Assignment Why Didn't They Ask Evans

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Chapter 1.

1. Use the proper preposition from the chapter

A town … the coast (p.5), to step … the tee (p.6), to go round … right angle (p.6),
To be … the point … setting (p.6), to be … the edge … the cliff (p.6), to be
familiar … the path (p.7), to walk … the edge (p.7), a projection … the rock (p.7)

2. Get ready to describe the three men using the following words
Healthy – looking, deep tan of the skin, amiable - looking, middle – aged, the
crisp curling chestnut hair, an eminently likable face gray at the temples, the strong
jaw, not handsome, the parted lips, gray hair, sinewy hands, a red cheerful face
humorous, determined, resourceful face.
Bobby Jones: Bobby Jones had an amiable-looking face with an eminently
likable charm. He wasn't conventionally handsome, but his honest brown eyes
gave off an amiable aura. His face showed the evidence of spending time
outdoors, with a healthy-looking complexion and a deep tan of the skin. His
crisp, curling chestnut hair added to his youthful appearance. He had sinewy
hands that spoke of physical activity, and his parted lips often carried a friendly

Dr. Thomas: Dr. Thomas, a middle-aged man, had a red and cheerful face that
exuded a sense of warmth. His gray hair, especially at the temples, suggested a
seasoned demeanor. Despite his age, his face retained a humorous and
determined expression, showcasing a resourceful nature. Not particularly
handsome, his amiable nature and jovial demeanor made him approachable and
easy to get along with.

Unidentified Man: The unidentified man had a strong jaw and an attractive face
that held a mixture of determination and resourcefulness. His deep blue eyes
were watchful and carried a sense of humor, but also a depth that hinted at
experiences. His skin bore a deep tan, indicating an outdoor lifestyle, and his
chestnut hair was crisp and curling. Though not conventionally handsome, his
overall appearance was striking. It was evident that his life had been healthy
and active, despite the streaks of gray in his hair.

3. Find in the chapter words meaning

To change the usual appearance or character in order to hide the truth (p.7)
A strong feeling of fear, anxiety and hopelessness (p. 5)
Habitually alone, alone without companions (p. 5)

4. Find synonyms to the words

to take place, to happen (p. 6)
to say, to pronounce (p. 5)
clearly, decidedly (p. 6)
sadly, sorrowfully (p. 6)

5. Use the phrases in the sentences from the chapter and in your own
to have difficulty in smth (p. 6),
to recover consciousness (p.7)
to make arrangements (p.7)
to draw a deep breath (p. 5)

6. Answer the following questions

a) Can you describe the rules of the game which the two men played?
b) What qualities of their character did the men reveal while playing?
c) How do you imagine the countryside?
d) Who is Evans in your opinion?

7. Translate into English

Вона глибоко зітхнула (р. 5) і обперлась на перила (р. 7) після того, як їй
розповіли, що трапилось (р. 6). Единим свідком (р. 5) тої сварки був її брат.
Після його розповіді вона не могла промовити (р. 5) ані слова.
Майк чітко (p. 6) знав, що раніше у неї не було ніяких проблем з (p. 6) тим
щоб організовувати (p.7) подібні зустрічі.

Chapter 2.
1. Use the proper article if necessary from the chapter
… last moment of consciousness (p.8), … time passed very slowly (p.8), to worry
to … death (p.9), to be calling for … little mustache (p.10), if you cannot do …
thing properly (p.10), to be brought … face to … face … with sudden death (p.11)

2. Use the proper preposition from the chapter

seize …. smb’s imagination (p.8), to send a message … smb (p.8), one long
sacrifice … smb (p.9), an idea … smth (p.9), help was … the way (p.9), to set off …
a brisk run (p.10), to pass smth … … smb (p.11)

3. Put the sentences in the right order, describe the situations where they were
used and translate them.
Yet they were both extremely fond of each other.
You offered to play the orphan of your own accord.
I wouldn’t let him down unless it were quite unavoidable.
It was the arresting quality of her beauty … that seized his imagination.
The Rev. Thomas sought to effect improvement in the young man.
… before his father got too well away.

4. Write all the possible parts of speech

verb noun adjective adverb
unavoidable (p.9)
Disapprove (p.10)
apology (p.11)
gratefully (p.9)

5. Use the phrases in your own sentences

to have an appointment (p.9)
to make efforts (p.11)
to let smb down (p.9)
to get too well away (p.10)
of one’s own accord (p.10)

6. Write your explanations in English

solemn (p.11)
sacred (p.11)
to jerk (p.8)
to seek (p.8)
to postpone (p.10)

7. Translate into English

За таких незвичних (p.9) обставин (p.8) він докладав усіх зусиль (p.11), щоб
залишатись спокійним і не робив нічого з власної ініціативи (p.10).
Розповідаючи про свої вчорашні пригоди юнак нарешті помітив (p.10), що
він захопився (p.10) і згадав, що у нього зустріч (p.9) на яку він не хотів
спізнитись, щоб не підвести (p.9) своїх друзів.

8. Answer the questions

a) How did Bobby feel after the man’s death and how did he express his feelings?
b) Why was Bobby afraid to be late for the evening service?
c) What were the relations between Bobby and his father? Do their relations
resemble yours and your parents?
d) Do you think the girl in the photo and Bassington – ffrench will appear again in
the story?

Chapter 3.
1. Write the translation of the words & their explanations in English
rumour (p 12)
to retreat (p.16)
to envy (p 13)
to fancy (p.11)
to announce (p.11)
indignation (p.12)

2. Find synonyms in the chapter

with the help, through (p.14)
to appear, to turn up (p.11)
precious, costly – valuable
result, outcome, consequence (p.11)
to solve, to work out
to imagine, like (p.11)
a proof (p.14)
to demand, to require (p.12)

3. Find the words meaning

to give a wide smile (p. 12)
to run quickly especially hurrying (p.11)
the feeling you have when you want to have smb’s possessions or qualities (p. 13)
to be without, not to have (p.14)
an official inquiry to find out the cause of a sudden death (p.14)

4. Translate into English

Я б підвіз (p.16) їх якби цього не можна було уникнути.
Шкода, що в нас немає нічого спільного.
За таких обставин змушений просити Вас дати свідчення (p.14).
Якби не твої заздрощі (p 13), ми б не мали таких проблем.
Потрібно відкласти всі приготування. Якщо ми продовжуватимемо, можуть
з’явитись плітки (p 12).

