English Arabic Translation in A Week

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In a week

When I started to decipher the letters, my father bought

me a book called ‫في أسبوع‬
How do you learn to pray in a week? I read the book. ‫ اشترى لي أبي كتابا اسمه‬،‫عندما بدأت أفك الحروف‬
The week passed.. and I did not learn to pray. .‫ قرأت الكتاب‬.»‫كيف تتعلم الصالة في أسبوع؟‬
When I joined school, I fell in love with languages. I .‫ ولم أ تعلم الصالة‬..‫مر األسبوع‬
collected a few
‫ جمعت بضعة‬.‫وحين التحقت بالمدرسة عشقت اللغات‬
Dirhams and I bought a book called “How to Control Five
Languages in... ‫دراهم واشتريت كتابا اسمه "كيف تتحكم في خمسة لغات في‬
week. .‫أسبوع‬
I controlled myself. I gave up playing. I grew up on ‫ كبرت على‬.‫ هجرت اللعب‬.‫تحكمت في نفسي‬
My friends and I stuck to the book. The week went by and ‫ مر األسبوع ولم أتحكم في‬.‫أصدقائي والتصقت بالكتاب‬
I couldn't control myself .‫ وعدت إلى اللعب إلى أن فصلوني‬.‫اللغات‬
Languages. I went back to playing until they fired me. ‫ جمعت دراهم أخرى‬.
. I collected more dirhams ‫ولما فصلوني لم أغضب كثيرا‬
When they fired me, I didn't get very angry ." ‫واشتريت كتابا اسمه كيف تصبح مليونيرا في أسبوع‬
And I bought a book called How to Become a Millionaire
.‫ مر األسبوع ولم أصبح مليونيرا‬.‫حفظت الكتاب‬
in a Week.”
I memorized the book. A week passed and I did not ‫ ماذا يقصدون باألسبوع؟‬:‫سؤال واحد ظل يخنقني‬
become a millionaire. " ‫هل لهم أسبوعهم ولنا أسبوعنا؟‬
One question kept choking me: What do they mean by the ‫ أال يوجد كتاب اسمه "كيف تنتحر في‬:‫سألت صديقي‬
week? .‫أسبوع‬
Do they have their week and we have ours? " :‫ضحك وقال‬
I asked my friend: Isn't there a book called "How to .‫ االنتحار ال يحتاج إلى أسبوع‬-
Commit Suicide in... .‫ االنتحار يحتاج إلى دقيقة أو دقيقتين‬-
week. .‫االنتحار شجاعة وقرار وتنفيذ‬
He laughed and said:
.‫تشجعت وقررت ولم أستطيع التنفيذ‬
Suicide does not take a week.
Suicide takes a minute or two.
:‫ مرت دقيقتان وأعلنت في فرح ونشوة‬.‫مرت دقيقة‬
Suicide is courage, decision and execution. ‫ وغدا أتعلم الصالة‬.‫ لقد صار أسبوعي مثل أسبوعهم‬-
I was encouraged and decided but I could not implement .‫واللغات وأصبح مليونيرا وانتحر افي أسبوع‬
A minute passed. Two minutes passed and she announced
in joy and ecstasy:
- My week has become like theirs. Tomorrow I will learn
to pray
He became a millionaire and committed suicide within a

My mother said: You should become a policeman.
My father said: Become whatever you want except a
My grandmother said: Obedience to parents is obedience
to God.
I said: (Among the mistake and crowding, they brought
the judge to circumcise himself).
“You,” the policeman said, putting the handcuffs on my ‫أماني‬
hands .‫ البد ان تصير شرطيا‬:‫قالت أمي‬
Someone who affects public security. What does the .‫ صر ما شئت إال شرطيا‬:‫قال أبي‬
judge have to do with it? Who said that the country .‫ طاعة الوالدين من طاعة هللا‬:‫قالت جدتي‬
Is it mixed and crowded?? .)‫ (بين الغلطة والزحام جابوا القاضي يتختن‬:‫قلت أنا‬
‫ أنت‬:‫ وهو يضع األصفاد في يدي‬،‫قال الشرطي‬
‫ ما دخل القاضي؟ ومن قال إن البالد‬.‫شخص تمس األمن العام‬
‫فيها خلطة وزحام؟؟‬

Redundant phrase
Post the text along with your questions on the blackboard
Pierced in more than one place. The share is an
installation share. He was
Students are required to cross out each redundant
phrase. He was surprised ‫عبارة زائدة‬
The laziest student in the class walks towards the ‫أثبت النص مرفقا بأسئلته على السبورة السوداء‬
perforated blackboard ‫ كان‬.‫ الحصة حصة تركيب‬.‫المثقوبة في أكثر من مكان‬
In more than one place. He carried the little brown mop. ‫ فوجئ‬.‫مطلوبا من التالميذ أن يشطبوا على كل عبارة زائدة‬
to retreat ‫بأكسل تلميذ في الفصل يتقدم نحو السبورة السوداء المثقوبة‬
Two steps back. He moved towards the board again. He
‫ تراجع‬.‫ حمل الممسحة البنية الصغيرة‬.‫في أكثر من مكان‬
pointed with his index finger
To the question: Cross out every extra phrase. ‫ أشار بسبابته‬.‫ تقدم نحو السبورة ثانية‬.‫خطوتين إلى الوراء‬
Without saying a word, he erased history. ".‫ شطب على كل عبارة زائدة‬:‫إلى السؤال‬
He threw the little brown mop and left the classroom .‫ودون أن ينبس بحرف مسح التاريخ‬
while ‫ألقى الممسحة البنية الصغيرة وغادر الفصل بينما‬
Applause rose. .‫تعالت التصفيقات‬

Yassin and the valley

The Sheikh gathered his grandchildren and told them the
story that happened
Its beginning, “Once upon a time,” and its end, “and my
‫ياسين والوادي‬
story has gone on.”
With the valley."
‫جمع الشيخ أحفاده وعليهم قص الحكاية التي كان‬
Yassin, his grandson with the hairiest hair, went to the ‫مستهلها كان يا ما كان" ونهايتها" وحكايتي مشات‬
valley to track ".‫مع الوادي‬
Effects of the story. ‫ ذهب إلى الوادي يتقفى‬،‫ حفيده األكرت الشعر‬،‫ياسين‬
With the naivety of a child, he asked: “The valley is still in .‫آثار الحكاية‬
place, for sure
‫ وأكيد‬،‫ "الوادي الزال في مكانه‬:‫بسذاجة طفل تساءل‬
“The story is still here.”
He dived into the valley looking for her. He found nothing ." ‫أن الحكاية الزالت هنا‬
but stones ‫ لم يجد غير الحجارة‬.‫غطس في الوادي بحثا عنها‬
Smoothies, frogs and aquatic weeds. Yassin decided not ‫ قرر ياسين عدم العودة‬.‫الملساء والضفادع وأعشاب مائية‬
to return .‫من الوادي إال بالحكاية متوهما أنه سيرضي جده‬
From the valley, except with the story, delusional that he ‫ اعتزل‬،‫لكن جده الذي دمعت عيناه وابيضت من الحزن‬
would please his grandfather. ‫الحكي وصار من يومها يحكي لبقية األحفاد حكاية واحدة هي‬
But his grandfather, whose eyes became teary and white .‫حكاية ياسين مع الوادي‬
with sadness, retired
From that day on, he began to tell the rest of the
grandchildren one story:
Yassin's story with the valley.

Love lesson ‫درس الحب‬

Intoxicated, the child entered the classroom. He stared
well at ‫ حدق جيدا في‬.‫مخمورا دخل الطفل إلى الفصل‬
The teacher said: :‫المعلمة وقال‬
- I love you.
The kids laughed and Hanan kept looking at him. .‫ أحبك‬-
The teacher had rushed to the principal's office. The
.‫ضحك الصغار وظلت حنان تتأمله‬
manager had
He shouted to the police. The news spread in the city: ‫ وكان المدير قد‬.‫كانت المعلمة قد هرعت إلى مكتب المدير‬
A drunk child said to his teacher, “I love you.”
When the police official arrived, the student had grown :‫ سرى الخبر في المدينة‬.‫هتف إلى الشرطة‬
up. ...‫ طفل مخمور قال لمعلمته أحبك‬-
Before they approached him, he said:
- I do not like it anymore. ،‫عندما حضر مسؤول الشرطة كان التلميذ قد كبر‬
The smell of wine was still wafting from his mouth, it
: ‫وقبل أن يقتربوا منه قال‬
Taller of them all. While the Minister had decided to .‫ لم أعد أحبها‬-
amend the curriculum
At school, children should not learn anything other than ‫ كان يبدو‬،‫كانت رائحة الخمر ال تزال فواحة من فمه‬
the lesson of love.
‫ بينما كان الوزير قد قرر أن يعدل المنهاج‬.‫أطول منهم جميعا‬
In the child’s ear, Hanan whispered:
- I have come to love the minister. .‫المدرسي وأال يدرس األطفال شيئا غير درس الحب‬
:‫وفي أذن الطفل همست حنان‬
.‫ أنا صرت أحب الوزير‬-
I was definitely dreaming when the elegant man sat me
A comfortable chair in his spacious, air-conditioned office.
I smile. smile to me
Certainly because we did not have a third. He smiled at
me many times ‫المكافأة‬
I had to smile. He said to me very politely:
‫يقينا أنني كنت أحلم حين أجلسني الرجل األنيق على‬
-We are at your disposal. We are at your disposal. We are
your servants. ‫ ابتسم لي‬.‫ ابتسم‬.‫كرسي وثير في مكتبه الواسع والمكيف‬
Ask whatever you want. Don't hesitate to ask.
At first, I secretly asked to be punished
My order was sound, and when the man insisted, he ‫ ابتسم لي مرات عديدة‬.‫بالتأكيد ألنه لم يكن معنا ثالث‬
hesitated and asked for a cup of water.
But our friend got angry and asked me to be there :‫ قال لي بأدب بالغ‬.‫فاضطررت لالبتسام‬
My level of responsibility. He said I should ask for real
.‫ نحن عبيدك‬.‫ نحن طوع أمرك‬.‫ نحن رهن إشارتك‬-
estate, for example,
Women, money, cars,,, The majesty of my destiny dictates .‫ ال تتردد اطلب‬.‫اطلب ما تريد‬
that I ask
More important things. ‫ أن تكون عاقبة‬- ‫ في سري‬- ‫ طلبت‬،‫في البداية‬
I recalled the majesty of my destiny, which requires me to
seek more important things, and I asked the man to take a .‫ وحين أصر الرجل تردد طلب كوب ماء‬،‫أمري سليمة‬
pen and paper and record: ‫ وطلب مني أن أكون في‬،‫لكن صاحبنا غضب‬
I want a sheep, a cow and a dove.
I want a fig, an olive, and a lemon. ،‫ قال إن علي أن اطلب عقارات مثال‬.‫مستوى مسؤوليتي‬
I want a waterwheel, a well, and a mill.”
When I glanced at his paper, I found that he had not ‫ فجالل قدري يفرض أن أ طلب‬،،،‫ سيارات‬،‫ أمواال‬،‫نساء‬
recorded anything .‫أشياء أهم‬
“Indeed, sir, as you expected.”
Before I left his office, he picked up the phone and ‫ وطلبت‬،‫استحضرت جالل قدري الذي يفرض أطلب أشياء أهم‬
whispered in my ear : ‫من الرجل أن يأخذ ورقة وقلما ويسجل‬
What am I meant by?
An hour later, you saw me still. I saw my neck being .‫أريد خروفا وبقرة وحمامة‬
subjected to
higher. I saw women crying. I saw an old man strip me, .‫أريد تينة وزيتونة وليمونة‬
and a dress ."‫أريد ساقية وبئرا وطاحونة‬
White stitched.
‫ وجدته لم يسجل ما‬،‫وحين استرقت النظر إلى ورقته‬
."‫"فعال سيدي كما توقعتم‬
‫ حمل السماعة وهمس في أذن‬،‫وقبل أن أغادر مكتبه‬
.‫ما بأنني أنا المقصود‬
The blonde sitting in a row asked me with surprising ‫ رأيت عنقي خاضعا إلى‬.‫ رأيتني ساكنا‬،‫وبعد ساعة‬
‫ وثوبا‬،‫ رأيت عجوزا يعريني‬.‫ رأيت نساء باكيات‬.‫أعلى‬
- Professor, we were told that you dance well. .‫أبيض يخاط‬
I thought about blocking her mouth with a shell that
would preserve some of my dignity for me
In front of these goblins who were hiding their laughter, I
-Do you want me to dance with you?
So she charred me.

