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7h octo bes 2023

) National Health Authority (NHA)

has hosted
tuoo day Aroqya Manthan event at Nes Del ht
’ The event saLo the annivevsary cele bra tions

of AB PM -JAY(Ayushman Bha at pradhan

5 years

Mantri Jan Arogya yojana)

’ This scheme as lanehed on 23ol Sep 2o1&
un by ministry of Health aud
-’ This scheme is YUn fami ly
’E provìdes s lath upees ok health insurane pe tamily
pen yea
’ Implementing Agency of this scheme is National Health
Authority people have taken the bene ft of this scheme
So fa I was announe ed by Ministes of Health- MansukhL
-Mandaviya xecently
’ Dusing frogya than for Ayushman hasat scheme thou

Loexe excelle nce avsads given whic h au called Ayushman

excellence Auahd
Cgave )),
’ Best pestorminq state is Assam Hcseated the highert
no of Ayuchman Cads
’ Best pe forming small state is Nagaland ad Bert
Jammu kashir This is Loith res pect
pesfori ng UT was

to hghes t Ayush wan cad Creatidy or distibuton. D

’ National Health Authority ’H-Q Nes Delhi
it oas knon as Natioal Health Agency
’ National Health Ageucy be came Natioral Heal th Authori ty
?n 2019:
’ Highest oob vtilizatiow n pubbe Hospitals - konatatas
Tripua secused he accolade
2) Ayushman Utkrishtata puwaskaas (Ayushman Ex ce ll ence
Aoards ) 2023"
Ayush man Bhasat Digi tal Mission ( AeDM) ’ompleted
has been 24yeoas
presented to states
’`Avdlha radesh has this ausasd fox highest digita!
health ye coyds
L linked oith
ABHA Pes lath population
’ Ayus hman Bhasat scheme Ccompleted Syean ) and Aychman
Bhasat Diqital Mission Ccompleted 2yea) -’ Both de run by
2 yeaa)’
the National Health Authority
we have to providle
’ we have create a dig tal data bate
Ayushmoan Bharat health account no inked oith health
is a a l4
ABHA No. is 14 digit numbes that ill nique ly ideniity
you as a paatici pant tn Ayoshman Bharat scheme
’ nd highesh >kas9nata ka
-’ Among distict >Most no- of hea. th Yecods linked th
(Consi deradt as distiet)
ABH A The Best pestormance loas Nes De lhi

highest visha kha patnam 2luau CAndba pradesh)

-’No state n Inoia în the generati on AR HA Scan £
shae token utas prader h
’AyushMan Bhasat Digi tal mìssion bunched n 202
’ Implementing Ageney i National Health Autbori ty F
Miictry of Health is the ministry
s)3) Recenty, a repor t #tled "Methane Snission 's
live stock and Rice systems
Jhas high lhghted
siqnitcaut climate impact of me thane emissions
fom live stoct and rice paddies
Org ani2ation ) has released
FAO CFood avd Agaiì culture
this veport

world food proghamMe

Lnternational tond for Aqicuture development Sthey
also H n Yome capital of Ttaly
This Ye port says that the live stock it contri butes approx

S2 oft the global methane emission and rice culivatton
Con tri butes % to the global me thane emission
’ If 4ou take both mto the account Clive stocE£ Rce) t
contibutes yoo of methane.
-’ Methane is multiple times more oomng of atmasphere.
vexy potent geen house gas (t traps tte heat g doesn't
allos it to escape) .
Methane ctt4
’we also have inter governmental panel on clmate change
C2Pcc) - ohich loas ated m n 198 by the oorld
Me te orological or orqanization (wM.0 H A Geneva) UNEP
’ TPCC H Geneva
’ UNEPUnited Nations Environ ment progiamme
L based fn Nairo b?
’ PpcC ’ New chaivwn -Jim skea CRom Byitaln )
vice presioant ’ Raman Sukumas (Tndian )

a mil tay operation "

4) Azesbaijan launehed
J n the
Disputed Nagono -
Cas ualties

’ Naqorno - kanabatl vegion - it ies within the boundary of

A2e baijan but itis claimed by Arme nia Azevbaijan both
These is a fight oves this egion blo Azer bai an ff Arwenia
’ Armenians call this tegion as Artsakh.