5. Look up for the translation in the dictionary.

rumour has it -
to grin & bear -
just fancy -
to cut a dash –

6. Answer the questions to the chapter.

a) What was common and different in Bobby and Frankie? What are their
relations like?
b) What are Frankie’s and Bobby’s attitudes towards Badger?
c) Do you agree with Frankie that if somebody had pushed the deceased it
would have been more exciting?

a) Bobby and Frankie share a common background and history. They both come
from families that were acquainted when they were children and played together.
Despite growing up and having less contact as adults, they still use each other's
Christian names and have a warm familiarity. The main difference between them
lies in their current circumstances. Bobby has left the Navy due to eye issues and is
now considering a business venture with Badger Beadon. Frankie, on the other
hand, seems to be leading a more socially active and adventurous life, attending
parties and having a more carefree lifestyle. Their relationship is characterized by
fondness and understanding, although their paths have diverged.
b) Frankie appears to have a somewhat dismissive attitude towards Badger Beadon
and his business ventures. She questions whether Bobby is investing money in
Badger's business, expressing a skepticism about Badger's past failures. Bobby, on
the other hand, is quite defensive of Badger, describing him as one of the best and
emphasizing his good qualities. Bobby's loyalty to Badger seems rooted in their
long history and friendship.
c) Frankie's comment about the deceased person being pushed off the cliff being
more exciting suggests a somewhat morbid sense of humor or a fascination with
dramatic situations. It's likely meant as a casual and somewhat macabre remark.
Whether someone agrees with this perspective depends on personal preferences.
Most people would likely find the idea of a tragedy being caused by foul play to be
tragic and distressing, rather than exciting.

Chapters 4 – 5.
1) Translate into Ukrainian and write your explanations of the words
obvious (p.17)
to clear up (p.18)
suspicion – (p.21)
solemn – (p. 20)
relief – (p.19)
ridiculous – (p.22)

1. obvious (p.17) Translation: очевидний Explanation: Something that is clear, easily seen,
or understood without the need for further explanation or analysis.
2. to clear up (p.18) Translation: розібратися, розвіяти Explanation: To resolve, explain, or
eliminate confusion or misunderstanding about a situation or topic.
3. suspicion (p.21) Translation: підозра Explanation: A feeling or belief that someone is
involved in something wrong, illegal, or dishonest, without having definite proof.
4. solemn (p.20) Translation: урочистий Explanation: Marked by seriousness, dignity, or a
formal and respectful manner. Often used to describe important or significant events.
5. relief (p.19) Translation: полегшення Explanation: A feeling of comfort, reassurance, or
contentment that comes after a period of worry, stress, or discomfort.
6. ridiculous (p.22) Translation: смішний, нісенітниця Explanation: Deserving or provoking
laughter, often due to being absurd, illogical, or silly; worthy of mockery or not taken

2. Make up all possible combination of words

Ominous suicide
Obvious intention
Ridiculous dismiss
Peculiar reproach
To seek for affection
Abrupt sorrow
Sacred cliff
To postpone witness

3. Find synonyms in the chapters

evidently, vivid (p.19)
different, diverse (p.20)
to dash, gleam (p.20)
comforting, calming, relaxing (p.18)
to disappear (p.21)
to depressing , pessimistic (p.21)

1. evidently - obviously (p.19)

2. vivid - clear (p.19)
3. different - diverse (p.20)
4. to dash - gleam (p.20)
5. comforting - calming - relaxing (p.18)
6. to disappear - vanish (p.21)
7. depressing - pessimistic (p.21)

4. Seek for phrases meaning and describe the situations where they were used
Бути в боргу перед кимось - (p.20)
Роз’яснити – (p.18)
Брудна гра – (p.21)
Вилетіти з голови – (p.23)
Усвідомлювати щось – (p.19)
Покінчити з життям – (p.18)
Робити кроки – (p.19)
Зітхнути – (p.17)
Здригнутись – (p.18)
Ознаки насилля – (p.17)
Висловити таким чином – (p.16)

5. Get ready to stage the conversation on the spot between

a) Bobby & his father
b) Bobby & Frankie (in the train and after the inquest)
c) the colonel & Mrs. Cayman
d) Bobby & Mrs. Cayman

a) Conversation between Bobby and his father:

Bobby: Hey, Dad, did you know I had to give evidence at the inquest for that man who
fell off the cliff?
Father: Yes, Bobby, I heard about it. How did it go?

Bobby: Well, it was pretty straightforward. Just explained how we found him and all.

Father: Must have been quite an experience for you.

Bobby: Yeah, a bit eerie, actually. Anyway, they're putting up a fence there now.

Father: Good to hear they're taking some safety measures.

b) Conversation between Bobby and Frankie (in the train and after the inquest):

Bobby: Frankie! Fancy meeting you on the train.

Frankie: Bobby! Long time no see. How have you been?

Bobby: Not too bad, just trying to find a job. Hey, did you hear about the inquest I had to

Frankie: Yeah, I was there too. Quite a spectacle, wasn't it?

Bobby: Absolutely. And you know what? I realized afterward that the guy did say
something before he died.

Frankie: Seriously? What did he say?

Bobby: "Why didn't they ask Evans?" Strange, right?

Frankie: That's odd. Wonder who Evans is and what he meant.

Bobby: No idea, but it bothered me that I didn't mention it at the inquest.

Frankie: Well, it doesn't sound too important. Don't beat yourself up over it.

c) Conversation between the colonel and Mrs. Cayman:

Colonel: My condolences for your loss, Mrs. Cayman. It's a tragic incident.

Mrs. Cayman: Thank you, Colonel. It's been a shock for us all.

Colonel: If there's anything we can do to help, please let us know.

Mrs. Cayman: We appreciate your kindness. It's been quite overwhelming.

Colonel: Take your time. Grieving is a process, and we're here to support you.
d) Conversation between Bobby and Mrs. Cayman:

Bobby: Mrs. Cayman, I wanted to apologize for not mentioning something during the

Mrs. Cayman: Apologize? For what, dear?

