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Throughout life, people go through so many hardships. Whether it be

good or bad there is always something that comes out of the situation. One of
the most exciting, yet scariest events would be graduation. For a lot of people,
graduating from high school is a goal then it also takes a lot of time and effort to
achieve. In the long run, it opens a lot of opportunities for people to succeed.
Graduation is the end of high school, and the beginning to life. I can almost
remember that day like it was yesterday, I awoke like on any other school day.
It was a gorgeous may morning, the rays of sun glistened through my mini
blinds blinding me as if I hadn’t seen light in days. These past three years could
only be described as a marvellous journey filled with unexpected experiences
and rewarding life lessons. More so, my life is not even remotely like the way I
had imagined it in the beginning of summer of 2024, my high school’s
graduation. Then now comprehend that it is the intangible, abstract, and organic
aspect of life, and to be more precise, religion and faith, one of the most
important components of a human’s existence. I Graduated. Graduation was the
most important day in my life. I waited for this amazing day for twelve years to
reach my dream and move on to college. For most people, graduation is a
memorable day. It is hard for me to forget it even after a hundred years. As this
chapter in my life closes, another one opens and begins. With this, I will have
new friends, new priorities, new obstacles, and an entirely new story. I knew
this day would be here, and I knew it would feel scary, but I know I can do this.
This has been one of my greatest memories, and it is also my greatest

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