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9 written by henrik örnebring 9

Isaac woke up to the rain’s steady drumbeat against his roof window, just
as he had done so many times before. He straightened up, threw his legs
over the edge of the bed, and put his feet in the slippers. He had done his
morning chores so many times the routine was imprinted in his muscles.
He scraped away the embers from yesterday, lit the stove, ground coffee,
and got water from the well. By then the stove was hot enough to put the
kettle on and to roast his oatmeal – porridge on roasted oatmeal was better
when the oatmeal was damp.
He picked up something to read at breakfast. While leafing through the
magazines he had already read a hundred times, Isaac’s gaze drifted out
the window. Was it ...? Yes! A rider! No, two? Three? An entire company!
Fantastic! Finally, the routine changed. Was this the sign he was waiting for?
Would Silent Creek come alive again?

During the Black Hills Gold Rush, several smaller out of the rocks. It did not take long until the rumor
rushes broke out. Someone in the area finds gold so- had spread – somebody had found the Mother Lode.
mewhere and suddenly hundreds of prospectors are People flocked to the remote location, despite how
heading in that direction. A mining camp is established difficult it was to get there. Fortune-seekers dragged
in no time, sometimes even a boom town. When the their belongings and businesses to Silent Creek. Not
gold runs dry or when the prospectors discover there everybody survived the journey and some were lost on
was never any gold there to begin with, the camp is the road. Dangers be damned, no one wanted to miss
abandoned faster than it came to life. Silent Creek is the chance to be a part of founding what they expected
a place just like so many others following that pattern. to be the new capital of Black Hills. As prospectors
Silent Creek is located in the northern parts of Black and adventurers poured in, they drew up a city plan
Hills, high up in the mountains. It is hard to get there and started construction on new homes and businesses.
since there are no proper roads. It takes 4-5 days to By September 1875, the gold vein was depleted. Ba-
travel to Silent Creek from Deadwood, if someone in sed on Bonville’s experience, he determined there were
the group of travelers succeeds with a Skill Check probably no major deposits left in the area. He and the
for Survival/Mountains. If they fail, it will take prospectors he worked with sold their mineral rights
the characters 1d4 additional days to arrive. to tenderfoots at a ridiculously high price (considering
During the first stage of the Black Hills Gold Rush the claims were worthless as far as they could tell) and
in May 1875, a group of prospectors led by Hiram left the area. The gold vein had dried out just as the
Bonville came to the northern area of Black Hills and military intensified their efforts to keep prospectors
ventured high up in the mountains. They found gold in away from Black Hills. Many who had their plans
a small stream called Silent Creek. Since Bonville and set on Silent Creek subsequently changed their minds.
his group were veterans, they refrained from panning. Getting there in the first place was bad enough, but
Instead, they immediately went out to look for the with the combination of the meddlesome military
mother lode, the rich vein of golden ore they expected and the first signals that the boom was already over,
to find if they followed the leads. Other prospectors many decided to try their fortunes elsewhere instead.
registered mineral rights all along Silent Creek, and Many houses in Silent Creek were still under con-
a small mining camp was soon bristling with activity. struction, which led some to stay on for a while, in spite
In June 1875, the Bonville Group found a vein of of the possibility that their luck had changed. Then
gold substantial enough to allow them to start mining came the cold and brutal winter. From November
directly from the mountain. They got their pickaxes 1875 to February 1876, life was hard in Silent Creek.
ready and began excavating, breaking ore straight It broke the few remaining inhabitants. Every store

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was running out of supplies and it seemed impossible A few days ago, his prayers were answered. Two
to restock in any way. Snow lay several feet high on prospectors, Seth Broward and Victor Collins appea-
the mountainsides, isolating the town. red in Silent Creek. The two men settled in the old
The last residents decided to leave Silent Creek, no rental stable, Dumont Livery Stable. Broward and
longer believing the settlement had any hope or glory Collins seemed surprised and nervous to encounter
left for them if they stayed. Life was no better if they Isaac Havelock, but Havelock soon managed to put
chose to remain. Many poor souls froze to death in their them at ease when he welcomed them to Silent Creek.