Bobby: Well, your brother did say something before he died. He said, "Why didn't they
ask Evans?"

Mrs. Cayman: Really? That's interesting. I wonder who Evans is and what he meant.

Bobby: I know, right? I felt bad for not mentioning it earlier.

Mrs. Cayman: Don't worry about it, Bobby. It might not be significant, but I appreciate
your honesty.

Bobby: Thank you for understanding. If you need anything, feel free to ask.

Chapter 6 – 7.
1. Use the proper preposition from the chapter.
To rely … smb (p.24), to be an authority … smth (p.24), to be surprising … smb
(p.24), a view .. smth (p.26), to be capable … smth (p.27), to make use … smth
(p.28), to disapprove … smth (p.28), to flash … smb’s mind (p.29), to be a surprise
… smb (p.29), to specialize … smth (p.32), lack … smth (p.33), to be sweet … smb

2. Make up your own sentences with the words.

to count on – (p.26)
deliberately – (p.30)
sufficient- (p.23)
offhand – (p.31)
to benefit by – (p.31)

3. Find synonyms to the words.

just, only, simply – (p.24)
indistinguishable, unclear – (p.24)
throw, cast, toss– (p.29)
self – respect, self – esteem – (p.31)
reluctantly - (p.31)
to deserve – (p.29)
frank, candid, honest – (p.25)

4. Answer the questions.

a) How often do you give vent to your feelings? When usually?
b) What would you recommend to those who suffer from inferiority complex?
c) When do we usually clear our throat?
d) Can you restrain yourself when something is on the tip of your tongue?

5. Translate into English.

Не може бути, щоб він хотів добитись свого любою ціною (p.26).
Він напевно вже прибрав усіх на своєму шляху (p.31) до перемоги.
Я б не відмовилася від вашої пропозиції (p.26) за інших обставин.
Вона не могла підсипати йому отрути з тим, щоб помститись (p.31).
Ви б не програли тричі поспіль (p.28), якби частіше тренувались цього року.
Він не міг більше виносити напруги (p.28) через постійні сварки і покинув

6. Remember the situations where the phrases were used.

to refuse smb’s offer – (p.26)
to let a chance go (p.26)
to say offhand - (p.31)
to give vent to one’s feelings (p.24)
to count on - (p.26)
to be bound (p.24)

7. Answer the questions to the chapters.

a) Do you think it was wise of Bobby to refuse the offer in order not to let his friend
down? What would you do if you were Bobby?
b) What arguments could Bobby’s father use to persuade him to take the job?
c) Why did Bobby refuse to visit Frankie’s party? Do you think it was the right
d) Do you find the line of argument of Frankie flawless about the reason of Bobby’s

Chapters 8 – 9.
1. Write all the possible parts of speech
verb noun adjective adverb
shrewdly (p.39)
to assume (p.35)
access (p.38)
to exaggerate (p.43)
poisonous (p.41)
2. Write out & translate all the sentences with the pattern Modal Verb + Perfect

3. Make up all possible combination of words.

to benefit by indignation
to exaggerate grief
to foresee glance
significant revenge
to alter sequel
obvious violence

4. Answer the questions.

a) What can you do just out of sheer curiosity?
b) When is it particularly hard for you to set to work?
c) What’s situated in the vicinity of your house?
d) What’s the best way to start making inquiries into something mysterious?

5. Seek for phrases meaning.

Говорити по сутi – (p.37)
В будь якому разi - (p.40)
Тут має бути ще щось – (p.39)
Експромтом, вiдразу - (p.38)
Приступити до роботи – (p.40)
Remember the situations where they were used.

6. Find synonyms in the chapters for the words.

to refuse, to turn down (p.44)
strange, weird, peculiar (p.42)
gratitude, thankfulness, confirmation (p.43)
to confirm, to prove, to make sure (p.35)
to hunt down, to discover, to locate (p.42)

7. Make up sentences and arrange them in the proper order.

Bobby gave the phrase the question
Frankie repeated at shiver
Bobby & Frankie stared a each other
lost no time in leave
Mr. Owen did not quite her his own wit
took take in setting to work
Frankie’s father laughed at thoughtfully

8. Use the proper article if necessary.

We can ask … police. (p.35 let’s assume for … moment there was just … one
photograph, … one you saw (p.35), not for … moment! (p.37), must have been …
most frightfully significant phrase to them (p.37), Bassington – ffrench must be
above … suspicious (p.38), we could list all … Evanses and visit … likely ones
(p.40), what can we have … pleasure of doing for you (p.41), with … view to
purchase (p.41).

9. Answer the questions to the chapter.

a) Do you think Bobby had good reasons to reject the idea of being a decoy?
b) Do you suspect Bassington – ffrench or the Caymans of pushing the deceased
over the cliff?
c) What would be easier to do to track down Bassington – ffrench of to find
Evans and why? What can help more?
d) What qualities do Bobby & Frankie reveal in these chapters?

Chapter 10 – 11
1. Define the following words in English and describe the situation where they
were used.
scrawl (p.44)
to disentangle (p.44)
exasperated (p.45)
stray (p.47)
wreckage (p.46)
relish (p.51)
to load (p.45)
to resist (p.46)

2. Answer the following questions.

a) Will you steal something you need very much on no account?
b) Can a stranger following you render you suspicious?
c) Do you believe that the truth will always come out?

3. Translate the following word - combinations.

a) to overstep the line
b) to draw the line at
c) to go over the line
d) to read between the lines
e) to hold the line
f) to come into line with
g) to be in line with
h) to render a text
i) to render good for evil
j) to render thanks
k) to render a service
l) to take into account
m) on account of
n) to account for

4. Find synonyms.
to get, to understand (p.46)
to accompany, to visit, to take care (p.53)
to startle, to start (p.45)
minute, unimportant (p.46)
to reprimand, to shout down (p.48)
5. Translate the sentences.
Справа не в тому. (p.46) Ти просто обманув мене.
Не позбавляйте (p.47) мене права брати участь у виборах
Вона переключила автомобіль на третю передачу (p.50) і той поїхав швидше.
Ми вийшли на їх слід (p.46) і невдовзі схопимо.
Мабуть цей робочий халат (p.44) вже багато носили.