In class - at the instigation of the blonde sitting in a row
Males - The shortest student in the class asked me:
- Professor, what is the difference between incomplete
and incomplete?
And the elongated one? ‫ سألتني الشقراء الجالسة في صف‬،‫بوقاحة مفاجئة‬
I was confused as usual whenever I asked. I brought up all
my acquaintances : ‫الذكور‬
I started to see the difference. .‫ قيل لنا إنك تحسن الرقص‬،‫ أستاذ‬-
The short one was watching and smiling, and the blonde
was smiling and not ‫فكرت في سد فمها بقذيفة تحفظ لي شيئا من وقاري‬
Follow up. When I finished, the short man told me that
what the blonde had explained to him :‫ قلت‬،‫أمام هؤالء العفاريت الذين يخفون ضحكاتهم‬
Much more useful than what I explained. I asked her. She ‫ هل تريدين أن أرقص معك ؟‬-
said it had something to do with it
By dancing, you warmed me up again. .‫فأفحمتني‬
The sun kept shining on the policeman who was ‫وقاحة‬
anticipating violations ‫ بتحريض من الشقراء الجالسة في صف‬- ‫في الفصل‬
Drivers who are attentive to and from him. His hat could
not resist : ‫ سألني أقصر تلميذ في الفصل‬- ‫الذكور‬
the heat. Take it off. He scratched his bald spot, which
‫ ما الفرق بين المقصور والمنقوص‬،‫ أستاذ‬-
was dripping with sweat. He returned the hat
his head. He put a cigarette in his mouth. He sent a ‫والممدود؟‬
whistle and it was ignited
The cigarette. Its smoke was blowing into the air. ‫ استحضرت كل معارفي‬،‫ارتبكت كعادتي كلما اسأل‬
In the evening, he returned to the center without .‫وصرت أبين الفرق‬
registering even a violation
one. He complained to his boss: ‫ وكانت الشقراء تبتسم و ال‬،‫كان القصير يتابع ويبتسم‬
- Sir, I did not adhere to my work ethics and was unable to
‫ وحين انتهيت قال لي القصير بأن ما شرحته له الشقراء‬.‫تتابع‬
give you all the answers
Your daily expenses. ‫ فقالت إن لألمر عالقة‬.‫ سألتها‬.‫أفيد بكثير مما شرحته أنا‬
His boss got angry. He cursed him and searched his
pockets, before tearing up .‫ فأفحمتني مرة ثانية‬،‫بالرقص‬
The bald cop thought:
A missing piece of paper from the violations book means a
sum of money
Catch her instead.
Depressed, he returned home. His wife was amazed at
how Don came back ‫ظلت الشمس تلفح الشرطي الذي كان يترقب مخالفات‬
Evening watermelon. As for the violation recorded against
him by his little girl, it is: ‫ لم تقوى قبعته على مقاومة‬.‫السائقين المنتبهين منه وإليه‬
The smell of his shoes became unbearable. ‫ أعاد القبعة إلى‬.‫ حك صلعته التي نزفت عرقا‬.‫ نزعها‬.‫الحرارة‬
‫ أرسل صفيرا فاشتعلت‬.‫ وضع سيجارة في فمه‬.‫رأسه‬
The donkey had hesitated a long time before telling the .‫ وصار ينفث دخانها في الهواء‬.‫السيجارة‬
donkey his desire ‫مساءا عاد إلى المركز دون أن يسجل ولو مخالفة‬
Sincere in marrying her. The donkey was aware of his
obvious inclination :‫ شكا نفسه إلى رئيسه‬.‫واحدة‬
To her, she turned away and ignored him, and when he
‫ سيدي لم ألتزم بأخالق عملي وعجزت عن أجمع لكم‬-
was alone with her in the field, he bought
*********************************************** .‫مصروفكم اليومي‬
****** Tatt:
- Mahri kicked the farmer in his lap. ‫ قبل أن يمزق‬،‫ سبه وفتش جيوبه‬.‫غضب رئيسه‬
The donkey did not feel sorry for himself for anything :‫فكر الشرطي األصلع‬
other than being banished from
The corral, and when he decided to pull the farmer to the ‫ ورقة ناقصة من دفتر المخالفات معناه مبلغ مالي‬-
plow, it was
.‫قبض بدال لها‬
The female donkey devours the hay. She winked at him
coquettishly, and a shiver ran through his thighs ‫ اندهشت زوجته كيف عاد دون‬.‫عاد مكتئبا إلى منزله‬
Deadly and kicking the plow.
The donkey lay on her back laughing. Donkey's anger ‫ أما المخالفة التي سجلتها عليه صغيرته هي أن‬.‫بطيخة المساء‬
And he said: .‫رائحة حذائه أصبحت ال تطاق‬
- you are divorced.
The donkey remained immersed in her laughter while
fighting back tears
Gloating, then she said to him:
-You will still be a donkey. ‫طالق‬
‫كان الحمار قد تردد كثيرا قبل أن يخبر األتان برغبته‬
‫ وكانت األتان تدرك ميله المفضوح‬.‫الصادقة في الزواج منها‬
On the beach, the child got rid of his clothes. Naked, so he
looked : ‫ وحين اختلى بها في الحقل اشترطت‬،‫إليها فتتغاضى وتتجاهله‬
Slim. Pick up a cheap cigarette butt and light it. Sip Ar
Two sips. .‫ مهري ركلة للفالح في حجره‬-
- I want to grow up.
He said to his girlfriend, handing her the clothes and ‫لم يشفق الحمار على نفسه من شيء غير نفيه من‬
planting a kiss on her ‫ ولما عزم على الفالح وهو يشده إلى المحراث كانت‬،‫الزريبة‬
Her cheek. And he quickly rushes towards the sea.
-I am waiting for you. ‫ غمزته بغنج وبين فخذيه سرت قشعريرة‬.‫األتان تلتهم التبن‬
His girlfriend said
.‫قاتلة وركل المحراث‬
When he walked away, she added:
My regards to you, and my greetings to Nawras. ‫ غضب الحمار‬.‫استلقت األتان على ظهرها ضاحكة‬
The child disappeared into the sea. His girlfriend waited
for him until she was gone :‫وقال‬
In the evening, she was confused and worried .‫ أنت طالق‬-
Evening. And when the sun set
They are big. She returned home crying. Her mother ‫ظلت األتان غارقة في ضحكها وهي تغالب دمعة‬
asked her, but she did not answer. It passed
: ‫الشماتة ثم قالت له‬
For many years, drought was an invincible ruler. The little
girl even cried .‫ ستظل حمارا‬-
Her braid became long. When her braid became long, the
son of the city governor proposed to her.
On the wedding night, a naked man stormed into the
palace, followed by a group of...
Seagulls. They freed the girl and returned to the sea. The ‫طوفان‬
governor got angry and ordered
‫ عاريا فبدا‬.‫على الشاطئ تخلص الطفل من ثيابه‬
To confiscate the sea from his city in the morning. But at
dawn, he broke in ‫ ارتشف رشفة أر‬.‫ التقط عقب سيجارة رخيصة وأشعلها‬.‫هزيال‬
The flood destroyed the city and the seagulls flew in its
space, he wrote .‫رشفتين‬
Historians: .‫ أريد أن أكبر‬-
"In ancient times, here was dry land."
‫ وهو يسلمها الثياب ويرسم قبلة على‬، ‫قال لصديقته‬

bitter . ‫ويسرع مندفعا نحو البحر‬. ‫خدها‬

When I drowned the black coffee with sugar, .‫أنا في انتظارك‬-
She laughed and said: The bitterness is in the water.
I remembered the lesson about things there in ‫قالت صديقته‬
elementary school: “Water is a liquid
:‫ أردفت‬،‫وحين ابتعد‬
It has no taste, color or smell."
I remembered the subject teacher taking a dose of his .‫ وتحياتي إلى النورس‬، ‫ ودادي لك‬-
medicine from time to time
And the other one. I also remembered the water bill and ‫ انتظرته صديقته حتى غابت‬. ‫غاب الطفل في البحر‬
the pool that was a swimming pool ‫المساء انتابتها حيرة وقلق‬
We have a passion. And 00 and
The black coffee had decided to escape from the water ‫ ولما غابت شمس‬.‫المساء‬
I - out of spite towards her - decided to add some of it to
‫ مرت‬.‫ سألتها أمها فلم تجبها‬.‫ عادت باكية إلى منزلها‬.‫كبيرين‬
Cow's milk breaks its brutality. ‫ بكت الطفلة حتى‬.‫سنوات كثر كان الجفاف فيها سيدا ال يقهر‬
Black coffee said:
I wonder how you would be willing to belong to the calf .‫ ولما طالت ضفيرتها خطبها ابن والي المدينة‬.‫طالت ضفيرتها‬
Breastfeeding brother. ‫ اقتحم القصر رجل عار تتبعه مجموعة من‬،‫وليلة الزفاف‬
‫ غضب الوالي وأمر‬.‫ حرروا الفتاة وعادوا إلى البحر‬.‫النوارس‬
‫ اقتحم‬،‫ لكن مع الفجر‬. ‫بأن يصادر البحر من مدينته في الصباح‬
‫ وكتب‬، ‫الطوفان المدينة وحلقت النوارس في فضائها‬
: ‫المؤرخون‬
."‫قديما كانت هنا يابسة‬
Seriously, a guy rubs his buttocks in the bathroom. The
tuberculosis did not stop
So he decided to use the bags. he told him: ‫مرارة‬
“Keysni Meziane,” ،‫لما أغرقت بالسكر القهوة السوداء‬
The bag began to rub against him, and his limbs began to
fall out one by one .‫ إن المرارة في الماء‬:‫ضحكت وقالت‬
The other. He returned home a man without limbs. And at
‫" الماء سائل‬: ‫تذكرت درس األشياء هناك ذات ابتدائية‬
the end of the week
When his sons carried him to the bathroom, he found ."‫ال طعم له وال لون وال رائحة‬
writing on a door
- The bathroom owner is not responsible for the parties ‫وتذكرت أستاذ المادة وهو يتجرع دواءه بين الفينة‬
that ‫تذكرت فاتورة الماء أيضا والبركة التي كانت مسبحا‬. ‫واألخرى‬
Their owners do not leave them with him before entering
the bathroom. ‫و‬٠٠ ‫ و‬.‫لنا ذات شغب‬
‫كانت القهوة السوداء قد قررت االنفالت من الماء‬
The five children decided to race. The first one got on the ‫ قد قررت أن أضيف إليها بعضا من‬- ‫حقدا عليها‬- ‫وكنت‬
The second is the ship, the third is the train, the fourth is .‫حليب البقر يكسر وحشيتها‬
the car, and the fifth is the car : ‫قالت القهوة السوداء‬
bicycle. They did not determine the arrival point, but
decided to race ‫أتعجب لك كيف ترضى لنفسك أن تكون للعجل‬
Only when Adnan stopped to repair a damage to one of
.‫أخا من الرضاعة‬
the bike's wheels
Radio Darraji was continuing to broadcast the news:
- A train collided with a women's carriage in Belkasiri.
- A ship sank in the ocean.
- A plane fell into the sea and all passengers died.
- A car broke the “pano” of Sidi Allal El Bahraoui and it was
torn apart
The driver is in pieces.
Adnan did not care, but continued the race, believing that
his companions would
They will arrive even if they run.

advisory opinion
Qatout was angry when he heard the news. It's
Delay and the cat kingdom is in danger. He never lived in
central Mysore ‫وديعة‬
He refuses to eat a mouse and claims that he loves it. ‫ لم يتوقف الدرن‬.‫بجدية فرك الرجل أطرا فه في الحمام‬
We kill him. He said it was an extreme cat.
We crucify him. The cat with the bushy beard said. :‫ قال له‬.‫فقرر أن يستعين بالكياس‬
- We leave it for a while. The judge said.
، ‫" كيسني مزيان‬-
The lover cat said:
- As for her desires, I do not repent. ‫صار الكياس يفركه وصارت أطرفه تتساقط الواحد تلو‬
As for the peace supporters of cats and mice, they came
out in ‫ وفي نهاية األسبوع‬.‫ إلى بيته عاد رجال بال أطراف‬.‫اآلخر‬
Demonstration carrying banners and chanting: ‫عندما حمله أبناؤه في قفة إلى الحمام وجد مكتوبا على باب‬
- Racial discrimination falls,
- Emotional terrorism falls. ‫ صاحب الحمام غير مسؤول عن األطراف التي‬-
- Long live peace.
- Long live cats and mice. .‫ال يودعها أصحابها عنده قبل ولوج الحمام‬
The cat's lawyer said she had an affair with a mouse
- I register my withdrawal. ‫سباق‬
The imam of the cats, Mar Gamma, issued a fatwa:
،‫ ركب األول الطائرة‬.‫قرر األطفال الخمسة أن يتسابقوا‬
Lovers should be brought together, even if there are feet
between them ‫ والخامس‬،‫ والرابع السيارة‬،‫ والثالث القطار‬،‫والثاني الباخرة‬
Enmity in history
Whenever the Imam prayed, he would pray to God to ‫ لم يحددوا نقطة الوصول وإنما قرروا التسابق‬.‫دراجة هوائية‬
grant him success
A romantic relationship with a mouse, provided that it is ‫ وعندما توقف عدنان ليصلح عطبا بإحدى عجلتي الدراجة‬،‫فقط‬
beautiful and religious. :‫كان راديو الدراجي يوالي بث األخبار‬

