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Education in Ukraine

Mulyk Lesia, F-41

The system of secondary education in Ukraine
includes primary forms and junior and senior
secondary forms. Children usually go to school at
the age of 6 or 7.
There are some pre-school institutions, like
nursery schools or kindergartens, but they are not
obligatory. Primary forms comprise 1 to 4 forms.
Junior secondary forms comprise 5 to 9 forms.
At the end of 9th form pupils take the exams.
They can leave school if they wish and go to a
college of further education to study for more
practical diplomas. Those who want to enter
higher educational institutions should complete
10-11 forms.
At the end of 11th form pupils take the final
exams and the results of these exams influence for
entering the university.

Education plays a vital role in people's lives. It is aimed to prepare

people physically, mentally and socially for the world of everyday
life and work.
The school year begins in September and finishes in May. The school
year is divided into four terms called quarters. Each quarter is
followed by holidays for two weeks.
Lessons usually last for 45 minutes and there are breaks between
them so students can have lunch or just relax.
The scale of evaluation exists in the system of education. It helps to
see the level of pupil's knowledge and consider the perspective of
their future activity. Parents receive regular information about the
progress in studying of their child.

Children start primary school at the age of 6.

At primary school they get basic elementary
knowledge in major sciences.
After 4 years of primary school children go to
secondary school and begin go study a range of
subjects which will form the basis of their
education. They study Algebra, Geometry,
Literature, Physics, Chemistry, Biology,
Geography, foreign languages and other subjects.
All the subject are important and they all must be
paid much attention too.
There are also schools which are specializing
in various subjects, for example, in Mathematics
or in foreign languages.

The majority of schools in Ukraine are free and they are

financed by the state. Private schools are few in
number. Parents pay for these schools. State schools
provide the pupils with all the necessary books and
equipment for their studies.
Post-secondary education is provided by technical schools, colleges and
institution of higher learning: universities, academies and institutes. At each
institute or university there is a post-graduate course with postgraduates working
for their scientific degrees.

Higher educational establishments of our country fall into three main types. The
first type includes the universities and institutes where there are only full-time
students, which receive state grants. Students who do not live at home get
accommodation in the hostels.

The second and third types of higher schools provide educational facilities for
factory and office workers who combine work with studies. The second type of
higher education in establishments includes evening faculties and evening higher
schools for those who study in their spare time.

The third type covers extra-mural higher schools where students take
correspondence courses. Every year extra-mural students receive from 30 to 40
days’ leave to prepare for their exams.

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