6. Remember who and when said the words and arrange them in the proper

a) “She must be attended to at once”

b) “Why can’t I wear a false one?”
c) “I think it’s pretty good”
d) “He’s a doctor and we shall need him”
e) “Don’t want to stick a friend of yours too much”
f) “You’re looking very pale”
g) “You’ve got it all wrong”

7. Answer the questions to the chapters.

a) Why did Frankie invite the doctor to take part in “the accident”? Do you think
it was difficult and why?
b) What kind of cars did they need?
c) What problems lay in wait for Frankie and the doctor while arranging the
d) What other ways of getting into the house can you invent?
e) Do you agree with Bobby that Frankie’s plan was very good?

Chapters 12 – 13.
1.Find synonyms.
able (p.53) –
worry, sympathy (p.54) -
to say, to pronounce, absolute, complete –
to a certain degree – (p.60)
to finish, to fulfill – (p.54)
completely – (p.57)
unexplainable –(p.58)

2. Answer the questions.

a) Do you like to play tricks on somebody?
b) Do you often give way when your friend asks you to do what you do not want?
c) What kind of people do we call cold – blooded?

3.Translate into English.

a) Тобі було б краще пройти курс лікування.(p.59) Можливо ти захворів.
b) Хто керує (p.59) тим магазином? - Не маю уявлення.
c) Така поведінка не характерна (p.56) для нього. Саме тому він виглядав
d) Мої нерви були на межі. (p.55) Я ледь себе стримував.
e) Вона вважіє, що чітко знає, (p.60) що робить.
f) Ми були вражені його шляхетними вчинком до глубини душі. (p.61)

4. Use the proper preposition.

There was a tap … the door (p.53), she ought … this point to say smth (p.53), she
was playing a mean trick … her hostess (p.54), he never sticks … a job for long
(p.55), it must have been tied … … a rotten branch (p.55), there was certainly
something odd … the man (p.55), you mustn’t ask … things (p.56), Frankie had
become more and more sensible … the charm (p.57), I don’t know what to do …
Sylvia (p.58), he was … a walking tour, it seems. (p.61)

5. Use the proper form of the verb use the sentences in the situations from the
It was very fortunate that he just happened … (to pass ). (p.53)
I wish she … (not to be) so nice about it (p.54)
Tomorrow my brother – in – law … (to come) (p.55)
I don’t know what I should … (to do) without him this spring (p.55)
It (to be) his brother, not he, who … (to be) Marchbolt on that fatal day. (p.56)
I (to hear) all about the way you … (to try) to break down the park wall (p.56)
She (to be convinced) he … (to be pushed) over. (p.57)
It … (to go) for long? (p.58)
It couldn’t (to be) on the sixteenth (p.60)
6. Translate the phrases with the word way.
make one's way –
know one's way around –
know one's way about –
have one's own way –
make way for –
have way on –
under way –
go out of way -
in every way –

7. Answer the questions.

a) What was Frankie’s first impression of Sylvia?
b) What made Frankie believe that Roger couldn’t be a murderer?
c)Why did Frankie feel guilty sometimes and wanted give up her plan?
d) How did Roger learn that his brother was a drug fiend? What would you advise
him to do?
e) In what way did Frankie try to make inquiries about Roger’s connection with the
8. Imagine that you are Frankie. Write a dialogue with Roger when you met him

Chapters 14 – 15.

1. Write all the possible parts of speech.

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
to declare (p.72)
to explore (p.72)
intimate (p.63)
exceedingly (p.67)
despair (p.70)

2. Make up your own sentences with the words.

to abandon (p.68)
to head (p.69)
to conceal (p.64)
to yield (p.71)

3. Find synonyms to the words.

to hide (away) (p.64)
to concern, to deal with, to be about (p.62)
essay, try, strive, attack (p.68)
frail, frangible (p.65)
seriously, significantly (p.64)
to quote (p.62)
to manage, to devise, to invent, to intend (p.64)

4. Find the words meaning.

a very famous person (p.62)
to keep something for future use (p.63)
a wild high cry usually from anger & excitement (p.70)
a soft low sound of pain or grief (p.70)
a sound of suffering, worry or complain in a deep voice (p.70)

5. Use the proper articles.

He had … cancer (p.62), quite by … chance (p.63), Dr. Nicholson was … Canadian
(p.63), as though she were rehearsing … defense to … charge (p.64), I think you
would always be on … side of … law and … order (p.65), to turn his car before
going to … rescue (p.65), he goes raving mad for … lack of it (p.66), about …
Doctor Nicolson who runs a place for dope patients (p.67), … next five minutes
were spent in … genuine hard work (p.68), … Grange was on … other side of …
village from … Marroway Court (p.71)
6. Translate into English.
● Не слід було видавати (p.63) його таємницю. Ти учинив підло.

● Якби ти тоді пообіцяв захищати наші права, ми були б зараз на твоєму

боці (p.65).
● Треба було прийняти заходи (p.69), а не нити (p.70) тепер.

● Без сумнівно, (p.72) вони вже покинули (p.68) ту кімнату.

● Його обличчя (p.72) нічого не виражало, після, того як він побачив сина.
Напевно він усе забув після аварії.
● Не треба було розповідати цю таємницю проти своєї волі. (p.71) Його
ніхто не примушував.

7.Fill in the gaps with the words

to yield, to refer, to contrive, to provide.
He couldn’t help … to temptations.
There is no way that we can … another teacher for that class.
He … his fast recovery to this new medicine he had been taking.
They … household utensils from stone.
They finally … to our demands.
The new law … for equality of human rights.
He … to me for an advice.
She somehow … to arrange a meeting.
What's happened never … to none of us.

8. Answer the questions to the chapters.

a) What did Frankie learn about Alan Carstairs from Sylvia? What else could she
ask about him?
b) What interested Dr. Nicholson in the accident of Frankie? Do you think he is
suspicious? Why?
c) How did Bobby use Badger to help him?
d) What did Bobby do to disguise himself?
e) What do you know about The Grange?
f) How would you try to learn more if you were Bobby?