Intelligence .‫ قطار اصطدم بعربة نساء في بلقصيري‬-

The smart tree thought a lot before telling her friends
.‫ باخرة غرقت في المحيط‬-
With this dangerous decision:
- Unbelievable. People throw stones at us and we throw .‫ طائرة سقطت في البحر ومات جميع الركاب‬-
stones at them
First I tried a bunch of short trees ‫ سيارة كسرت "بانو "سيدي عالل البحراوي وتمزق‬-
He disavowed the decision to strike, but quickly .‫السائق أشالء‬
community. ‫لم يكترث عدنان وإنما واصل السباق مؤمنا أن أصحابه‬
- Tomorrow night we will leave the city.
.‫سيصلون ولو ركضا‬
said the smart tree.
But the city's community council was smarter when it was
Trees in the morning and decided to turn them into paper ‫فتوى‬
to write about the benefits ‫ األمر ال يحتمل‬.‫غضب " قاطوط " لما سمع الخبر‬
the trees.
‫ قط عاش في وسط ميسور‬.‫التأخير ومملكة القطط في خطر‬
.‫يرفض أن يأكل فأرة ويزعم أنه يحبها‬
.‫ قال قط متطرف‬.‫نقتله‬
.‫ قال القط ذو اللحية الكثة‬.‫نصلبه‬
.‫ قال القاضي‬.‫ نتركه حتى حين‬-
: ‫قال القط العاشق‬

fasting . ‫ و أما من هواها فإني ال أتوب‬-

The child continued to struggle. He falls asleep and then ‫أما أنصار السالم من القطط والفئران فقد خرجوا في‬
wakes up. Draw circles
And many lines so that he does not fall asleep. He wanted :‫مظاهرة حاملين الفتات ويرددون‬
to make a meal
، ‫ يسقط الميز العنصري‬-
Suhoor after he failed to convince his parents to wake him
up. He decided inside himself that .‫ يسقط اإلرهاب العاطفي‬-
He fasts. His friends at school fast and he lies to them
every day .‫ عاش السالم‬-
Saying that it does not break the fast. Then on top of that, .‫ عاشت القطط والفئران‬-
he felt able to fast
And resist hunger for a whole day. When she had suhoor, ‫قالت محامية القط والتي كانت على عالقة مع فأر‬
he did not sleep. He prayed Fajr
Behind his father. He advised his mother to wake him up if
he fell asleep so that he would not miss him .‫ أسجل انسحابي‬-
Morning lesson. In the department, time passed slowly,
and he did not understand :‫وأفتى إمام القطط مر غما‬
The lesson is unusual. At noon his mother said: ‫ وإن كانت بينهما أقدام‬،‫ينبغي الجمع بين المحبين‬
- You were silent for half a day, and you only had hours
left. Help "‫عداوة في التاريخ‬
She should take a nap, my son.
- I'm going to pray with the group. ‫وكان اإلمام كلما صلى يبتهل إلى هللا في أن يوفقه في‬
He told her while looking at his pale face in the mirror. .‫عالقة عاطفية مع فأرة شرط أن تكون جميلة ومتدينة‬
- In the mosque, after prayer, Hizb recited “Subha” with
jurists. He was proud because he memorized it. After
reciting the Qur’an, he was the imam
He talks about the virtue of fasting over food, about
Paradise, and its foods ‫فكرت الشجرة الذكية كثيرا قبل أن تخبر صديقاتها‬
And its deliciousness. The child ran out to his house. He :‫بقرار ها الخطير‬
said to his mother:
-I want my food. ‫ الناس يرموننا بالحجر ونحن نرميهم‬،‫ غير معقول‬-
‫في البداية حاولت مجموعة من األشجار القصيرة‬
When teenage dreams expressed her admiration for the ‫ لكنها سرعان ما أذعنت لرأي‬،‫التنصل من قرار اإلضراب‬
poet Ahmed, she did not...
He is thinking about something other than regretting his
involvement in marrying a girl .‫ غدا ليال سنهجر المدينة‬-
His uncle "Heba" told her:
- Thank you for liking me. .‫قالت الشجرة الذكية‬
The teenager said: ‫لكن مجلس جماعة المدينة كان أذكى حين اقتلع‬
- I like your poem, not you
The poet was upset. He found it as a copy of his wife. And ‫األشجار صباحا وقرر تحويلها إلى ورق يكتب فيه عن فوائد‬
when she handed it over, she asked
From her virgin poem to express his opinion about her, he
did not resist his lust. He said:
- I like you, not your poem.
-Will you write poetry about me?
-I'm sure I'll like him.
-And me??
- It's enough for you to still like me.
At the ceremony presenting the poet’s collection, his critic
friend, who...
He envied him for his stance as a teenager:
- And when he admired her, he was a poet, and when she
admired him
no longer.
After the presentation ceremony, the teenager said to the
- I like you.
- Farah Al-Naqid. While she kept explaining to him the
necessity of ‫صيام‬
planning******************************** Big
His critical statement on himself. ‫ رسم دوائر‬.‫ يغفو ثم يستيقظ‬.‫ظل الطفل يقاوم الوسن‬
‫ كان يريد أن يحضر وجبة‬.‫وخطوطا كثيرة حتى ال يغلبه النوم‬
The child rode his reed horse and started roaming the ‫ قرر في داخله أن‬.‫السحور بعد أن فشل في إقناع والديه بإيقاظه‬
The city is empty. His hand would sometimes extend to ‫ أصدقاؤه في المدرسة يصومون وهو يوميا يكذب عليهم‬.‫يصوم‬
the tip of the reed and feed ‫ ثم فوق ذاك كان يشعر بقدرته على الصيام‬.‫قائال إنه ال يفطر‬
The horse and another time behind his back urging him to
speed up. Stop it ‫ صلى الفجر‬.‫ عندما تسحر لم ينم‬. ‫ومقاومة الجوع يوما كامال‬
The policeman pulled out his reed horse from between his
thighs and attacked him ‫ أوصى أمه بأن توقظه إذا ما نام حتى ال يفوته‬. ‫وراء أبيه‬
They insulted, cursed, and insulted each other. The child ‫ ولم يستوعب‬،‫ وفي القسم مر الوقت بطيئا‬.‫درس الصباح‬
did not run away, but rather collected the pieces of his
horse :‫ عند الظهر قالت أمه‬.‫الدرس على غير عادته‬
Sprawling. He made a confident mistake and decided
‫ استعن‬.‫ ولم تبق لك إال ساعات‬،‫ صمت نصف يوم‬-
inside himself:
- I will never stop riding a horse. .‫عليها بالقيلولة يا ولدي‬

The Zoological Society met in special session to consider .‫ أنا ذاهب إلدراك الصالة مع الجماعة‬-
Its problems and planning for the near, medium and long .‫قال لها وهو ينظر إلى وجهه الشاحب في المرآة‬
horizons. but
The ass is backward. At first, he considered it normal ‫ قرأ حزب " سبح " مع‬، ‫ بعد الصالة‬، ‫ وفي المسجد‬-
because he was a donkey
‫ بعد تالوة القرآن كان اإلمام‬، ‫ كان مزهوا ألنه يحفظه‬.‫الفقهاء‬
He falls behind. Because he cannot rebel against his
owner and be present in... ‫يتحدث عن فضل الصيام على األنام وعن الجنة وعن أطعمتها‬
the time. But the donkey lagged behind. They sent the : ‫ قال ألمه‬.‫ خرج الطفل مسرعا إلى منزله‬.‫ولذتها‬
rabbit looking for him. Speeding
She went and came back quickly. No sign of the donkey. .‫ أريد غذائي‬-
They phoned the farmer.
He told them that the donkey had left the corral early,
and that he had learned from Ku Alice ‫إعجاب‬
The corral said that the donkey had kicked its legs, the
‫ لم‬،‫حين أبدت أحالم المراهقة إعجابها بالشاعر أحمد‬
association’s card. And he was not afraid
At the instigation of Iyad ‫يفكر هو في شي غير ندمه على تورطه في الزواج من بنت‬
The farmer was afraid that the donkey would be active
Hidden exotic. Al-Assad decided that the session would be :‫عمه " هبة " قال لها‬
opened and allocated .‫ شكرا على إعجابك بي‬-
Its second part is what he called the donkey axis.
Many animals were present only in body but in their : ‫قالت المراهقة‬
‫ ال بك‬،‫ أنا معجبة بقصيدتك‬-
She was planning to create a robot with a donkey.
‫ وحين سلمته مستلة‬.‫ وجدها نسخة من زوجته‬.‫استاء الشاعر‬
:‫ قال‬.‫من قصيدتها البكر ليبدي رأيه فيها لم يقاوم شهوته‬
Reluctance .‫ أنا معجب بك ال بقصيدتك‬-
Today my grandmother died, and the story she started for
me died with her ‫ هل ستكتب عني شعرا ؟‬-
Yesterday you didn't finish it. My grandmother said:
.‫ أنا متيقنة أني سأعجب به‬-
- The cat is unlike the rabbit, and the news reached him so
he went out searching ‫ و أنا؟؟‬-
And my grandmother died.
I asked my mother the continuation of the story and she . ‫ يكفيك أن تظل معجبا بي‬-
scolded me and said: ‫ قال صديقه الناقد الذي‬،‫وفي حفل تقديم ديوان الشاعر‬
- Shame, boy.
I asked my older sister, and she apologized that she did :‫كان يحسده على وقفته مع المراهقة‬
not know her and became upset
She does her school exercises. ‫ وحين أعجبت به‬،‫ وحين كان معجبا بها كان شاعرا‬-
In class, the teacher asked. .‫لم يعد‬
She scolded me for being obstructive
The course of the lesson. :‫بعد حفل التقديم قالت المراهقة للناقد‬
And she said to me:
.‫ أنا معجبة بك‬-
- Shut up, cat.
One day, she criticized Fatima for her dancing eyes and ‫ بينما ظلت هي تشرح له ضرورة تطبيق‬.‫ فرح الناقد‬-
insulted her
And she named it Rabbit. .‫مقولته النقدية على نفسه‬
The next day, Fatima remained silent and waited for the
shame to come
To know the continuation of the story, but it did not ‫قرار‬
‫امتطى الطفل حصانه القصبي وصار يجوب شوار ع‬
So I decided to forget the story completely, and refrained
from visiting my grandmother’s grave. ‫ كانت يده تمتد حينا إلى رأس القصبة تطعم‬.‫المدينة لخالية‬
Eating rabbit meat and raising cats.
‫ أوقفه‬. ‫الحصان وحينا آخر خلف ظهره تحثه على اإلسراع‬
Modernist poet ‫استل من بين فخذيه حصانه القصبي وانهال عليه‬. ‫الشرطي‬
The poet was angry when the security officer stopped him
at the doorstep ‫ ولم يهرب الطفل وإنما لملم أشالء حصانه‬.‫صربا وسبا وشتما‬
He opened the door of the nightclub and asked him to pay
for the entry ticket. : ‫ خطا واثقا وقد قرر في داخله‬.‫المترامية‬
The poet turned right and left to his two friends. He found .‫ أبدا لن أعزف عن ركوب الخيل‬-
no support from them.
They knew he was wrong.
He raised his voice shouting and threatening the security
‫اجتمعت جمعية الحيوان في دورة استثنائية لتدارس‬
- Don't you know who you're talking to?? ‫ لكن‬.‫مشاكلها والتخطيط لألفق القريب والمتوسط والبعيد‬
-No 0
- You are speaking to the greatest modernist poets in the ‫ في البداية اعتبر األمر عاديا فألنه حمار البد أن‬.‫الحمار تخلف‬
The person in charge of security continued to control ‫ وألنه ال يستطيع التمرد على صاحبه والحضور في‬.‫يتخلف‬
himself, and then blood spurted in the poet's body ‫ مسرعة‬.‫ أرسلوا األرنب باحثة عنه‬.‫ لكن الحمار تخلف‬.‫الوقت‬
- Unfortunately, we only know the poets of pre-Islamic
times. . ‫ اتصلوا هاتفيا بالفالح‬.‫ ال أثر للحمار‬.‫ذهبت ومسرعة عادت‬
‫ وأنه علم من كو اليس‬،‫أخبرهم أن الحمار قد غادر الزريبة باكرا‬
‫ ولم يخف‬.‫الزريبة أن الحمار قد رفس بقوائمه بطاقة الجمعية‬
In the coffin, Satan met him and said to him: ‫بتحريض من أياد‬
- Go back and take all the slaves. ‫الفالح تخوفه من أن يكون الحمار ينشط‬
I was surprised by what he said. Satan added:
- Don't believe their tears, they are crying for you now ‫ قرر األسد أن تفتتح الدورة على أن يخصص‬.‫غريبة خفية‬
They trampled the dirt and raced to the tables of the
.‫شطرها الثاني لما أسماه بمحور الحمار‬
Caliph. .
The coffin shook beneath him. Look out. Boredom ‫حيوانات كثيرة كانت حاضرة جسدا فقط أما عقولها‬
-I must tear apart the pieces of this temptation. .‫فكانت تخطط لتكوين فيدر الية مع الحمار‬
He whispered again
- I must spread the parts of this poem.
Shouted. Al-Qaṭid silenced the cry, sprayed him, and
begged him:
- Don't epileptic.
His screaming didn't stop. Please ask him again: ‫عزوف‬
Do not incite against us the children of Satan. We will
refund you ‫ وماتت معها الحكاية التي بدأتها لي‬،‫اليوم ماتت جدتي‬
Life again. :‫ قالت جدتي‬.‫يوم أمس ولم تتممها‬
But he refused his bribe and pushed his comfort away
from him. Satan rejoiced. To pour ‫ إن القط عاكس األرنب وبلغ الخبر الخز فخرج باحثا‬-
He has a cup, a second, and a third. He became drunk and
asked for death. The procession fled .‫وماتت جدتي‬
Funeral. He wrote a will and dug his grave. He infiltrated ‫سألت أمي تتمة الحكاية فنهرتني وقالت‬
and revealed his secret to the dead.
The cemetery's residents narrate that at night the .‫ عيب يا ولد‬-
exhumation began and rose up
‫وسألت أختي الكبرى فاعتذرت بأنها ال تعرفها وانكبت‬
The remains were collected and a demonstration was
launched towards the Caliph’s palace. . ‫تنجز تمارينها المدرسية‬

