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Hi everyone.

I’m Ngan and today I’ll concentrate on design warehouse management process to resolve
incidents related to brawls between shippers.

Sometimes if the warehouse is not operated strictly and reasonably, it will lead to some conflicts for
shippers. To design warehouse management, we have find 4 problems lead to disputes between

1. Không gian lưu trữ I divide this problem into 2 parts

Disputes over warehouse space between shippers and warehouses:

- Shippers often compete with each other to get the best storage location in the warehouse. Sometimes
there will be some cases of favoritism between shippers (eg: Some shippers will bribe the warehouse
manager at that location).

- Conflicts occur when the goods owner does not deliver the goods on time as agreed upon in the
contract for unexpected reasons (the goods truck has a problem, has an accident, or loses goods while
delivering the goods to the storage warehouse), then if not resolved satisfactorily, it will cause
unnecessary disputes.

- Disputes occur in cases where the warehouse owner is not transparent about changes in storage
location or storage process but does not notify relevant parties, causing misunderstanding between the

Disputes about goods storage space between shippers:

- When shippers share a common warehouse with each other. This type of warehouse includes many
different businesses and individuals. Disputes can occur when shippers try to usurp another shipper's
position or when shippers want to use the same position without a satisfactory agreement between

- Disputes can also occur when a goods owner has signed a contract with a warehouse to hold a storage
location but discovers that another shipper's goods are arranged to use that location. In case the goods
owner does not comply with what is stipulated in the contract agreed between the parties

With the above problems, we have come up with the following solutions

- Applying "First come first wins" rules for shippers competing to have the best storage location in the
warehouse. In case the goods owner does not deliver the goods on time, the warehouse owner must
have other solutions such as compensation or forced to cede the location to someone else.

- To ensure that the agreement between parties is always implemented in accordance with what is
written in the contract. Review the agreed terms together and talk about any problems to make changes
if needed. If there are disagreements, we can involve a third party to prevent conflicts.
Quy trình chọn vị trí lưu trữ hàng hóa trong kho (Storage)

Objective: Make sure there's always enough space in the warehouse for new orders and use the space

Step 1: Goods Classification:

 Identify groups of goods based on characteristics:

o Size, weight, and shape.

o Value, nature, and environmental sensitivity.

o Inbound and outbound frequency.

 Classify by cargo type:

o Long-term or short-term contracts.

o Regular or seasonal cargo volume.

Step 2: Pre-Storage Needs Assessment before receiving the goods:

 Forecast the goods volume Based on business history

 Determine the required storage area for each group of goods: based on size, quantity, and
arrangement method: items/carton, cartons/layer, layers/pallet.

 Identify suitable handling equipment (trolley, forklift truck, pallet truck)

(trolley, cage, cart, garment rail, conveyors, pallet jack, powered pallet truck, manual stacker truck,
forklift truck, low/high-level order pickers, towing tractors) to move goods in and out of the warehouse:
also based on quantity and picking frequency.

 Analyze the warehouse load-bearing capacity

Step 3: Warehouse Layout Planning:

Determine the storage location for each group of goods based on the following requirements:

 ABC analysis based on Frequency and Value of Goods (High-revenue, high-profit, and short-
storage-time goods are prioritized for convenient placement for inbound and outbound).

 Perform Space calculations to maximize storage space and the number of goods that can be

 Select the appropriate shelving type for each type of goods, ensuring optimal space utilization
and load-bearing capacity.

 Create a detailed warehouse layout plan, including:

o Location of each pallet.

o Identify wide aisles for convenient movement of goods and forklifts.

o Fire protection system

Step 4: Storage Location Management System:

 Define the procedures for booking, arranging, and moving goods.

 Implement a tracking system to update the storage location status and automatically suggest
suitable locations.

 Apply the FIFO (First In First Out) principle: Goods received first are shipped first, ensuring that
goods are always fresh.

Step 5: Evaluation and Adjustment:

 Regularly evaluate warehouse utilization efficiency: Track inventory levels, storage locations,
and damage status.

 Adjust the process and warehouse layout as needed: Based on the actual situation, adjust the
warehouse layout plan and storage location accordingly.

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