Chapters 16 – 17.
1. Fill in the gaps in the dialogue with the following words:
to be mixed up in smth (p.74), plausible (p.74), without delay (p.77), avoid (p.79),
to go into details (p.74), owing to (p.72), spring, to give smb a lift (p.73),
urgent(p.78), to be concerned in smth (p.75)
- Hey, man! Stop your car. Can you ……………?
- Oh! What is it on your shirt? Is it blood? I don’t want to …………………….
any crime.
- Come on. It’s very ……….. We’ll have to rush …………….
- O.K. ……… inside. What happened to you?
- I don’t want to ……………….. I just got shot. Try to ………. the highway. Go
along small roads. It is quite ………….. that they are still after me.
- Oh, god! ………… I’m escaping from criminals. I’m not gonna ………………
in anything like this. It’s too much for me.

4. Make up your sentences with the words.

to overhear (p.79)
intently (p.74)
meticulously (p.74)
enviously (p.79)
moody (p.80)
to fit in (p.77)
vague (p.81)
unconventional (p.77)

5.Translate the phrases.

as concerns
it is no concern of mine
to feel concern about smth
with deep concern
a fit of energy
to feel fit
to be fit for smth
by fits and starts

4. Find Synonyms in the chapters.

to hurt, to offend (p.78)
to go on, to continue (p.81)
to speculate, to meditate (p.77)
quick – witted, cute (p.75)

5. Translate into English.

a) Ми б назавжди (p.81) забули про нашу бідність, (p.78) якби ти спробував
(p.79) обміркувати (p.77) їхню пропозицію.
b) Він зупинився на порозі (p.82) і оглянув кімнату, яку не бачив кілька років.
На вікнах були жалюзі (p.77), і кімната була напів темною. Він відчайдушно
(p.81) намагався (p.79) пригадати, де саме колись лежали його улюблені
c)Я б купив цей костюм, але мені не подобається його пошив. (p.78)
6. Paraphrase the following.
a) Bobby quickly drank coffee, dried his mouth and got up. (p.73)
b) For the time being everything was O.K. (p.75)
c) I hate offending your garments or emphasise your lack of money or anything of
this kind. (p.78)
d) Bobby thought that he would have no problems cheating Mrs. Rivington (p.79)

7. Answer questions to the chapters.

a) What did Roger feel to Frankie? Prove your point of view.
b) What made Frankie think that Dr. Nicholson was mixed up in the crime?
c) Why did the attitudes of Frankie and Bobby to Roger differ?
d) What was the topic of the conversation of Bobby and Mrs. Rivington?

Chapters 18 – 19
1. Decide which word refers to which person.
Moira cunning, puzzled, bewildered, simple, pleasant –
Dr. Nickolson spoken, frown, jealous, conflicting expression, dry &
Alan Carstairs hoarse voice, swallow convulsively, terrified eyes,
Sylvia content, peaceful, faithful, easily deceived, shudder,
Frankie shiver, tremble, admonishing eye, weak or wild,
astonished, entirely different, queer

2. Find Synonyms to the words.

to stay behind to delay leaving, to loiter (p.89)
to decide, to resolve, to conclude (p.84)
to leisurely walk, to promenade, to wander (p.89)
to obey, to meet the terms, to submit (p. 89)
to exhaust, to tire out, to make tired (p.85)

3. Make up your sentences with the words

to appeal (p.83)
content (p.86)
to frown (p.89)
to linger (p.88)
to occur (p.83)

4. Translate into English.

a) Він сильно намагався (р.85) здихатись (р.85) її, і крадькома поглядав (р. 89),
коли вона відведе погляд (p. 89), щоб вислизнути з кімнати. І коли він вже
доторкнувся до ручки дверей (р.88), вона знову подивилась на нього.
b) Не може бути, щоб це був збіг обставин (р.91). Він таки намагався мене
обманути (p.86).
5. Translate into Ukrainian
to comply with the rules
to comply with the law
to comply with the decision
to arrange in five parties
to arrange one's affairs
appeal of a decision
appeal to smb
to determine a contract
to determine the crisis

6. Find the words meaning.

to make smb do smth by reasoning, repeatedly asking
lacking skill in moving the body easily; causing difficulty or uncomfortable feelings
to make smb feel strengthless after hard work (p.85)
having a quick change in direction; not rounded (p.85)
not wanting more than he has (p.86)
to cause smb to accept as true what is false (p.86)


7. Arrange in the proper order and use in the situation from the context.
With her hand on the door handle she hesitated.
“I’m going to ask you a question straight out.”
…but her large eyes held a kind of terrified appeal.
“I’m not really a chauffeur…”
“You’re capable of going on for hours on the subject…”
“I would have recognized the original of that photograph anywhere ”
He was at pains to reassure her.

8. Answer the questions to the chapters.

a) Why was Bobby surprised to see Moira in his room?
b) What did Moira think about Sylvia, her husband, Allan Carstairs and Roger?
c) Do you think Moira had good reasons to feel insecure? Why?
d) When did Frankie start feeling good?
e) In what crimes was Dr. Nicholson involved in your opinion?

Chapters 20 – 21.
1. Explain in English and make up your sentences with the words.
tear up (p.95)
exaggerate (p.93)
Callous (p.99)
tend (p.97)

2. Write all the possible parts of speech.

verb noun adjective adverb
simplicity (p.92)
fascinated (p.96)
urge (p.97)
eliminate (p.97)

3. Find antonyms in the text.

to disagree (p.95) content
to complication (p.92) Simplicity
coward (p. 92) bold
to treat smb gently (p.92) to be hard on smb
to conceal (p. 99) to reveal
sympathetic, kind – hearted (p.99) callous
slow, stupid (p. 100) acute
4. Find synonyms to the words.
to give away (a secret)(p.99) - to reveal
to abolish, to terminate, to exclude (p.97) eliminate
shy, bashful (p. 97) timid
brave, courageous (p. 92) bold
ominous, disastrous (p.97) sinister

5. Find 4 human features.


6. Answer the questions.

a) Can you always try to attain your aim at all costs?
b) What event can take your breath away?
c) Have you ever had the guts to tell your bad teacher all you think about him or
d) Do you think it is always mean to reveal somebody’s secret?
e) Have you ever got into a mess? Describe any of such situations.

