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Below is a list of questions we would like you to answer. We want to hear your thoughts on tackling
problems like the ones below. If you don’t know the answer, describe how you would find the
information or get help.


 Trying to connect to remote OPCDA server (OPC Client is on one PC and OPCDA server is on
another PC). Yet we cannot connect. What would you check or ask the customer?

 Same situation, but OPCDA client is able to connect. Yet, can only Poll (Sync Read) is working
but Advise or Async getting data isn’t working, what could be the reasons? And what is the
advantage of Async over Sync?

 Customer has data in a SQL database. What information do we need to connect to that
database and get data? What questions do we ask?

 dataPARC uses a network share folder to keep the created files for all users to have access to. A
user can’t get to network share or can browse the folder, but can’t edit files. What do we ask or
say to sites IT? Or what do we try ourselves to get them access?

 A client has an OPC (DA or UA) in the process domain, and we need to get data to the business
domain (or to a different domain). What are our options? If our OPCDA/OPCUA client tools are
in the Business domain. How do we get them to connect? What might we tell IT we need if a
firewall is in the way?

 Client asks: I would like to do OEE, I have a tag for speed, and they also do some quality tests on
the final product. How can I use these to do OEE? What other questions do you ask the client?
What other information do you need?

 What is the difference between a raw/arithmetic average and a time average? When would you
use one over the other?

 What is the difference between a Sum and a Total regarding OPC Foundation Specification-
compliant aggregates? When would you use one over the other? What are some of the possible
issues with doing a sum on time series data?

 For a historian tag, what type of configuration settings would you expect to have for the
compression settings? What type would be your recommended settings? How would you
identify tags that have improperly configured compression settings?

 What are some considerations for setting the most appropriate scan rate/frequency at which to
collect a given historian tag from an OPC server?


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