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English Class B1 Unit 8 Answer Key

Vocabulary Check 8 Group B

Exercise 1
Group A 1 is watched, 2 was published, 3 aren’t (are not)
used , 4 was seen, 5 are sold, 6 was the old bridge
built, 7 was created, 8 is always hidden
Exercise 1
1 prison, 2 reward, 3 lawyer, 4 commit,
5 steal, 6 court, 7 punishment, 8 judge Exercise 2
1 Some buildings were damaged by the earthquake.
2 My bag was stolen from the car last Monday.
Exercise 2
3 These stories were written by my favourite author.
1 pull, 2 pushed, 3 fall, 4 chase, 5 escaped, 6 climb,
4 When was the thief caught?
7 jump
5 The pickpocket was chased along the street
Exercise 3 6 The thieves were taken to court last week.
1 robbery, 2 Shoplifting, 3 vandalism, 4 burglaries, 7 Some criminals are never found by the police
5 theft because they escape!

Group B Grammar Check 8.4

Exercise 1 Group A
1 judge, 2 jail, 3 lawyer, 4 commit, 5 reward,
6 punishment, 7 break, 8 damage Exercise 1
Exercise 2 2A
1 chased, 2 tripped, 3 fell, 4 pull, 5 climbed, 6 jump, 3G
7 escape 4C
Exercise 3 7E
1 vandalism, 2 burglary, 3 shoplifting, 4 theft,
5 robberies
Exercise 2
1 have my hair cut, 2 have it checked, 3 did she have
it made, 4 had his room painted, 5 have her hair
coloured, 6 is having his eyes tested, 7 has her hair
Grammar Check 8.2 styled, 8 didn’t have her photos printed

Group A Group B

Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1 was written, 2 was stolen, 3 are still read, 1H
4 was our house built, 5 are taken, 6 are never 2A
caught, 7 were hidden, 8 was seen 3F
Exercise 2 5B
1 This delicious pizza was made by my sister. 6C
2 When were these stories published? 7G
3 This camera is used to catch shoplifters.
4 This building was damaged by vandals last month. Exercise 2
5 Hundreds of newspapers are sold in this shop 1 has his car cleaned, 2 had his fingerprints taken,
every day. 3 have a cake made, 4 had this picture painted,
6 The burglar wasn’t found by the police last night. 5 have it checked, 6 is having her car fixed,
7 The picutres were created by my classmates last 7 didn’t have it designed, 8 Did you have your dog
winter. trained

English Class B1 © Pearson Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

English Class B1 Unit 8 Answer Key

Language Test 8 Exercise 3

1 search, 2 solve, 3 take, 4 escape, 5 arrest

Group A
Exercise 4
1 was built, 2 were seen, 3 isn’t (is not) used, 4 was
Exercise 1 hidden, 5 are still watched
1 garden, 2 café, 3 front door, 4 phone,
5 postman
Exercise 5
1 had it cleaned, 2 have my teeth checked, 3 have
Exercise 2 some pizza delivered, 4 have the car repaired,
1 escape, 2 vandals, 3 robbery, 4 witness, 5 lawyer 5 have one made

Exercise 3 Exercise 6
1 chase, 2 look, 3 steal, 4 solve, 5 break 1F
Exercise 4
1 is not/ isn’t used, 2 was hidden, 3 are taken,
4 are still read, 5 were sold

Exercise 7
Exercise 5
1 have it cut, 2 had his face painted, 3 have them
tested, 4 have a cake made, 5 have them printed
Exercise 6 5A
Exercise 8
1 displeased, 2 impossible, 3 irresponsible, 4
unusual, illogical

Exercise 7 Exercise 9
1A Students’ own answers
Group C
Exercise 1
1 garden, 2 café, 3 front door, 4 phone,
Exercise 8
5 postman
1 dishonest, 2 unfriendly, 3 illegal, 4 incorrect ,
5 irregular
Exercise 2
1 chase, 2 look, 3 steal, 4 solve, 5 break
Exercise 9
Students’ own answers
Exercise 3
1 escape, 2 vandals, 3 robbery, 4 witness, 5 lawyer
Group B
Exercise 4
Exercise 1
1 isn’t (is not) used, 2 was hidden, 3 are taken,
1 trees, 2 cinema, 3 tablet, 4 dog, 5 chair
4 are still read, 5 were sold

Exercise 2
Exercise 5
1 robber, 2 camera, 3 judge, 4 glass, 5 thief
1 have it cut, 2 had his face painted, 3 have them
tested, 4 have a cake made, 5 have them printed

English Class B1 © Pearson Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

English Class B1 Unit 8 Answer Key

Exercise 6 3F
1F 4F
2D 5T
Exercise 8
1 dishonest, 2 unfriendly, 3 illegal, 4 incorrect ,
5 irregular
Exercise 7
1T Exercise 9
2T Students’ own answers

Audioscript for Listening task

Presenter: Hello! Today on our programme about crime, I’m talking to Maisie. Her aunt’s house was burgled
not long ago. Maisie, tell us about where your aunt lives.
Maisie: Well, Auntie Sheila’s got a house in town. It’s not big, but it’s got a large garden at the back, and
it’s surrounded by tall trees all around it, so you can’t really see it from the road. But she hasn’t got
anything valuable inside.
Presenter: Where was your aunt when it happened?
Maisie: Well, that afternoon, she had lunch in a café with my cousins Jake and Steven – both in their 20s.
Then they went to the cinema together, and then went home.
Presenter: And what did they find when they got home?
Maisie: Oh, as soon as they got home, they saw there was a light in the house – in the daytime! But they’d
realised something was wrong as soon as they saw the front door. They’d locked it, but it was
open. The front gate was still closed, though.
Presenter: So what happened when they went inside?
Maisie: Well, they went upstairs, to Jake’s room first. His tablet was missing, although the burglar hadn’t
found his watch. It was in his drawer. And a phone was missing from Steven’s room. But his
laptop was still in his cupboard.
Presenter: So did they call the police?
Maisie: Yes. They thought the burglar just picked up a few things and then ran away. The postman goes
to the house in the afternoons, so maybe that frightened the burglar. Or maybe it was the dog next
door. It’s very noisy, and perhaps the burglar didn’t like that.
Presenter: So how did the burglar get in?
Maisie: Well, at the back of the house they found a ladder. The burglar climbed up it, broke the window
and got in. The burglar managed to break a chair as he climbed in, too – my aunt was sad about
Presenter: Oh dear. Well, hopefully your cousins will get their things back soon.
Maisie: Well, in fact, the police have already found out who did it and got my cousins’ things back, so
that’s great!
Presenter: Amazing! Thanks for talking to us, Maisie!

English Class B1 © Pearson Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

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