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1. Potential energy
2. Electrostatic potential
3. 1volt
4. Equipotential surfaces
5. Dielectrics-polar & Non- polar
6. Electrostatic shielding
7. Capacitor, capacitance,1 farad
8. Electric susceptibility
9. Polaristion
10. Energy density.

1. Potential due to i) a point charge
ii) a system of charges
iii) an electric dipole-----a) at any point
b) on axial line
c) on equatorial line
2. Work done in rotating a dipole

3. Relation between V & E (2.6.1)

4. PE of i) system of 2 charges
5. ii) system of 3 charges

6. PE in an external field ---i) a single charge

ii) 2 point charges
iii) dipole

7. Parallel plate capacitor----i) with air

ii) with dielectric
iii) with dielectric slab
8. Energy stored in a capacitor

9. Energy density of a parallel plate capacitor

10. Sharing of charges between the capacitors in parallel combination

1. Why the equipotential surfaces about a single charge are not equidistant?
2. Explain why, for any charge configuration, the equipotential surface through a point is
normal to the electric field at that point.
3. Why do the electrostatic field be normal to the surface at every point of a charged
4. Why is electrostatic potential constant throughout the volume of the conductor and has
the same value (as inside) on its surface?
5. Can electric field exist tangential to an equipotential surface? Give reason.

1. Draw equipotential surfaces for i) Single point charge (+q,-q) ii) a dipole iii) in a
constant electric field in Z-direction
2. Draw 3 equipotential surfaces corresponding to a field that uniformly increases in
magnitude but remains constant along Z-direction. How are these surfaces different from
that of a constant electric field along Z direction?

3. Variation of V with r

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