ramshackle houses or on the way down the mountains. However, Havelock thought Broward and Collins
In February 1876, when the military was ordered to seemed a little restless. In order to encourage them
drive the Sioux Indians off the land instead of chasing to stay, he snuck out one night, stole their horses and
the prospectors away from the area, Silent Creek had chased them down the mountain. The two prospec-
already turned into a Ghost Town. tors became very upset when they woke up and their
horses were gone. They accused Havelock of stealing
SILENT CREEK TODAY their horses, but the lonely reporter blamed it all on
Even though many left, the city is not completely de- the Sioux. When they were unable to find their horses
serted. The editor of the Silent Creek Sentinel, Isaac anywhere in the vicinity, they decided to believe his
Havelock, still lives there. He barely survived the story. They had run into trouble with the Sioux before,
harsh winter, however, and has become a little crazy which made them dismiss their first suspicions.
in the process. He invested everything he owned to Broward and Collins are in fact no prospectors at
move his printing press from Montana and launch a all. Havelock realizes this deep down but prefers not
newspaper in Silent Creek. Unfortunately, he arrived to admit it, even to himself. The two do not have any
just as the gold and the residents of Silent Creek disap- prospecting tools (no gold pans, no cradle, not even a
peared. Havelock is convinced this is just a temporary pickaxe.) and they know next to nothing about ore or
decline. Soon, Silent Creek will flourish again. geology. Broward and Collins are outlaws, guilty of a
Havelock refuses to accept the harsh reality that series of stagecoach robberies in the Black Hills. When
Silent Creek is a ghost town. Thus, he does not want the couple robbed a stagecoach outside of Spearfish,
to abandon the place. He is a kind soul at heart, but some ranchers gathered a surprisingly well-organized
the last six months have been a strain on his sanity. He crew to hunt them down. Their posse forced Broward
longs for companionship or just simple conversation. and Collins to flee into the mountains to get away.
He desperately wishes Silent Creek will get some new Desperate for a place to lay low for a while, they
residents, people with whom he can socialize. found Silent Creek and immediately realized the ghost

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town would be a great combination of a base and a Craft/Wheelmaker, should the carriage break),
hide out for continued robberies in the entire Black they can load their conveyances full with abandoned
Hills area. But now that they have lost their horses, furniture and equipment. It may not be glamorous,
they are stranded here. The nearest community is Bear but they can find things to sell and thereby make a
Gulch, a prospector camp on the border to Wyoming. profit on their looting. If the characters come as loo-
It would take more than a week to get there on foot ters, Havelock will be far more hostile to them than
in good conditions. Now the weather is unstable and described in the rest of this article, and the Game
Broward and Collins have lost some of their supplies. Master may adjust the course of events accordingly.
They have no intention to risk a journey on foot in
the mountains, especially if there are Sioux nearby. A WISH AND A PRAYER
Then some other folks appear in Silent Creek, and It has not been too long since the town was aban-
they still have horses and supplies. Those new faces doned. Rumours of gold in these hills might still be
could be Broward’s and Collins’s ticket out of here! drawing in people from places where news is slow
and opportunities are few. The characters could be
THE CHARACTERS & SILENT CREEK prospectors either ignorant of Silent Creek’s decline
The newcomers are the player characters when they or optimistic enough to hope for a miracle. ‘Spent’
arrive in Silent Creek. It is early April in 1876. There mines have yielded a second trove of wealth before,
may be several reasons why they end up here: so why not now? Prospecting characters could be
deeply hopeful people or down-on-their-luck miners
LOST throwing everything into one last chance for fortune.
Maybe the Game Master wants to give the characters These kinds of characters will be extremely welcome
a rough start while demonstrating how dangerous it in Havelock’s eyes, as they are just the sort of new
is to travel in the wilderness unless you have the right blood for Silent Cheek that he has been hoping for
set of skills. If none of the characters has Scout or all these long, hard months.