’ The confict stanted hen this Yegion dec lased itelf

hen this

-’ here is a coar that upted blio rmenia s Azerbaijan
Over ths asea. But thee csas a peace deal then agan n 2o2o
there oas 2ud kala bakh wa. gan there Loas a peace oeal.
’ Armenia is a chaiskan dominated coun try Azer baijan
is a musim do minated country ,so that ako complicates
’ Azer baifan Taji kistan 2 countries Loere declaed
malaia fee by Ho
ve centy
) Moyocco,spain and portuga |
have been named as hosts ok
2030 football world cup
>1st few watches oill take plare n uruguay , Argete.
and paragay be cause (st ever world cup happened fn i93o
’Moro cco is n Africa Joon by
spain portugal ase m}wope Uivguoy
Tu 203o we' oill

Complete loo yy
’2022 football oorld cup oon by Argen tina (Qatos)
2026 P FA foo t ball mens ood cup oil takes place n
Mexico,u-S.A £ Canada
FIFA is Heod guater Zuich

6) As pe recent Mone tasy policy (oct 6,2o21)

The poicy re porate
has been kept at
650% e
ho change
’ standing Deposi t facility vate : 6-25%
’ Maaginal standing faci lity Yate : 6-75%
Ban k Yate 6-75%
’ Re verse Repo Rate : 335%.
-’ CRR (cash Reseave Ratio ):4So /% Incve meutal CRR :o%
SLR : I8-D0%
That has been oith
projection by RET : 6-s% dran by RBI
Tuflallon forcast :54% CunchangedJ’ cpTunchanged
) for Fy 202y
t should be blo to s % CCom fovtable 2ono )

’ nban co-opeRative Bank ’ qold loau Gmit ealies was

2laths noo it has been mcreased to 4 laths

?) Jon Foss"has been Nobel

2023 Nobel pri2e for litertwe
gven by govt ssecden
Boathouse (ohich he
’ Some ob his im portant books ae
Lorote nt 989), Melancholy I &|
& Ravdt, svast 1983 hWs st
’ last yeas this award coas gìven to hfench author
8) Reseoachers identi Aed
a previously unknouon fish species
"Badis imaakUmi

Milak Rives
Nagaland !
’ IH is nameo afte a profesoy Czoology professor at the
tazl Ali college , Nagaland) limaa kum
’ These ish they have the ability to change their colouhs
’ Naga land ’ f tanki Natio nal pahk.
fakim koild ife Santuay CwLs)
Ranga pahas wLS

) According to the Dokla's spedtest Global Tndex (Aug 2o23

Thdia has been sanked -’’ 42th poiti on
among l45 coontries
Meclian doon load speed dt so.2r Mbps (Megabits
pes second )

yeas India Yan ked 19h

’ last yean
->UAE has the best douon load speed m the loorld. hae
the median douon load speed o 210 Mbps
Eatas is gud, kuwait is 3rd
’ The country with oorst doLon load speed is cvba -’ l45ty
highest ooun load specd is in kolkata.
’ în Tidia the ighest
(385 M
io) Board os Ihdian oil-company pproved jomt ventores
(TocL) Sver Sniro ResoUrce
Management put
Com pressed Bio gas (c&G) <for Ltd and GPS
plants '' setting p Rene wables pvt Hd
’ SATAT Scheme (sustainable Altenative Touoasds Affosdable
Trans portation ) woas launched by PM Modi on stoct 2o18
-’ This schaie coas stasted by the Ministry of petrolleum
and natural
’ h thìs sche me taget ’ we should have Sooo CBG
and these sooo C8G plants should grve us
US 15 mì lion mebic
tonne (HHT)/annm of cBG
anmum ob cRG by 20243|st March
) Sudha Murty ’4St ooman to oe
be come

