Preliminary Questions

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Preliminary Questions for Mr. and Ms.

San Sebastian College 2024

1. How can beauty queens and kings be advocates for environmental protection and
sustainable agricultural practices?
2. Enumerate some of the challenges faced by Filipino farmers. How can Mr./Ms. San
Sebastian use their platform to address these challenges?
3. What is the role of organic farming in protecting the environment? How can Mr./Ms.
San Sebastian encourage people to support organic farmers?
4. Deforestation is a major environmental concern. How can beauty queens and kings
promote responsible forestry practices?
5. Climate change poses a significant threat to agriculture. What are some ways Mr./Ms.
San Sebastian can raise awareness about climate change and its impact on agriculture?
6. Explain the concept of "food security" and its importance to the Philippines. How can
Mr./Ms. San Sebastian advocate for food security initiatives?
7. What is the significance of the San Sebastian Foundation Day celebration?
8. How does the Mr. and Ms. San Sebastian contest contribute to the festivities?
9. In your opinion, what qualities should a Mr./Ms. San Sebastian embody?
10. How can the Mr. and Ms. San Sebastian contest be used to promote San Sebastian's
culture and heritage?
11. As Mr./Ms. San Sebastian, how would you plan to use your title to give back to the
12. Name a famous historical landmark or cultural treasure in San Sebastian. Briefly explain
its significance.
13. Besides agriculture and the environment, what is another cause you are passionate
about? How would you promote it as Mr./Ms. San Sebastian?
14. What are your strengths and weaknesses? How would you turn your weaknesses into
15. Describe a time you demonstrated leadership or teamwork skills.
16. If you could have dinner with any personnel or leaders in San Sebastian College –
Recoletos, Manila, who would it be and why?
17. What is your dream for San Sebastian and its future?
18. As Mr./Ms. San Sebastian, you will be a role model for the community. How would you
use your platform to promote agricultural awareness and environmental responsibility?
19. What initiatives would you propose to engage the San Sebastian community in
supporting local agriculture and environmental protection?
20. As an ambassador for San Sebastian, strong public speaking skills are essential. How
would you ensure you can effectively communicate the importance of agriculture and
environmental stewardship?
21. What legacy would you like to leave behind as Mr./Ms. San Sebastian in terms of
promoting a sustainable and healthy relationship between agriculture and the
22. As Mr. or Ms. San Sebastian College, how would you inspire your fellow students to
get involved in promoting environmental sustainability and supporting local
23. What is your vision for the future of agriculture in the Philippines? How can San
Sebastian College contribute to achieving this vision?
24. If you could deliver a message to the national government about the importance of
agriculture and the environment, what would you say?
25. Let's say you are given the opportunity to travel abroad to represent the Philippines in
a conference on sustainable agriculture. What key message would you share with the
international audience?
26. In your opinion, what is the most important action that Filipinos can take to ensure a
more sustainable future for agriculture and the environment?
27. San Sebastian College has a rich history. If you were to lead an environmental initiative
within the college grounds, what would it be and why?
28. San Sebastian College is located in a bustling urban area. How can we integrate green
spaces and support urban agriculture within the city?
29. As Mr. or Ms. San Sebastian, how would you use your platform to advocate for
environmental responsibility within the college community?
30. You are invited to a forum discussing the future of Philippine agriculture. What is one
key point you would like to raise and why?
31. San Sebastian College is celebrating its 83rd foundation day. How can the college
integrate its values of education and social responsibility into promoting sustainable

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