Portrait .‫ سألت المعلمة‬،‫وفي الفصل‬

From his wife Anne ‫وبختني ألنني عرقلت‬
The painter prepared dyes and colors. to request
Make him a cup of black coffee and do not try to disturb .‫سير الدرس‬
him. He recommended her
:‫وقالت لي‬
She makes dinner and leaves him his dinner in a pot near
the stove. She was not surprised .‫ اسكت يا قط‬-
His wife, this was his habit when he sought solitude in his
studio. ‫ويوما عابت على فاطمة عينيها المتراقصتين وعيرتها‬
But I was surprised because he entered the studio in .‫وأسمتها أرنبا‬
Manama for the first time. I thought:
- That he was tired of my body and thought of a naked ‫وفي اليوم الموالي عاكست فاطمة وانتظرت قدوم الخز‬
model like that
Models that the studio is crowded with? .‫ ولكنه لم يأت‬،‫ألعرف تتمة الحكاية‬
She was truly jealous of the blonde woman's model ،‫ وعزفت عن زيارة قبر جدتي‬،‫لذا قررت نسيان الحكاية نهائيا‬
The one whose hair falls on her waist and he calls her “Al-
Kawi.” .‫وأكل لحم األرانب وتربية القطط‬
The painter specialized in drawing portraits
And models. He mastered it and it is the reason for his
fame at home. ‫شاعر حداثي‬
Draw a portrait of the homeland.
He whispered to himself. ‫غضب الشاعر حين أوقفه المكلف باألمن عند عتبة‬
Deflowering the white dress in more than one color and
when it started .‫باب الملهى الليلي وطلب منه أن يؤدي ثمن تذكرة الولوج‬
The features of the homeland appear. Smile. But his .‫ لم يجد منهما مؤازرة‬.‫التفت الشاعر يمينا وشماال إلى صديقيه‬
homeland surprised him when it rebuked him, saying:
I'm not "caustic" and I don't want a free portrait. .‫كان يعرفان أنه على ضالل‬
:‫رفع صوته زاعقا ومهددا رجل األمن‬
“A joke” as presented by the TV show’s host ‫ أال تعرف من تكلم؟؟‬-
Smiling at the young poet. He greatly regretted accepting
her invitation. Mute ٠‫ال‬-
His anger, and beware of his anger. He struggled to .‫ أنت تكلم أكبر شعراء الحداثة في الوطن‬-
Her questions were enough of a dream and his ‫ظل المكلف باألمن ظابطا نفسه ثم وفور الدم في جسد الشاعر‬
interrogator was considered a bad babysitter
.‫ نحن ال نعرف إال شعراء الجاهلية‬،‫ لألسف‬-
To be patient with him and bear her ignorance. He did not
forgive himself for his sin
His irreparable presence. Wiping away the dripping sweat
From his forehead due to the sun, which he had never
seen so close to him as today.
Remember that hall full of beautiful girls?
They surrounded him, laughing and repeating obscene ‫مقابلة‬
words, including one of them
:‫ قال له‬،‫في النعش قابله الشيطان‬
His forehead was covered with paint that was not good
for him, and his beard was almost cut off, had it not been .‫ عد وخد كل العبيد‬-
for it
He stared at her with anger, and I understood his :‫ أردف الشيطان‬.‫استغرب من مكلمه‬
meaning. ‫ هم اآلن يبكونك وإذا ما في‬،‫ ال تصدق دموعهم‬-
The interviewee was asking him and he answered taking
into account his statement, “If . . ‫التراب دسوك تسابقوا نحو موائد الخليفة‬
The people said who is a boy? “He is the reason for this
insolence.” :‫ ضجر همس‬. ‫ أطل‬.‫اهتز من تحته النعش‬
With it. .‫ البد أن أمزق أشالء هذه الغواية‬-
The interviewee shocked his hearing when she told him
that he would die in... ‫همس ثانية‬
Twenty-five years old with an explosive placed in his
.‫ ال بد أن انثر أوصال هذا القصيد‬-
holster. Confirm
She has his courage, his heart, and his dignity: :‫ كتم القابض الصرخة ورشاه وترجاه‬.‫صرخ‬
- I don't care when Uday gets up.
And when she told him to wish us before she died. He .‫ ال تصرع‬-
said: :‫ ترجاه مرة أخرى‬.‫لم يتوقف صراخه‬
- I wish I could die as a child, because only children are
poets ‫ سنعيد لك‬. ‫ال تحرض علينا أبناء الشيطان‬
Real n.
.‫الحياة من جديد‬
‫ صب‬.‫ فرح الشيطان‬.‫لكن رفض رشوته ودفع راحته بعيدا عنه‬
‫ فر الموكب‬.‫ ثمال صار وطلب الموت‬.‫له كأسا وثانية وثالثة‬
.‫ اندس وللموتى باح بسره‬.‫ كتب وصية وحفر قبره‬.‫الجنائزي‬
‫ويروي أهل المكان من سكان المقبرة انه ليال بدأ النبش وانتفض‬

Zakaria kept roaming the streets with a pack of cigarettes .‫الرفات وانطلقت مظاهرة نحو قصر الخليفة‬
in his hand
Hoping to sell it in installments. Her income was enough
for him and his mother for the day ‫بورتريه‬
To buy eggs and bread and save the cost of a pack of
‫من زوجته أن‬
cigarettes for tomorrow. All income
Cafes, but no one spoke to him or bought from him, as ‫ طلب‬.‫حضر الرسام األصباغ واأللوان‬
they were the pioneers
They sit at their tables with their elegant, colorful boxes in ‫ أوصاها‬.‫تهيئ له فنجان القهوة السوداء وأن ال تحاول إزعاجه‬
front of them. noon,
Nearby, a sandwich seller, Zakaria felt hungry, so he ‫ لم تستغرب‬.‫بان تتعشى وتترك له عشاءه في إناء قرب الموقد‬
stopped for a long time ،‫زوجته فقد كانت تلك عادته عندما ينشد الخلوة في مرسمه‬
In front of the store, he watches the customers as they
eat. Pay attention to the cigarette pack and drive :‫ فكرت‬.‫وإنما استغربت لدخوله المرسم بالمنامة ألول مرة‬
Sweat soaked between his little hands. The sun was
‫ أن يكون قد سئم جسدي وفكر في موديل عار من تلك‬-
leaning towards
Its west. He counted the five dirhams he was able to save ‫الموديالت التي يغص بها المرسم ؟‬
in a day
complete. He was so tired and on the sidewalk he sat ‫كانت تشعر بغيرة حقيقية من موديل المرأة الشقراء‬
resting with his eyes wide open ." ‫التي ينسدل شعرها على خاصرتها ويسميها هو "الكاوية‬
Stunningly, stylish boys with stylish schoolbags cross
The Road. He took out the lighter, lit a cigarette, and ‫كان الرسام متخصصا في رسم البورتريهات‬
dreamed of nothing else
.‫ يتقنها وهي سبب شهرته المكتسبة في الوطن‬.‫والموديالت‬
Sitting at a table in a café sipping tea with a pack of
cigarettes in front of him .‫رسم بورتريها للوطن‬
.‫هجس لنفسه‬
Ar********************************** Y ‫فض بكارة الثوب األبيض بأكثر من لون وحين بدأت‬
Many dreamed of her, and her body remained the
fulfillment and ultimate goal of their dreams :‫ لكن وطنه فاجأه حين نهره قائال‬.‫مالمح الوطن تتبدى ابتسم‬
-If she gives herself to me just for one night.
.‫لست " الكاوية " وال أريد بورتريها بالمجان‬
It happens to everyone the same.
But she married a junk seller. They envied him for her.
And after
During her marriage, she worked in a tailoring and sewing ‫تلفزيون‬
factory run by an investor ‫" طرفة" لما قدمته منشطة البرنامج التلفزيوني‬
German, and her beauty increased. The investor bribed
her and promoted her more than once ‫ كتم‬.‫ ندم كثيرا على قبوله دعوتها‬.‫مبتسمة بالشاعر الشاب‬
He eased her fatigue and promised her many beautiful
things. However, he did not succeed ‫ جاهد نفسه ليجيب عن‬.‫ واحترس من سورة غضبه‬،‫سخطه‬
With it. Her poverty was her wealth, and her beauty was a ‫أسئلتها بما يكفي من الحلم واعتبر مستجوبته جليس سوء ينبغي‬
possession that she did not give to anyone else
Her husband is a junk seller whose tan is mesmerizing. ‫ ولم يسامح نفسه على ذنب‬.‫أن يصبر عليه وأن يحتمل جهلها‬
The number of dreamers increased
‫ مسح العرق المتصبب‬.‫حضوره الذي ال يقوى على إصالحه‬
And imagine her naked at night in his arms.
Even the sudden flood that invaded the “Al-Malha .‫من جبهته بفعل تلك الشمس التي لم يرها قريبة منه مثل اليوم‬
Its torrents swept away homes and people who loved it. ‫تذكر تلك القاعة المليئة بالغواني الالئي‬
She was sleeping next to her baby ‫أحطن به ضاحكات ومرددات كالما بذيئا وإحداهن‬
When she was surprised by the torrent that broke into the
humble room. I paid attention ‫مسدت جبهته بطالء غير سحنته وكاد مقصا يلهو بلحيته لوال‬
She was late and her liver did not allow her to escape and
.‫أنه حذق فيها بحنق فهمت مغزاه‬
save herself without...
Her baby. The flood took revenge on her and did not have ‫كانت المستجوبة تسأله وهو يجيب معتبرا قوله " إذا‬
mercy on her.
Near the "White Arches" he found her dead the next day " ‫القوم قالوا من فتى؟ " هو السبب في هاته الوقاحة التي‬
The floods stripped her of her clothes and exposed her as .‫بها‬
many had dreamed of.
‫صدمت المستجوبة سمعه حين أخبرته أنه سيموت في‬