Survival/Mountain, the group could easily get lost
in the Black Hills. If they have access to these Skills, SEQUENCE OF EVENTS
but consistently fail their rolls while traveling, you can Whenever the characters arrive in Silent Creek, the
also have them end up in Silent Creek. A sinister Game community seems to be abandoned. Many of the
Master could let the characters arrive to Silent Creek houses on Main Street are not completed. They can
hungry and desperate, maybe suffering a few points see smoke from the chimney on house No. 6 (see map).
of Constitution-loss or suffering a minor illness. If the characters arrive in the evening or night, they
can also see the glow from the windows of that house.
SEEKING SHELTER Havelock will greet the characters when they arrive.
Even if the characters are used to the wilderness, there He welcomes them to Silent Creek and invites them
are dangers in the Black Hills that could force them to share some food with him. He has worn, stained
to seek shelter in Silent Creek. For example, if they clothes and seems untidy, but a haggard appearance
find tracks of Sioux, cautious characters (especially is not unusual in the Black Hills. He makes a nice
those with Expertise/Indians) may want to take impression and he is unarmed when they meet.
a detour to avoid the risk of encountering a full war If the characters agree to Havelock’s offer, he will
party. That detour can lead them to Silent Creek. take them to his home and serves a simple stew and
Since the terrain is rough and there are no proper turnips. He chats with the characters, asks where they
roads, the weather alone can force them to temporarily are from, and tells them a little about Silent Creek.
seek shelter. In the spring, melting snow can make a However, he does not say much about when and how
stream flood, cause a landslide, or wash away the path the city was abandoned. Instead, he says the city is in a
the characters were using for travel. An unexpected temporary decline. ‘Any time now it will bloom again!’
blizzard or torrential rain can lower the visibility In conversation, he flatters the characters and insists
to almost zero. Rather than risk tumbling down a a group with a little forward spirit can easily revive
mountainside, they might well decide to wait for the Silent Creek. After all here they have a good base
storm to pass in the nearby ghost town of Silent Creek. with several buildings no one really owns anymore,
just ready to be taken over by someone enterprising.
LOOTERS Havelock says nothing about Broward and Collins.
Less scrupulous characters may have heard of Silent If they specifically ask if there are any others left in the
Creek and decided to get there and see if there is city, he will change the subject or responds evasively
anything left behind worth looting. If they can bring that prospectors traveling through the mountains oc-
a carriage and/or donkeys up to Silent Creek (a good casionally stay here. He advises the characters that
Drive/Wagon Skill is recommended, as well as the Queen’s Saloon (No. 5 on the map, the building

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side by side with Silent Creek Sentinel) is well-built in the act as he tries to steal their horses, he breaks
and has fared well through the winter. There is a down. Crying, he tells the whole sad story of how he
stable on the backside of the saloon, and some of its invested his life savings to establish a newspaper in
roof has collapsed. Otherwise it is in good condition. Silent Creek only to immediately see the town die.
The characters can explore Silent Creek’s aban- Broward and Collins are craftier. First, they invite
doned buildings, but from a story standpoint, it may the characters to a poker night and try to get them
be best if they do not discover Broward and Collins drunk enough to stay asleep while Broward and Col-
during their first day here. The Game Master can delay lins steal their horses. If the characters are alert (a
them by letting Havelock follow them when they walk successful Vigilance), they notice Broward and Col-
around the city. He is constantly chatting, happy as lins stay sober and pretend to drink while discreetly
he is to finally have new friends. Wherever they go, pouring out their whiskey when they believe nobody
Havelock tells stories and anecdotes about the former notices it. Should this plan fail, the outlaws try to
inhabitants of every building. However, he seems to surprise and overpower the characters, one at a time.
be a little confused, mixing the end of one anecdote Again, their goal is only to steal the horses and
with another and repeating some of the names. He equipment, not outright murder. That said, if they
may even use the name of one of the characters to realize Havelock set their horses free, Broward and
describe a former resident in Silent Creek. Collins will attack him to exact revenge. A very scared
Havelock invites the characters to breakfast next Havelock will then seek protection from the characters.
