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- Hey, how's your English course going at the university?

- Oh, it's been quite interesting so far. We've been delving into different
literary periods and analyzing various works. The discussions in class are
engaging, and I'm enjoying the exploration of language nuances.
- That sounds fascinating! I'm taking a literature course this term. How
about you? How's your literature class?
- Literature has been great as well. We're focusing on ancient literature,
and it's amazing to see how writers reflect the society. Sometimes the
analysis can be challenging, but personally for me it is very interesting.
- Nice! I can imagine the overlap between English and literature must
make your schedule quite busy. How do you manage the workload?
- From time to time I am very tired, but if I must to do some home tasks, I
do it. And I think that is very important to understand that only you really
need to study the courses, if you want to work in the future in this area,
- I almost agree with you. And what about connections, have you noticed
any interesting ones between your English and literature courses?
- Absolutely. On our courses we can see some common features in
literature and English. Telling the truth, sometimes it is a bit boring.
- That's intriguing. How do you think these courses will influence your
future studies or career?
- Well, I'm considering pursuing a career in education or perhaps
something related to writing and communication. Both English and
literature are helping me develop strong analytical and communication
skills, which I believe will be valuable in various fields.
- That makes a lot of sense. I can see how those skills would be beneficial.
How about you? Any thoughts on how your literature course might
impact your future plans?
- I'm thinking of exploring fields like publishing or editing. The critical
thinking could be quite valuable in those areas. It's exciting to think about
the possibilities.
- It really is! It sounds like both courses are providing a solid foundation
for your future. Thanks for sharing.

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