migration ‫ أكد‬.‫الخامسة والعشرين من عمره بمتفجر يوضع له في جرابه‬

He folded the cardboard and thought about making a :‫لها شجاعته وقلبه واجل‬
canoe. difficult
He was ordered to cancel the work and tried, but he did .‫ أنا ال أحفل متى قام عودي‬-
not succeed. Didn't succeed
:‫ قال‬.‫ولما قالت له تمن علينا قبل أن تموت‬
Many times it took his time and nerves. when he was
When he was in elementary school, he used to build boats ‫ أتمنى أن أموت طفال فوحدهم األطفال شعراء‬-
and airplanes
And the ship and many other things. He forgot all this . ‫حقيقيو ن‬
while thinking about making
Boat only. However he couldn't. He sought help from his
young son:
- Can you make a falsehood?
The little one replied:
- And with a sail too.
- Show me how you do.
The little boy started making the boat while the father
was watching him. And when he finished
They smiled together. At night, when the son slept, the
father opened his wallet and went out
He took the dough and made a man who looked like him
and hid it in the inner pocket of his jacket.
In the morning at rest station, the father did not leave for
‫ظل زكرياء يجوب الشوارع وعلبة السجائر في يده‬
class. Saghr River
He ordered them to leave quickly. He opened the ‫ كان دخلها كافيا له وألمه في اليوم‬.‫أمال في بيعها بالتقسيط‬
classroom closet and took out something.
the world. Put it on his desk. Put the man who looks like ‫ دخل كل‬.‫لشراء البيض والخبز وتوفير ثمن علبة السجائر للغد‬
him in ‫المقاهي لكن أحدا لم يكلمه أو يشتري منه فقد كان الرواد‬
The boat directed the boat towards the other side of the
sea and became ،‫ ظهرا‬.‫يجلسون إلى طاوالتهم وأمامهم علبهم األنيقة الملونة‬
‫وقرب بائع ساندويتشات أحس زكرياء بالجوع فتوقف كثيرا‬
The spring season passed quickly, and the features of the ‫ انتبه إلى علبة السجائر وقد‬.‫أمام المحل يتابع الزبناء وهم يأكلون‬
heat season appeared.
The farmers in the desert rolled up their sleeves in ‫ كانت الشمس تميل نحو‬.‫ابتلت عرقا بين يديه الصغيرتين‬
preparation for the harvest ‫ عد الدراهم الخمسة التي استطاع أن يوفرها طيلة يوم‬.‫مغربها‬
Planted crops, and holding weddings. Avoid clothes with
sleeves ‫ هده العياء وعلى الرصيف جلس يستريح وعيناه‬.‫كامل‬
People in the urban areas, dressed
Their shorts. But the surprise silenced everyone. F " ‫مشدودتان إلى الصبية األنيقين بحقائب مدرسية أنيقة يعبرون‬
March, April and May remained at a sit-in in front of the ‫ أخرج الوالعة وأشعل سيجارة ولم يحلم بشيء غير‬.‫الطريق‬
Parliament headquarters
They thus presented an ugly picture - according to officials ‫الجلوس إلى طاولة في المقهى يرتشف شايا وأمامه علبة سجائر‬
- of his face
Spring at home. Autumn came and the peasants plowed
their land again
Young children went to school and the leaves turned
yellow ‫عري‬
And it fell. The students studied the merits of the classes, ‫ وظل جسدها مبلغ غايتهم ومنتهى‬،‫كثيرون حلموا بها‬
but their teachers were...
They avoid updating them about spring. Winter came and .‫ لو تهبني نفسها ليلة واحدة فقط‬-
the floods increased
.‫يحدث كل واحد نفسه‬
The valleys returned to their sources, the valleys opened,
and the mountains turned white ‫ وبعد‬.‫ حسدوه عليها‬. ‫لكنها هي تزوجت من بائع خردة‬
With snow, people waited for spring but it did not come.
In March and April ‫زواجها اشتغلت في مصنع للفصالة والخياطة يديره مستثمر‬
In May, they were still near the parliament headquarters, ‫ رشاها المستثمر ورقاها غير ما مرة‬.‫ وزاد جمالها‬،‫ألماني‬
and their error had reached the point of extreme
The degree of their hunger strike. ‫ ومع ذلك لم يظفر‬.‫وخفف تعبها ووعدها بأشياء كثيرة وجميلة‬
The order of the Hijri year was also disturbed, and
Shaaban was disrupted ‫ وجمالها كان ملكا لم تهبه أحدا غير‬،‫ فقرها كان غناها‬.‫بها‬
And Ramadan and Shawwal ‫ وزاد عدد الحالمين بها‬.‫زوجها بائع الخردة الذي تفتن سمرته‬
People broke their fast that year and did not celebrate
Eid, and the children remained silent .‫وتخيلوها ليال عارية بين أحضانه‬
If they asked about their suits and cakes and no one
"‫حتى الطوفان المباغت الذي داهم "دوار الملحة‬
answered them.
I predicted the rest of the months of the year from those ‫ كانت تنام قرب رضيعها‬.‫وجرفت سيوله البيوت والناس عشقها‬
responsible for history
The calendar is to hold the angry months accountable and ‫ انتبهت‬.‫حين باغتها السيل الجارف وقد اقتحم الغرفة الوضيعة‬
find out the reason for their protest
That didn't happen. The rain continued to fall day and ‫متأخرة ولم تطاوعها كبدها على الهروب والنجاة بنفسها دون‬
night .‫ وانتقم منها الطوفان ولم يرحمها‬.‫رضيعها‬
The flood approached, and the people were not greatly
afraid. Except that he was the only one ‫وقرب " القناطر البيضاء" وجدها في الغد ميتة وقد‬
We are certain of his death in the month of August, as
.‫جردتها السيول من ثيابها وعرتها كما حلم بها كثيرون‬
long as...
He does not master the art of tourism.

The lion was very hurt when he heard the Forest Council's ‫هجرة‬
decision to exempt him from his duties
His tasks. He almost cried. He said secretly: ‫ استعصى‬.‫طوى الورق المقوى وفكر في صنع زورق‬
- Everything is easy except the gloating of enemies.
‫ لم ينجح في‬.‫ لكنه لم ينجح‬،‫عليه األمر فسخ المصنوع وحاول‬
As for his enemies, they said:
- He will commit suicide inevitably. ‫ عندما كان‬.‫المرات الكثيرة التي استغرقت وقته وأعصابه‬
While those who were with him because he was riding
were with someone else ‫صغيرا في المدرسة االبتدائية كان يصنع الزورق والطائرة‬
Because he came down, and they said: ‫ نسي كل هذا وهو يفكر في صنع‬.‫والباخرة وأشياء أخرى كثيرة‬
-For every order there is a book.
- There is no security in the world. :‫ استعان بابنه الصغير‬.‫ ومع ذلك لم يستطيع‬.‫زورق فقط‬
- “It doesn’t last.”
.‫ هل تستطيع ان تصنع زورا‬-
In his den, the lion cried secretly and did not recover. And
the lioness prevented him :‫رد الصغير‬
That night, they said to the lions:
- Our father was a good man. .‫ وبشراع أيضا‬-
The animals remained in the forest, unable to believe .‫ أرني كيف تفعل‬-
what had happened, alone
The donkey's chest tightened with happiness. He threw ‫ ولما انتهى‬.‫صار الصغير يصنع الزورق واألب يراقبه‬
away the burdah and lay on his back
And in the dirt there are dates and dreams: ‫ وليال عندما نام االبن فتح األب محفظته واخرج‬.‫ابتسما معا‬
- If the Forest Council elects me instead of Assad. .‫العجين وصنع رجال يشبهه وخبأه في الجيب الداخلي لسترته‬
‫ نهر الصغر‬.‫صباحا في قرة االستراحة لم يغادر األب لفصل‬
.‫ فتح خزانة الفصل وأخرج خر‬.‫وأمرهم بالخروج بسرعة‬
‫ وضع الرجل الذي يشبهه في‬.‫ وضعها على مكتبه‬.‫العالم‬
Hajj Najib is a professional gossip, but he only starts his
gossip ‫الزورق ووجه الزورق باتجاه الضفة األخرى من البحر وصار‬
With a special request for forgiveness, he mentions it
immediately after the name of the person he is thinking
about ‫اعتصام‬
His anatomy. It begins:
.‫ وتبدت مالمح فصل الحر‬،‫مر فصل الربيع مسرعا‬
- So-and-so - May God allow us to mention him......
R. And, grill it and eat it once in a while ‫شمر الفالحون في البوادي عن سواعدهم استعدادا لحصد‬
Then he immerses himself in cutting it into pieces
It ends with a strong ba ‫ عن المالبس ذات األكمام تخلى‬.‫ وإقامة األعراس‬،‫المزروع‬
- May God allow us. We don't talk about it, but everyone ‫ ولبسوا‬،‫الناس في الحواضر‬
mentions it
With his actions. " ‫ ف‬.‫ لكن المفاجأة أخرست الجميع‬.‫سراويلهم القصيرة‬
Hajj Najib claims that he does not speak to anyone about
another person unless he is ‫مارس" و"أبريل" و"مايو" ظلوا معتصمين أمام مقر البرلمان‬
The first is trust. But his friends abandoned him and ‫ عن وجه‬- ‫ حسب المسؤولين‬- ‫وقدموا بذلك صورة قبيحة‬
started avoiding him. And once
He found them gathered at a table in the café and ‫ وجاء الخريف وحرث الفالحون أرضهم ثانية‬.‫الربيع في الوطن‬
‫والتحق األطفال الصغار بالمدارس واصفرت أوراق الشجر‬
- Of course they are talking about me.
He hesitated before joining them, saying: ‫ لكن معلميهم كانوا‬،‫ ودرس التالميذ مزايا الفصول‬.‫وتساقطت‬
- I'm telling you about me.
‫وجاء الشتاء وتكاثرت السيول‬. ‫يتحاشون تحديثهم عن الربيع‬
The poem eluded him. He had not written for more than ‫وعادت األودية إلى منابعها وتفتقت الرتوق وابيضت الجبال‬
two years. ‫ فمارس وأبريل‬.‫ وانتظر الناس الربيع لكنه لم يأت‬،‫بالثلوج‬
He felt afraid within himself:
- Readers will forget me. ‫ومايو كانوا ال يزالون قرب مقر البرلمان وبلغ تماديهم في غيهم‬
He took a sip from his cup of strong tea and was stung by
.‫درجة إضرابهم عن الطعام‬
the heat.
He reached for the cup of water and brought it to his ‫واختل ترتيب السنة الهجرية أيضا وتعطل شعبان‬
mouth. He played it all. He took out his lighter
Red plastic and lit a cigarette. Think about the poem ‫ورمضان وشوال‬
Remained ‫وافطر الناس تلك السنة ولم يحتفلوا بالعيد وصمت األطفال بعد‬
Suddenly he shouted:
- I found it. Eureka. I found the poem. .‫ان سألوا عن بذلهم والكعك ولم يجبهم أحد‬
He looked at his things and arranged them. He took a pen
‫توقعت بقية شهور السنة من المسؤولين عن التاريخ‬
and paper and started writing:
“The cigarette is watery ‫والتقويم مساءلة الشهور الغاضبة ومعرفة سبب اعتصامها لكن‬
And tea is a lighter
Red is our cup. ‫ واستمرت األمطار في التساقط ليال ونهارا‬.‫ذلك لم يحدث‬
And the keys smoke ‫ إال أن الوحيد الذي كان‬.‫واقترب الطوفان ولم خف الناس كثيرا‬
Puff your tobacco
Blow out ‫متيقنا من موته هو شهر "غشت" مادام‬
"The chairs are vacant."
.‫ال يتقن فن السياحة‬
He smiled with joy at the birth of the poem, and thought
about publishing it. But he
He quickly retreated and whispered to himself:
Critics' treatment is broken and exhausted, and they may ‫شماتة‬
not realize the depth of it ‫تألم األسد كثيرا لما بلغه قرار مجلس الغابة بإعفائه من‬
This poem.
:‫ قال سرا‬.‫ كاد يبكي‬.‫مهامه‬
Here is Radio Samira: on the night programmes. .‫ كل شيء يهون غير شماتة األعداء‬-
The presenter says: : ‫أما أعداؤه فقالوا‬
Welcome our overseas workers.
Echo bounces: .‫ سينتحر ال محالة‬-
- No, welcome to our workers inside.
‫بينما الذين كانوا معه ألنه كان راكبا وصاروا مع غيره‬
The broadcaster continues:
- We leave you - our workers abroad - with. . :‫ فقالوا‬،‫ألنه نزل‬
The technician interrupts her:
“As for our workers inside, we left them at the welcome.” .‫لكل أجل كتاب‬-
The broadcaster hides her anger and returns: .‫ ليس للدنيا أمان‬-
A song about love
- We leave you our overseas workers with ."‫ "مادايمش‬-
And alienation and...
‫ واللبؤة تمنعت عنه‬.‫في عرينه بكى األسد خفية ولم يبن‬
There is a singing link with Cairo Radio with the singer
Great . . . :‫ليلتها وألشبال قالوا‬
Here is “Samira” and there is “Cairo”:
Cairo is oppressive and Samira is oppressed. .‫ كان أبونا رجال صالحا‬-
And between here and there there is news - in a magazine ‫ وحده‬،‫ظلت الحيوانات في الغابة غير مصدقة ما حدث‬
with many pictures
And smiles - did ‫ استلقى على ظهره‬،‫ ألقى البردعة‬.‫الحمار ضاق صدره بسعادته‬
It is broadcast by Samira Radio, neither Cairo Radio nor
Ahal Radio :‫وفي التراب تمر غ وحلم‬
Samira. .‫ لو ينتخبني مجلس الغابة بدال عن األسد‬-
The news says:
Dear Bulldog:
Congratulations on your acquittal of the charge attributed
to you
In alleging that you incite corruption in your home with
********** n Moroccan Samira.
M and the Saudi S.S., who committed suicide by throwing ‫ لكنه ال يبدأ نميمته إال‬،‫الحاج نجيب نمام محترف‬
herself from the balcony of your house
Al-Masoun 000. ‫باستغفار خاص يورده مباشرة بعد اسم الشخص الذي يفكر في‬
A child who likes the myth asks:
:‫ يستهل‬.‫تشريحه‬
-And where was Samira buried?
- In the hearts, the lover answers him. ......‫ هللا يسمح لنا من ذكره‬- ‫ فالن‬-
Are hearts dug up and the dead buried in them?
- When you grow up, my son, and you fall in love with ‫ وشويه وأكله وحين‬،‫ و ء‬.‫ر‬
Samira. And she leaves you ‫ثم يغرق في تقطيعها ا أشال‬
You live in the East and West, and you practice the oldest
profession in history with Adens ‫ينتهي يختم بأسعا با‬
A man in geography.
‫ لكن كل واحد يذكر‬،‫ نحن ال نتكلم فيه‬.‫ هللا يسمح لنا‬-
You will know what it means for the heart to be a grave.
The child shuts up for a long time, then begins to .‫بأفعاله‬
dismantle the pieces of the radio. .
‫ويزعم الحاج نجيب أنه ال يكلم أحدا عن ثان إال إذا كان‬
wilt ‫ ومرة‬.‫ لكن أصدقاءه هجروه وصاروا يتحاشونه‬.‫األول ثقة‬
He held out the rose and smiled.
The rose said to her: :‫وجدهم متحلقين إلى طاولة في المقهى فكر‬
- Don't believe him, he's a liar.
.‫ بالتأكيد هم يتكلمون عني‬-
As for her, she kissed him on the cheek and he became
ecstatic. :‫تردد قبل أن يلتحق بهم قائال‬
The rose said to him:
- Don't believe her, because she has remnants of his cheek .‫ أنا أحدثكم عني‬-
on her lips.
She put the rose aside on the bed and held it out to him
Her hand. I clashed ‫إبداع‬
Their hands. kiss her. He swallowed her saliva and hugged
her to him. She groaned. Slow down. .‫منذ أزيد من سنتين لم يكتب‬. ‫استعصت عليه القصيدة‬
They started talking. :‫أوجس في نفسه خيفة‬
His hand was fidgeting with her hair. And her hand is tired
With the hairs on his chest. .‫ سينساني القراء‬-
- I love you. she told him.
.‫ارتشف رشفة من كأس الشاي المنعنع فلسعته حرارته‬
- Not as big as my love. Reply to her.
- Julio's music, in his broken French, was a witness ‫أخرج والعته‬. ‫ عبه كله‬.‫مد يده إلى كوب الماء قربه من فمه‬
On them. When they woke up, they found that the rose
had withered. The rose said: ‫ فكر في القصيدة ظلت‬. ‫البالستيكية الحمراء فأشعل سيجارة‬
- Your honesty and your lies make me shudder. :‫مستعصية عليه فجأة صاح‬