morning. When they see him again, he is accompa- Broward and Collins will try to hide their lack of
nied by Seth Broward and Victor Collins. They are horses, but if the characters snoop around the old
also invited for breakfast. If he claimed there was rental stable (No. 11 on the map), they notice the two
no one else in town last night, Havelock begs the prospectors have neither horses nor prospecting tools
characters’ forgiveness. He cannot understand how there. Characters knowing anything about prospecting
he could forget to mention the two prospectors who can easily determine that Broward and Collins are
recently settled in the city. not what they claim to be simply by talking to them.
Broward and Collins will first keep their distance, The two men clearly lack prospecting experience.
but as soon as they realize the characters have horses If the characters confront them, Broward and Col-
and supplies, they get friendlier. When Havelock is lins first pretend to be regular travelers who got their
not around, they explain they have no intention to horses stolen by Sioux while they were staying in
settle down in Silent Creek. That is just a figment of Silent Creek. Then try to make the characters believe
poor Havelock’s imagination. They will only be in the they only lied since they were too embarrassed to tell
area a couple of weeks to do some prospecting. If they the truth. If this ruse is believed, they will ask the
do not find any gold, they will move on. According to characters to ride with them to Bear Gulch or Dead-
them, Havelock is nice but not entirely sane. Should wood. The two outlaws are of course still as devious
the characters grow tired of his bungled up stories, as ever. Should the characters accept, the outlaws
they are welcome to visit the old rental stable, where plan to overpower them during the trip, take all their
Broward and Collins have set up camp. belongings and leave them for dead.
Havelock’s goal is to get the characters to stay in If Havelock realizes all his new friends intend to
Silent Creek for as long as possible. He will use or- leave, he will try to sabotage to make them all stay
dinary honorable hospitality, since he has food and one last time. If it is not possible, he will sneak ahead
drink to share. His back up strategy is to sabotage and try to cause a rockslide to block the way down the
the characters equipment at an unattended moment. mountain – a plan that can deteriorate in many ways.
Havelock can pull pins from wagon wheels, cut off The ideal end to the adventure for the characters is
saddle belts, etc. He is unstable but not stupid. The to reveal Broward and Collins as stagecoach robbers,
sabo-tage will not be too obvious. For instance he overpower and deliver them alive in Deadwood or
cuts the saddle strap where it is already worn. His Spearfish. In the process, they can collect the reward
last desperate act is to repeat the trick he used against of $350.
Broward and Collins – steal the characters’ horses Havelock will not leave Silent Creek no matter what.
and chase them down the mountainside. Havelock Even if he was inclined to do so, he has no horse, since
plants evidence pointing towards the Sioux, but it he ate it to survive the winter. If the characters have
should be easy to dismiss his efforts if the characters treated the old editor with respect and forgiven him for
have any real knowledge of native tactics and tracks. his sabotage attempts, he will be forever thankful and
Havelock is crazy but no murderer. He does not happy to help them as long as it does not require him
want to hurt anybody and will be truly remorseful if to leave Silent Creek. If they take his offer seriously,
any sabotage attempts have dire consequences. If the settle down in Silent Creek, and try to rebuild the city
characters reveal his attempted sabotage or catch him to its former greatness, they will have a friend for life.

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Silent Creek consists of just over ten houses along a single street.
At one end of the street are the remains of an old campsite that
previously housed hundreds of tents, but now it is just flattened
land adorned with a few tattered pieces of tent cloth stuck under
rocks. In the middle of the old campsite, there is a well that still
has drinkable water.
All these buildings are abandoned, except No. 6 (where Isaac
Havelock lives) and No. 11 (where Seth Broward and Victor
Collins have set up camp). On a closer examination, all the
buildings show signs of being looted. There is no food or drinks
left, as anything consumable has been long since taken. There
are other random signs too of scavenging as well. In one place,
a wall-mounted lamp has been pried loose, while somewhere
else someone has recently broken off two floor planks, and so on.
