Ortho Summaries

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 Expose area of assessment

 Perform tests bilaterally
 Start on unaffected side
 Indications
 Contraindications
Anterior Instability


Anterior Abd arm 60-80˚ and grasp humeral head. Apply PA force to Pain, apprehension
drawer joint to assess mmt. (https://www.youtube.com/watch? and > 25% ant
v=cH09QPWeyzY) translation

Apprehension Pt supine. Passive abd arm 90˚ and flex elbow. Ext/lat rot Pxn, apprehension
(Crank) w/ arm until pt exp pxn/apprehension. move it back a little and > 25% ant
relocation and apply a PA force to humeral head (pushing it back into translation
glenoid fossa), ideally relieving pxn.

Fulcrum Pt supine. Abd pt arm to 90˚ and flex elbow. Scoop hand Pxn, apprehension
under GHJ and ext/lat rot shoulder. and > 25% ant
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mM-BPbpLgd8) translation
Posterior Instability


Jerk Pt seated. Flex shoulder to 90˚. Apply AP force to Sudden jerk as
humerus. Abd and add shoulder to elicit possible clunk. humeral head sblx
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fllSbhxF_lU) from post aspect of
glenoid. Possible

Posterior Pt supine. Flex shoulder and int/med rot and add shoulder. Pxn, apprehension
apprehension Apply AP force to humerus. Palp post humeral head with and > 50%
other hand to assess posterior translation. translation and
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8oLGlMprOg) possible clunk.

Multidirectional and Inferior Instability


Sulcus sign Pt seated/standing w/ arm resting at side and relax Sulcus formation
shoulders. Dr holds arm below elbow and distract inf. and feeling of
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vV7u2JtdYWI) dislocation. (smile)

Faegin Pt seated/standing w/ arm abd to 90 and rests on Dr Apprehension and

shoulder. Dr clasps humerus at delt insertion. Dr then too much antero-
pushes down and forward. inferior translation.
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvv9mvRpUCU) (Pt feels like jnt
will sblx)
Anterior Impingement


Hawkins- Pt shoulder and elbow flexed to 90 and internally rotated Pain = Supraspin
Kennedy by Dr. Supraspin tendon jams against ant surface of tendonitis
coracoacromial ligament. (depends on
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9YiuvQJVJc) location)

Neer Pt seated/standing. Dr stand behind pt and quickly raises pt Pain = overuse of

hand in abd/flex while stabilising scapula. Jamming of > supraspin/ biceps
tuberosity on anteroinf acromial surface. Dr contacts ipsilat tendon.

Zaslav Pt standing w/ arm as if holding a stop sign (90˚ shoulder ↓ strength int rot =
abd and elbow flex). Dr then resists int/med and ext/lat rot. internal
This test differentiates btwn subacromial and intra-articular impingement
impingement. weakness in ext rot
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hd0rngwsn3Y) = ext ant

Supine Pt supine. Dr abd arm as far as possible. Dr ext rot arm and Pain =
impingement abd against ear then int rot arm to narrow subacromial impingement dt
space. rotator cuff
In ext/lat rot, fully flex shoulder, add shoulder. Int/med rot pathology.
shoulder to elicit pxn.

Labral Tests


Active Pt stands w/ arm flexed to 90 and elbow ext. Dr adduct arm Pain = on jnt line
compression 10-15˚ and int rot (thumb down). Dr app downward force w/ painful clicking
test of on arm w/ resist. in shoulder in part
O’Brien Arm then returned to 1st pos and palm supinated. 1 that is decreased
(SLAP lesion) Downward pr from Dr applied again w/ resist. or removed in part
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkDvVBi0gg8) 2.

Kim test Pt seated. Pt shoulder abd to 90 and elbow flexed to 90˚. Dr Pain and click =
(Posteroinf apply axial force to glenoid through humerus while posteroinferior
labral lesion) elevating diagonally upward while the other hand apply inf labral lesion.
and post force.

AC Joint Pathology


Horizontal Pt sit/stand. Dr flex arm to 90 and horizontally add as far as Pain localised over
Adduction possible. ACJ
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKLvt816x6o) False + = SCJ local
Muscle Pathology Tests


Speed’s Pt seated/standing w/ arm flexed 90˚, Tenderness at bicipital groove =
supinated and elbow extended. Dr push biceps tendonitis.
down and pt resists.

Drop arm Dr adducts arm to 90. Pt slowly lets it fall to Pt unable to return arm slowly/
rest. has severe pain = rotator cuff
(https://www.youtube.com/watch? tear/tendonitis.

Supraspinatus Pt stand/seated. Pt shoulder abd to 90˚ in Weakness/pain esp in part 2 =

(empty can) scapular plane and Dr resists. supraspin mm, tendon tear/
Shoulder then int/med rot (thumb face neuropathy of nn supply to
floor). Dr resist abd from pt. supraspin mm

Pec major Pt supine and clasps hands behind head. Pt Elbows do not reach table/ one is
contracture relaxes elbows to table. higher than the other = tight pec
(https://www.youtube.com/watch? major.

Infraspinatus Pt stands w/ arm at side and elbow flexed to Pain and inability to resist =
90. Humerus rotated int/med 45˚. Dr infraspinatus tear
applied int rot force, pt must resist.

Subscapularis 1. Pt stands and places hands at back 1. Inability to lift hand

(lift off sign) pocket. Lift hands away from back. away = subscapularis
2. Dr resists as pt lifts away. mm lesion
3. Pt asked to hold hands away from Abnormal mmt of
back and hands spring back. scapula = scapular
(https://www.youtube.com/watch? instability.
v=AgkTH52_PBI) 2. Inability to resist = ↓
strength in subscapularis
dt possible tear
3. Pain, weakness = torn

Nerve Pathology


Brachial Pt supine. Dr holds pt palm. Abd and ext rot arm Pain/tingling in median nn
plexus behind coronal plane. Other hand fixes shoulder in distrib = stretching of dura
tension test depression. Elbow passively extended w/ wrist held mater in c spine and tension
2 in ext and forearm supinated. Lat flex of c spine can on median nn.
enhance test.

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