stages of semi-ever-
Fabaceae pollen types found in the honey samples belong to green and sub-deciduous forest (Pennington and Sarukhan
arboreal species, with the main blooming period during the 2005; Arce-Romero et al. 2016). In Mexico, some palyno-
dry season from March to May (Valdez-Hernandez et al. 2015). logical studies from the states of Oaxaca (Ramırez-Arriaga
Asteraceae is the dominant herbaceous family in early et al. 2011), Tabasco (Co rdova-Cordova et al. 2013), and
successional stages, from 1 to 2 years. They are visited by dif- Puebla (Ramırez-Arriaga and Martınez-Hernandez 2007) have
ferent insects, including bees, flies, wasps, and butterflies. found S. mombin as a minor pollen contributor, as also
Apis mellifera is probably the most recorded visitor of reported in other palynological studies in the Yucatan penin-
Asteraceae, while it represents one of the most important sula (Villanueva 2002; Porter-Bolland 2003). We found high
floral resources for social bees and many other pollinators percentages of this species only in samples from the
(Pinheiro et al. 2008). Our results showed that Asteraceae Reforma Apiary (A27, A34, A36), where several trees grow in
was the most important floral resource during February, as the periphery of the apiaries. Honeybees foraged them
reported in a palynological study of honeys from the Sian strongly during the blooming period because of their prox-
Ka’an Biosphere Reserve (Villanueva-Gutierrez et al. 2015), a imity (Levin and Glowska-Konopacka 1963; Visscher and
nearby protected area. Asteraceae are distinctive along the Seeley 1982) and accessibility (Ponnuchamy et al. 2014).
manmade trails to milpas (traditional croplands), apiaries, Other studies in Brazil (Carneiro and Martins 2012) and
and grassland borders with other herbaceous species of the Nigeria (Oyeyemi and Kayode 2013) have found A. mellifera
Fabaceae and Poaceae families. Nevertheless, this vegetation as a frequent and abundant visitor of S. mombin.
is not considered in the vegetation and land-use shapefile Bursera simaruba and Metopium brownei are high nectar-
because of its reduced and changing surface. Viguiera den- and pollen-producing species during the dry season in the
tata ‘tajonal’ is the most representative species of the family, Yucatan peninsula (Villanueva 2002), and both pollen types
with the largest flowering period between November and were present in most of the honey samples of April and
February (Villanueva-Gutierrez et al. 2009). This species, along May. Bursera simaruba ‘chakah’ is the second most important
with other Asteraceae, is one of the preferred floral resources species for honey production in the entire Yucatan peninsula
of A. mellifera in the region (Villanueva-Gutierrez et al. 2009), (Villanueva-Gutierrez et al. 2009) and is also present in honey
and other parts of the country (Granados-Argu €ello et al. from Oaxaca (Ramırez-Arriaga et al. 2011), Tabasco (Co rdova-
2020), representing an important resource for sustainable Cordova et al. 2013), and Veracruz (Granados-Arg€ uello et al.
apiculture. 2020) states of Mexico. It is a native tree species in Mexico
Spondias mombin (Anacardiaceae) ‘xkinin hobo’ is a neo- with a broad distribution, growing in different tropical forests
tropical tree that can be found in different parts of America, and secondary vegetation (Pennington and Sarukhan 2005).
Asia, and Africa (Tiburski et al. 2011). This tree is often Metopium brownei, is also abundant in tropical forests of

Plate 1. Photographs of some of the most common pollen types found in honey samples. (A) Piscidia piscipula (Fabaceae). (B-C) Spondias mombin (Anacardiaceae):
(B) equatorial view; (C) polar view. (D) Bursera simaruba (Burseraceae). (E) Viguiera dentata (Asteraceae). (F) Haematoxylum campechianum (Fabaceae). (G) Metopium
brownei (Anacardiaceae). (H) Dalbergia glabra (Fabaceae). (I) Gymnopodium floribundum (Polygonaceae). Scale bars – 20 lm.

southeast Mexico, but with lower abundance in low-statured Mexico (Pennington and Sarukhan 2005), and its pollen is
tropical forests (Anaya et al. 1999; Pennington and Sarukhan commonly found in honey from Tabasco (Castellanos-
2005). These two species were found in most honey samples, Potenciano et al. 2012). This species was found growing in
representing some of the most important floral resources of the surrounding vegetation of the apiaries, and as a second-
honeybees in our study area. Piscidia piscipula ‘Jabın’ is ary pollen type in honey samples during May from
another pollen type found with high percentages in honey Cementerio, Iturbide, Reforma, and Bacalar apiaries. During
samples from March to April. Although Villanueva-Gutierrez our vegetation and honey sampling, this species had abun-
et al. (2009) reported this species as the third most impor- dant flowering, and honeybees were foraging it. Its presence
tant floral resource in honey samples in the Yucatan penin- as a secondary pollen type in the samples could be derived
sula, this was the most important resource during March and from their high nectar-producing flowers, making the pollen
April in our study area, along with Dalbergia glabra. content underrepresented. Nevertheless, it is also possible
Haematoxylum campechianum ‘palo tinto’ is a tree species that the flowering periods are not long enough for a better
that grows in seasonally flooded forests in southeastern representation of this species. This could also be the case for

Gymnopodium floribundum ‘dzidzil che’, a small tree species Disclosure statement

present in several vegetation types in Mesoamerica, includ-
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
ing the states of Tabasco, Chiapas, and the Yucatan penin-
sula in Mexico (vicario-Mejıa and Echazarreta 1999). It is
known by beekeepers as one of the main floral resources for Funding
honey production in the Yucatan penınsula (Villanueva- ACR received support from a CONACYT scholarship for postgraduate
Gutierrez et al. 2009; Villalpando-Aguilar et al. 2022). studies and ECOSUR Postgraduate General Coordination scholarships
However, this species is also reported as a highly nectarifer- granted through the Facilitation of Remote Work Programs (sanitary con-
ous plant, though low polliniferous (Porter-Bolland 2003; finement, COVID-2019) and Complementary Support for Master’s Thesis.

Coh-Martınez et al. 2019), which could explain the low per-

centages in our pollen counts. ORCID
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