These are all traces left by Havelock’s activities during the lonely
months he has spent here. He has found all the food and drink in
town while searching through the buildings and moved them to his
own basement for sustenance. The other things he has found that
are useful for repairs or other needs, he has stored the same way.
The hotel is meant to be a two-story building, but The Surveyor’s Office is the place to go for all matters
only the lower floor was fully completed. The upper concerning land in the area, including claims and
floor lacks a roof, or at least one to cover the entire property registration. The office is a small building
floor. The consequences are as evident as they are consisting of only two rooms. At the front the little
predictable – the whole building is waterlogged and office is filled with junk. At the back, the surveyor’s
murky. A lot of furniture was left behind, but they bedroom is still mostly intact and livable.
are so ruined by exposure that they are not worth In the front room, office supplies of all kinds (ink
trying to resell. However, a thorough looter can save horns, paper knives, letterpresses, etc.) worth $26
a number of brass details from the restaurant (two in total can be found. More valuable still, there are
spit cups and footrests, along the bar among other dozens of registration documents neatly sorted in
random fittings) worth $30 in total. an archive cabinet. This is an invaluable resource
for anyone who wants to bring Silent Creek back to
2. GOLD BAR SALOON life. Several carefully filed maps and surveys note
A saloon with a fancy name, but it only consists of a ownership and shows how much of the area that still
large tent on top of a low wooden building without belongs to someone, who it belongs to, and so on. Un-
roof. The tent has completely collapsed, which has left fortunately, the rest of the archive is partially destroyed
the wooden construction open to the forces of weather by moisture and some of the documents are illegible.
and wind. The stomped earth floor has been trans- Some folders are missing, since Isaac Havelock
formed into a mud bath, but otherwise the building sometimes retrieves documents from here in order to
is in decent condition. If someone searches through have something to read. He does not always remember
the tattered tent carefully they can still find a couple to put them back. You can probably find them where
of bottles of whiskey Isaac Havelock missed. he lives, if you really need a particular folder.

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Barrett’s General Store is a two-story house with a The hardware store is two stories high. It is the only
large hole through the roof and the top floor. This has brick building in Silent Creek. Unfortunately its foun-
made the stairs up to the top floor collapse. The roof dation has settled into the muddy ground and now the
caved in after a week of heavy snowfall during the roof and walls are crooked and cracking. The building
winter, creating all the havoc. The rest of the building looks like it could collapse at any time. A few useful
is still in good condition, no further collapse is likely. tools are left inside (worth $17). However, if more than
The ground floor (the store) and the basement have two people spend longer than 15-minutes inside the
been thoroughly looted, but anyone able and willing building, there is a 60% chance that a wall collapses.
to climb upstairs (to where Mr. Barrett with family
lived) will find nice, undamaged furniture worth $75. 8. BEST DRY GOODS
This skeleton of a house is surrounded by fallen scaf-
5. QUEEN’S SALOON folding. If carefully searched, a basement hatch can
This single-story building has survived unscathed, be found buried beneath a pile of heavy planks.
apart from some leaks from the roof and a half-col- In the basement there are two bolts of fine, unspoi-
lapsed stable, attached to the back of the building. led fabric that can be sold for $44.
This building is in a condition good enough to stay
in and would make an excellent camp for the charac- 9. KAISER HOTEL
ters. It should even be easy to clean it up and have it Kaiser Hotel was, unlike the Bonville Hotel, built all
running again, if the characters are so inclined. This the way through and finished. All the pieces of the
is where crafting and construction-related skills can building were there, walls, roof, floors, doors, win-
shine in this adventure, as the property has a strong dows, you name it. Unfortunately, the craftsmanship
foundation and could be turned into something special. was so bad the hotel began to fall apart even before
The magnificent saloon mirror hanging behind the the severe winter began. Now the building is almost
bar is worth at least $160, but is very cumbersome completely destroyed. Its sign lies on the street in front
to transport. Should it break or get a crack in it, the of the hotel, all the shutters have been detached and
value will plummet to next to nothing. only two rooms are still intact.