7. Say if the statements are true or false

1 Bobby and Frankie’s first reaction to Moira’s suggestion was different.
2 Moira wanted Bobby to tell Frankie about her suspicions.
3 They had very little evidence against Roger.
4 Bobby supposed that Evans was really a minor person in the story.
5 Roger did not care much for his brother’s health.
6 Roger seemed self – confident while accounting for his actions.
7 Frankie was satisfied with Roger’s explanation.
8 Roger tried to flatter Frankie at the end of the chapter.

8. Translate into English.

1 Нарешті після того як всі таємниці було розкрито (p.99) до нас почало
доходити (р.92) в яку халепу ми потрапили (p.98).
2 Ви всі, напевно, були зачаровані (p.96) її оповіданням (p.96).
3 Ми схильні (p.97) відмінити ваше рішення (p.97)
4 Якби ти не була така сувора (p.92) до сина він би не виріс таким черствим
(p.99) та злобним (p.97)

9. Find in the text set expressions and phrasal verbs meaning

to solve a problem or put in order (p. 93) -
to refuse to reveal or disclose (p. 96) -
to face a difficult problem or a dangerous person (p. 96) –
to attempt or approach something with boldness and courage (p. 98) -
to go or run away in haste (p. 98) –
to be very surprised or shocked (p. 99) -

10. Answer the questions to the chapters.

1 Who was in danger and why?
2 Do you think the phrase “Why didn’t they ask Evans?” was important? Why?
3 Did Roger accept Frankie’s story seriously?
4 What deductions did he make?
5 Do you think Frankie should have told Roger that she used to suspect him?

Chapter 22 – 23. (23)

1. Fill in the gaps in the dialogue with the words below.
shatter (p.103), determined, acute, to turn out, obstacle (p.107), to
manage, to waste (p.108), at all costs, to confront (101), to neglect
(p.106), to occur, to hang by a hair (p. 107), an observation, to be at a
loss (p.101), briefly (p.103)
- Tell me what ………. to you.
- ………. speaking, I just didn’t want to …..…. my time and I moved towards him.
I was ……….… to enter the room ……………
- Did the man ………. to stop you? Oh. it’s a foolish question. You wouldn’t
be here now if he hadn’t.
- You know. No …………. can stop me. The first blow ………… him. He
…………….. Then I
- But the doctor said that your life ………………………. not his.
- He just ……….. to be too big and …………. for me. And I shouldn’t have
………. his strength.
- That’s a very good ………………..
- But next time when I ……………. him I’ll beat him.
- I hope there will no other next time.

2. Find in the text the words meaning.

- a state in which one is very troubled, by anxieties or difficulties (p.100)
- to give too little attention or care to (p.106)
- to shock, to have a strong effect on the feeling (p. 103)
- to think carefully (p. 105)
- a long seat with a back and usually arms for seating more than one person (p.
- at the same moment (p.100)

3. Find antonyms in the chapters.

relaxation (p. 100)
bright, happy (p.110)
passionly, expressively (p. 110)
complicated, undistinguished, pretty (p.103)
stupid, ridiculous, unreasonable (p. 106)
to forbid, to prohibit (p. 102)

4. Make up your sentences with the words.

to acquire
to observe

5. Translate into English.

а) Він зібрався з думками (р. 102) подумав (р. 105) про те, що сталось, і дав
коротку (р.103), просту (р. 103), але влучну (р.106) відповідь.
b) Забудь про свій комплекс неповноцінності (p.108). Зустрінься (р. 101) зі
своїм самим злісним ворогом. Якщо ти не зробиш цього зараз, він буде завжди
тебе переслідувати (р. 107). У будь якому випадку (р. 102) ти мусиш подолати
усі перешкоди (p.107), якщо хочеш здати екзамен.
6. Remember who and when said the words and arrange them in the proper
“After all there are heaps of other places where he can be treated.” Roger (p. 100)
“I shall be happy about Henry’s being under his charge” Sylvia (p.101)
“You suggested this plan, and it’s all arranged, and Henry has consented” Sylvia
“… I suppose his courage must have failed him” Frankie (p.105)
“And how do you propose to make their acquaintance?” Bobby (p.107)
“It’s a creepy place” Frankie (p. 109)
“This is rather a gloomy place for a young lady” Dr. Nicholson (p.110)

7. Answer the questions to the chapters.

1. What reasons did Roger give against Henry’s going to the Grange? Can you put
forward some other pretexts to help him convince Sylvia?
2. Do you think that it was a suicide? If yes tell why Henry did it, if no tell he killed
3. Do you think Bobby and Frankie would be able to find the Caymans?
4. Was Moira’s life endangered in your opinion?
5. In what way did the attitude of Bobby and Frankie to Moira differ?
Chapter 24 –25 (29)
1.Look at the map of London at try to determine the route of Frankie in Chapter

2. Make up your sentences with the words.

at hand (p.114)
thoroughly (p.113) (p.118)
to take smth up (p.120)
sue (p.115)
to stammer (p.116)

3. Fill in the table.

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
significance (p.113)
to indicate (p.113)
to strive (p.114)
to preserve (p.110)
obsession (p.119)

4. Answer the question.

a) What prejudices are the most dangerous to your mind?
b) What can make you do something against your will?
c) Describe any practical joke (p.117) you were played on?
d) Can you blackmail (p.115) anybody? Do you have any experience?
5. Find Synonyms in the chapters to the words.
cast out, expel, exile (p.114)
indistinct indistinguishable unclear (p.114)
dignified gracious decent (p.115)
to realize, to execute (p.112)
to bother, to tease, to give trouble (p.114)

6. Write your explanations to the words.

to trace (p.111)
to give in (p.111)
spur (p.117)
background (p.118)

7. Find the words meaning.

determined and serious esp. too serious (p.112)
a room or rooms completely or partially below street level (p.113)
to bring showing the way (p.115)
to meet someone for the first time (p.118)

8. Translate the phrases.

detached air -
superior air -
to put on airs –
be in the air -
be on the air –
of noble birth -
noble wine –
to convey goods –
to convey news –
to convey idea –
to convey sound, smell, impression -
to have quick (slow) wits –
to be at one’s wit’s end –

9. Fill in the proper preposition.

Go on … that (p.111), she proceeded to put it … action (p.112), let it again …
behalf … the owner (p.113), as a poor substitute … all she had hoped to find.
(p.113), you can give me your reasons … wanting to see that will (p.115), she was
already involved … … the neck … a business (p. 116), sometimes extremely
difficult to settle … … court (p. 117), spend a lot of money … fighting the case (p.
118), … this Mrs. Templeton's influence (p.118), completely uncharacteristic …
Mr. Savage (p. 120)

10.. Answer the questions to the chapter.

