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Annual Feedback Report on Art and Music as Therapy

April 8, 2022

Fanshawe College, London

W22 Formal Research Report Assignment

Course: -Communication For General Arts

[ In the introduction of the report, there is an overview regarding to how music and art therapy
treat the people’s]

[ In the scope of the report, there is an overview related how to deal with music therapy with
various type of things involved in it]

[In the analysis of the report, there is an overview related art and music]
Table of Contents Page

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………… 3

Scope ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 3

Analysis ……………………………………………………………………………………. 4

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………. 4

Recommendations ………………………………………………………………………….. 5

Appendices …………………………………………………………………………………. 5 - 6

References ………………………………………………………………………………….. 7

Appendices 1- Mental health of men and women in different age without doing art.

Appendices 2- How people enjoy music in the stressful area.



The aim of this Art and Music as Therapy report is to give a detail about the impressive progress
related to the person’s physical and the mental health that has been made up with the help of
doing various types of arts and playing or listening serval sorts of music’s. In order to heal the
person’s bad health and become a chance to make express their hidden feeling and build a good
memorable time for them. In the following report you will be enlightened with the improvements
that have been made, the evolution that is being done and the efforts that will be done in the
upcoming days. ( Home: bloom child & family therapy) .


In this Contemporary world, Art and Music is considered to be an excellent recreational activity.
As, art help the people to observe the world from the different angle and express that angle of the
world adding with their own thoughts and imaginations. Which become an icing on the cake for
the artist, the reason for this is that with the fusion of their imaginations and the world give birth
to new idea. Meanwhile, the same thing happened in the case of music. People listen to the
nature music through birds and the wind blow from the canopy of the trees and made a new
sound or music. However, it is good in listening but at the same time music and the art therapy is
extremely difficult to determine. (profession in Canada Erin Gross) . The reason to say it
difficult is that the music therapy deals with several different kinds of education, training and
many more things like tradition as long as the culture. However, there are different kinds of
performance dominion (1) evaluation and treatment planning, (2) dealing with execution and
endings, (3) preceding authentication and evaluation of treatment and many more. Mainly the
music therapy with the improving health issues of the peoples.

As everyone knows that art and music like creative activities are good for everyone and every
individual on this world like and enjoy this type of activities very much. Nevertheless, except
from enjoying these activities. there are some things that people learn from it. These things are
reducing mental stress (while singing or listening any type of music and also making any art).
Cause, these things help to express those words which are unable to speak. For instance: - if, any
artist makes any particular and specific type of portrait. Which is unique that meaning the painter
wants to give a deep message to his or her audience through his or her painting. And people need
to understand and respect the artist feelings as well as the thoughts. Moreover, painting and the
music also aid to improve the communication skills and the memory of that person who is doing
these type of activity or we can say therapy on the regular basics. Even majority of the
Canadian’s schools and the colleges now give more importance to the art and music recreational
activities though organising several types of competition. (II, R. E. P.,O’Donnell, J., & Doty , M.
(2018, March 24)). Surprisingly more than 1400 participate in art and music competition. Which
show that how people give importance to the art and music. ( Performing arts statistics).

As, an overall conclusion I would like to say that art and music therapy is considered to be the
best opinion to remove or reduce any person stress. As long as, art and music is the best
medicines by taking this the patient who is suffering from the bad mental and the physical health
will improve his or her health conveniently. Moreover, music is also considered to be the filled
with the fill of positive energy, which give a person a good vibe and also help the person to fight
with the anxiety and depression and many more things. The reason behind asking this is that art
and music therapy help the human brain to release a specific substance. Through which, that
particular substance aid to maintain the brain wave patterns. And that brain wave patterns help to
express the hidden expression and the feeling of the person. This is the simple and the clear way
for the people to understand that how art and music help the people.
According to me, just by talking about the healing process of art and music therapy or talking
about the benefits of this therapy does not seem to be put this thing in the practice quickly.
However, Canadian’s people as well as the higher authorities also have to start the campaign
related to the art and music and tell the population that how the recreation activities like art and
music. Which we consider them to be easily and useless are actually unavoidable. Because this
kind of therapy help all age of people.


Mental health of the men and women without art therapy in different age.

Graph related to the people listening to the music at places where they feel much stress and listen
to the music to remove stress. (Richter, f. (2019, June 28))

Home: Bloom child & family therapy: Therapists. Bloom Child & Family Therapy. (n.d.).
Retrieved April 7, 2022, from

II, R. E. P., O'Donnell, J., & Doty, M. (2018, March 24). Whether it's art and music therapy or
art and music as therapy, it calms traumatized teens. USA Today. Retrieved April 7, 2022,

Performing arts statistics. Canadian Association for the Performing Arts. (2022, January 26).
Retrieved April 7, 2022, from

Profession in Canada Erin Gross - (n.d.). Retrieved April 7,

2022, from

Richter, F. (2019, June 28). Infographic: Any time, Any place: How people listen to music.
Statista Infographics. Retrieved April 8, 2022, from

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