Nothing of value can be saved from the Kaiser Ho-
6. SILENT CREEK SENTINEL tel. Searching this place is a waste of time and effort,
Isaac Havelock’s combined home/ editorial office is the though the characters will not know that until they try.
best-preserved house in Silent Creek. In sharp contrast
to the other buildings, the Sentinel gives a comfortable 10. SHEPHERDESS SALOON & SPORTING HOUSE
and cozy feeling. It is surrounded by and completely A fox family has made Silent Creek’s old brothel their
complimented with items of all kinds, giving off the home. They have gnawed down a straw mattress in
impression being well-lived in. This building shows the madam’s old room upstairs and built a burrow
all the signs of being owned by someone who cares for themselves and their six kits.
for the place and all of the belongings left here. There is some fine furniture preserved here, but it is
In addition to all the food and spirits Havelock impossible to resell because the stench of fox urine and
keeps in the basement, he has also carefully collected feces that cannot be removed. However, the building
almost every readable text from anywhere in Silent itself is well preserved and habitable if one can stand
Creek. In hs collecting, one can find books with pages the stench and chase away the foxes. Severe cleaning
curled with moisture, old newspapers (his own and over a long enough period of time could help.
others), Bibles in varying conditions, mail order ca-
talogues, letters both half-finished and signed, and so 11. DUMONT LIVERY STABLE
much more. Havelock has even hung some books and This low wooden building is a stable with a hayloft.
newspapers on a drying line in front of the fireplace. The stable and hayloft are better preserved than the
One room holds Havelock’s printing press, which main building, whose floors are rotten and saggy. Seth
he keeps in perfect condition awaiting new orders of Broward and Victor Collins have, after much discus-
printing paper and the subsequent return of the Silent sion, decided to settle in the main building. It is hard
Creek Sentinel. As soon as there is someone here to to get around on the floor, but at least the roof does
read his magazine, Havelock will print new issues! not leak as it does in the stable.
In the backyard there is a large heap of wood, which There is several hay bales left in the hayloft, but they
on closer inspection turns out to be broken furniture have all begun to mold and are not suitable for horses
and floor planks. Behind the heap is a old horse carcass, to eat. The stalls are in excellent condition, but do not
still attracting starving ravens and rats. An exami- have locks on their doors. This made Havelock’s story
nation show signs of crude but effective butchering. about the Sioux releasing the horses more believable.

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Isaac Havelock has always been an Seth Broward is a tough man with a There are two kinds of people in this
odd one. He abandoned a promising tough exterior – a squat, muscular man, world – those who lead and those who
career as a reporter back in Montana to with a big scar running from his left ear follow. Victor Collins follows. He enlis-
go southwest and practice his editorial down to his neck. His piercing way to ted in the Confederate army towards
work far beyond glory and probity. He look at you makes most people think the end of the war (when he was 15
always had a passion for the wilder- twice before they pick a fight with him. years old) just because his friends did,
ness, is a decent hunter, and he likes Seth has been lawless throughout his and he deserted only a month later
the ‘everything is possible’ atmosphere adult life. He has never been in prison when they all left the army to live the
in the western boomtowns. even though it has been close a couple much easier life of looters in the after-
Unfortunately, roaming from one of times. He believes it is because he math of the war.
boomtown to the other with a printing never had delusions of grandeur or at- Since then, Victor has been a lawless
press is neither easy nor makes one tempted any advanced heist. Simple drifter. When it started to go bad for
rich. Silent Creek was Havelock’s last stagecoach robberies are his specialty the gang Collins was in, he ditched
chance to make it back from the brink and they keep him away from big them and joined another gang instead.