1. What happened to Moira in your opinion?
2. Do you think it would be wise for Frankie to stay at Merroway?
3. In what way did Mr. Spragge treat Frankie and why? What can you say about his
4. What did you learn about Mr. Savage?
Chapter 26 - 27 (34)
1. Fill in the gaps in the dialogue.
To do away with (p.121), Vivid (p.121), To have the nerve to do smth
(p.121), To jump to conclusions (p.121), call in (p. 124), genuine, chase
(p.128), betray (p.128), proceedings (p. 127), get even(p. 126), induce (p.
127), involve (p.128)
- I’m sure he’s got a lover.
- Don’t ………………….
- But it’s so vivid. Every day he ……… on her. I wonder how he …………… to
do it under my nose.
- He can’t ……… you. He really seems to be very ……….
- I don’t care what you think. I’ll ……….… with him before he tries to
- What ……. you not to trust him.
- All his ……………. I ………… him the other day and saw everything myself.
- O.K. I do not want to get ……….

2. Find synonyms to the words.

prompt , impel , cajole , coax , persuade , urge (p. 127)
foresee , forestall, wait , expect , hope (p.121)
raise, lift (p.123)
firm , stable , hard, constant , permanent (p.122)
bravery, courage (p.128)
propel , thrust away (p.122)

3. Write all the possible parts of speech.

verb noun adjective adverb

4. Substitute with the words from the chapter.

The snake crawled (p.123) out of its hole and he stopped breathing (p.123) and
moving (p.122). Then he started (p.129) moving back to the small forest track
(p.129). Notwithstanding (p.129) his fear he behaved (p.126) bravely and was ready
to fight back (p.129).

5. Translate the phrases.

to conduct a siege
to conduct a class
to conduct an investigation
to conduct experiments
to conduct heat
slip inside
slip of the tongue
slip over
slip off
to get a grip on oneself
to lose one's grip
to get a grip on
to lose a grip
6. Translate into English.
- Де ти поселився (p.122)?
– В готелі, щойно автомобіль загальмував (p.124), як я поповз (p.123) до
кімнати, заліз (p.122) під ковдру і одразу ж заснув через втому, не
дивлячись на (p.129) те, що хотів оглянути місто.
- Як тобі наше місто?
- У мене перехоплює подих. Не передбачала, що воно таке дивовижне.
Справжня казка Але дуже легко заблукати у лабіринтах (p.125) вулиць
незнайомого міста.
- Коли ти зайдеш (p.124)?
- Як тільки пообідаю.

7. Answer the questions to the chapters.

1. What did Bobby feel to Moira? Was it just care or was he
falling in love?
2. What would you do to help Moira if you were Bobby?
3. What do you think happened to Bobby?
4. What could be the reasons of Bobby’s absence in Frankie’s opinion? Which one
was she inclined to accept?
5. How did all of the story’s characters feel at the inquest?
6. Why was it wrong not to tell Roger anything about the letter?

Chapter 28 – 29
1. Make up all possible combination of words and translate.
Undo Statue
Contemplate A car
Crude A head
Droop Eyes
Collide with A bad pupil from school
Chuck (out) Mercy
Plead for Enemy
Muse An old dress
The beloved
A result

2. Dwell on the situations where the phrases are used.

Наскільки вона могла бачити (p.130)
Френкі переповіла свої пригоди (p.131)
Митець, який розробляє шедевр (p.132)
Таке припущення зовсім не є прийнятним (p.133)
Він причаївся і вислизнув з автомобіля (p.137)

3. Find Synonyms to the words.

consider, meditate, intend, observe, regard (p.132)
ridicule, jeer, deride (p.133)
realize, become aware (p.137)
hesitate, falter (p.131)
bend, incline, slope (p.138)
continue, keep (on) (p.130)
locate, identify, notice (p.134)
scold, blame (p.136)

4. Translate the phrases

to spot a mistake
On the spot
tender spot
plead guilty
plead the baby act
be on tiptoe with curiosity
curiosity shop
to give somebody the chuck
carry on

5. Answer the questions.

a. What can’t people usually resist?
b. Is acting obstinately a good or bad thing?
c. Have you ever done anything in the nick of time & it ended up well?
d. What kind of bluff is it better not to call?
e. Do you approve of doing something endangering you life but exciting?

6. Give your definitions of the words

Bond (p.130)
Resourceful (p.131)
Pant (p.131)
Mock (p.133)
Chuck out

7.Translate into English

Вона коротко описала (p.137) все, що з нею сталось поки розв’язувала (p.131)
взуття, важко дихаючи. (p.131) Вона розповіла (p.131) як з чистої цікавості
(p.133) вислизнула (p.137) з квартири і пішла за підозрілим чоловіком.
Вони принесли всі інструменти, (p.137) визначили (p.134) місце поломки і не
вагаючись (p.131) прийнялись ремонтувати автомобіль.

8. Answer the questions to the chapters.

1. Who was braver being trapped?
2. Do you believe that Sylvia was involved in the crimes?
3. Reflect on all the events and tell how Roger arranged all his crimes?
4. How else could Badger help Bobby and Frankie?
5. What happened to Badger?

Chapter 30 (24).
1. Find in the chapters the words meaning
In a different way, differently; if not (p.138)
To pull or take out esp. with difficulty (p.140)
Without dishonesty or pretence, sincere, real (р. 147)
A copy of smth meant to be taken for the original (p.139)
Full of active strength or force of body or mind (p.141)
2. Find the synonyms to the words
Push, depart (p.139)
Railings, handrail (p.140)
Glimmer, twinkle, beam (p.146)
Difficulty, trouble (p.139)
Rigid, resolute, firm, viscous, haughty, stern (p.147)
Faint, weak, spiritless, listless, dull (p.141)

3. Make up all possible combination of words and translate

Languid dough
Stiff task
Stir protest
Die down a sound
Vigorous sorrow
Genuine joke
Practical feelings
Evolve smell

4. Describe the situations where the phrases were used

Але він зробив мені чудову послугу.
Його страх раку був досить щирий.
Вони дозвонились до поліції досить легко.
Я спробую.
Невдовзі він танцював під мою дудку.