Global Dhdi an Aoad

canada Tndia Foundaton

Jndo-canadian qala
Levent held n
Tosonto , Canada
she voas fomer chaivman of Infos ys .
12) World Ani mal wel fase Day 2023
has been obseved on
qth oct
Theme 2023: Gyeat oY s mall,love them A
-’ This day Lo08 St cete brated on 24th march m fhe yeas,
I925 than the date chauged to yth oct lates, on
day coas stanted by a perso) called HeinYìch Zi mimer
- mann (GerMan oites )

I3) Tenu ob Amit Agrawa

as the
cC.E-o) 4
chief Executive ohices

UTDAP ( unigue Toen ti fication Authority of Draba)

Lhas been extended for a peviod os
one yen
’ 0 T DAD looks aftes the adhaaa cand.
’ CFinger Minu iae Record
UT DAT (aunced FIR- FMR CFinges
Frnges Twnage Record) This is dynamfe : statie fnges
orint combo to prevent he frauds that used to happen ho
Aaclhaan enabled payment systems.
I4) As per Ye cent in fomatioy 'Akash ipathi
s set to become
CEO ok India Semi co ndvetor
Mission " (TSM)
addi tional choge fromm o9 ta oct 2o 13.
’ Inc'a semi condu ctor miss ion is Yon by the Ministry ot
Slectronics £ TT (MerTy )
oas -th outlay for Tndia semi conductor
This coas announced last yeas by the govt of Tndia.

l the largert statue

BR Am bed ka
J. otside
Jroia in Manyland North Anerica
On l4th oct
’ This is 19 foot state and it is called statue of Zgua lty.
-’ Architect of the s tatue Ram vanfi sutas (also aschi tect oh
statoe os unity sardas valla bh bhai poatel a Guj ooat )
Thoe is a concept of panch Therath (panch weans s)· Basically
the s places that a associated with the life of Doctor
BR. Ambed kat. Thase s places e Mhow( BR Ambed kos bom )
Janam Bh oo m
fu Jndore dstrict of Madhya pradesh, Dee kel Bhoomi

Cplace of ado ption Bhoomi

to Bodd hism)ehaitya Sn l cre mation
place), aha pasinivanan Bhooni (place of Denise) -’exactpae
Lohere he died) E sithsha Bhoom (place of Eolucation n london
ohee he stayed duaing his
studes n uk.

l6) United Nation s (UNy's Tatevn ational Dau of Non-vtolence

Jis annually obs eaved across
tthe globe
gud octo bes
-’2nd oct bhth anniversany of Mahatma Gandhi and lal
Bahadu shastri
-’ This oas l54h Birth Anniversabu of Mahatma Gadhi .
and it as 19ta Tntevnational Day of Non- violence ht
Laas cele brated.
pro posed by sh?rn
The idea of non vio len ce day coas

Sbadi Cshe oas Nobel peace Prize onnes From Tran

’ This day Loas cele byated for 4st ti me oct 20o04.

12) "widue
wildife ee k is anmualy obse ved

Brdia fn tho mon th oh oeto ber

do to gta october
Spread auoarenes
ess oh he impor tance
t wild ufe and its conservatio
-’ This time Loe are cele brating thn 69t oildife week.
Iheme: pastnershi ps foy Loildlife eonses vation
-’ orld oild fe Day 31d Masch.
’ st oild ife oeek oQs celobrated

s) Sachin Tendul kas" has beenlaternattonal cricket

by coUn ci CICC )
Jas the
Glo bal Ambassador tor the cricket tooel cup

’ Sachin Tendulkay played 6 coorld cups (so oveAs)

-’The 4st match
match of
of 2023 world cup is bluo Sngland

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