of ruin. When the attempt failed and towns and the Law. For a year now he has worked with
everybody moved out, it became too Over the past year, he has collabo- Seth Broward. Just being two actually
much for his fragile sanity. rated with Victor Collins, a southerner. works as well as being in a gang. He
When the characters meet Havelock, The last two months they robbed stage- has nothing particularly good or bad
he is thin and worn, but eager to show coaches in Black Hills. They work well to say about Broward, but is content
himself and Silent Creek from its abso- together according to Seth, since Col- to hang out with him as long as things
lute best side. Havelock is sociable on lins accepts him as their leader. Seth go well for them. If the characters seem
the verge of annoying. He is prepared decides what crimes they commit. to be a better bet, he would be just as
to go quite far to get the temporary Seth is troublesome and cocky. He happy to abandon Broward and try
visitors to stay. However, there is no must restrain himself to be nice, but to join the characters’ outfit instead.
evil in him, and he would never want he hopes it will increase the outlaws’ The only person Victor is ever truly
to see anyone get hurt. chances to steal the characters’ horses. loyal to is himself.

Age 45; 5’8; 160 lb; Brown eyes; Black hair; Age 35; 6’2; 207 lb; Blue eyes; Dark blond hair; Age 26; 5’9; 167 lb; Bluegrey eyes; Blond hair;
PoB; Kennebunkport, Maine; Right-handed PoB; Portland, Oregon; Right-handed PoB; Westhaven, Tennessee; Right-handed
talents Focused/Handy/Hard to Impress talents Fearless/Slugger/Hard to impress talents Slippery/Liar/Lucky
obstacles Achilles’ Heel: Printing Press/ obstacles Blunt/Wanted ($250)/Hot-Headed obstacles Wanted ($200)/Easily Impr./Coward
Cripple/Absent-Minded reputation -8/65 destiny p. 2 Obstacle p. 2 reputation -5/45 destiny p. 1 Obstacle p. 2
reputation 0/50 destiny p. 1 Obstacle p. 2 cool 10 con 17 dex 17 int 12 cool 13 con 15 dex 17 int 9
cool 17 con 13 dex 15 int 14 qck 15 STr 14 vig 14 qck 15 STr 10 vig 17
qck 12 STr 12 vig 14
guts 5 grit 8 combat exp. 5 defense 9 guts 3 grit 8 combat exp. 5 defense 12
guts 1 grit 4 combat exp. 1 defense 5 WEAPON TH DV CS A Q WEAPON TH DV CS A Q
WEAPON TH DV CS A Q S&W Schofield 20 - 16 3 ±0 Colt Peacemaker 18 - 17 3 ±0
Remington RB 17 - 10 2 ±0 Evans Carbine 16 - 14 2 ±0 Winchesterrifle-73 18 - 14 2 ±0
Unarmed 23 23 13 2 - Knife 17 17 13 2 ±0
Arithmetic 18, Art/Penmanship 18, Business/News- SKILLS SKILLS
paper 11, C/Cooking 10, C/Carpentry 11, C/Printing Arithmetic 6, Acrobatics 12, C/Carpentry 12, Acrobatics 15, Arithmetic 5, Dance 5, Etiquette 5,
19, Drive/Wagon 12, Eloquence 15, Etiquette 18, E/ Drive/Wagon 12, Etiquette 4, Exp/Weapons 7, Exp/Confederate Army 4, C/Cooking 8, Game/
Politics 15, E./Economy 10, First Aid 7, Game/ First Aid 12, Game/Cards 11, Hide/Seek 14, Lock Hazard 6, Game/Cards 11, Hide/Seek 16, Hunt/
Boardgames 13, Hide/Seek 13, L./Latin 13, L./ Picking 7, Read 8, Religion/Episcopalian 4, Ride Fish 14, Mimicry 13, Read/Write 5, Religion/
French 9, Photography 11, Read 20, Rel./Methodist 15, Scout 16, Sleight of Hand 12, Swim 8, S/ Baptist 5, Ride 17, Scout 17, Sleight of Hand 15,
17, Ride 11, Scout 8, S/Mountain 12 Track 13 Mountain 11, Track 6, Weapons Drill/Revolver 15 S/Mountain 13, S/Forest 13, Track 8

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