5. Translate the phrases

a gleam of hope
a languid attempt
languish in poverty
stir up interest (hope)
stir up unrest
stir-fried vegetable
stiff prices
stiff drink
stiff wind

6. Translate into English

Розуміючи, що він був по вуха (р. 139) у цій справі, він вирішив нічого більше
не приховувати і рішуче (p.141) взяв телефонну слухавку, але не міг
дозвонитись (р. 141) у поліцію. Потім він зрозумів, що всі подумають, що його
історія не щира (р. 147), і він просто захотів пожартувати. (p.140)
По черзі (p.140) всі енергійно (p.141) описали, що сталось, але вчителька з
апатією (p.141) вислухала їх і поставила всім двійки.

7. Explain why
a) there was no need for Roger to disguise any longer;
b) Roger was sure that Bobby would go to the Grange;
c) Roger started suspecting Frankie of being involved in the case;
d) Roger told nothing about Evans;
e) the police didn’t believe Bobby and Frankie at first;
f) Frankie showed the photo to the waitress;
g) it was going to be difficult to sue Roger
h) Frankie and Bobby had problems talking to Mrs. Pratt.

Chapter 32 – 33
1) Divide the following words into 2 groups a) the ones you would have used
speaking about Moira before you have read the chapters; b) the ones you
can use now.

Crafty, cunning, sly, defenceless, a)

sordid, foul, mean, childlike, candid,
innocent, charming, hypocritical, b)
scheming, frightened, delicate, artistic
2) Find synonyms to the words
Distrustful, doubtful, dubious, suspicious, leery (p.148)
Rush, dash, lash, hurry (p.150)
Now, soon, later, at present (p.150)
tired , exhausted, weak, negligent ( p.152)

3) Arrange the phrases in the proper order & describe the situations where
they were used.
The Vicar felt sorry for his son – he looked so abashed; but he also felt ashamed of
“My silly prejudice against him has quite vanished”.
“I really do draw the line at sticking my friends.”
For he had recognized the girl – recognized her beyond any possible doubt.
And yet there was an inexplicable matter of the changed photograph.
They yielded to her urgency
I simply can’t die without having my curiosity satisfied.”
“You are not the heir to a fortune or anything?”

4) Write your explanations of the words

Heed (p.153)
wistful (p.154)
hideous (p.154)
fumble (p.154)
With one accord (p.150)
5) Make up all possible combination of words and translate

foul weather
yield to bread
take on smile
fix up proceeding
fishy temptation
wistful case
slack tale

6) Translate into English

- Чого ти тут нишпориш (p.148)? Вочевидь ти щось замислив ( p.152) .
- А ніскілечки (p.150) .
- Я знаю який ти огидний (p. 154) та підлий (p.154). Не встиг я тебе помітити
(p.149) як зрозумів, що ти вирішив влаштувати ( p.151) якусь підлість.
Добре, що я прийшов саме вчасно (p.154).
- Ти помиляєшся. Я вирішив взятись за за роботу, яку ти пропонував
минулого тижня, я обіцяю, що не буду таким розхлябаним ( p.152) як
раніше. Тепер (p.150) я цілком відповідальний.
- Не намагайся мене переконати. Більше я не піддамся ( p.152) на твої
запевнення. Йди геть.

7 Correct the statement

a) the parlormaid was not asked to witness the will because the was an honest
b) Mr. Savage wasn’t seen in the house because he was away at that time;
c) Frankie went to the post office because she wanted to find her old friend;
d) Frankie and Bobby were glad to find out that The Evans lived in the Vicarage;
e) Moira waited for the waitress to leave to start telling her story;
f) Moira saw Roger outside;
g) Moira remained calm throughout the chapter.

Chapters – 34 – 35 (13)
1) Make up a list of the criminals’ plans and in the other column write if the
item of the plan was accomplished and if not write who and how shattered
the plan.

2) Find in the Letter the vocabulary we used actively reading the book.

3) Fill in the gaps with the words

Accomplish (p. 154), rattle (p. 156), rally (p. 157), die down (p. 158)
a) Stop …………. and tell me audibly what’s wrong?
b) If we'd all work together, I think we could …………….. our goal.
c) The commander ……………. his troops for a counterattack.
d) It was raining hard and the raindrops were ………….. against the roof.
e) She still can’t ………… after the flu she had.
f) She heard a gunshot and then everything ………… again.
g) I paid no attention to the talk of this ………...
h) How can I rely on you after you have not …………… your promise.
i) The fire is …………….., put some more wood on!

4) Substitute with the words from the chapter

She exerted her strength (p. 155) trying to remember where she had seen the
photograph (p. 156) before. The it struck her that it was from the upper storey (p.
158) of her old house. But nobody could enter (p. 154) it but her parents.

5) Translate into English.

- Якби в тебе було хоча б трішечки здорового глузду (p. 155), ти б не був
таким впевненим, що все пройде (p. 156) добре. Ти ж знаєш того
обманщика (p. 159).
- Не турбуйся я займуся (p. 156) цією проблемою. Я докладу всіх зусиль (p.
155), але доведу (p. 154) справу до кінця. Він не зруйнує (p. 154) наших
- Дивись не підведи (p. 154) мене. Тепер я боюсь ми приречені (p. 154) на
невдачу. Поліція у нас на хвості (p. 154), і якщо ми не позбудимось (p. 157)
його, нас упіймають.
- Не бійся ми все провернемо (p.154). І перестань нити тебе ніхто не
втягував у цю справу (p. 158, 159)

6) Answer the questions.

1) When was Roger be within a hairbreadth of disclosure?
2) What will his life be like in future?
3) What is you attitude to Roger after all?
4) How did the relation between Frankie and Bobby develop throughout the
5) How did the story influence your attitude to detective stories and Agatha

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