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Motivation Letter

I, Tchinosanda Mundombe, am writing to manifest my interest in the Economics and Management Bachelor’s
program in your institution. I am currently 18 years old and have always been interested in the Economics
department, specially given the struggles my country faces, I also believe deeply that in the world we currently
live in furthering my education widens the range of possibilities I have of fulfilling my goals. I have finished
secondary school in July of 2023 and I’m hoping to start my further studies as soon as possible, preferably in
the current fall semester that started this January of 2024.

Having taken Economics and Law in secondary school it has always been clear to me that I’ll reach my full
potential in the Management field. Furthermore, I consider myself to be a very dedicated and strong willed
student, thus always searching for bigger and greater challenges. Once I have completed the Supernova
Programme and my Bachelor’s Degree I aim to work with the management of institutions in the public sector,
in order to provide the best possible service to those who cannot always afford it.

I appreciate the time taken into evaluating my application, for any other questions or information needed I am
always available through the contacts above listed.

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