bullets .‫ وجدت القصيدة‬.‫ أوريكا‬.‫ وجدتها‬-

Yasser wondered after he heard the news of his father’s
:‫ أخد ورقة وقلما وصار يكتب‬.‫نظر إلى أشيائه رتبها‬
death by a bullet
policeman: ‫"السيجارة مائي‬
- How can bullets kill??
He repeated the question to himself more than once. ‫والشاي والعة‬
Then think: .‫الحمرة كوبنا‬
His older brother works in a lead casting company
He returns home every evening safe and sound. His aunt ‫والمفاتيح دخان‬
The golden one is when women visit it to read fortunes ‫انفث تبغك‬
for them or tell them fortunes ‫انفث‬
A piece of lead. Melt it over the “fakher” then
Suhoor is preparing "‫فالكراسي شاغرة‬
You put it in a plate filled with flour to hide it. through
‫ لكنه‬.‫ وفي نشرها فكر‬،‫ابتسم فرحا بميالد القصيدة‬
The new shape of the piece of lead tells them what is and
what is possible :‫سرعان ما تراجع و هجس لنفسه‬
In no way.
His white pencil decorated with colorful butterflies didn't ‫ النقاد أ داوتهم معطلة ومستهلكة وقد ال يدركون عمق‬-
That kills a leaf or a butterfly. .‫هذه القصيدة‬
He became tired of thinking and did not find out the
secret of the deadly bullets.
When he shot his friend while they were playing... ‫إذاعات‬
Ashura” and his friend did not die, the secret came to him
.‫ في برامج الليل‬: " ‫هنا إذاعة "سميرة‬
Bullets must come from a gun. :‫تقول المذيعة‬

Her condition made her inform her parents and learn .‫مرحبا بعمالنا في الخارج‬
about their specializations. :‫يرتد الصدى‬
And when they brought it to the master of worship, the
righteous governor, who was sitting there in... .‫ ال مرحبا بعمالنا في الداخل‬-
“Al Mahsar” mountain, I was very happy. She brought him
:‫تستطرد المذيعة‬
candles and a red rooster
And black and sugar cubes and 00 and . .‫ مع‬- ‫ عمالنا بالخارج‬- ‫ نترككم‬-
I visited him many times. He might be able to
He gives her the “baby” she has been waiting for so long. :‫يقاطعها التقني‬
She lost her infertility, " ‫ " أما عمالنا بالداخل فقد تركناهم عند الترحيب‬-
And her concerns about her husband’s second marriage
and his constant, unjustified anger. :‫ وتعود‬،‫تخفي المذيعة حنقها‬
The last time she visited Sayed Al-Abed to spend the night
‫أغنية عن العشق‬
there, as women advised her
Dizzy, she was surprised by Alo coming forward and telling ‫ نترككم عمالنا في الخارج مع‬-
I intend well, my daughter, for the “Master of the Barren” ... ‫والغربة و‬
has unlimited blessings. ‫هناك إذاعة القاهرة في وصلة غنائية مع المطرب‬
Stomachs . . . ‫الكبير‬
The Taghlibi child said, flipping through the newspaper in
search of pictures : "‫وهنا "سميرة "وهناك " القاهرة‬
Colorful: .‫القاهرة قاهرة وسميرة مقهورة‬
- They fled from my leprosy.
The frowning child said, shining a man's worn-out shoes ‫ في مجلة كثيرة الصور‬- ‫وبين هنا وهناك خبر‬
Belly: They called me black.
‫ لم‬- ‫واالبتسامات‬
The lion child said, his little hand climbing onto the roof of
the car ‫تذعه إذاعة سميرة وال إذاعة القاهرة وال إذاعة أهل‬
The luxury he was washing: They called me stingy.
The Al-Humairi child said while searching a large garbage .‫سميرة‬
dump: : ‫يقول الخبر‬
They say I have no father.
When they were taken to court for not caring about :‫"عزيزي بلدغ‬
Childhood Day
‫هنيئا لك بالبراءة من التهمة التي نسبت إليك والمتمثلة‬
The judge asked them:
- Why were you arrested? .‫في الزعم بتحريضك على الفساد في بيتك بين المغربية سميرة‬
The Absi child replied:
- Because we hate adults. ‫س والتي انتحرت برمي نفسها من شرفة بيتك‬.‫م والسعودي س‬
His friends echoed: . ٠٠٠ ‫المصونو‬
- Because we hate adults.
- And these knives and swords in front of me, are they :‫ويسأل طفل تعجبه الخرافة‬
to you. . ‫ و أين دفنت سميرة‬-
Al-Taghalibi thought of exonerating his friends. .‫ في القلوب يجيبه العاشق‬-
- She is mine alone.
Al-Asadi, Al-Himyari and Al-Absi said in one voice: ‫ وهل القلوب تحفر ويدفن فيها األموات؟‬-
- No, it is for all of us.
‫ وتغادرك‬.‫ حين تكبر يا ولدي وتعشق سميرة‬-
The judge turned to his right, staring up at the far end of
the hall ‫سميرتك شرقا أوغربا وتحترف أقدم مهنة في التاريخ مع أدنس‬
His voice is threatening:
- Don't you know they are weapons?? .‫رجل في الجغرافيا‬
We know.
-And it is forbidden b .‫ستعرف ما معنى أن يكون القلب قبرا‬
- We do not know. . . ‫ ثم يشرع في فك قطع المذياع‬،‫يخرس الطفل طويال‬
- I will lock you up.
After that they didn't speak. The judge kept asking them
and they did not answer.
He ran out of patience. He hit the platform with his
hammer with volumetric blows .‫مد الوردة وابتسم‬
The anger he couldn't contain. He said:
-You have no words, or do you abstain? :‫قالت لها الوردة‬
- We will talk when you return our knives and our swords .‫ ال تصديقه فهو كاذب‬-
to us.
.‫أما هي فقبلته في خده وانتشى‬
:‫قالت له الوردة‬
When he was transferred to retirement, he decided to
start praying .‫ ففي شفاهها بقايا من خده‬،‫ ال تصدقها‬-
He begins a new journey between his home and the
mosque five times a day. ‫وضعت الوردة جانبا على السرير ومدت له‬
But he couldn't give up his old habit of wandering around ‫ اشتبكت‬.‫يدها‬
Scrap markets. He would pray the afternoon prayer in a
hurry, then run to .‫ خمدا‬.‫ تأوها‬.‫ ابتلع ريقها ضمها إليه‬.‫ قبلها‬.‫أيديهما‬
Al-Joutia. He did not like the increase in prices that
.‫صار يتحدثان‬
affected things
Used until the price became stinging. ‫ ويدها تعبت‬.‫كانت يده تعبت بخصالت شعرها‬
A clothing seller was surprised by a strange and different
outfit .‫بشعيرات صدره‬
Much used: The seller asked: .‫ قالت له‬.‫ أحبك‬-
-Women or men?
- together. Seller replied. .‫ رد عليها‬.‫ ليس بحجم حبي‬-
He was surprised by the price, which was cheaper than he
expected, and when he asked him about it ‫ كانت موسيقى " خوليو "بفرنسيته الركيكة شاهدة‬-
Name of the dress the seller said: :‫ قالت الوردة‬.‫ ولما انتبها وجدا الوردة ذبلت‬.‫عليهما‬
- chivalry . His name is Nakhwa.
He threw him down because he knew how to wear them .‫ أذبلني صدقي وكذبكما‬-
and walked away. He was
The seller follows him with a hoarse voice:
- I assure you, sir, that it is Arab chivalry. ‫رصاص‬

feelings ‫تساءل ياسر بعد أن بلغه نبأ وفاة أبيه برصاصة‬

He didn't know what he had done until a slap landed on :‫شرطي‬
his cheek
The fat policeman was followed by kicks, insults, and... ‫ كيف يمكن للرصاص أن يقتل؟؟‬-
Her count is no longer mentioned
:‫ ثم فكر‬.‫ردد السؤال ل أكثر من مرة في داخله‬
He fell to the ground. Fainted. In the hospital when it
opened ‫أخوه األكبر يشتغل في شركة لسبك الرصاص ومع‬
His eyes became heavy, and his wife sighed and
whispered in an audible voice: ‫ خالته الحاجة‬.‫ذلك يعود كل مساء إلى المنزل سالما ومعافى‬
“Thank God.” I asked him: ‫الذهبية عندما تزورها النسوة لتقرأ لهن الطالع أو تفسخ عنهن‬
- What do you feel?
- With patriotism. ‫ تصهرها فوق " الفاخر " ثم‬.‫قطعة رصاص‬

I m for it ‫السحور تحضر‬

Al-Hajjaj Ben Youssef's friends do not mention that he ‫ ومن خالل‬. ‫تدسها في طبق الحلفاء المليء بالدقيق لتخبو فيه‬
participated in a demonstration
Students in their college years, unless it is related to a ‫التشكل الجديد لقطعة الرصاص تخبرهن بالكائن وبالممكن‬
study scholarship. And why
He visits the university district once, except to see his old
school fans ‫قلم رصاصه األبيض المزين بفراشات ملونة لم يحدث‬
A remote mountain in the countryside. His teachers loved .‫أن قتل ورقة أو فراشة‬
For his limitless diligence. His merits are always .‫أعياه التفكير ولم يهتد لسر الرصاص القاتل‬
honorable. As for " ‫حين أطلق رصاصة على صديقه وهما يلعبان في‬
The head of the division was completely satisfied with him
because he stood beside him in the mosque :‫ جاءه السر طائعا‬،‫عاشوراء " ولم يمت صديقه‬
During afternoon prayer.
.‫البد للرصاص من بندقية‬
When he graduated, he received a scholarship to continue
studying in France.
He studied Hebrew there, where he specialized. His
superiority is proven by testimony ،‫حالتها جعلتها تخبر األولياء وتعرف تخصصاتهم‬
The doctorate he brought back from years of cold and ‫وحين دلوها على سيد العابد الوالي الصالح الرابض هناك في‬
dishwashing to
Home dreaming of a position in college. But his hope was ‫ حملت إليه الشمو ع وديكة حمراء‬.‫جبل "المحصر"فرحت كثيرا‬
‫و‬٠٠ ‫وسوداء وقوالب سكر و‬
His unemployment period lasted for a long time, and he
started smoking and frequenting cafes, and he left ‫ ربما يكون قادرا على أن‬. ‫ترددت عليه مرات كثيرة‬
Prayer and.
He applied for the security deans competition and ،‫ فقد هدها العقم‬.‫يهبها" المولود "الذي طالما انتظرته‬
succeeded. He graduated as dean. .‫وتوجساتها من زواج ثان لزوجها وغضبه الدائم غير المبرر‬
was receiving
He implements orders and advances, and in every difficult ‫في آخر مرة زارت سيد العابد لتبيت هناك كما نصحتها نسوة‬
vice, he says:
:‫ فوجئت بمقدم الو الي يقول لها‬، ‫الدوار‬
- I m for it.
Whenever the governor’s phone rang in his office, he .‫انوي خيرا يابنتي ف "سيد العاقر "بركاته ال حد لها‬
expected him to say to him:
- Who goes to university??
But that didn't happen. ‫بطون‬
writing ‫ وهو يقلب الجريدة بحثا عن صور‬،‫قال الطفل التغلبي‬
In the desert, near the entrance to his tent, Nabih sat
smoking :‫ملونة‬
A smuggled blonde cigarette, arrows scattered around .‫ نفروا من برصي‬-
him. Some of them were
Broken and some have traces of recent spills. The man ‫ وهو يلمع حذاء رجل متهدل‬،‫قال الطفل العبسي‬
told him
.‫ عيروني بسواد لوني‬:‫الكرش‬
The skinny, bare-chested, defenseless man whose name
was beautiful: ‫ ويده الصغيرة تتسلق سطح السيارة‬،‫قال الطفل األسدي‬
Nabih, who gave you permission to marry Buthaina?
- Who gave you permission to look after her despite our .‫ بالبخل نعتوني‬:‫الفخمة التي كان يغسلها‬
marriage? :‫قال الطفل الحميري وهو يفتش في مقلب قمامة كبير‬
His Prophet replied when he was standing:
- I am more worthy of it than you. Jamil said in a shaky . ‫يقولون إن ال أب لي‬
‫لما سيقوا الى المحكمة لعدم اكتراثهم بعيد الطفولة‬
Your marriage to her will only be a cover for her shame.
- She loves me, you bastard. :‫سألهم القاضي‬
Then their prophet is
them***************************** ‫ لماذا تم القبض عليكم؟‬-
Nice spanking, except the second one was weak :‫رد الطفل العبسي‬
The first feared that he would kill him. He spat on the
ground and entered his tent. . ‫ ألننا نكره الكبار‬-
Jamil composed one poem after another in Buthaina. And
she didn't care :‫ردد أصدقاؤه‬
She went to him after she had arranged for him to visit .‫ ألننا نكره الكبار‬-
her secretly from her husband.
So he sent his beard to the market and sold the camels, ‫ وهذه السكاكين والسفافيد التي أمامي هل هي ملك‬-
sheep, ghee, and the tent
He immigrated to Europe.
In a bar in Cergy-Pontoise in Paris, Orwa and Qais met him .‫فكر التغلبي في تبرئة أصدقائه‬
And they are
They have poetry collections that they published at their .‫ هي لي وحدي‬-
expense and were written by
cover page :‫قال األسدي والحميري والعبسي بصوت واحد‬
- All rights reserved to the beloved. .‫ هي لنا جميعا‬،‫ ال‬-
They asked him about his condition and he asked them
about the family and the desert and their faces ‫ حدق في أقصى القاعة رفع‬، ‫التفت القاضي إلى يمينه‬
He had a look of extreme sadness.
:‫صوته مهددا‬
Qais said:
- Laila, beautiful, belongs to someone else. ‫ أال تعرفون أنها أسلحة؟؟‬-
Kathir said:
- I contented myself with praying where Azza prayed. .‫نعرف‬
Jamil remained silent. Qais wiped away a tear of ‫ و أنها ممنوعة ب‬-
arrogance that escaped from him. Get out
Diwan from Ibatah Prison, given by Jamil: .‫ ال نعرف‬-
- This is my last collection, and it has my stamp on it.
.‫ سأحبسكم‬-
- Buthaina's seal in my heart, O Qais, and her heart is
mine. .‫ ظل القاضي يسألهم وهم ال يجيبون‬.‫بعدها لم يتكلموا‬
Lots of intervention going on:
How many poems have you written about her? ‫ ضرب بمطرقته على المنصة ضربات بحجم‬.‫نفذ صبره‬
- How many poems have you written about her, Jameel? :‫ قال‬.‫الغضب الذي لم يقوى على كتمه‬
A beautiful response, with the memory of his meeting
with his Prophet in the desert fresh in his eyes: ‫ أم تمتنعون؟‬،‫ ليس لديكم كالم‬-
Nine bottles, that's a lot.
.‫ سنتكلم حين تردون إلينا سكاكيننا وأسفدتنا‬-
The day Ibrahim, the skilled builder, arrived at the
workshop for a stay ‫خردة‬
"Somakotra" ‫حين أحيل على المعا ش قرر أن يشرع في الصالة‬
There in Pierrefitte, the head of the workshops asked him:
-Do you have a certificate proving your experience in .‫ويبدأ رحلة جديدة بين داره والمسجد خمس مرات في اليوم‬
He pointed to his left forearm and said: ‫لكنه لم يستطيع أن يتخلى عن عادته القديمة في التجول في‬
- This is my testimony. ‫ ثم يهرول إلى‬،‫ كان يصلي العصر بعجلة‬.‫أسواق الخردة‬
The workshop manager was satisfied with his eloquent
answer and got to work. ‫ لم يستسغ االرتفاع في األسعار الذي طال األشياء‬.‫الجوطية‬
Abraham endures hunger and conquers his desires for his
.‫المستعملة حتى صار ثمنها السعا‬
He sends one transfer after another. ‫عند بائع أ ثواب أثار انتباهه لباس غريب وغير‬
The workshop work has finished. Abraham broke down.
Be patient with everything :‫ سال البائع‬:‫مستهلك كثيرا‬
Nothing except the Eid sacrifice for his children in the ‫ نسائي أم رجالي ؟‬-
country. And the day of Eid did not
Bitterness leaves him. In the country, his virgin daughter .‫ رد البائع‬.‫ معا‬-
sacrificed herself with a Spaniard
‫فاجأه الثمن الذي كان ارخص مما توقع ولما سأله عن‬
An old woman gave her pizza for dinner and handed her
many colorful bills. :‫اسم اللباس قال البائع‬
His wife donated some of the household furniture and
bought a lamb close to... .‫ اسمه نخوة‬. ‫ نخوة‬-
the earth. ‫ كان‬.‫طرحها أرضا ألنه يعرف كيف يرتديها وابتعد‬
Before the little boy accompanies his father to the :‫البائع يالحقه بصوته المبحوح‬
mosque for Friday prayers
For the first time, his father taught him everything: .‫ أؤكد لك يا سيدي أنها نخوة عربية‬-
ablution, bowing, and prostration
And...the son insisted on reciting the entire Tashahhud in
front of his father. but ‫شعور‬
His father kept reminding him that he should not forget
‫لم يعرف ما الذي فعله حتى نزلت على خده صفعة‬
only two things: two rak'ahs
The greeting is a sanctity of place and silence when the .... ‫تلتها ركالت وسب و‬. ‫الشرطي البدين‬
imam is delivering the sermon.
They entered the mosque and prayed two rak'ahs. The ‫تعدها لم يعد يذكر‬
imam started preaching. to talk
About water, electricity, telephone, internet, and... and... ‫ في المستشفى حين فتح‬.‫ أغمي عليه‬.‫على األرض سقط‬
He fiddles with the cane mat on which he sits :‫عينيه بتثاقل تنهدت زوجته وهمست بصوت مسموع‬
It was the little one
From time to time, he asks his father: :‫" سألته‬.‫ الحمدله‬-
-When will we go home?
‫ بماذا تشعر؟‬-
The father did not answer him. He suppressed his anger
and remained patient. When he left the mosque .‫ بالوطنية‬-
He pulled him violently by the collar of his small cloak. He
shook him and said to him:
- Didn't I tell you not to cancel when the imam is giving ‫أنا لها‬
the sermon??
The little boy replied innocently: ‫ال يذكر أصدقاء الحجاج بن يوسف أنه شارك في مظاهرة‬
- But the Imam was negligent.
‫ ولم‬.‫طالبية في سنوات الكلية إال إذا كانت متعلقة بمنحة الدراسة‬
Infirm ‫يزور الحي الجامعي مرة إال لرؤية محبو بته البضة القديمة من‬
In the nursing home, Mark Twain shares with Zahira bin
Abi Salma ‫ أحبه أساتذته‬.‫جبل بعيد في الريف‬
The cramped and dirty room. They play cards. They fill the ‫ أما‬.‫ استحقاقاته مشرفة دائما‬.‫الجتهاده الذي ال يحد‬
network of words
Contributing. They talk about creativity and its concerns. ‫رئيس الشعبة فقد كان راضيا عنه تماما لوقوفه جنبه في المسجد‬
Their old slogan
.‫أثناء صالة العصر‬
The old man has a relative.
Zahira was in charge of watering and the bottle between . ‫لما تخرج حصل على منحة لمتابعة الدروس بفرنسا‬
them was dying.
Mark surprised him by saying: ‫ تفوقه مثبت على شهادة‬.‫درس العبرية هناك وفيها تخصص‬
- There is no doubt that life would have seemed more ‫الدكتوراه التي عاد بها من سنوات البرد وغسل الصحون إلى‬
beautiful and wonderful if
We were born when we were eighty, and as the years ‫ لكن أمله خاب‬.‫الوطن حالما بمنصب في الكلية‬
passed, we approached the age of eight
ten. ‫وطالت مدة عطالته وصار يدخن ويرتاد المقاهي وترك‬
- Why eighteen? . ‫الصالة و‬
- Because at this age, our hands create everything
beautiful with us .‫ وتخرج عميدا‬.‫تقدم إلى مبارة عمداء األمن ونجح فيها‬
And na.
‫كان يتلقى‬
-And we die when we reach it?
Zaheer asked in amazement. Mark replied trying to :‫األوامر ويطبقها ويرقى وفي كل نائبة مستعصية يقول‬
Be fair in pouring the last of the stuck doses into the
bottle: .‫ أنا لها‬-
- There is nothing in the universe worth surviving yet. :‫وكلما رن في مكتبه هاتف الوالي توقع أن يقول له‬
Zuhair was distracted and tried in vain to compose a
poem. ‫ من للجامعة؟؟‬-
.‫لكن ذلك لم يحدث‬
He found the letter in his mailbox. On the back is written:
- Do you know the sender?
He didn't bother to remember the messy handwriting in ‫كتابة‬
which she wrote ‫ جلس نبيه يدخن‬،‫ وقرب مدخل خيمته‬،‫في الصحراء‬
Phrase. His correspondents are few and his mail is
extremely scarce ‫ كان بعضها‬.‫ وقد انتشرت السهام حوله‬،‫سيجارة شقراء مهربة‬
He whispered to himself:
- I knew you, my love, but your handwriting is ‫ قال له الرجل‬.‫مكسرا وبعضها اآلخر عليه آثار مراق حديثا‬
uneducated. ?? :‫النحيف العاري الصدر واألعزل والذي كان اسمه جميال‬
‫ من أذن لك بالزواج من بثينة؟‬، ‫نبيه‬
‫ ومن أذن لك بالتشبيب بها بالرغم من زواجنا؟‬-
:‫رد نبيه وقد صار واقفا‬
His phone has been muted since her absence, and he no .‫ قال جميل بصوت متهدج‬.‫ أنا أولى منك بها‬-
longer hears that ringing
It almost became part of his little things arranged without .‫ زواجك منها لن يكون غير ستر لعارها‬-
taste or taste .‫ هي تحبني يا نذل‬-
Caring. The only time the phone rang. Jump to him. Stun
him ‫ إال أن الثاني كان هزيال‬، ‫ثم إن نبيها هم بصفع جميل‬
Postal employee's voice:
.‫ بصق على األرض ودخل خيمته‬.‫فخشي األول أن يقتله‬
We regret to inform you of our agency’s intention to stop
your subscription until now ‫ ولم تبالي‬.‫ونظم جميل القصيدة تلو األخرى في بثينة‬
Reconcile your accounting situation.
.‫هي به بعد أن كانت تدبر له أمر زيارته لها خفية من زوجها‬
Incubation ‫فأرسل لحيته حتى صرته وباع النوق والغنم والسمن والخيمة‬
Little Muhammad flogged and tried to appear like a man.
Pregnancy .‫وهاجر لى أوروبا‬
The crying baby Sarah in his little hands. In her mouth he
‫ القاه عروة وقيس‬،‫وفي حانة في " سيرجي بونطواز " بباريس‬
Breast feeding. She was silent. kiss her. ‫وهما‬
He felt something hurt in his chest. He decided:
I must endure. ‫يتأبطان دواوين شعرية أصدروها على نفقتهما وكتبا على‬
The baby fell asleep. Next to her Muhammad lay down. It ‫صفحة الغالف‬
was Sanaa
Watching them together. She refuses to comb her bride's . ‫ كل الحقوق محفوظة للمحبوبة‬-
‫سأاله عن حاله وسألهما عن األهل والصحراء وعلى وجهيهما‬
She said to Ayman:
- Our daughter must sleep. .‫بدت له مالمح حزن فاضح‬
Ayman shrugged his small shoulders. He said:
-We must grow out of this riot. : ‫قال قيس‬
- The riot of young people, which they call “groom and .‫ صارت لغيري‬،‫ يا جميل‬،‫ ليلى‬-
-But we are still young. : ‫قال كثير‬
- Yes, you are, but I am big.
His answer shut her up. She tried to divert him into .‫ اكتفيت بالصالة حيث صلت عزة‬-
another conversation ‫ أخرج‬.‫ مسح قيس دمعة مكابرة انفلتت منه‬،‫بقي جميل صامتا‬
- How happy that groom was with his bride.
She pointed to Muhammad and the baby. Her words : ‫ مده لجميل‬،‫الديوان من سجن إبطه‬
upset him. Decode from
.‫ هذا ديواني األخير وعليه ختمي‬-
In her hands
The doll, he threw it away and left. .‫ وقلبها مناي‬،‫ يا قيس‬،‫ ختم بثينة في قلبي‬-
Behind them all sits a grieving woman who secretly says:
- It is miserable for fathers and mothers when they are :‫تدخل كثير مسايرا‬
able to part with their hearts. ‫ كم كتبت عنها من قصيدة؟‬-
‫ كم كتبت عنها من قصيدة يا جميل ؟‬-
: ‫رد جميل وذكرى لقائه مع نبيه في الصحراء ماثلة بين عينيه‬
.‫تسع قنينات يا كثير‬
a map
The student completed the geography exercise on his
own. He did not seek help ‫أضاحي‬
With someone. He mastered nothing more than drawing a
map of the homeland and its heart ‫ إلى الورشة في إقامة‬،‫ البناء الماهر‬،‫يوم وصل إبراهيم‬
Pierced by an arrow in the middle.
On his neck, the geography teacher's hand fell heavily. " ‫"سوماكوترا‬
The student panicked. : ‫هناك في " بييرفيت " سأله رئيس الورش‬
The teacher asked him:
What did I ask of you? ‫ هل معك شهادة تثبت خبرتك في البناء؟‬-
- Draw the map.
: ‫أشار إلى ساعده األيسر قائال‬
-And without valleys or day.)
Yes, .‫ هذه شهادتي‬-
- Why did you draw this river?
‫‪The student replied while wiping the tears with the back‬‬ ‫اقتنع رئيس الورش بجوابه المفحم وشغله‪.‬‬
‫‪of his palm:‬‬
‫”‪“This is not a river, this is a city.‬‬ ‫يصبر إبراهيم على الجوع ويقهر شهواته وإلى أسرته‬
‫يبعث بالحوالة تلو األخرى‪.‬‬
‫انتهت األشغال بالورش‪ .‬تعطل إبراهيم‪ .‬صبر على كل‬
‫‪In a week........‬‬
‫شيء إال أضحية العيد ألبنائه في " البالد " ‪ .‬ويوم العيد لم‬
‫‪Extra phrase..‬‬
‫‪Yassin and the valley.....‬‬ ‫تغادره المرارة‪ .‬وفي " البالد " ضحت ابنته العذرة مع إسباني‬
‫‪Love lesson...‬‬
‫‪reward.....‬‬ ‫عجوز عشاها " بيتزا " وسلمها أوراقا مالية كثيرة وملونة‪.‬‬
‫‪effrontery......‬‬ ‫وضحت زوجته ببعض من أثاث البيت واشترت حمال قريبا من‬
‫‪bitter.......‬‬ ‫األرض‪.‬‬
‫‪So it is settled..... 0‬‬
‫‪Reluctance...........‬‬ ‫قبل أن يرافق الصغير أباه إلى المسجد لصالة الجمعة‬
‫‪A modernist poet..‬‬
‫‪interview.....‬‬ ‫ألول مرة‪ ،‬علمه أبوه كل شيء‪ :‬الوضوء والركوع والسجود‬
‫‪Portrait....‬‬ ‫و‪ ...‬أصر االبن على أن يستظهر أمام أبيه التشهد كامال‪ .‬لكن‬
‫‪Radio‬‬ ‫أباه ظل ينبهه إلى ضرورة أال ينسى أمرين فقط هما‪ :‬ركعتا‬
‫التحية حرمة للمكان والصمت عندما يكون اإلمام يخطب‪.‬‬
‫‪phone....‬‬ ‫دخال المسجد‪ ،‬صليا الركعتين‪ .‬بدأ اإلمام يخطب‪ .‬تكلم‬
‫عن الماء الكهرباء والهاتف واألنترنت و ‪ ...‬و ‪...‬‬
‫يعبث بقصب الحصير الذي يجلس عليه‬
‫كان الصغير‬
‫وبين فينة وأخرى يسأل أباه ‪:‬‬
‫‪ -‬متى سنعود إلى المنزل ؟‬
‫لم يجبه األب‪ .‬كتم سخطه وصبر‪ .‬لما خرج من المسجد‬
‫شده من ياقة عباءته الصغيرة بعنف‪ .‬هزه وقال له ‪:‬‬
‫‪ -‬ألم أقل لك ال تلغ عندما يكون اإلمام يخطب؟؟‬
‫رد الصغير ببراءة‪:‬‬
‫‪ -‬ولكن اإلمام كان يلغو‪.‬‬

‫في دار العجزة‪ ،‬يقاسم مارك توين زهيرا بن أبي سلمى‬
‫الغرفة الضيقة والمتسخة‪ .‬يلعبان الورق‪ .‬يعبئان شبكة الكلمات‬
‫المسهمة‪ .‬يتحدثان عن اإلبداع وهمومه‪ .‬شعارهما العجوز‬
‫للعجوز نسيب‪.‬‬
‫كان زهيرا مكلفا بالسقاية والزجاجة بينهما تحتضر‪.‬‬
‫فاجأه مارك قائال‪:‬‬
‫‪ -‬من غير شك ان الحياة كانت ستبدو اجمل وأروع لو‬
‫كنا نولد في الثمانين ومع مرور األعوام نقترب من سن الثامنة‬
‫‪ -‬ولماذا الثامنة عشرة؟‬
‫‪ -‬ألن في هذا السن تصنع بنا أيدينا كل شيء جميل‬
‫ور نع‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬ونموت عندما نبلغه؟‬
‫تساءل زهير باستغراب‪ .‬فرد مارك وهو يحاول أن‬
‫يكون عادال في صب آخر جرعات تعطلت في الزجاجة‪:‬‬
‫‪ -‬ليس في الكون ما يستحق البقاء بعد‪.‬‬
‫شرد زهير وعبثا حاول أن ينظم قصيدة‪.‬‬

‫وجد الرسالة في صندوق بريده‪ .‬على ظهرها مكتوب‪:‬‬
‫‪ -‬المرسل هل تعرفه؟؟‬
‫لم يرهق ذهنه لتذكر الخط المرتبك الذي كتبت به‬
‫العبارة‪ .‬فمراسلوه معدودون وبريده شحيح حد العنا‬
‫همس لنفسه‪:‬‬
‫‪ -‬عرفتك يا حبيبتي‪ ،‬لكن خطك من ثقفه‪ .‬؟؟‬

‫خرس هاتفه منذ غيابها‪ ،‬ولم يعد يسمع ذلك الرنين الذي‬
‫كاد يصير جزءا من أشيائه الصغيرة المرتبة بال ذوق وال‬
‫اكتراث‪ .‬المرة الوحيدة التي رن فيها الهاتف‪ .‬نط إليه‪ .‬صعقه‬
‫صوت موظفة البريد‪:‬‬
‫‪ -‬يؤسفنا أن أبلغكم عزم وكالتنا على وقف اشتراككم حتى‬
‫تسووا وضعيتكم الحسابية‪.‬‬

‫تجلد الصغير محمد وحاول أن يبدو رجال‪ .‬حمل‬
‫الرضيعة سارة الباكية في كفيه الصغيرتين‪ .‬في فمها وضع‬
‫الرضاعة‪ .‬سكتت‪ .‬قبلها‪.‬‬
‫أحس بشيء ما يؤلمه في صدره‪ .‬قرر‪:‬‬
‫ال بد أن أتحمل‪.‬‬
‫نامت الرضيعة‪ .‬وبجانبها استلقى محمد‪ .‬كانت سناء‬
‫تراقبهما معا‪ .‬وهي ترفض أن يمشط شعر عروستها‪.‬‬
‫قالت أليمن‪:‬‬
‫‪ -‬بنتنا البد أن تنام‪.‬‬
‫هز أيمن كتفيه الصغيرتين‪ .‬قال‪:‬‬
‫‪ -‬يجب أن نكبر عن هذا الشغب‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬شغب الصغار الذي يسمونه "عريس وعروس "‬
‫‪ -‬لكننا ال زلنا صغارا‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬أنت نعم‪ ،‬أما أنا فكبير‪.‬‬
‫أخرسها جوابه‪ .‬حاولت ان تجنح به إلى حديث آخر‬
‫‪ -‬ما أسعد ذلك العريس بعروسته‪.‬‬
‫وأشارت إلى محمد والرضيعة‪ .‬ضايقه كالمها‪ .‬فك من‬
‫بين يديها‬
‫الدمية وألقى بها بعيدا وانصرف‪.‬‬
‫خلفهم جميعا تجلس امرأة ثكلى في سرها تقول‪:‬‬
‫‪ -‬تعسا لآلباء ولألمهات حين يقوون على فراق أكبادهم‪.‬‬

‫أنجز التلميذ تمرين مادة الجغرافيا لوحده‪ .‬لم يستعن‬
‫بأحد‪ .‬هوال يتقن شيئا أكثر من رسم خريطة الوطن‪ ،‬وقلب‬
‫مخترق بسهم في الوسط‪.‬‬
‫على قفاه‪ ،‬نزلت ثقيلة يد معلم الجغرافيا‪ .‬فزع التلميذ‪.‬‬
‫سأله المعلم‪:‬‬
‫ماذا طلبت منكم؟‬
‫‪ -‬رسم الخريطة‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬وبدون أودية وال أ نهار‪).‬‬
‫‪ -‬لم رسمت إذا هذا النهر‪.‬؟؟‬
‫رد التلميذ وهو يمسح الدموع بظاهر كفه‪:‬‬
‫‪ -‬ليس هذا نهرا‪ ،‬هذه مدينة "‪.‬‬
‫في أسبوع‪........‬‬
‫عبارة زائدة‪..‬‬
‫ياسين والوادي‪.....‬‬
‫درس الحب‪...‬‬
‫فتسوى‪٠ .....‬‬
‫شاعر حداثي‪..‬‬

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